NOTE: As of 2024-04-25, Rubicon X now integrates these fixes. If your Rubicon X Scripts folder has a “monsterlimits.mml” file, and its items, landscapes, scenery, walls, and weapons scripts show “last modified” dates in September 2022, you already have these fixes and don’t need this plugin, but I’m leaving it up because people who got Rubicon X before then may not want to re-download a 124 MiB scenario to get 14,100 bytes of fixes.
Rubicon X was released a long time ago, when Aleph One didn’t have bloom and when its monster activation limits were, by default, much higher than they are now. It hasn’t been updated since, so running it out of the box with no changes has several problems: monsters will randomly deactivate on several levels, and the bloom looks horrible because it defaults to overpoweringly high levels. I’ve created this plugin as an “all-in-one” fix for both these issues. It restores the monster activation limits to their intended values, and it makes the game look decent with bloom.
To run this, just put it in your Rubicon X plugins folder. (If you don’t have one, make a new “Plugins” folder in the “Rubicon X” folder – NOT the “Rubicon Data” folder – and stick this in it.) If you currently have Rubicon X running, you’ll need to quit the app and reload it.
First release.
Version 1.0
by Gregory Ewing
This is a set of Ruby plug-in scripts for Google Sketchup to export a model as a Marathon map file that can be played with the Aleph One game engine.
A tutorial is included which demonstrates what's been implemented so far. Start at Tutorial/index.html.
If you have used a previous version of MarathUp, see CHANGES.txt for a summary of added features, and have a look at the new sections in the tutorial.
This is free software. Share and enjoy.
This is a working version of the script the Professor helped me fix over email.
Luckily it was found in system files of old computer. It is now safe and sound.
A horrible virus is affecting everything around you.
The only way you know how to deal with the situation is to spread it around as much as possible, and kill everything that remains.
(A plugin compatible with Marathon 2, Infinity, or similar scenarios.)
HD graphics replacements for Aleph One: Pathways Into Darkness
AOPID can be found here:
Significantly improved weapons in hand and monsters using an updated model and better processing.
The main thing to know about this plugin is that if you're going to refer to it, you must use ALL CAPS.
Along with that, you should know that it adds extra gore to every monster that dies. Some monsters spill blood when you shoot them. Bullets/explosions leave marks on the ground and walls. All changes are purely visual. The amount of gore you see is configurable (see readme for details).
This is compatible with M2 and Infinity, and any other scenario that largely uses unmodified versions of those monsters.
Err... uhm... so i did it? The whole Infinity [and M2] spritesets and images (still minus the Player, sigh) but in a more cartoon-ish format.
The link goes to my GDrive. EDIT 2023/12/14: The permissions went haywire. I'll try to correct as soon as I can. EDIT 2023/12/14: The permissions seems correct now.
Added M2 landscapes, took down the hosted version and left the link on my drive
Play the Survival solo gameplay mode from Durandal XBLA. Rack up carnage points as you face off against hordes of increasingly difficult enemies.
Play on the four Survival maps built by Freeverse for the port. Or use the plugin, pick any netmap, and try not to die.
For a similar co-op experience, see Survival.lua.
Version 2.1 fixes a bug which caused films to go out-of-sync.
Port of the Trojan M2 HUD to work with the latest release of Trojan for Aleph One. Fills the screen more than the original M1 HUD, but not as much as the Trojan Fullscreen HUD.
Note that there is a known issue with the Alien weapon not connecting to the right side of the screen. See
1.0 -- Original release
This is a version of the Fullscreen Corner HUD that is made to work with Trojan in Aleph One. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar.
The HUD graphics are from the M2 port of Trojan, which doesn't take up the full screen like the original does.
Removed the alternative shapes file since the gap happens even without my fullscreen plugin.
A set of Weland plugins.
NOTE: If these aren't showing up in your list of plugins, you may have to compile them yourself.
Includes a plugin for: * Completely texturing levels from scratch * Generating stairs * Resizing maps * Bulk modifying monster flags for a level. * Adding annotations to maps with random complaints from DADDY_Z3RO * A re-release of VISUAL MODE so all of my plugins are together.
The source code is available for all of the plugins.
Added "Alter Monster Falgs" plugin.
At MacWorld 1996, Power Computing (a popular Macintosh clone manufacturer in the mid-1990’s) released a CD-ROM called “PowerComputing The Disc 2”.
This contained a special demo of Marathon 2. Instead of the normal sprites for Bob, there was instead special sprites of the Director of Evangelism of Power Computing, Bob LeVitus. Also included with the demo was a Shapes file that could be used with the full version of the game.
I was surprised that this wasn't already ported to Aleph One so, I've rectified that.
Questions, comments, bugs? Post on the Pfhorums:
1.0: Initial release
An alephone plugin that can be used to help you determine if your map has enough differential shading. It will turn all of the floors, ceilings, and walls solid green. If you do not have enough differential shading, it will be difficult or impossible to look around and see the architecture of your map.
If after turning this plugin on, you can navigate your level easily and see all of the architecture, your map has adequate differential shading.
You will likely need to disable other texture plugins and any others that run lua like visual mode when using this plugin.
Replaces the 2d scenery sprites with 3d models in Marathon 1
Note: works best in shader mode.
Make sure bloom is turned off!
Obviously some errors can't be avoided, but I have done my best to smooth over as many bumps as possible.
-Replaced the escape pod model with a much better one
-Changed the pfhor egg to be more like the original (an egg)
This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.
The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.
Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.
The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.
You can easily find Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.
On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.
Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.
To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."
-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)
This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.
The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.
Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.
The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.
You can see Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.
On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.
Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.
To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."
-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)