
Tagged 'Plugin'

Screenshot titled ""

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the monsters portion of the plugin.

Installation: The downloaded file must be decompressed before moving to the plugin folder or the load time on every level will be about 5 minutes.

Other CFP Packages:

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons Inf -

CFP Weapons M2 -

CFP Walls M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.5:

All sprites are now HD sprites based on the sprites provided by Hippieman with some AI upscale to fill in the gaps. Including brand new sprites for BoBs, Enforcers, Drones, and Players. Slight AI upscale to the Juggernaut and General Tacticus's VacBobs to match. Removed DDS compression for image quality, hence larger size.

2.5 - Slight upscale of Spht Compiler sprites to get them in line with size and detail of the rest of the HD sprites.

3,867 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "30° FOV on a 16:9 screen"

This HUD prevents landscape mirroring by letterboxing the 3D world view window. It automatically and dynamically resizes the view window whenever the resolution of the game window increases or decreases, whenever sniper mode is toggled on or off, whenever extravision is picked up or expires... In other words, whenever the FOV changes, no matter the cause (teleportation effect excluded).

Here's a little video showcasing how it works (16:9 screen, initially 90° FOV, then sniper mode is toggled on and then off).

It is based on Basic HUD by treellama, and has the same compatibilities as that HUD with regards to scenarios (for example, it is compatible with Marathon 2: Durandal, Marathon Infinity and Rubicon X, but not with Marathon).

86 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.

IMPORTANT: These scenery textures are not compatible with the Transparent_Liquids plugin as that is for the default textures. Make sure that that plugin is disabled or it will interfere with the freeverse splash and puddle textures.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the scenery portion of the plugin.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Monsters -

CFP Weapons Inf -

CFP Weapons M2 -

CFP Walls M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0.1:

2.0 - AI Upscale of all textures 2.0.1 - Fix Jjaro glow textures, somehow some bad ones snuck in

2,837 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon Infinity. A Marathon 2 version is available.

Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons M2 -

CFP Walls M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0:

AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite

2,823 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 2.0 rating

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.

Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon 2 Durandal. A Marathon Infinity version is available.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Walls M2 -

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons Inf -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0:

AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite

2,911 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7, Zetren

This is Zetren's 1024x1024 XBLA walls for M2 Durandal integrated with the bloom effects from thedoctor45's XBLA SuperPlugin and made to be compatible with the CFP set.

Installation: The downloaded file must be decompressed and the sub zip files moved to the appropriate plugin folder. The reason the plugin is broken up is for improved performance while still having the benefit of being compressed.

Note: With larger zipped plugins, Alephone puts more strain on the cpu for longer loads as it memory maps the contents. Breaking the set into smaller zips seems to improve loadtime performance quite a bit.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons Inf -

CFP Weapons M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 1.0:

Uploaded to the wrong item...

1,991 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

I've always found the weapon reticles in the enhanced hud plugin to be too dim and hard to see, so I made brighter ones. To use, simply replace the default images in the enhanced hud plugin folder with these.

260 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

M2 Default HUD 1.2

Hopper on 06/03/2024

Screenshot titled ""

Are you working on a Lua HUD, and want to know how to draw inventory panels or weapons just like the built-in one? This plugin acts just like the hardcoded HUD from M2 and Infinity, so you can see how to duplicate any feature in Lua. It works with third-party scenarios too.

Notes for version 1.2:

Fixes errors in net games with a kill limit or time-based scoring.

3,218 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

XBLA HUD Plugin 20200830

Aleph One team on 05/30/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those games.

Notes for version 20200830:

This version is distributed with Aleph One 1.8.1. Since the last S7 release, the following fixes were added:

  • Remove incorrect PNG color profiles
  • Reduce chance that the HUD will shrink the viewport on cinematic-width displays
  • Colorize health and oxygen bars in software mode
  • Use FOV of 90 for XBLA HUD, matching the FOV the XBLA game used

3,949 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M1A1 HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This should work for any Aleph One scenario, including M1.

I also made a few small edits to the HUD itself for aesthetics and transparency.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,238 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M2 Default HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This works for any non-M1 scenario.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,216 downloads, 5 reviews, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Basic HUD 1.2

treellama on 05/01/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This is a basic fullscreen HUD for any scenario that uses the default Marathon 2 or Infinity HUD, and doesn't come with its own HUD. It attempts to make as few assumptions as possible, which allows it to work on a wide variety of scenarios, but is a little ugly. See the screenshots for details.

Software mode works but is even uglier due to the inability to circle clip the motion sensor.

Normal/Double/Largest preference is supported, but the plugin will try not to cover too much of the weapons. Double isn't enabled until 2k, and Largest is really only useful at 4k.

Based on the Default HUD script by Hopper.

To install, create a Plugins directory next to the Scripts directory in the scenario you want to add it to, and copy this zip file to the Plugins directory.

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Supports normal/double/largest preference

1,957 downloads, 2 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Basic M1 HUD 1.2

treellama on 05/01/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This is a basic fullscreen HUD for the original Classic Marathon. It also works with TROJAN. It is very minimalist, see the screenshots for details.

Software mode works but the square motion sensor will not be clipped out.

All three HUD sizes are supported, but the plugin will not cause the HUD to cover too much of weapons. Basically, Double doesn't work until 2k, and Largest isn't really useful until 4K.

To install, copy this into the Plugins directory in your Classic Marathon install.

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Better normal/double/largest support

554 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating

I (Aaron / The Man) have repackaged Goran Svensson’s Marathon Infinity textures, which were released as five separate plugins, as a single plugin, mostly for the sake of reducing clutter and clicking in our Infinity plugin menus (i.e., if you want to enable one of these, you’ll probably want to enable them all).

In my book, these are by far the best Marathon Infinity texture replacements available (unless you’re using MaraToon; then you should use MaraToon for everything), and they’re certainly the most faithful.

I used Goran’s most recent releases of the Water, Lava, Jjaro, and Pfhor sets; I used kaosof’s edit of the Sewage set with added bump maps. See the included readme for additional information; each set also includes its original documentation within its respective folder.

Screenshots coming when I feel like it.


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

524 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Strange Aeons"

An original fan soundtrack for Marathon Infinity, composed by Talashar. Featuring themes from Marathon, Halo, and M2SE. This won't just be a mashup of themes you know though, levels and character have been given their own themes to provide a new dimension to the game. Experience Infinity in a whole new way. Based on Treellama's M2SE plugin.

Preview my music here:

NOTE: MUSIC DOES NOT LOOP ENDLESSLY. This is intended. Many levels have added silence to allow the ambience some time on the stage. This silence is not a bug. Each level has been assigned specific tracks to emphasize narrative beats, emotional highlights, atmosphere, and overall vibe. If you would like looping versions of the songs, you can get them for free via the bandcamp link (click Buy Album then enter $0).

Recommended volume levels are 100% Master, 70% Music.

If you run into any issues with this plugin, I can be found in the Marathon Discord as @throkgaar.


Notes for version High Quality Update:

Slight tweaks to timing and higher quality .ogg files with Metadata.

1,088 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating

plugin for terminals to not work anymore

it breaks them

488 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

M2 Pepperscapes 🌶️

W'rkncacnter on 04/01/2024

Screenshot titled ""

Tired of seeing the same 4 landscapes over and over when playing marathon 2? Why not give each level its own unique landscape?

Just put this into your Marathon 2 Plugins folder. You'll never know how you lived without it.

612 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Hippieman found some higher resolution renders from the XBLA game on his hard drive. This plugin combines the scraps to give you mostly complete compiler, cyborg, fighter, green trooper, hunter, tick, and f'lickta replacements.

  • There is no purple trooper, it will be low res. Sorry, Vidmasters.
  • One frame of the brown hunter is missing, and will appear low-res
  • The orange compiler was generated from the purple one using the hald clut that was used for the original plugin. All the compilers were squished vertically to fit the original XBLA aspect ratio.
  • Not (yet?) included: the "Marine" sprites
  • Not included: the Classic Marathon-style red compiler
Notes for version 0.2:
  • Fixes black outlines in DDS conversion

576 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Screenshot titled "VAF options screen"

A work-in-progress update of Hopper & Ares Ex Machina’s texturing plugin Vasara (which itself is based on treellama & Jon Irons’ Visual Mode.lua), with several new features:

  • Support for Aleph One 1.7’s new 2x, 4x, and reverse slide transfer modes
  • Vastly more control over texture alignment, including:
    • Options to decouple X and Y snaps
    • Options to align textures to the center, right, bottom, north, west, south, or east
    • 19 more grid sizes.
  • A “decouple transparent sides” option that allows you to apply different textures, alignments, and lights to each transparent side of a line.
  • Options to apply only the texture or only the transfer mode rather than both.
  • A toggle for the “realign textures when retexturing” option.
  • Overlays that show what you’re looking at (useful if you want to use Lua scripts on part of the level).

It also fixes several bugs, including:

  • The Lua error spam that happened whenever you had “apply texture” and “apply light” selected with a light value above 55.
  • “Must Be Explored” polygons being reset to “Normal”.
  • “Align adjacent” failing to work with many textures placed on empty lines. (Some transparent textures still won’t align properly; “decouple transparent sides” may mitigate this issue somewhat.)

To install:

This remains a work in progress, and updates may be slow, as Vasara’s code is sparsely documented and frequently quite dense, but I intend to continue working on it. I welcome constructive suggestions (best delivered through GitHub or Discord) and will attempt to implement them as time permits.


Read more
Notes for version 1.0b:

Work in progress beta.

418 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Visual Mode 3.0.2

treellama on 01/20/2024

Screenshot titled ""

Visual Mode is a plugin that allows you to texture maps in Aleph One. It supports almost all features of Forge's visual mode, plus OpenGL, multiple texture sets, and more. Requires Aleph One 1.7.

Notes for version 3.0.2:


  • Adds Jjaro wires and chip insertion
  • Fixes "wep only" control panel editing
  • Adds new transfer modes from Aleph One 1.7

Aleph One 1.7 is now required!

6,011 downloads, 17 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating