30 multiplayer maps for Marathon Infinity. Eighth edition features 5 new maps.
Many of these maps include unique precipitation/weather/novelty Lua scripts, while others are simpler in design.
Second Quest is a project designed to remake the original Infinity netmaps, as well as maps from other classic sources (Coriolis Loop and Marathon 2, currently). The end goal was to make them playable and enjoyable, and I believe we succeeded on all counts, with a total of 29 maps so far. It is a collaborative project, including efforts from myself (RyokoTK), screamingfool, Kinetic Turtle, Irons, and treellama.
The final edition of my third multiplayer mappack includes 20 maps for Marathon Infinity. This pack uses texture sets from all 3 games, with 5 Marathon 1 "themed" maps, 7 Durandal maps, and 8 standard Infinity maps.
My first netmap. Harmonium is a small- to medium-sized map, best for about 4-5 players. It includes an embedded MML script for starting the player with the assault rifle and SMG.
The map is not terribly large, but at 844 polygons, it is very detailed, and may slow down for some players using OpenGL Shader mode.
I welcome any feedback.
Corrected version; the first upload did not include the embedded MML file. It has been fixed.
Cosmic Clouds Version 2.1
This is the 6th edition of my 3rd netpack, adding 5 new maps as well as minor fixes/changes to older maps.
Ratings/feedback appreciated as always,
New Maps:
Firefly Concentration Moon Airbag Deep Blue Day and Ocean of Noise
Pop'ems is a pack of 7 high-powered Aleph One net maps. They all have missile launchers, shotguns, assault rifles, and many of them have SMGs and flamethrowers as well. One map was a net map contest winner, and two others were runners up.
CFA 3000: Added hill
Werefrog: Texture updates, added hill
Scarbo: Added second lift out of SE room
Days of Wine and Roses: Broke up hallway of death, tamed siren
If you aren't familiar with Paradise Lost, download the original here: http://www.simplici7y.com/items/paradise-lost
This is basically the same thing as Paradise Lost, but the maps are divided into four separate packs based on the chronological and stylistic period in which I made them.
This project is intended for people that only like a certain group of PL maps, and/or need or want help organizing them. This is the best I can do.
As a bonus of sorts, the maps SCB, Acid Rain, and Darkest Insurrection are also restored.
This script uses the microphone button to jump. It will only allow you to jump while on the ground so you can't go flying across the map.
Be sure to this host with microphones off.
Version 1.1: Now makes a grunt sound when you jump and has cleaner beginning text (uses overlay instead of print).
Version 1.2: Now the microphone wont interfere with the sound. This should be the final version.
Two netscripts meant to be used with the King of the Hill gametype. They will cause the hill to move around periodically. The compass points to the hill, and the lighting on the floor of the hill will flash.
Jumping Hills will work with any map enabled for KOTH, while Base Jumping Hills requires maps set up in a specific way. The readme has more details.
My only good map pack.
So Underworld isn't totally dead yet. I do make levels occasionally, and I've added two to this version: Parc and The Multiplex.
Parc was formerly known as Pillow, and has seen a few small-but-helpful improvements since its original appearance on Pfhorums. The Multiplex was my contest map for Ryoko's 2008 Summer mapmaking contest; it didn't even get into the Victory Dance VI pack, so I thought I'd release it here for posterity.
Double Aught's classic netmap pack hasn't been changed at all, except that I've made it into "Unimap" format and zipped the file, making it easier for more modern operating systems to use.
NOTE that the version you can download from Simplici7y will not work with old films recorded forever ago in the good old days. These sure as hell aren't the good old days. If you're trying to view an old film and Aleph One complains that it can't find the map file, get the original file here.
Switches from Macbin/Unimap resources to M2/95 resources. Meaningless to most, so don't bother getting this new one unless you're having trouble with the old one.
Well! Some of you thought you wanted this. So it's here. Don't say I didn't warn you.
This is the version that includes Bananas, not that map, which no one can prove exists.
This is a small, symmetrical netmap supporting emfh, koth, ktmwtb and survival. It has been merged with Hopper's Aleph One Previous AI to prevent monsters from freezing up, so the plugin won't be necessary for this map. It's recommended for two-player sized netgames, but three might work aswell.
First release.
Back from the guy you remembered... again...
Completely on Ye Olde Forge... again...
Featuring the all-new symbol of power! KEY LIME PI!
Remember, if it's tourist season, why CAN't we shoot them? ~Ruben
Added a recharge. Retextured an unaligned wall. Maybe this'll merit a review if someone sees it.