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Eat The Path 1.1

W'rkncacnter on 01/07/2023

Screenshot titled "In Game Tracking"

Finally, a plugin that ruins mararthon.

This is a plugin for any marathon scenario that will act kind of like GPS navigation when activated. It can show just about any worthwhile objective on the map, and in most cases lead you directly to them.

This is a huge cheat, so it's not really recommended if you want the "true" marathon experience. It's for people that either don't have the patience to navigate through mazes themselves, or for people that just want to make sure they found everything on a given level. It can be very useful for tracking down all secrets.

Notes for version 1.1:
  • Added ability to permanently ignore certain items and monsters
  • Handle jumping gaps better in some limited cases

1,172 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Liver and Onions 2

cassis on 01/05/2023

Screenshot titled ""

Liver and Onions is a collection of maps I originally made for an unreleased scenario called hellpak

Levels are divided into three chapters, normal combat, platforming and explosive jumps and mandatory explosive jump combat, accessible from a hub. They are also marked in the vidstart menu which I encourage you to use since many levels start difficult sections without a pattern buffer.

Keep in mind chapters do not proceed in order of difficulty, the last few levels of the normal combat chapter are some of the hardest in the scenario.

These levels were created as either niche gameplay experiments, glitch exhibitions or injokes. I am mainly releasing them to vid some of them but if anyone else enjoys these I would be happy.

Notes for version 2:

Aaron properly credited, level 4 appears in level skip dialog

741 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Original Mac Fonts used in HUD and Automap (640x480)"

This mod restores the original fonts used in the Macintosh version of Marathon.

NOTE: This only works with the DEFAULT HUD, custom HUDs have been reported to have issues with this plugin, so experiment at your own risk.

Notes for version 1.0:

v1.0 - Initial Release

771 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Original Mac Fonts used in HUD and Automap (640x480)"

This mod restores the original fonts used in the Macintosh version of Marathon.

NOTE: This only works with the DEFAULT HUD, custom HUDs have been reported to have issues with this plugin, so experiment at your own risk.

Notes for version 1.0:

v1.0 - Initial Release

736 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "raylabs stamp of approval"

This is the original READ ME!!!!!!!!!!!!11 for RKYOKOTK's CARNAGE VILA 46!


Notes for version fine:


4,034 downloads, 15 reviews, 2 screenshots, 2.8 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a map file for Portal 2 hammer editor.

This shows how to do 5D space in Portal 2.

Notes for version 1:

This can only be opened with Portal 2 Hammer editor.

490 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

I copied Pfhactory N Utopia into the Source game engine using Source Hammer editor.

There are no textures.

This is a map for the Source Hammer editor.

Geometry and platforms are made.

The 5D space bridge really moves up and down.

Notes for version 1:

This can only be opened with the Source game Hammer editor.

561 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

In this latest Marathon content shell from NEFX, a once-promising new sector of Nampa, Idaho has gone to shit along with its possibly clone-based citizenry, and you're caught in it. Escape?

Thanks to Alex Scobell for those "Earth" textures! He made them like 20 years ago when he was 10 and they never really got used, but he offered me to make something with them, so I made this. :3

713 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

An entire soundtracked 50-level pack by NEFX for the 1998 Marathon-engine-based game Wheels! by RJ Cooper. Much thanks to the original Wheels! creators and to W'rkncacnter/Douchetower for help with the bundling. To play:

  1. Copy the Wheels! files into the directory.

  2. Open the graphics/shapes file in ShapeFusion and apply the contained shapes patch to it.

  3. Put Aleph One in the directory and launch it.

  4. Stop.

  5. Bend.

  6. Lean.

  7. Kiss ass goodbye.

638 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

This fixes the issues from the original 2019 upload, meaning it doesn't have anyone else's plugin or any version of Aleph One in it. This was a joke made in response to Meerjel01's proposed scenario Marathon: Green. It's an extermination level, so return to the starting platform after killing everything. In the meantime, deal with all the green.

Notes for version 2:

Doesn't have anyone else's plugin or any earlier version of Aleph One in it. I used a custom texture to create the green this time, and it's easier and better to navigate this way anyway.

680 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Collect 52 cards to win!

673 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "After #1"

Rubicon X was released a long time ago, when Aleph One didn’t have bloom and when its monster activation limits were, by default, much higher than they are now. It hasn’t been updated since, so running it out of the box with no changes has several problems: monsters will randomly deactivate on several levels, and the bloom looks horrible because it defaults to overpoweringly high levels. I’ve created this plugin as an “all-in-one” fix for both these issues. It restores the monster activation limits to their intended values, and it makes the game look decent with bloom.

To run this, just put it in your Rubicon X plugins folder. (If you don’t have one, make a new “Plugins” folder in the “Rubicon X” folder – NOT the “Rubicon Data” folder – and stick this in it.) If you currently have Rubicon X running, you’ll need to quit the app and reload it.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

952 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Map 1: Wake up, Dr. Moriarty"

Marathon 1984 is a custom 3 map scenario for Marathon Infinity, created in 1997 by Frank 'Elk' Rooke and distributed in the MacAddict issue No. 13 cover CD.

This file contains the Marathon 1984 map file and a patched shapes file in MacBinary II format, compatible with Aleph One, as well as the original installer for classic MacOS also in MacBinary II format.

Contents of the Marathon 1984 original readme file:

Marathon-1984 Scenario

Level construction, textures and terminal art: Frank 'Elk' Rooke Many thanks to Devon Belcher (UESC Marine terminal pict by Devon)

Final merge: 6-16-97

1984 consists of three levels to be played as solo maps only and using Marathon Infinity.

Send your comments or questions to:

799 downloads, 1 review, 7 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Shared with Dr Sumner’s permission. These are his exhaustively detailed spoiler guides for every level of the original releases of Tempus Irae and Tempus Irae 2: The Lost Levels; they’re also accurate for the 2006 Aleph One conversion, but there will be notable differences in the upcoming Redux release (which will hopefully appear later this year).

These guides contain exhaustive walkthroughs of each level in both games with detailed information on their contents, including any bugs Dr Sumner encountered and information on every accessible terminal in each level, including images of each terminal screen and information on where to find them and when they are active. He also notes how he did in his playthrough.

These guides are attuned specifically to his play style: play on Total Carnage; use as little ammo as possible; collect all possible secrets and ammo; and defeat every enemy when practical – in short, one of the most challenging possible approaches to the game (especially since many levels provide limited shield recharges).

They’re also unbelievably comprehensive; the original Nardo spoiler guides, though admirable efforts, pale in comparison. Dr Sumner’s guides have provided us a wealth of useful information on bugs to correct for Redux (for instance, he notes monsters and items that don’t spawn in).

There’s much more where this came from, by the way. I’ll upload more of his guides soon enough.

Edit: I’m hosting several of his spoiler guides on my OneDrive for the time being (currently, Marathon 1, Marathon 2, Tempus Irae, The Lost Levels, Rubicon X, Phoenix 1.3, and Pfh’Joueur). You can find them at!AuD0MykSsmaRmx_NxpRgTRM69vgn?e=fgVHbX

635 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""Eightfold Artificial Ferromagnet" - Spooky"

Version 1.0

by Gregory Ewing

This is a set of Ruby plug-in scripts for Google Sketchup to export a model as a Marathon map file that can be played with the Aleph One game engine.

A tutorial is included which demonstrates what's been implemented so far. Start at Tutorial/index.html.

If you have used a previous version of MarathUp, see CHANGES.txt for a summary of added features, and have a look at the new sections in the tutorial.


This is free software. Share and enjoy.

Notes for version 1.0.1:

This is a working version of the script the Professor helped me fix over email.

Luckily it was found in system files of old computer. It is now safe and sound.

595 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Gemini Station 2.0

The Man on 08/12/2022

Screenshot titled "Deep Doodoo"

Note: I didn’t create this; Dr Mike Trinder did. All I did was to convert it to a format compatible with modern Aleph One.

Gemini Station (first complete release: July 9, 1997) is a partial conversion for Marathon Infinity with 12 total levels, though players may not see them all every time they play it. Two are secrets and three are brief exposition levels, so it has seven proper levels, of which six are very long. Seriously, they’re huge.

I haven’t played through the whole thing in a while, but it was extremely impressive when it came out; as far as I know, it was the first scenario to incorporate several mapmaking tricks like airlocks and programmable teleporters. I last replayed it two or three years ago and felt it still held up.

As far as I’m aware, the only versions previously available were incomplete conversions that came with a shapes patcher that only ran on MacOS (and I’m not even sure they ran with modern releases). This version includes the patched shapes file, so you don’t have to bother patching the shapes. All you need to do is select the map and the shapes in Marathon Infinity and you’re good. (Make sure to select the shapes!)

Apart from patching the shapes and converting the map to MacBinary format, I haven’t modified any of these files at all; the readmes are even still in Mac OS Roman. Hopefully Dr Trinder won’t mind me making his scenario accessible to modern players; several people have asked for it on Discord over the years, so I figured I’d save people the trouble in the future.

In any case, I strongly recommend this, especially if you haven’t played it. It’s probably in my top 10 Marathon scenarios of all time, and the only things keeping it out of the top 5 are its short length and its relative lack of original assets (there are no new sounds and not many new graphics). However, it still looks phenomenal, and its map design would probably still seem inventive today. The writing is also fantastic.

Note: Screenshots incorporate Goran Svensson’s HD walls & landscapes, Freeverse’s HD weapons, and in some cases W’rkncacnter’s BRUTAL MARATHON plugin. I only spent about twenty minutes on these – they’re probably nowhere near the best sights Gemini Station has to offer. (Also, you probably shouldn’t actually use these plugins with it – certain game functionality is highly likely to break or not look as intended.)

Read more
Notes for version 2.0:

Converted from upload to formats Aleph One can read on Windows and Linux.

736 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 2.3 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A horrible virus is affecting everything around you.

The only way you know how to deal with the situation is to spread it around as much as possible, and kill everything that remains.

(A plugin compatible with Marathon 2, Infinity, or similar scenarios.)

644 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

There were some manual edits done to the fighter shapes to keep their staves/glow maps consistent between frames. The inconsistencies were obvious with the higher definition monsters, so thanks to Aaron for cleaning up the originals.

1,466 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Gigapixel AI upscaled graphics for Marathon 1, 2, and Infinity.

1,771 downloads, 2 reviews, 15 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Screenshot titled "Corrected HUD"

UPDATE: This MML was created in response to an old inaccurate conversion of the scenario for the Aleph One engine. If you download RED from the following link, you are getting an accurate conversion of the original files and you do not need this Addenda:

This is a fixed version of the file here:

To install, simply drop the .mml file into the Scripts folder in the RED scenario folder.

The idea behind this MML is to restore some of RED's appearance which was not preserved in the old Aleph One port, which as of this writing was last modified in 2011. Note that if you're playing a newer RED port then this file may not be necessary.

I make no guarantees that this does correctly restore aspects of RED, as I have not played the original scenario files. This is merely a correction of syntax errors in the MML file. I have also removed the fog that was added in that MML as it was not a part of RED originally.

Notes for version 3:

The MML file will actually load in Aleph One now.

616 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating