
4 Submissions

Dodge & Cover 1.01

Cathunter on 05/11/2008

I don't know the original author of this map but since it seems to be popular I'll add a copy here. If someone know where it came from please let me know.

Good for 3-8 people in closed arena allowing plenty of "dodge & cover" while playing.

2,572 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

I promised to upload this over a year ago, to accompany the Pfhorge application & manual.

2,544 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots


Cathunter on 03/27/2008

I don't know if anybody still wants to use Cranberry but I noticed it no longer seems to be available on-line. This is the application v3.0.b5 which would handle Lua & MML; the package includes various scripts people had left on Mike Benonis's site.

2,782 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Pfhorge 0.95

Cathunter on 08/13/2007

Pfhorge is an OSX map making utility, as yet uncompleted but usable. There are still bugs with terminal editting and map compilation while the texturing can't be carried out in the visual interface.

I've included a manual that assumes you are already familiar with Forge.

3,804 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.5 rating

0 Reviews