
Latest Downloads matching 'M1A1 team and Hopper'

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M1A1 HUD brings the M1A1 project's Marathon 2-style HUD to the native Marathon scenario running in Aleph One. Requires Aleph One 1.1b2 or later.

Notes for version 1.2:

Version 1.2 fixes errors in net games with a kill limit or time-based scoring.

3,536 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

M1A1 Project 1.2

M1A1 Team on 01/29/2003

Screenshot titled ""

M1A1 was a port of Marathon to Aleph One released in 2001 and updated in 2002 before Aleph One was able to use the original Marathon data files.

Today, Aleph One is able to play the original Marathon 1 which can be found at Downloads for M1A1 will not work with Marathon 1. See the Marathon 1 scenario page for compatible files.

An archive of the the original M1A1 Project homepage can be found here.. Downloads can be found on the Fileball Archive.

Credits: Mattias Borgström, AlexJLS, Chris Komarnicki, Candace Sherriff, Sidoh, Brett, Garrick and Matthew Smith, Reginald Berkeeper, Mike Schapiro, Jay Faircloth, Peter de Blanc, Brian Retchless, Randall J. Currie, Eric Peterson, Nebular, David Santiago, Craig Caroon, Jeffery Carlson, Derf, Grasshopper, REB.

Special Thanks: Claude Errera, The Aleph One team, Tomoaki Deguchi, Michio Hashimoto, Andrew Nagi, Jesse Simko, Hamish Sinclair, Michael Watson, John Zero, Bungie Studios.

452 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M1A1 HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This should work for any Aleph One scenario, including M1.

I also made a few small edits to the HUD itself for aesthetics and transparency.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,238 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Trojan/Marathon HUD - Yeah there aren't actually Player graphics"

Once again building off Hopper's Marathon Classic HUD, the Trojan HUDs Pack both brings the classic Trojan interface to M1A1 (Trojan HUD with M1 weapon graphics, colored radar blips), and provides the full vanilla Trojan interface in preparation for the eventual coming of M1 support. (Eventually. Though it currently works well with the Trojan Legacy Sampler!)

Who says Trojan is dead?

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial Release

2,573 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots