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Kill Them All II 1.00

RyokoTK on 10/15/2007

Screenshot titled ""

Kill Them All II is a short but intense scenario for Marathon Infinity. It is a collaborative project, wherein the challenge for each mapper was to make complete, high-quality levels with 100 or fewer polygons.

KTA2 features 11 maps from five mappers: screamingfool, Drictelt, Hangar96, shadowbreaker, and myself. It's difficult, with loads of carnage -- very fun.

3,437 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Bits & Pieces 1.0

Pfhorsome on 09/08/2007

A fun map, semi-large, a few interesting rooms. It's fun, try it out!

2,392 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Marathon C: Version 7 Number 7

Axle_Gear on 09/05/2007

Screenshot titled "'Well-done'"

The game is still vastly incomplete, but the maps themselves should work just fine.

Things that are missing: -Logon/Logoff screens -Terminal pictures -A proper intro? (Considering making a neat little 'unplayable' level in the future to kick it off). -The rest of the levels

Things it DOES have: -5 playable maps, including the extra path for failing to be 'stealthy' in the first level. -Physics and terminal text for every map -Use of color tables left untouched in the orignal Marathon Infinity

With any luck, all you'll need to do to run the scenario is download the map, and use all the other standard shapes and images that come with MI, leaving the whole download at just a smidgen more than a megabyte.

If you download this, please try to break the levels in any way you can: grenade hop, launch yourself, take goofy paths, etc. And let me know if you find any bugs. I'm trying my best to make these very high-quality maps, since there are so few of them.

And another thing: I'm holding a little contest. Make a proper Marathon film, and try to beat 'Satellite of Love' as quickly as you can on Total Carnage (bonus points for playing through the first level to get there). I assure you, you'll be in for a challenge: I, the creator of the level, can barely beat it... sometimes. I hope some unfortunate players are prepared to bathe in grenades. :D


2,676 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Tranquil Graves 1.0.0

$lave on 09/03/2007

Screenshot titled "The Hive"

My first net pack containing 9 maps. All maps work with EMFH, most work with KOTH and some work with KTMWTB. I am overall very pleased with the this as my first net pack and hope you will enjoy it!

2,416 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

This is hopefully a "fixed" version of my maps. I works on OSX and OS9, but I don't have a PC or UNIX computer to test the other versions of A1.

There's only one terminal picture (which is a placeholder) so if you lose the resource fork on a PC, don't sweat it.

2,086 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Top Catwalk of |3 A |< A"

This is a collection of some of my most recent maps. Most of the maps here are in the medium and small category, so do not expect to have more than 5 people on each map.

I Hope you Enjoy the pack.

Gravity's Rainbow 1.21 includes two new maps added, " |3 A |< A" and "Oreta Awai Tsubasa." | F.A.M.A.S | is now fixed in this version also.

2,685 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating


As with all the previous versions of TC++, the main objective was to create something completely insane to add to the mayhem already associated with Marathon. All the weapon's have been changed, however, there are no flying BOBs, screaming Pfhor rockets, or anything like that. TC++ is actually a fairly simple modification to the Marathon weapons. All the weapons have been modified so that they fire more, fire faster, and overall, fill the level with bullets, energy blasts, and high explosives. However, this isn't one of those increase everything to max and have a completely Uber SPNKR that makes the player who gets it first God. TC++ is as balanced as I could get it. So, there are no ultimate weapons, the weapons are as close to their roots as I could keep them. The SPNKR is still the SPNKR, and the TOTZ is still the TOTZ. v1.4 is probably one of the more balanced versions of TC++. I've toned down some of the weapons, changed the rates of fire, and lowered the amount of damage done by some weapons.

So, if this is your first time playing TC++, enjoy it! If you've played the previous versions, this is an update to have.

NOTE ABOUT TC++: The previous versions of TC++ had problems sharing weapon physics. They seemed to like taking the SMG and pfhuxing it up in the Standard physics file. To fix this, you have to select the Standard Physics and then restart Aleph One.

3,065 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Hall of water"

You Better Move v1.2 This is the first map I've ever created. I submitted it into Ryoko's Map Making Contest III, which I suprisingly got 7th place in...Hey, it was an achievement for me. This is a small map, it was initially built for four players and up, and I still play it as such, but it works well as a dueling map. Really though, if you like it with six players...really, try it out...Its fun...I swear.

Suggested Players: 6 (...2+) Polygons: 170 Weapons: Fusion Pistol, Assault Rifle, SMG, Flamethrower

v1.2 Fixes from initial contest release: -Bouncy walls fixed -Weapon placement changed -Collectable weapons slightly changed up (I took out the Alien Shotgun and put in the TOTZ) -TOTZ respawn rate and locations changed for balance reasons -Teleporter added for some fun

2,644 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Torn Up Paper"

Replaces some of the scenery objects in M1A1 with new HD ones!

4,847 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Pfhorge 0.95

Cathunter on 08/13/2007

Pfhorge is an OSX map making utility, as yet uncompleted but usable. There are still bugs with terminal editting and map compilation while the texturing can't be carried out in the visual interface.

I've included a manual that assumes you are already familiar with Forge.

3,554 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.5 rating

Screenshot titled "Map viewing"

The map viewer.

With this, you can view any map you chose.

For detail, read the document this archive file include.

** note ** This map viewer can load only INFINITY Shapes file "Shapes.shpA," not M2 nor any other.

  • Ver. 0.51 : fixed selecting dialog's bug

2,771 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon: Pathways into Darkness Version 0.5 now available!

I am sorry it took so long to get this beta out to the public. The reason was that the MPiD Images file was giving a lot of trouble and so I have decided to replace it with a regular Infinity Images file.

If you download the beta I would love to hear your opinions and/or suggestions. I will not appreciate ugly rants but any sort of constructive criticism is VERY welcome. Please post your thoughts here or email me at: nhoad at

Now, there are several problems in this beta that I am already aware of. If you have a suggestion for how to best fix them I would be happy to hear it:

Most blue in the game is transparent: This is a problem caused because of the blues used in PiD. DeepThought is indirectly helping me fix this problem. Monsters get stuck in walls or don't attack immediately: This is a mapping problem which I intend to fix as I polish the levels. Any mapping tips are welcome! There is no resting: Bobwithkeycard is helping me implement resting, for the moment there are only a set number of health potions per level. Some items are undersize or oversized Levels seem really short. This is simply a fact of PiD levels, if you move at any sort of decent speed the levels become much shorter PLAY ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY! PiD was not designed for multiple difficulty levels and neither is MPiD! Monsters on Total Carnage WILL eat you alive! You cannot go back between levels: A1 doesn't like this feature and it would be incredibly hard to implement (and not really worth it in the end). So there will be no backtracking.

Those are the big problems and I hope to fix them all. I REALLY want to hear your recommendations, opinions or even encouragement! If there are any problems in the beta (such you cannot travel between level 3 and 4) let me know and I will upload a corrected map file for the beta.

What to expect in future versions:

A completely new Images file. New high-res textures, weapons and sprites by DeepThought New LUA by bobwithkeycard (LUA which will allow resting, talking to the dead PiD style, nuclear bombs and more) Chapter screens by Phobos-Romulus All of the original PiD levels

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this beta until the full version of MPiD is released! Note: There is no release date so don't bother asking.

Many of the MPiD team members have come and gone over the years and I believe that myself and Patrick White are the only remaining active members of the team listed below.

Beta Credits:

Raul Bonilla Nicholas Hoad Loren Petrich J�³hannes Gunnar Alexander Strange Tim Vogel Patrick White - Images Hugo Forss - Icons

Special Thanks: Bungie Forrest Cameranesi The Marathon Mape Making Guild Hamish Sinclair (for maintaining PiD at The Aleph One Team James J Cousar Goran Svensson Claude Errera Gregory Smith (Treellama)

PS: The MPiD Team is in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer by this beta.

PPS: I have a serious issue with crediting people, I MUST do it. If you notice anything in this beta you believe you were not credited for let me know immediately please!

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3,233 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

1 of 1 selected 1.0

Hangar-96 on 07/21/2007

Screenshot titled ""

A house with a small outdoor area. Thin walls and corners can be shot through with projectiles having a 56.25% chance to pass through both sides of the wall. 4 players max.

2,762 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Victory Dance IV 1.0

RyokoTK on 07/08/2007

Screenshot titled "Red Sauce on Pasta by Kinetic Turtle"

This is the result of the fourth Mapmaking Contest. Out of 11 total competitors, 7 people made the final cut, leaving us with a solid pack of great maps.

Winners include Windbreaker, treellama, and Kinetic Turtle, though the final product has 7 maps from 7 mappers. A great showing!

3,068 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

These were maps originally going to be the netmaps for Marathon Gladiator, but when that project was abandoned The Thug decided to release his netmaps as a pack. Since he didn't feel like joining any online sites i have to post these for him. This contain some of his original maps along with some of his new ones.

2,609 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 1.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a beautiful netmap that I made one night when I was tired, bored and didn�t feel like going to bed. Enjoy

2,764 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This modifcation of Dave Baily's map is my first attempt at CTF. For some reason some people like it though personally I'd choose CCR2 (part of Magenta Filter 1.3) This version works with CTF lua 4.0.2 so you guys can stop bugging me to email you maps. ;) The readme goes in to further detail.

2,898 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Victory Dance III 1.0

RyokoTK on 06/02/2007

Screenshot titled ""

This is the resulting netpack of the third Netmap-making contest. The top seven mappers out of a total group of nine made it into this pack, which I can easily say is the best Victory Dance pack so far.

The winners include screamingfool, Treellama, and irons, though the pack has 7 maps from 7 different mappers in all.

3,089 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Kill Them All! 1.02

RyokoTK on 06/02/2007

Screenshot titled ""

Kill Them All is a short but intense mini-scenario for Marathon Infinity. It is a collaborative project, wherein the goal for each mapper was to make complete, high-quality maps that had no more than 100 polygons.

KTA features 15 levels by myself, screamingfool, Kinetic Turtle, irons, and Shadowbreaker. It's a difficult but action-packed game -- very fun.

3,894 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Revel 3.2

screamingfool on 06/02/2007

Screenshot titled ""

This is the fist map pack that i've circulated widely. My focus on this pack was creative architecture and over the course of 3 major revisions i've gotten the flow of these maps up to speed as well.

2,823 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating