
Latest Downloads matching 'Goran Svensson, kaosof, & The Man'

I (Aaron / The Man) have repackaged Goran Svensson’s Marathon Infinity textures, which were released as five separate plugins, as a single plugin, mostly for the sake of reducing clutter and clicking in our Infinity plugin menus (i.e., if you want to enable one of these, you’ll probably want to enable them all).

In my book, these are by far the best Marathon Infinity texture replacements available (unless you’re using MaraToon; then you should use MaraToon for everything), and they’re certainly the most faithful.

I used Goran’s most recent releases of the Water, Lava, Jjaro, and Pfhor sets; I used kaosof’s edit of the Sewage set with added bump maps. See the included readme for additional information; each set also includes its original documentation within its respective folder.

Screenshots coming when I feel like it.


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

526 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Gemini Station 2.0

The Man on 08/12/2022

Screenshot titled "in partibus infidelium"

Note: I didn’t create this; Dr Mike Trinder did. All I did was to convert it to a format compatible with modern Aleph One.

Gemini Station (first complete release: July 9, 1997) is a partial conversion for Marathon Infinity with 12 total levels, though players may not see them all every time they play it. Two are secrets and three are brief exposition levels, so it has seven proper levels, of which six are very long. Seriously, they’re huge.

I haven’t played through the whole thing in a while, but it was extremely impressive when it came out; as far as I know, it was the first scenario to incorporate several mapmaking tricks like airlocks and programmable teleporters. I last replayed it two or three years ago and felt it still held up.

As far as I’m aware, the only versions previously available were incomplete conversions that came with a shapes patcher that only ran on MacOS (and I’m not even sure they ran with modern releases). This version includes the patched shapes file, so you don’t have to bother patching the shapes. All you need to do is select the map and the shapes in Marathon Infinity and you’re good. (Make sure to select the shapes!)

Apart from patching the shapes and converting the map to MacBinary format, I haven’t modified any of these files at all; the readmes are even still in Mac OS Roman. Hopefully Dr Trinder won’t mind me making his scenario accessible to modern players; several people have asked for it on Discord over the years, so I figured I’d save people the trouble in the future.

In any case, I strongly recommend this, especially if you haven’t played it. It’s probably in my top 10 Marathon scenarios of all time, and the only things keeping it out of the top 5 are its short length and its relative lack of original assets (there are no new sounds and not many new graphics). However, it still looks phenomenal, and its map design would probably still seem inventive today. The writing is also fantastic.

Note: Screenshots incorporate Goran Svensson’s HD walls & landscapes, Freeverse’s HD weapons, and in some cases W’rkncacnter’s BRUTAL MARATHON plugin. I only spent about twenty minutes on these – they’re probably nowhere near the best sights Gemini Station has to offer. (Also, you probably shouldn’t actually use these plugins with it – certain game functionality is highly likely to break or not look as intended.)

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Notes for version 2.0:

Converted from upload to formats Aleph One can read on Windows and Linux.

736 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 2.3 rating

Portal of Sigma 1.1

Shappie on 08/31/2020

Screenshot titled ""

Portal of Sigma is an Aleph One scenario with a new story, landscapes, textures, weapons, and updated sprites.

I've repackaged it and fixed a few things with the MML to make everything work with modern Aleph One. -Shappie


Simon Dupuis, Chris Wheeldon, Andrew Cormier, Rony Sanchez, Goran Svensson, Alex Bolton, Mike Finley, Scott Noblitt, Alex Dupuis

1,875 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 2.3 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon: Pathways into Darkness Version 0.5 now available!

I am sorry it took so long to get this beta out to the public. The reason was that the MPiD Images file was giving a lot of trouble and so I have decided to replace it with a regular Infinity Images file.

If you download the beta I would love to hear your opinions and/or suggestions. I will not appreciate ugly rants but any sort of constructive criticism is VERY welcome. Please post your thoughts here or email me at: nhoad at

Now, there are several problems in this beta that I am already aware of. If you have a suggestion for how to best fix them I would be happy to hear it:

Most blue in the game is transparent: This is a problem caused because of the blues used in PiD. DeepThought is indirectly helping me fix this problem. Monsters get stuck in walls or don't attack immediately: This is a mapping problem which I intend to fix as I polish the levels. Any mapping tips are welcome! There is no resting: Bobwithkeycard is helping me implement resting, for the moment there are only a set number of health potions per level. Some items are undersize or oversized Levels seem really short. This is simply a fact of PiD levels, if you move at any sort of decent speed the levels become much shorter PLAY ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY! PiD was not designed for multiple difficulty levels and neither is MPiD! Monsters on Total Carnage WILL eat you alive! You cannot go back between levels: A1 doesn't like this feature and it would be incredibly hard to implement (and not really worth it in the end). So there will be no backtracking.

Those are the big problems and I hope to fix them all. I REALLY want to hear your recommendations, opinions or even encouragement! If there are any problems in the beta (such you cannot travel between level 3 and 4) let me know and I will upload a corrected map file for the beta.

What to expect in future versions:

A completely new Images file. New high-res textures, weapons and sprites by DeepThought New LUA by bobwithkeycard (LUA which will allow resting, talking to the dead PiD style, nuclear bombs and more) Chapter screens by Phobos-Romulus All of the original PiD levels

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this beta until the full version of MPiD is released! Note: There is no release date so don't bother asking.

Many of the MPiD team members have come and gone over the years and I believe that myself and Patrick White are the only remaining active members of the team listed below.

Beta Credits:

Raul Bonilla Nicholas Hoad Loren Petrich J�³hannes Gunnar Alexander Strange Tim Vogel Patrick White - Images Hugo Forss - Icons

Special Thanks: Bungie Forrest Cameranesi The Marathon Mape Making Guild Hamish Sinclair (for maintaining PiD at The Aleph One Team James J Cousar Goran Svensson Claude Errera Gregory Smith (Treellama)

PS: The MPiD Team is in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer by this beta.

PPS: I have a serious issue with crediting people, I MUST do it. If you notice anything in this beta you believe you were not credited for let me know immediately please!

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3,233 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

Quake 3 lua 0.1b

Vladtepes on 03/02/2010

Screenshot titled "Quake 3 lua"

After Halo - Combat Evolved by Irons, this is a script made to recreate some of the experience of playing Quake 3 online

PS: For those like Goran "Mr Obvious" Svensson, this is a prank script

Notes for version 0.1b:

First public beta, some other functions may be added in future releases.

2,643 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating