This is a collection of small single-purpose Lua scripts.
Feel free to include them in your own works or use them any way your like.
Marathon's media 'flows' from high elevations to low dynamically. Please see the included 'Water Buckets.sceA' map as an example. [Punch the switches]
Minimal HUD design around the crosshair.
Press the Microphone key (default: ~) to 'taunt' with assimilated BOB chatter. This attracts the focus of nearby active enemies (and allies).
Projectiles fired into a teleporter will be transported to the other side.
Enemies within the center crosshair will take crushing damage.
1.0 Initial Release
This is my first plugin uploaded to this site, it adds hi-res weapon in hand graphics to replace the original, low-res sprites with redone 3d rendered sprites.
Constructive criticism/tips are very welcome.
revised the hands a bit more, added 3d weapon items.
This map was made for Marathon Shadow, long dead. It was textured in a prototype of a texture set that never saw the daylight; hence, it needs a total repaving (however the lighting may be ok). There are no monsters.
It is, in other words, wholly unfinished. But it is architecturally the best map I ever made. I release it under GPL and creative commons and what not.
It is not finished.
On the 2 year anniversary of YugePax, a version specifically designed for Mararthon: Yuge is now available. You can finally bombard your friends and enemies alike with shitsticks.
M1A1 Netpack Version 1.0
The M1A1 netpack version 1.0 has finally been released coming just short of the goal of 10 maps, it features 8. All maps work with EMFH, while a couple also work for KOTH or KTMWTB. All maps are merged with M1 physics and are ready to be played. Here are the maps:
A Claymaud Patina - KingKidTofu
Scape Goat - KingKidTofu
Bio Mechanical - $lave
Bogyphobia - $lave
Kashmire - $lave
Sit On My Face - $lave
Fatal Attraction - $lave
Flaming Chisels - The Thug
You can check the read me for more details.
Thanks to The Thug and KingKidTofu for contributing maps, and I'd love to see more people contributing in future, enjoy the pack!
In this scenario shell from NEFX, you play golf...where you are your own ball and caddy. Get to the exit in as little blasts as possible, getting past various obstacles like ledges and liquid conveyors, and (if you can) collecting bonus dinosaur eggs that reduce your stroke number. There will be more levels for this too.
Update newsfeed:
[2024-08-23] A new map has been added, "NEFX - High Complex Arise". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.
[2024-08-23] A new map has been added, "NEFX - High Complex Arise". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.
Archive of the original Marathon Rubicon release for classic MacOS Aleph One, titled Rubicon AO Light. This is the Rubicon scenario as it was before Rubicon X.
The files on this archive were taken from the Macintosh Garden here and passed through MacBinary II+ to make them compatible with modern Aleph One for Windows and Linux too.
Also included is a set of maps bundled with the AO Light release, including some netmaps, the Rubicon Xariim scenario and, as far as I can tell, one ported map from the unreleased scenarios that eventually became Rubicon.
Added the weapons and items MML scripts from Rubicon X to fix wrong names in the HUD.
Hosted on Mega because the Simplici7y uploader is failing to upload.
This is 1 single player map. It was supposed to be part of a 3 map intro to an 11 map campaign that started a year ago. I'm hoping to get the next two maps added over the next month. Doubt I'll ever find the time to create the full campaign.
New physics file, new shapes file, and the merged map file are included in the download.
Physics of monsters has been modified so they act a little different.
The behavior of every gun has been modified. No assault rifle.
No new art.
If you're getting frustrated or just want to goof around, there's a secret door right at the start which leads to a Cheat Room containing all the guns and a recharger.
-Added 3rd level
-Changed shotgun behavior
-Added terminal explaining new pistol behavior to 1st level, also added ammo
-Added sounds to 2nd level
-Included physics and shapes file, along with infinity's original music and sound files
-12/28/15: made a change so that you actually transport to level 3 after level 2
Power Drive is a map pack with an experimental concept: to take the focus away from the powerful weapons and put strength in the little guys. 14 maps in total.
Has embedded MML/Lua for Quake-style health kits.
Adds two maps. Significantly alters how powerups work.
This is the Anvil Sample Models folder. A lot of people say they don't have or can't get this folder, for some reason or another.
As the manual says, these are "some sample physics models to get you started with editing the Marathon environment. Some changes are minor, while others are immediately obvious and completely change the play of the game!"
At MacWorld 1996, Power Computing (a popular Macintosh clone manufacturer in the mid-1990’s) released a CD-ROM called “PowerComputing The Disc 2”.
This contained a special demo of Marathon 2. Instead of the normal sprites for Bob, there was instead special sprites of the Director of Evangelism of Power Computing, Bob LeVitus. Also included with the demo was a Shapes file that could be used with the full version of the game.
I was surprised that this wasn't already ported to Aleph One so, I've rectified that.
Questions, comments, bugs? Post on the Pfhorums:
1.0: Initial release
High-res Landscapes for use with Aleph One for both Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity.
New in 1.1:
Some of the landscapes, didn't loop properly, now they do.
Some minor visual improvements to the actual landscapes. And some graphical flaws have been removed.
Landscapes are now .DDS instead of .JPG, increasing their in-game performance and quality.
The landscapes can now be scaled down in the graphics options in Aleph One if they happen to slow your system a lot. (Also thanks to .DDS format).
An optional script file has been included to keep the landscapes in place when OpenGL Fog is turned on.
Height as Some Feature is a script pack that will be released incrementally from RAY LABORATORIES.
NOTE: This script pack will only be released on forward-thinking sites like Simplici7y, not sites run by the obstructionists of the Marathon community.
This version contains:
Phoenix Falling is a large M1 scenario of 44 levels featuring a new story with new characters, weapons, creatures, sounds, shapes, and more. (48 with secret levels and one network level)
Please keep in mind - there are bugs in this release. Most of these are caused by running the game in the Aleph One engine, which did not yet exist when the scenario was created. This used to be run with the original M1 engine.
Some of the largest known bugs are related to shapes not rendering correctly with chairs, tracer rounds from the brass gun, the weapon display in the HUD interface, and most of the new creature animations.
Repackaged for Simplici7y with permission from the Phoenix Falling creators, Matt & Andrew Schenk.
This version has a fixed Map file that should allow terminals to function in the vacuum levels.
This is a Collection of Texture upscales for Marathon, all textures have been upscaled by a factor of 4 with the intention to keep as much detail as possible.
This is a little weekend project that ended up taking a few more days than planned, please be aware that some textures still need some work but in general im happy with the current quality of most textures.
Initial release
Are you tired of dying because you suck? Are you tired of dying because you were busy with your movement hand eating an ice cream cone? Are you tired of dying because the unskillful n00bs pwned you with h4xx0r weapons? Well fear no more! Professional Instagib is here to get rid of all of your complexity problems! Porfessional Instagib is not just any instagib mod, it has changes!!! From the creators of the MML music switch comes... Professional Instagib!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the rules and setup guide! Just because you know how this works doesn't mean you know how this works! Version 1.0 will always be available when future versions come out.
This Weland plugin exports a pair of .obj and .mtl files of the current level, including texture information. When paired with texture bitmaps exported from ShapeFusion, fully textured level models can be loaded and viewed in other programs.