30 multiplayer maps for Marathon Infinity. Eighth edition features 5 new maps.
Many of these maps include unique precipitation/weather/novelty Lua scripts, while others are simpler in design.
The final edition of my third multiplayer mappack includes 20 maps for Marathon Infinity. This pack uses texture sets from all 3 games, with 5 Marathon 1 "themed" maps, 7 Durandal maps, and 8 standard Infinity maps.
Second Quest is a project designed to remake the original Infinity netmaps, as well as maps from other classic sources (Coriolis Loop and Marathon 2, currently). The end goal was to make them playable and enjoyable, and I believe we succeeded on all counts, with a total of 29 maps so far. It is a collaborative project, including efforts from myself (RyokoTK), screamingfool, Kinetic Turtle, Irons, and treellama.
This script uses the microphone button to jump. It will only allow you to jump while on the ground so you can't go flying across the map.
Be sure to this host with microphones off.
Version 1.1: Now makes a grunt sound when you jump and has cleaner beginning text (uses overlay instead of print).
Version 1.2: Now the microphone wont interfere with the sound. This should be the final version.
Power Drive is a map pack with an experimental concept: to take the focus away from the powerful weapons and put strength in the little guys. 14 maps in total.
Has embedded MML/Lua for Quake-style health kits.
Adds two maps. Significantly alters how powerups work.
This is my second map pack, this time veering away from maps based on natural environments; also using a custom shapes file. Be sure to use it.
After a long hiatus, Red Dragonfly is finally finished. Enjoy everyone!
Please be sure to use the custom shapes file provided.
0.21: Wrong shapes file attached before. Fixed.
My only good map pack.
So Underworld isn't totally dead yet. I do make levels occasionally, and I've added two to this version: Parc and The Multiplex.
Parc was formerly known as Pillow, and has seen a few small-but-helpful improvements since its original appearance on Pfhorums. The Multiplex was my contest map for Ryoko's 2008 Summer mapmaking contest; it didn't even get into the Victory Dance VI pack, so I thought I'd release it here for posterity.
This is the resulting netpack of the third Netmap-making contest. The top seven mappers out of a total group of nine made it into this pack, which I can easily say is the best Victory Dance pack so far.
The winners include screamingfool, Treellama, and irons, though the pack has 7 maps from 7 different mappers in all.
ReadMe has information. To find it you could also find it in the Aleph one.dmg Extras file, also i didn't create this .lua file but i want to share it with others.
This is the result of the fourth Mapmaking Contest. Out of 11 total competitors, 7 people made the final cut, leaving us with a solid pack of great maps.
Winners include Windbreaker, treellama, and Kinetic Turtle, though the final product has 7 maps from 7 mappers. A great showing!
As with all the previous versions of TC++, the main objective was to create something completely insane to add to the mayhem already associated with Marathon. All the weapon's have been changed, however, there are no flying BOBs, screaming Pfhor rockets, or anything like that. TC++ is actually a fairly simple modification to the Marathon weapons. All the weapons have been modified so that they fire more, fire faster, and overall, fill the level with bullets, energy blasts, and high explosives. However, this isn't one of those increase everything to max and have a completely Uber SPNKR that makes the player who gets it first God. TC++ is as balanced as I could get it. So, there are no ultimate weapons, the weapons are as close to their roots as I could keep them. The SPNKR is still the SPNKR, and the TOTZ is still the TOTZ. v1.4 is probably one of the more balanced versions of TC++. I've toned down some of the weapons, changed the rates of fire, and lowered the amount of damage done by some weapons.
So, if this is your first time playing TC++, enjoy it! If you've played the previous versions, this is an update to have.
Double Aught's classic netmap pack hasn't been changed at all, except that I've made it into "Unimap" format and zipped the file, making it easier for more modern operating systems to use.
NOTE that the version you can download from Simplici7y will not work with old films recorded forever ago in the good old days. These sure as hell aren't the good old days. If you're trying to view an old film and Aleph One complains that it can't find the map file, get the original file here.
Switches from Macbin/Unimap resources to M2/95 resources. Meaningless to most, so don't bother getting this new one unless you're having trouble with the old one.
Cosmic Clouds Version 2.1
This is the 6th edition of my 3rd netpack, adding 5 new maps as well as minor fixes/changes to older maps.
Ratings/feedback appreciated as always,
New Maps:
Firefly Concentration Moon Airbag Deep Blue Day and Ocean of Noise
A pack of physics models that all mod the flamethrower. One has infinite range, one has infinite range and travels faster, one makes it very inaccurate. By now hopefully you know: 1) how to use a physics file, 2) to not use on a merged map, and 3) don't review without trying it out first.
I think anybody can make this easily within a minute.