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Victory Dance IV 1.0

RyokoTK on 07/08/2007

Screenshot titled "Red Sauce on Pasta by Kinetic Turtle"

This is the result of the fourth Mapmaking Contest. Out of 11 total competitors, 7 people made the final cut, leaving us with a solid pack of great maps.

Winners include Windbreaker, treellama, and Kinetic Turtle, though the final product has 7 maps from 7 mappers. A great showing!

3,068 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Deeze Maps 1.1

Dis on 03/15/2011

Screenshot titled "Septic"

My first map pack.

Notes for version 1.1:

Added more rocket ammo, made Septic less ugly, changed the grass texture on The Prodigal.

3,065 downloads, 9 reviews, 4 screenshots, 3.8 rating

MapDamager Lua .2 != .20

W'rkncacnter on 08/02/2008

Best with 3-5 players.

Notes for version .2 != .20:

Didn't I already put in a description?

3,065 downloads, 30 reviews, 0 screenshots, 1.3 rating


As with all the previous versions of TC++, the main objective was to create something completely insane to add to the mayhem already associated with Marathon. All the weapon's have been changed, however, there are no flying BOBs, screaming Pfhor rockets, or anything like that. TC++ is actually a fairly simple modification to the Marathon weapons. All the weapons have been modified so that they fire more, fire faster, and overall, fill the level with bullets, energy blasts, and high explosives. However, this isn't one of those increase everything to max and have a completely Uber SPNKR that makes the player who gets it first God. TC++ is as balanced as I could get it. So, there are no ultimate weapons, the weapons are as close to their roots as I could keep them. The SPNKR is still the SPNKR, and the TOTZ is still the TOTZ. v1.4 is probably one of the more balanced versions of TC++. I've toned down some of the weapons, changed the rates of fire, and lowered the amount of damage done by some weapons.

So, if this is your first time playing TC++, enjoy it! If you've played the previous versions, this is an update to have.

NOTE ABOUT TC++: The previous versions of TC++ had problems sharing weapon physics. They seemed to like taking the SMG and pfhuxing it up in the Standard physics file. To fix this, you have to select the Standard Physics and then restart Aleph One.

3,065 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

POWERS 3.0.1

irons on 02/19/2016

Screenshot titled "BANNER"

POWERS is a new kind of Marathon gameplay. Instead of having an arsenal of weapons, the player carries only what is inside his mind—his POWERS.

POWERS works under Aleph One with any Marathon scenario, and, in theory, any game type. However, the best way to use your new POWERS is with a friend in Co-op mode! New challenges await you in your favorite levels, and you might find that your POWERS even enhance levels you never appreciated before. Just use the POWERS Lua script when you play!

Notes for version 3.0.1:

Total overhaul. See the Readme.

3,063 downloads, 6 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.3 rating

The Great Pillar 2.0 (beta2.5)

Dan the Man on 07/09/2011

This is my first netpack. It features a giant pillar. You start inside the pillar and stay there. Its really big and nice, with minipillars inside. I'm very sorry that I couldn't include screenshots because my network is too slow.

:::IMPORTANT NOTE::: All my projects (and all of iamanidiotbad's projects) are temporarily DEAD. Copying my projects is allowed. Thank you for your time.

Notes for version 2.0 (beta2.5):

Fixed something where a wall goes up when you activate the platforms; the platforms now don't take up the entire space between the upper ledges. Also added some waterfall thingies, removed the death trap of river canyon ringing the middle, the map doesnt flood anymore (though you still walk in shallow watter). Also... changed item placements and counts. However I do not think this map is good for survival, there is a chance that monstars will appear outside the tower. I am not sure of this... Added a nice secret through the discovery of the usage of tags!

Some transparent lines textured, i was too lazy to remove the textures. Maybe in a week i'll fix it?

And i seemingly skipped beta1 because in beta1 i forgot to texture a side on a platform. now i textured it. hip hip horray.

Also added a hill for support of survival and koth.

Also added a ball for rugby, KTMWTB, and CTF support.

3,058 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

Coriolis Loop 1.000000000000001

irons on 11/26/2008

Screenshot titled ""

Double Aught's classic netmap pack hasn't been changed at all, except that I've made it into "Unimap" format and zipped the file, making it easier for more modern operating systems to use.

NOTE that the version you can download from Simplici7y will not work with old films recorded forever ago in the good old days. These sure as hell aren't the good old days. If you're trying to view an old film and Aleph One complains that it can't find the map file, get the original file here.

Notes for version 1.000000000000001:

Switches from Macbin/Unimap resources to M2/95 resources. Meaningless to most, so don't bother getting this new one unless you're having trouble with the old one.

3,054 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating

Cosmic Clouds 2.1

$lave on 11/05/2008

Screenshot titled ""

Cosmic Clouds Version 2.1

This is the 6th edition of my 3rd netpack, adding 5 new maps as well as minor fixes/changes to older maps.

Ratings/feedback appreciated as always,


Notes for version 2.1:

New Maps:

Firefly Concentration Moon Airbag Deep Blue Day and Ocean of Noise

3,029 downloads, 8 reviews, 8 screenshots, 4.4 rating

Screenshot titled "L05 Cold, Lost and Dead"

Lost Lands is a 25 level conversion I created entirely myself.
I started working on it when I was roughly 12 years old and I now consider it finished and in reasonably playable shape now that I am 25, 13 years later. As you progress through the game, you can see my mapmaking grow gradually more complex, and the way I grew pre-occupied with experimental and surreal mapbuilding techniques.

The official soundtrack is available here -

Notes for version 1.11:

This version is an overhaul of the shapes file, replacing many embarrassing pixelated textures with more thematic, color coded and polished looking artwork.

I've also included the "Previous AI" plugin with the install to avoid issues with monsters failing to activate.

3,025 downloads, 3 reviews, 8 screenshots, 2.7 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon 1 monster textures at 16x the original resolution using xBR scaling. Includes marine textures and every color palette.

Credits: - General Tacticus, who helped me index M1's original shapes file - Treellama, who helped me use Aorta to remove blue from the textures - Hawkynt, who created the program that could batch upscale 2,602 textures, and - Hyllian, who created the xBR 4x scaling algorithm

Notes for version 1.3:
  • Added some missing textures
  • Reverted back to original algorithm
  • Quality-of-life improvements

3,019 downloads, 2 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Stand-alone Marathon game. Windows version.

Notes for version .36:

Fixed the gamma bug.

3,005 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Screenshot titled "Aye Mak Sicur"

These bump maps are designed to create simple depth using the original textures. Also included are glow masks!

Note that there is an alternative version of these bump maps featuring shallower grooves and indentations (50% Depth).

2,992 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Lh'owon Album 1.0

The Thug on 04/13/2009

Here is the first album produced from the M2 Groove Sessions. It includes songs composed by ukimalefu, Ravenpulse, CryoS, and $lave. Great songs guys.

And a special thanks goes to Windbreaker for helping me judge the entries.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

2,986 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Inaccurate flamethrower"

A pack of physics models that all mod the flamethrower. One has infinite range, one has infinite range and travels faster, one makes it very inaccurate. By now hopefully you know: 1) how to use a physics file, 2) to not use on a merged map, and 3) don't review without trying it out first.

Notes for version 1:

I think anybody can make this easily within a minute.

2,962 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Almost There..."

A terminal/pattern buffer themed loading screen for M1A1. I think it will also work for any other scenario too.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed alignment issue with the load bar.

2,950 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

For those of you who want to spruce up the scenery without having to look at those heinous XBLA Monsters, here's a Plugin that will just change the look of the scenery items to be higher-resolution.

NOTE: This plugin should work with Infinity, but will not modify the Jjaro scenery.

Notes for version 1.0:

Replaces Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor scenery items with higher-resolution versions.

2,940 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

This physics package changes monster behavior so that many of the enemies will begin fighting each-other. Robotic characters (Drones, Juggernauts, and A-Bobs) will attack just about everything.

Notes for version v1.2:

Added another version of the main physics file, called 'RAMBO'.

See the ReadMe file for more information.

2,935 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Unlost Found v1.4

brilliant on 12/31/2012

Screenshot titled "A Warm Feeling"

A Marathon Infinity net pack.

Notes for version v1.4:

Added two new maps: Hide and Seek, & Take Cover Redone. Also, the hill in The Pharos was moved to the elevated area in the water at the center of the map.

2,927 downloads, 6 reviews, 4 screenshots, 4.3 rating

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.

Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon 2 Durandal. A Marathon Infinity version is available.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Walls M2 -

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons Inf -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0:

AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite

2,911 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This shapes, sounds, and physics pack is designed to make the play of Marathon Infinity more realistic. In future, I may modify even more of the game's workings, such as monster movement speeds or attack speeds.

NOTE: This physics model is not designed for multiplayer use; it would make the weapons incredibly overpowered and many maps almost unplayable.

Notes for version 2.0:

A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the Read-me file.

2,906 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.5 rating