
Latest Downloads matching 'Bungie, Double Aught, Sharkie Lino, and The Man'

Screenshot titled "Waterloo Waterpark with the replacement shapes"


A version of the Marathon Infinity shapes with all landscapes and the Water, Lava, Sewage, and Pfhor texture sets replaced with their Marathon 2 counterparts, which, as I showed in a submission to the Marathon’s Story page, serve as the basis for almost all of the Infinity versions. (Even the Jjaro set? As it happens, yes; more than half of it is based on the Sewage set. I did not rearrange the order of textures in that image at all.)


Primarily to make texturing for Marathon 2 a lot more convenient – you can just swap the shapes file between Marathon Infinity and Marathon 2 in Weland’s preferences rather than also having to change the scenario as well. Also, Vasara gets unhappy if the Jjaro texture set isn’t present; the Landscapes start to glitch out. (I don’t use Visual Mode.lua that much, but I seem to recall it having issues as well.)

Beyond that, this enables players to play through Infinity with Marathon 2 textures if they want to. I think the games are better with their intended textures, but it can be a neat experience to play Infinity with M2 textures at least once. (If nothing else, levels often match their terminal graphics better!)

By whom?

Sharkie copied the textures and the 8-bit landscapes over; I redid the true-color landscapes myself because I noticed issues with their palettes. The original graphics, of course, are by J. Reginald Dujour (Marathon 1), Mark Bernal and Robert McLees (Marathon 2), and Randy Reddig, David Longo, Colin Kawakami, and Beth Ulman (Marathon Infinity).

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

572 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon® Infinity takes the closed universe of the Marathon series and blows it wide open. The solo/co-op campaign, “Blood Tides of Lh’owon,” is a 20-level scenario sporting new textures, weapons, and aliens. More than that, the scenario sheds a surprising new light on the story’s characters and the meaning of events. Having defeated the Pfhor and reawakened the ancient remnants of the S’pht, the player now faces a world where friends become enemies and all is not what it seems…

Marathon Infinity is the most popular Marathon game in online play, and is compatible with hundreds of community-made maps. This release includes the classic graphics, and revamped high-definition textures and weapons.

527 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "VAF texture selection"

A work-in-progress update of Hopper & Ares Ex Machina’s texturing plugin Vasara (which itself is based on treellama & Jon Irons’ Visual Mode.lua), with several new features:

  • Support for Aleph One 1.7’s new 2x, 4x, and reverse slide transfer modes
  • Vastly more control over texture alignment, including:
    • Options to decouple X and Y snaps
    • Options to align textures to the center, right, bottom, north, west, south, or east
    • 19 more grid sizes.
  • A “decouple transparent sides” option that allows you to apply different textures, alignments, and lights to each transparent side of a line.
  • Options to apply only the texture or only the transfer mode rather than both.
  • A toggle for the “realign textures when retexturing” option.
  • Overlays that show what you’re looking at (useful if you want to use Lua scripts on part of the level).

It also fixes several bugs, including:

  • The Lua error spam that happened whenever you had “apply texture” and “apply light” selected with a light value above 55.
  • “Must Be Explored” polygons being reset to “Normal”.
  • “Align adjacent” failing to work with many textures placed on empty lines. (Some transparent textures still won’t align properly; “decouple transparent sides” may mitigate this issue somewhat.)

To install:

This remains a work in progress, and updates may be slow, as Vasara’s code is sparsely documented and frequently quite dense, but I intend to continue working on it. I welcome constructive suggestions (best delivered through GitHub or Discord) and will attempt to implement them as time permits.


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Notes for version 1.0b:

Work in progress beta.

678 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

NEFX Mods 2024-07-06

Adminn_1 on 07/07/2024

Screenshot titled ""

Thank you for playing NEFX Marathon Modifications. Among these are scripts and physics either for multiplayer, single player, or both. More may be added over time in future versions, so look out. See below for datestamped logs of all the uploads, because even if you are up-to-date on a current update, there may be more you've missed. You don't want to miss these!

What do these do? Follow this news feed below to see updates and descriptions of what each mod does.

2024-07-06: I added two new mods:

"The Buried Euphoric Rush of Uniting Emergency"

This mod, meant primarily for netplay, makes it so that lava slowly starts to rise from below the surface at the beginning of a match. Therefore, much of the match will be about trying to avoid the lava as much as possible and more than other players.

"Stonecaster Critical View"

This mod, meant primarily for netplay, involves both a Physics file and Lua script to be used together. It makes it so that you can't use weapons but can kill others just by looking at them. This changes the dynamic of deathmatches and changes how you strategize when you know what can happen when you round a corner.

2024-01-01 uploads:

Yuge New Year! I added 10 new mods:

"Pyrrhic Panshaper Esoteric Warfare"

In this mod meant for either multiplayer or singleplayer, both firing modes for every weapon each spawn a different monster. To win in a netgame, just die from the monsters less than the others do.

"Hold to the Calling at the Collapse's Beckoning"

In this mod meant mainly for netplay, all polygon floors rise and fall at different time intervals. They don't act like platforms in the sense that they won't retract or crush you if they get you up to a ceiling, but they will make the match wild as you try to kill each other amidst all the rising and falling.

"Seekers of the Absurd Eschaton"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay and requiring you to turn on Aliens for it to work, is based loosely on the map "Fith" from the original Unreal (or Unreal Gold). For one thing, 5 random polygons are marked (both in plain-view and in the overhead map) and numbered 1-5, and any time someone steps on that polygon, the corresponding number is printed to everyone's screen so they know roughly where to go to find an enemy (beyond the range of their motion sensor). However, the real catch of this mod is that there is always a lone green BOB wandering on the map; and if you kill him 7 times, you'll basically cause an armageddon event where explosives go off everywhere in the map for a while, probably killing other players. You'll be told how many more BOBs you have left to kill too.

"A Grandiose Wielder's Ambition"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, puts all items on the map in one random polygon that is marked in the overhead map as "the pile". Obviously you'll want to get and hoard the supplies from everyone else in order to best ensure your chances of winning.

"Secret-Holder Within Wide Decline"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, spawns different-level shield capsules in random polygons but makes it so that you take all the damage that you dish out. Obviously then you'll want to get to the capsules as much as you can to avoid killing yourself when you kill your enemies.

"The Maintainer of the Scarpter"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you earn points for all damage you take, but lose them all if you die. So your best bet for winning is to get damaged as much as possible without dying and manage to stay away from further harm during the last few seconds of the game, making sure to pick off any remaining competition along the way.

"Rubiconic Order-Carver"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Keep in mind that if you use one of the wall panels with or without a chip, it will turn into a regular wall and won't be usable anymore, so be careful about when and where you use them. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.

"Mapplan Hardharvest"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that one marked polygon (in plain-view and in the overhead map as "the pile") spawns an infinite number of chips, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Keep in mind that if you use one of the wall panels with or without a chip, it will turn into a regular wall and won't be usable anymore, so be careful about when and where you use them. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes the chip pile will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto it or explosives-hop yourself up to reach it.

"The Circumstantial Hotspots of World-As-Known Decision"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Unlike "Rubiconic Order-Carver", slots will not disappear after being used, so you can install chips in the same one as much as you want. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.

"Retriever for the Sepulchral Mountain"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, only one wall on the map has a chip slot (which is limitless), and you earn points by installing the most chips. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.

2023-12-25 uploads:

"Controlplot Overwreak"

Here's a Yugemas gift for the people, a netgame script meant mainly for standard red-blue team games but that can be played all-against-all too. It functions much like the Domination game mode in Unreal Tournament. Four different random polygons in a level are each assigned a control point that is indicated both in plain-view (with a marking and static floor) and in the overhead map view. Your task is to run over these polygons to "capture" them, which will cause you to earn points even after you've stepped on them and even after you die -- that is, until one of your opponents steps on them and captures them for themselves. So capture as many of these as possible for as long as possible in order to win.

2023-12-04 uploads:

"A Downcast Curse of Heavystone"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, puts a large cylinder scenery object in the center of every polygon in a map, creating a bunch of obstacles to run around and trap your enemies in. This is a more straight-ahead and consistent version of the cylinder-placing mods, since it actually uses Lua tables instead of using hacks with monster classes and physics models like some of the other obstacle-focused mods in this pack do.

"Daggerland of Secret Chiefs (N)"

This netplay mod makes all players constantly have double invisibility.

"Doom-Gambling Power-Learner Adventurism"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, allows all players to teleport at will to a random polygon in the map by pressing the mic button. Sometimes you may wind up in a less-than-ideal spot, but you can always teleport again to get somewhere better. This way you can find creative new ways to escape from attackers and get the drop on them.

"Extreme Self-Cannon of Hardsight and Timing"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you will die if you try to move, but you spawn with an unlimited rocket launcher that you're immune to, so you can move around purely by rocket jumping everywhere. As such, you can only kill each other while standing, although you'll obviously want to use something aside from rockets or grenades.

"Growing Strength of the Dimension Transector"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by teleporting, so make sure to get on a teleporter more than everyone else in order to win.

"Hiveplunge Into Mass Viddiction"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by toggling the automap, so make sure to hit that button more than everyone else in order to win. Definitely a sillier mod.

"Means-Seizer Dominitude"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by collecting items AND can steal the points of whoever you kill. Hoard as much as you can and stay alive!

"Of A Hunger Once Unique to Phantasms of Yore"

This netplay mod alters standard deathmatch so that you steal the points of whoever you kill. Of course, if they have 0, you get nothing, and if they have negative points, you'll actually lose points. This can be awkward in two-player matches, but with more players it gets more interesting.

"Overflowing of Boundary-Crushing Glory"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by keeping momentum. Specifically, you earn points the fastest when you keep running forward; so try to avoid any other movement or obstacles, kill your enemies on the run so that their momentum is interrupted, and avoid having yours interrupted too.

"Quests of Legitimate Power Seizure in the Cagecraft"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that players spawn solid "large cylinder" scenery objects on their exact position by pressing the mic button. You can hold down the button while running and even going off ledges, and it'll spawn those cylinders in the air. Of course, these cylinders block your path, so be careful not to get trapped in and try to trap in your enemies to kill them better.

"Spire Stakes of Clutch"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by collecting items but will lose all your points if you're killed.

"The Patient Becoming of the Blood-Minded Disciple"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you will die if you get too much momentum. Basically the only way to move without dying is by walking and not also sidestepping at the same time. See how the dynamic of combat changes when everyone has to be slower!

"The Sudden Terror of Fake Progress in Malfunction and Indomitable Nature"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you die if you use a teleporter. I like to imagine that there's a malfunction in the teleportation system that leads to you being teleported in pieces, like in movies.

"To Maintain Its Ascendancy in Serial Death"

This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by dying, so kill yourself more than everyone else in order to win.

"Tour By Astral Cast of Chaotic Fate"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you constantly teleport at regular intervals to a random polygon in the level, no matter what.

"Wrester of the Rigidity in the Chance-Tides"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that all players will die if they move but can teleport at will to a random polygon in the level by pressing the microphone button. Naturally, you can only kill your enemies while still, so take advantage of whatever position you can teleport to at any moment.


"Global Collision in the Invisible Flood"

This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that all players have a constant external velocity dragging them in one direction, as though every polygon had an invisible liquid conveyor belt on it.

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older uploads

"Aperture in Tank Myopia"

This means you cannot turn or look up or down, but are always facing straight ahead as you move. See how you kill each other with this ridiculous shared handicap!

"Armagolem Hellspell Worldstakes"

This mod meant mainly for netplay makes all your weapons shoot out bouncing simulacrum BOBs that hone in on your target. Note that (1) the firing patterns of your weapons are the same, meaning that you can use your fists to summon simulacrums even if you're out of ammo, faster-firing weapons will yield simulacrums at a faster rate, shotguns will shoot them out in clusters, etc. Note also that these simulacrums will not function exactly like the normal ones and may explode sooner than wanted, but their bouncing means that you can get them across chasms depending on the location and angle that you shoot them at. It's your armies against your opponents'!

"As the Dream Seeps Into and Dissolves You"

This turns all textures into landscape ones.

"Betrothing to the Forgotten Root of Potentiate"

This means you are permanently equipped with only a single pistol with unlimited ammunition and no way to dual-wield. This can make for some very interesting net games as you all learn to make do with what is probably the least-used multiplayer fighting option in Marathon history, even below fists. You will become a better player this way and make laughs along the way.

"Binary Switch Runs of Destiny"

You start out with unlimited ammo for all weapons, but you can only use whatever weapon you run over.

"Bringing All Back to the Raw Cult"

This script "flattens" levels into something reminiscent of Wolfenstein 3D (albeit less blocky). Specifically, it makes all floor heights 0, all ceiling heights 1, and all platform heights 0. It also makes all liquids in the level into rapid floors conveyors like you've come to know in NEFX maps. This can make for a new, interesting, and funny multiplayer experience, but may render many singleplayer levels unbeatable, mainly due to issues with platforms.


No one can turn, so you're stuck facing forward the whole time.

"Chains of Counteradaptation"

This mod is mainly meant for netplay and you will have to turn on Aliens for it to work. It turns all monster classes into identical large column scenery objects that move around. They can't hurt you and you can't hurt them, but they sure can get in the way of players, so watch out and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies.

"Chainsnipe Celebration Infinite Crafter"

This makes it so all your weapons shoot a different kind of scenery that flies across and sticks where it lands on the wall. Different firing modes shoot different scenery too. This can be good if you want to decorate a place, and especially if you want to have a more relaxing and funny game with other players.

"Collidescoop Summoner"

Meant mainly for multiplayer deathmatch, this turns every polygon into a teleporter. Teleporters in maps generally default to the same location, so this is a way to gather all players together into one spot to duke it out with each other in close quarters all at once. Try this in an 8-player game for total hilarity. Note that in some maps the teleporter will just take you out of the level.

"Current Prison & the Myriad Deceit"

All items are mines in this one, so the way to win is to avoid them and try to rack up points against your enemies with your fist or pistol. Good luck!

"Forcefielder Global Gambit"

This mod is mainly intended for netplay and you will need to turn on Aliens for it to work. It replaces all monster classes with identical large column scenery objects that don't move. You can't hurt them and they can't hurt you -- they can't even move -- but they sure can get in players' way, so be on the lookout and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies.

"Funneled Spatial Remembrance"

This kills and taunts you if you try to save, recharge, access a terminal, or activate the automap. This is the real "Adminn_1's Challenge" to help you train for maximum Vidmaster runs!

"Global Omnilode Onus - The Wire"

This is a multiplayer game mode in which whoever collects the most items wins. Each item you pick up gives you one point. An interesting thing about this is that items tend to respawn en masse after a player dies, meaning it further helps not only to kill others but also yourself!

"Motherlode Overquench"

Everyone gets all weapons and ammunition from the start. There's probably already a script like this out there, but I figured I'd put one with the other NEFX ones too.

"Obscura in the Celestial Gaze"

All players are always stuck looking up at a 30-degree angle, so you have to somehow get under your enemy to hit them.

"Play Pretexts to New Awareness"

This modifies the fists to drop infinite bouncing bombs that detonate upon settling, modifies grenades to be landmines, and modifies the rocket launcher to fire more explosives in a faster and honing fashion (albeit with one shot per clip).

"Precarious Keeping of the Sigil Code Keys"

You spawn with all weapons, but lose them every time you run over their ammo.

"Realization Through Ensnarement"

In tribute to known historical NEFX practice and reference thereof by many Marathon community members, this script-and-physics combo randomly generates columns that block your way in a level. You can easily adjust the number of columns you want (enemy players) to deal with in the script. The columns are actually Tiny Pfhor that were modded to look and behave like columns -- stationary, completely idle, and not damaged by anything.

"Shapers Transforming Placemeaning By Piece"

This makes it so all your weapons spawn a different kind of scenery right in front of you. Different firing modes shoot different scenery too. This can be good if you want to decorate a place, and especially if you want to have a more relaxing and funny game with other players.

“Spectrallax of Dooming Possibility”

This makes all weapons work under liquid as they would above liquid and makes all monsters fly. This is good for net maps taking place mostly or entirely under liquid such as NEFX will later produce, where you can basically have “flying” deathmatches or survivalmatches, and thus helps to expand the combat possibilities of Marathon.

"Stalactice-Bound Freefinders"

Meant mainly for netplay, this makes every map entirely underwater and equips every player with an SMG with unlimited ammo. See how much more open-ended and freaky maps get when you can swim everywhere!

"The False Promise of Conditioned Currency"

Don't step on items or you'll lose points. It's up to you whether the points you'll get from killing your enemy with the supplies you pick up will offset the cost of picking up the supplies.

“The Full Rounding of Age-Old Collective Drives”

Since the pistols and fists don’t really find use in net games most of the time except for self-challenging purposes, this disables both and replaces them with a fusion pistol of unlimited shots (technically 12,241 per the seeming allowed maximum on ShapeFusion, but you’ll surely die before you run out) -- a "starting blaster" if you will, reminiscent of games like Quake II or Unreal I. See how threatening the invinciwimpsi are now!

"The New Paradigm When the Upper Crust is Removed"

You know how players in netgames usually go right to the shotguns and rocket launcher? Well, this script removes those exact weapons so that everyone has to rely on everything else to get their kills.

"Timeframes Decision Nodes"

This starts all players off with full 3-layer shields, but the shields go down at recharger speed until they reach 0 and you blow up. Make your time and resources count!

"Through the Oblvision"

Meant mainly for multiplayer deathmatch, this makes any map you launch completely underwater with a fairly strong current in one direction. Naturally you will incline towards this direction and move faster if you move with the current, whereas you will move slower if going against the current. See how this changes the way a map and deathmatch flows (heh).

"Victory of Absurdist Balance By Inwardness"

This starts you immediately with a never-ending shield charge, and you will die if you reach full triple-bar (purple) shields. This will make for an interesting net game as all players have to preoccupy themselves with finding ways based on their environment, position, equipment, etc, to die the least amount of times by constantly damaging themselves enough (without going too far). Keep in mind that you can still technically kill others, or at least incapacitate them in such a way that they can't damage themselves fast enough to avoid dying.

"Wargame Gamechanger Pinpoint Changes"

This mod is mainly meant for netplay and you will have to turn on Aliens for it to work. It turns all monster classes into identical large column scenery objects that rapidly teleport between nearby spots. They can't hurt you and you can't hurt them, but they sure can get in the way of players, so watch out and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies. In this one you might suddenly have one appear in front of you.


-Adminn_1 [NEFX]

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Notes for version 2024-07-06:

I added two new mods:

"The Buried Euphoric Rush of Uniting Emergency"

This mod, meant primarily for netplay, makes it so that lava slowly starts to rise from below the surface at the beginning of a match. Therefore, much of the match will be about trying to avoid the lava as much as possible and more than other players.

"Stonecaster Critical View"

This mod, meant primarily for netplay, involves both a Physics file and Lua script to be used together. It makes it so that you can't use weapons but can kill others just by looking at them. This changes the dynamic of deathmatches and changes how you strategize when you know what can happen when you round a corner.

11,151 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

I (Aaron / The Man) have repackaged Goran Svensson’s Marathon Infinity textures, which were released as five separate plugins, as a single plugin, mostly for the sake of reducing clutter and clicking in our Infinity plugin menus (i.e., if you want to enable one of these, you’ll probably want to enable them all).

In my book, these are by far the best Marathon Infinity texture replacements available (unless you’re using MaraToon; then you should use MaraToon for everything), and they’re certainly the most faithful.

I used Goran’s most recent releases of the Water, Lava, Jjaro, and Pfhor sets; I used kaosof’s edit of the Sewage set with added bump maps. See the included readme for additional information; each set also includes its original documentation within its respective folder.

Screenshots coming when I feel like it.


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

836 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A large level, I like it. how bout you?

Notes for version 1:


2,346 downloads, 1 review, 10 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Hey all,

It's been a while. Back in 2007-2008 I created a game based on the Aleph One engine as part of a graduation project. It's quite outdated but I've had several request from people asking me to upload it here, so here it goes :)

"Blauwe Vingers' Is a Dutch translation of "Blue Fingers". It's a game about the medieval history of a city in the Netherlands called "Zwolle" in 1524.

The project has about a full year of work into it and was completely done by 5 people. Areas in the game are build after city blueprints and the story is based on real historical events. While it offers quite a campaign and large amount of content, please be aware that the game is completely in Dutch language. This unfortunately makes it almost impossible to complete it when you do not understand the language. I simply couldn't find the time to translate everything into English, as there are countless of in-game conversation, history texts, videos and whatnot.

Still, it's definitely worth to check it out (also if you're a scenario creator yourself). Many features in the game were things never done before back in 2008 with Aleph One. Later in 2010 the game received an updated to support normal maps, a floating HUD and other improvement that were later introduced to the Aleph One engine.

Note: I cannot guarantee that the game is still fully functional with the latest Aleph One features. I've quickly tested it with the latest Aleph One build on my Mac and it seems to be working great, but as I haven't updated it since 2010, there might be new or altered features in the engine that are not supported.

Enjoy! Tim

Features: - Story driven level progression with about 19 maps based on historical areas and events. - Unique use of Aleph One features such as normal maps, post-processing effects, in-game videos, 3D scenery objects etc. - Total conversion, with countless of new characters, medieval weapons and environments. - Full multiplayer support with 10 unique multiplayer maps. - Graphics that push the engine to it's limits. - Think you've mastered Marathon's melee fists? Try the flail, dual wielding axes or daggers :)

Story: As the Dutch are known for their trade; 3 cities (Kampen, Zwolle and Deventer) in the North-east of the Netherlands form an important and strategic trade area in 16th century. However, there was also a lot of rivalry between the cities which almost escalated into a war, but mostly resulted in bullying, sabotage and name calling. After the duke of Zwolle "Karel van Gelre" was banned from the city in 1524 for treating the people badly, he later came back with an army to lay siege on the city for 30 days. Food and supplies were running out but just when everything seemed to be lost, Zwolle got help from unexpected Allies. The neighbour cities "Kampen" and "Deventer" assisted resulting in a major battle right outside the city and the people were set free.

The player plays as a poor student who has to find a study and place to stay in the city and ends up becoming a war hero with a duel between you and the duke as the final battle!

Recommended requirements: - Win XP or later - 2GB free disk space - 2ghz processor or better - 1GB of system memory

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2,597 downloads, 0 reviews, 19 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Hey all,

It's been a while. Back in 2007-2008 I created a game based on the Aleph One engine as part of a graduation project. It's quite outdated but I've had several request from people asking me to upload it here, so here it goes :)

"Blauwe Vingers' Is a Dutch translation of "Blue Fingers". It's a game about the medieval history of a city in the Netherlands called "Zwolle" in 1524.

The project has about a full year of work into it and was completely done by 5 people. Areas in the game are build after city blueprints and the story is based on real historical events. While it offers quite a campaign and large amount of content, please be aware that the game is completely in Dutch language. This unfortunately makes it almost impossible to complete it when you do not understand the language. I simply couldn't find the time to translate everything into English, as there are countless of in-game conversation, history texts, videos and whatnot.

Still, it's definitely worth to check it out (also if you're a scenario creator yourself). Many features in the game were things never done before back in 2008 with Aleph One. Later in 2010 the game received an updated to support normal maps, a floating HUD and other improvement that were later introduced to the Aleph One engine.

Note: I cannot guarantee that the game is still fully functional with the latest Aleph One features. I've quickly tested it with the latest Aleph One build on my Mac and it seems to be working great, but as I haven't updated it since 2010, there might be new or altered features in the engine that are not supported.

Enjoy! Tim

Features: - Story driven level progression with about 19 maps based on historical areas and events. - Unique use of Aleph One features such as normal maps, post-processing effects, in-game videos, 3D scenery objects etc. - Total conversion, with countless of new characters, medieval weapons and environments. - Full multiplayer support with 10 unique multiplayer maps. - Graphics that push the engine to it's limits. - Think you've mastered Marathon's melee fists? Try the flail, dual wielding axes or daggers :)

Story: As the Dutch are known for their trade; 3 cities (Kampen, Zwolle and Deventer) in the North-east of the Netherlands form an important and strategic trade area in 16th century. However, there was also a lot of rivalry between the cities which almost escalated into a war, but mostly resulted in bullying, sabotage and name calling. After the duke of Zwolle "Karel van Gelre" was banned from the city in 1524 for treating the people badly, he later came back with an army to lay siege on the city for 30 days. Food and supplies were running out but just when everything seemed to be lost, Zwolle got help from unexpected Allies. The neighbour cities "Kampen" and "Deventer" assisted resulting in a major battle right outside the city and the people were set free.

The player plays as a poor student who has to find a study and place to stay in the city and ends up becoming a war hero with a duel between you and the duke as the final battle!

Recommended requirements: - Mac Os X 10.5 or later - 2GB free disk space - Intel Mac with 2ghz processor or better - 1GB of system memory

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2,527 downloads, 1 review, 20 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Disclaimer and Credits

Please note that this is a hybrid scenario. I take no credit for any of its custom content beyond level design, the opening text, and the title screen logo and subtext. All other credit goes to the creators of Project Conflict (for the enemies), Mararthon: Yuge (for textures), Female Bob Shapes, Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness (for scenery), Tempus Irae (for scenery), Rubicon (for scenery), Damage, Inc. (for scenery), Weland (for the menu screen), the logo in the title screen, Hardcore Sounds, Hardestcore Sounds, common use movie sounds, and some sounds I took off YouTube.

Also, this scenario is (arguably) best viewed in GL Shader graphics, mainly for the platforms.


With a new cast of enemies based on edits of RadBurn’s Project Conflict mod, Marathon: Shadervoid is a brutalist, structuralist, and continuously-mapped-for take on Marathon gameplay that takes place in a strange other dimension and deals thematically with humans’ war with themselves. Released here with two levels (one an introduction) and meant to have many more individual levels made for it over time, it is intended as an ongoing exploration of the possibilities of a certain efficiency-based level design formula, and infused with a kind of uncanny Lynchian horror never before seen in Marathon.


“Humanity is currently living in deep strain under the horrid reign of the Tribecom regime and their Erosion Task Force enforcers. Somewhere and in spite of this, a secret grassroots research and development organization has formed called Inteflow Enterprises, specializing in dimensional travel technology. They eventually find and access a dimension for the first time — a strange one consisting entirely of oddly arranged colorless block units, which are distinguished by varying light shades and appear to be carved out of a great void that mixes with liftable “door-like” blocks, earning it the nickname The Shadervoid. Its exact nature, and the source of its constructions, remain unknown; yet it is technically habitable with no sign of other life, and IE hope at least to learn from it and use it as some kind of refuge spot. As such, a team of members begin setting up and testing machinery near teleportation spots in several different parts of The Shadervoid, all while keeping communication signals with other crewmembers in their original world. However, at one point, signals mysteriously start to become intercepted, and the environment within The Shadervoid reportedly begins to falter in some respects, making teleportation problematic. Eventually, all signals are abruptly cut off. You, a guerilla fighter in the precinct that IE is based out of, decide with some fellow fighters to grab some arms and teleport into The Shadervoid to check on the crewmembers “just in case”. Yet there’s some sort of malfunction, and you black out.

When you finally wake up, alone…”

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2,020 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Marathon Gambit 1.1

Aurora on 11/11/2019

Screenshot titled "Zoranel_2"

Marathon Gambit

What is it?

Marathon Gambit is a recreation of Bungie's Destiny 2 gametype of the same name

How do I play?

The objective of Gambit is to kill things, collect the keys they drop, and turn in the keys to summon a final Boss. The first team to summon its boss and kill it wins the round. (a pdf is included that explains this more in depth)

What is included?

The download includes the following

  • Netscript
  • 3 Netmaps.
  • MML and phyA files for merging with your own maps.
  • A pdf manual that explains how to play and what is required for making your own maps.

Included Maps

Zoranel: This map was created for testing purposes and is not the prettiest, but i feel it was fun to play on so I'm including it. It is the largest map in this pack currently.

Wrath Eternal: This is a modification of the Bungie netmap "Wrath No More?" to support Gambit. It is the smallest map in the pack and can get very hectic!

Salinn: This is a modification of one of my own netmaps to support Gambit. In terms of size this map is somewhere between Wrath Eternal and Zoranel

Future Updates

The main feature I am looking into adding is an intro cinematic. Other than that all currently planned features are present, so updates will be limited to bug fixes or adding new netmaps

Feedback or Bugs

Feedback and Bugs can be reported on the pfhorums thread here


  • Original Mode: Bungie
  • Marathon Scripting: Aurorable_Fox, level47otter, liacrow
  • Custom Physics: liacrow
  • Levels: Aurorable_Fox (with some maps being modifications of official Bungie netmaps)
  • Testing: level47otter, liacrow, spooky
  • Marathon Gambit Artwork: wyvernzu

  • W’rkncacnter and jteg for answering all my dumb questions when I was getting started.

  • Benoit whose Survival2.0 script helped me learn the setup of many things (and which I basically lifted Health Regen from)
  • Ku-rin for sharing their cameras.lua file on the pfhorums and providing additional help!
  • Everyone else who helped test or jumped into random netgames!
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Notes for version 1.1:


Disabled High Value Target notifications as they were sometimes causing the match to become softlocked.

Looking into

  • Rewriting HVT notification

  • Sometimes combatants fail to spawn causing a team to become softlocked

1,788 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon: Pathways into Darkness Version 0.5 now available!

I am sorry it took so long to get this beta out to the public. The reason was that the MPiD Images file was giving a lot of trouble and so I have decided to replace it with a regular Infinity Images file.

If you download the beta I would love to hear your opinions and/or suggestions. I will not appreciate ugly rants but any sort of constructive criticism is VERY welcome. Please post your thoughts here or email me at: nhoad at

Now, there are several problems in this beta that I am already aware of. If you have a suggestion for how to best fix them I would be happy to hear it:

Most blue in the game is transparent: This is a problem caused because of the blues used in PiD. DeepThought is indirectly helping me fix this problem. Monsters get stuck in walls or don't attack immediately: This is a mapping problem which I intend to fix as I polish the levels. Any mapping tips are welcome! There is no resting: Bobwithkeycard is helping me implement resting, for the moment there are only a set number of health potions per level. Some items are undersize or oversized Levels seem really short. This is simply a fact of PiD levels, if you move at any sort of decent speed the levels become much shorter PLAY ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY! PiD was not designed for multiple difficulty levels and neither is MPiD! Monsters on Total Carnage WILL eat you alive! You cannot go back between levels: A1 doesn't like this feature and it would be incredibly hard to implement (and not really worth it in the end). So there will be no backtracking.

Those are the big problems and I hope to fix them all. I REALLY want to hear your recommendations, opinions or even encouragement! If there are any problems in the beta (such you cannot travel between level 3 and 4) let me know and I will upload a corrected map file for the beta.

What to expect in future versions:

A completely new Images file. New high-res textures, weapons and sprites by DeepThought New LUA by bobwithkeycard (LUA which will allow resting, talking to the dead PiD style, nuclear bombs and more) Chapter screens by Phobos-Romulus All of the original PiD levels

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this beta until the full version of MPiD is released! Note: There is no release date so don't bother asking.

Many of the MPiD team members have come and gone over the years and I believe that myself and Patrick White are the only remaining active members of the team listed below.

Beta Credits:

Raul Bonilla Nicholas Hoad Loren Petrich J�³hannes Gunnar Alexander Strange Tim Vogel Patrick White - Images Hugo Forss - Icons

Special Thanks: Bungie Forrest Cameranesi The Marathon Mape Making Guild Hamish Sinclair (for maintaining PiD at The Aleph One Team James J Cousar Goran Svensson Claude Errera Gregory Smith (Treellama)

PS: The MPiD Team is in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer by this beta.

PPS: I have a serious issue with crediting people, I MUST do it. If you notice anything in this beta you believe you were not credited for let me know immediately please!

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3,449 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

Screenshot titled "What will it take?"

In this entire 50-level scenario from NEFX, complete with an entire original soundtrack, you solve platform puzzles to reach the Shells of Ascension and escape.

Update news feed:

2024-10-20: Marathon: Rules is now officially a full-fledged scenario. All 50 levels have been merged and flowed together into a pack complete with original music tracks and terminal messages. Get ready for some hardcore platform puzzling. You can download the whole package at the provided link, and can also just play any of the levels individually.

10/04/24: 47 new levels have been added, all of which can be downloaded individually or with the scenario at the provided link. They are:

NEFX - A Terminal Sojourner’s Heretofore-Burden Outwashing.sceA NEFX - Achievement Threshold Bringing the First of Unusual Reaching.sceA NEFX - All Around Splendor’s Longing Domain.sceA NEFX - Anacrusis Confessor.sceA NEFX - As But Neophytes Within the Room of Decision.sceA NEFX - As Circling in Madness for Beckoning the Fabric-Tearer.sceA NEFX - Aware Completion Within Bounds of the Present Strata.sceA NEFX - Behold Yet-Unreleased Truth Within the Pond of Abyss.sceA NEFX - Bricoleur, Mason, Meaning.sceA NEFX - Causeless Liberation of Fantasy Unfathomable.sceA NEFX - Committed Hermit of the Dread Tollposts.sceA NEFX - Constructing Intermicrospires Throughout the Hermetic Gradations.sceA NEFX - Contemplation of Dreadest Possibility and its According Catharsis.sceA NEFX - Contemplator of Each Bound State.sceA NEFX - Crossing the Originary in its Ensuing Contradiction.sceA NEFX - Deign of Inverted Underrealm Unbeknown.sceA NEFX - Diamondstar Circumambulated.sceA NEFX - Dissolved in the Transportation Artery.sceA NEFX - Drink of the Depths and Ponder.sceA NEFX - Eliminator Interpolator.sceA NEFX - Fall Up the Inverted Bowels of Being.sceA NEFX - Finely Precious Deciding Rods for Remote World-Affecting.sceA NEFX - Finish the First Boundary Movement in the Ladder Formation.sceA NEFX - Flipping the Pages of Keys to Perceiving What Besets.sceA NEFX - Groundwork Absolute Law Prescription.sceA NEFX - Joining Boundless Essence With the Binding Point.sceA NEFX - Lightform Blossom Circuitous Entering.sceA NEFX - Narrow Elect-Grasped Singular Melange.sceA NEFX - Nullface Enkarver.sceA NEFX - Outsider-Enveloper Rightmost Form.sceA NEFX - Parallel Return in Incursion of Greater Strength.sceA NEFX - Pinscreen Calling and Revealer.sceA NEFX - Place Upon the Flipped One’s Brow.sceA NEFX - Raising Huskthresher.sceA NEFX - Reaching the Fertile Starting Ground Through the Consuming Gateway.sceA NEFX - Redonning the Series of Knowing Robes.sceA NEFX - Reflection’s Essence’s Ingress.sceA NEFX - Rightful Struggle to Excavate the Rightful Core.sceA NEFX - Searing Method Patternstarters in the Killing Spell.sceA NEFX - Seek and Pluck From the Buriedmost Fruit.sceA NEFX - Stabbing Through Existence’s Knot.sceA NEFX - Stand to Bind From the Nothing.sceA NEFX - Surge Broadcast Ultimate.sceA NEFX - Watchtower Glare Above the Falselaw.sceA NEFX - Way Autocreating Traveler of Ownscape.sceA NEFX - Where the Pariah and Anomaly Roam.sceA

08/20/24: A new level has been added, "NEFX - The Effect of the Craft-Handing to the Disciple". It can be downloaded individually or with the scenario at the provided link.

05/21/24: A new level has been added, "NEFX - The First Chain Kick of Implication Changeover". It can be downloaded individually or with the scenario at the provided link.

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Notes for version 2024-10-20:

2024-10-20: Marathon: Rules is now officially a full-fledged scenario. All 50 levels have been merged and flowed together into a pack complete with original music tracks and terminal messages. Get ready for some hardcore platform puzzling. You can download the whole package at the provided link, and can also just play any of the levels individually.

1,050 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Gemini Station 2.0

The Man on 08/12/2022

Screenshot titled "Aquae Perturbae"

Note: I didn’t create this; Dr Mike Trinder did. All I did was to convert it to a format compatible with modern Aleph One.

Gemini Station (first complete release: July 9, 1997) is a partial conversion for Marathon Infinity with 12 total levels, though players may not see them all every time they play it. Two are secrets and three are brief exposition levels, so it has seven proper levels, of which six are very long. Seriously, they’re huge.

I haven’t played through the whole thing in a while, but it was extremely impressive when it came out; as far as I know, it was the first scenario to incorporate several mapmaking tricks like airlocks and programmable teleporters. I last replayed it two or three years ago and felt it still held up.

As far as I’m aware, the only versions previously available were incomplete conversions that came with a shapes patcher that only ran on MacOS (and I’m not even sure they ran with modern releases). This version includes the patched shapes file, so you don’t have to bother patching the shapes. All you need to do is select the map and the shapes in Marathon Infinity and you’re good. (Make sure to select the shapes!)

Apart from patching the shapes and converting the map to MacBinary format, I haven’t modified any of these files at all; the readmes are even still in Mac OS Roman. Hopefully Dr Trinder won’t mind me making his scenario accessible to modern players; several people have asked for it on Discord over the years, so I figured I’d save people the trouble in the future.

In any case, I strongly recommend this, especially if you haven’t played it. It’s probably in my top 10 Marathon scenarios of all time, and the only things keeping it out of the top 5 are its short length and its relative lack of original assets (there are no new sounds and not many new graphics). However, it still looks phenomenal, and its map design would probably still seem inventive today. The writing is also fantastic.

Note: Screenshots incorporate Goran Svensson’s HD walls & landscapes, Freeverse’s HD weapons, and in some cases W’rkncacnter’s BRUTAL MARATHON plugin. I only spent about twenty minutes on these – they’re probably nowhere near the best sights Gemini Station has to offer. (Also, you probably shouldn’t actually use these plugins with it – certain game functionality is highly likely to break or not look as intended.)

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Notes for version 2.0:

Converted from upload to formats Aleph One can read on Windows and Linux.

982 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 2.3 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Archive backup of the partial conversion scenario Pfh'Joueur for Marathon Infinity, converted to an Aleph One compatible unimap format. Originally at Fileball.

Scenario readme:

Welcome to Pfh'Joueur by Candace Sherriff, Gareth Wood and Rainer Udelhoven. Playing Pfh' Joueur with Aleph One:

Copy the Aleph One (0.16 or higher) application or exe into the Arx Immanis folder.

Unimap Notes

Users must have Aleph One 0.16 or higher. "Pfh' Joueur Classic" can be decoded (.bin file) and used with the the decoded (.bin) Image and Map files in classic. The look and feel of the game should be the same. The mml scripts are for text strings and opengl code.

Any unimap problems email

Thanks Mark

1,669 downloads, 0 reviews, 10 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Simulate netgames with more than 8 players!"

Single Player Network Game is a set of Lua, physics, and shapes to simulate a network game using bots. The lua script automatically populates maps with the bot monsters, and the shapes and physics make them look and act like players in a multiplayer game. Note that this only works on netmaps that don't have embedded physics (this is the vast majority of netmaps). There are many configurable settings you can tweak to get just the multiplayer experience you're looking for.

This project is based on RadBurn's Marathon Conflict mod, and wouldn't exist without the work he put in to create the shapes and the original set of physics. I've included the unmodified Conflict shapes in this download to simplify the setup process, but RadBurn did all of the work for that. I have tweaked the physics a bit from the original conflict physics, mostly to make the bots act more like real players in a network game.

If you're just wanting to be able to revive in a single player game without reloading the map/saved game, then there's also a script for that that doesn't have any of the bot stuff.

Adminn said he'd make this script, but it's been literally forever and he hasn't done it.

(Requires Alephone v1.4)

Notes for version 1.5:

Slight physics modifications. Addition of BRUTAL option for more gore.

2,357 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Pfhor scoutship has been moved to the backdrop and replaced with a transport"

This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.

The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.

Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.

The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.

You can see Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.

On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.

Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.

To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."

Notes for version 3.0:

-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)

2,703 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "The gas giant from "The Pfhor" chapterscreen above an enhanced Marathon"

This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.

The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.

Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.

The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.

You can easily find Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.

On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.

Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.

To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."

Notes for version 3.0:

-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)

2,978 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Marathon: Victum Demo Demo Beta v1

IonicPaul on 09/13/2008

Screenshot titled "Awakening"

This is the Marathon Victum Demo. Only the maps and shapes file are included. This is compatible with the hi-res shots, WEP pack and partially with the texture enhancement pack.

Because Victum uses Marathon 2's Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor texture sets as well as the Marathon Infinity Jjaro set, it would not be logical to simply add the M2 or Marathon Infinity enhancement packs because they would make the game look wrong. What you need to do is get both the Infinity and Durandal enhancement packs, then use the Marathon infinity texture script and folders, but then copy over the four Marathon 2 sets in the marathon infinity texture folder, so the folder will be like so:

-Jjaro hi-res set -M2 water hi-res -M2 sewage hi-res -M2 pfhor hi-res -M2 lava hi-res -Marathon Infinity hi-res script

Backstory: Marathon Infinity was a dream of sorts, and Marathon 2 has just ended. You awake aboard a human-built ship.

It's sweet and simple because it will be explained in the first level.

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

Report bugs to

Notes for version Demo Beta v1:

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

3,420 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.0 rating

The Warehouse 2.0

The Thug on 07/08/2008

Screenshot titled ""

After a year of chopped up progress working on this map pack and a recent 4 month break, I have managed to finish The Warehouse. Version 2.0 includes 7 netmaps. Older ones include Punk Plaza, Spaceport Alpha, Docking Bay 4, and Deserted Lobby, while the newer ones include Avoiding the Light, Imperial Uranus, and Waterloo Carnage which was completely redone!

Thanks to Sharkie Lino for helping on enhancing the sounds!

Comments and suggest are always welcome. Enjoy!

2,765 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.5 rating


As with all the previous versions of TC++, the main objective was to create something completely insane to add to the mayhem already associated with Marathon. All the weapon's have been changed, however, there are no flying BOBs, screaming Pfhor rockets, or anything like that. TC++ is actually a fairly simple modification to the Marathon weapons. All the weapons have been modified so that they fire more, fire faster, and overall, fill the level with bullets, energy blasts, and high explosives. However, this isn't one of those increase everything to max and have a completely Uber SPNKR that makes the player who gets it first God. TC++ is as balanced as I could get it. So, there are no ultimate weapons, the weapons are as close to their roots as I could keep them. The SPNKR is still the SPNKR, and the TOTZ is still the TOTZ. v1.4 is probably one of the more balanced versions of TC++. I've toned down some of the weapons, changed the rates of fire, and lowered the amount of damage done by some weapons.

So, if this is your first time playing TC++, enjoy it! If you've played the previous versions, this is an update to have.

3,293 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating