
Tagged 'Enhancement' ordered randomly

Vending Demo 0.2.0

Kuurin on 09/23/2016

Screenshot titled "...but also good without."

Revival of a long lost quest for vending machines.

Single Player Lua + HUD + MML + 3d Scenery + Sounds!

That's right, the vending machines talk to you now. You weren't crazy after all. Now get away from me.

This is a demo, so not much is extremely polished, but it should be fun to play with in the meanwhile.

Notes for version 0.2.0:


+Improved model and skin.

+Fixed issue with rebellion maps breaking Lua script.

+Did I mention it's much prettier now?


-Still can't ensure glow map masks properly. Pfft.

2,179 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

I (Aaron / The Man) have repackaged Goran Svensson’s Marathon Infinity textures, which were released as five separate plugins, as a single plugin, mostly for the sake of reducing clutter and clicking in our Infinity plugin menus (i.e., if you want to enable one of these, you’ll probably want to enable them all).

In my book, these are by far the best Marathon Infinity texture replacements available (unless you’re using MaraToon; then you should use MaraToon for everything), and they’re certainly the most faithful.

I used Goran’s most recent releases of the Water, Lava, Jjaro, and Pfhor sets; I used kaosof’s edit of the Sewage set with added bump maps. See the included readme for additional information; each set also includes its original documentation within its respective folder.

Screenshots coming when I feel like it.


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

524 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "The gas giant from "The Pfhor" chapterscreen above an enhanced Marathon"

This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.

The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.

Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.

The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.

You can easily find Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.

On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.

Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.

To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."

Notes for version 3.0:

-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)

2,700 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Tick Rider 0.2?

Kuurin on 02/18/2021

Screenshot titled "1st-person view from Tick Stew"

Soar on the wings of a bowl of spoiled pudding!

Ride on a tick, and fight from the sky!

Jump from tick to tick, or abuse the improbable physics of whatever a tick is made of to boost yourself over long distances! Blast the tick out from under your foes! Ride on the wrong tick and explode!

The possibilities are endless!

This fun and mildly-insane netscript is best suited to larger maps with open spaces. And it's even better with lava. Try it and you'll soon understand why!

Highly configurable, with various weird secrets and bizarre instances of what may possibly pass for humor. Try adding your own nonsense – Amuse, bemuse, or disgust your friends!

This package includes one shoddy, simplistic, yet lovable and purpose-made netmap, Tick Stew, that will allow you to explore the possibilities in various networked gametypes or just by yourself in a solo game.

Take to the un-friendly skies and become a Tick Rider today!

Notes for version 0.2?:
  • Position ticks out of impassable polygons.

  • Deal with some Lua errors caused by exceeding monster limits with too many ticks.

  • Added super-informative read-me documentation.

  • Added special Tick-Netmap "Cavendish Tick Catastrophe"

1,176 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M1A1 HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This should work for any Aleph One scenario, including M1.

I also made a few small edits to the HUD itself for aesthetics and transparency.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,238 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "shesplinte!sanancientoakwitha/orcethat  takesmybreathandhurlsmetotheground"

For those of you with proper video cards that do not have difficulty with precipitation scripts, here is a merged map of the scenario with both precipitation and the latest bugfixes.

Unfortunately, some quirk of a few people's machines - which I suspect were running integrated graphics - couldn't cope with precipitation, even after bugfixes were made, and so Pfhorrest ordered it cut from final release. Although the effect on most levels is subtle due to an A1 limitation on having 1024 objects, I thought it well worth the effort of maintaining. So, before I cut the lua from the main scenario, I created a branch to preserve it, and left the supporting alterations to the Shapes file in the main branch.

Naturally, you'll need to download Eternal 1.2, found here,, to use this map.

Then, download this map file, drop it in your Eternal directory, and select it in Environment preferences.

To test whether your machine can handle this, skip to level 13: A Friend in Need, and see if your framerate drops when you walk outside. My 12 year old rig gets 20 FPS with everything on, but some players have reported as little as 0.5 FPS with precipitation.

Since this is an altered map and not a plugin, it will not be compatible with save games from the official release or the previous 1.2.0 version of this enhanced map.

Co-op players, please ensure that everyone has the same version of the map.

Credits: Original rain and ember sprites by $lave and Windbreaker, respectively; Original precip code by Wrkncacnter, who borrowed heavily from Treelama; Eternal adaptation by Aaron Freed; Snow sprites and code fixes by Lia Gerty; Ashes are a palette swap of embers, fallout a palette swap of rain.

Notes for version 1.2.1-b4:

Made a number of things a lot easier

2,255 downloads, 0 reviews, 5 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Okay, Who Want's Some?"

Are you tired of dying because you suck? Are you tired of dying because you were busy with your movement hand eating an ice cream cone? Are you tired of dying because the unskillful n00bs pwned you with h4xx0r weapons? Well fear no more! Professional Instagib is here to get rid of all of your complexity problems! Porfessional Instagib is not just any instagib mod, it has changes!!! From the creators of the MML music switch comes... Professional Instagib!

Notes for version 1.0:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the rules and setup guide! Just because you know how this works doesn't mean you know how this works! Version 1.0 will always be available when future versions come out.

2,684 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Pepper HUD 1.0

W'rkncacnter on 08/05/2023

Screenshot titled "Default"

This is a slightly modified version of the Default HUD created by Hopper:

This is meant for people that want the HUD to be small, but not obscure parts of the game world. If you are bothered by the black bar this usually leaves, it can be filled in with artwork. I've included several options for artwork in the resources/extra_images folder. Or you can create your own.

To size the HUD, you can use the typical HUD sizes in the options. However, they will all be smaller than the default HUD, as one of the goals of this plugin is to maximize the game world view.

The normal HUD also typically leaves black bars on the sides depending on your resolution and settings, and this HUD attempts to eliminate that from happening.

Notes for version 1.0:

If you downloaded a PepperHUD that was floating around from a long time ago, you should get this new version.

742 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Daytime"

Something I made long ago: desert-landscape replacements for the Lh'owon Day and Night textures.

1,800 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Gas giant from "The Pfhor" chaptersceen above an enhanced Marathon"

This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.

The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.

Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.

The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.

You can see Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.

On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.

Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.

To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."

Notes for version 3.0:

-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)

2,443 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Don't believe me, just watch:"

Replaces the old flamethrower projectile animation with prettier flame. Works best with bloom enabled.

Added 7 additional frames, so this uses a shapes patch to append some bitmaps and frames to the explosions collection.

For added fun, make some custom physics with a slower, wandering flamethrower burst. Also cut down the firing sequence on anything using a flamethrower to one tick.

Action Video:

2,106 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Wall"

This is a plugin which replaces the Pfhor texture set with new 512x512 DDS textures.

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 First Release

3,259 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Here's a lil project I've whipped up to make Marathon's sounds more exciting and realistic. You'll think you're really there!

1,044 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 3.0 rating

A set of remastered sounds for AOPID:

These are 6 dB quieter than the originals (an attached text file explains why), but also significantly less noisy, much crisper due to the addition of higher frequencies that were absent from the originals, and in some cases free of substantial audio flaws like 60 Hz hum on a lot of the Headless sounds or digital clipping distortion on some of the explosion and weapon sounds.

Note that most of these are not exact reconstructions of the missing audio data, but best guesses that I put together in iZotope RX5 Advanced; in a few cases, however, I was able to use the CD-quality audio sources. Also, make sure you have 16-bit audio on, or you’ll get the original sounds. I also suggest pairing these with W’rkncacnter’s HD AOPID graphics for best results:


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

1,603 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Alpha's Redux 2.2

3371-Alpha on 02/22/2016

Screenshot titled "Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight"

I have patched tim4i's old m1redux weapons plugin for the official Marathon. This plugin replaces the old weapon sprites with HD variants. Some textures have been refined even further from the original using GIMP to edit them. According to Tim4i, you should not unzip this file but I've found it works regardless. All credit goes to both tim4i & herecomethej2000s as this was their original work, I merely patched the file. The original licence restrictions still apply.


-You need OpenGL to run this pack.

-This plugin is for the official Marathon 1 (not M1A1).

-I did NOT get permission from tim4i to create this patch. He hasn't been online since 2012 and left no means of contact. No copyright infringement intended.

Post any glitches/problems you find here:

Notes for version 2.2:

-Fixed a transparency/eraser mistake I made with the pistol that I didn't fully fix in the last revision.

-Rounded the tip of the assault rifle to make the barrel appear more realistic.

-Antialiased the fusion gun ever further.

2,260 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Hippieman found some higher resolution renders from the XBLA game on his hard drive. This plugin combines the scraps to give you mostly complete compiler, cyborg, fighter, green trooper, hunter, tick, and f'lickta replacements.

  • There is no purple trooper, it will be low res. Sorry, Vidmasters.
  • One frame of the brown hunter is missing, and will appear low-res
  • The orange compiler was generated from the purple one using the hald clut that was used for the original plugin. All the compilers were squished vertically to fit the original XBLA aspect ratio.
  • Not (yet?) included: the "Marine" sprites
  • Not included: the Classic Marathon-style red compiler
Notes for version 0.2:
  • Fixes black outlines in DDS conversion

576 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Screenshot titled "door"

This is a plugin that replaces Infinity's sewage Set textures with 512x512 DDS textures.

Notes for version 1.1:

1.0 First release

1.1 Fixed glow maps

3,221 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Plugin Version of Tim Vogel's 'Total Texture Enhancement Pack' v7 for Marathon. Updated to be compatible with Aleph One 1.2.1 and above.

The all-in-one (AOI) Marathon installer has these textures at 512x512 resolution. Install this to enjoy Marathon's textures at double that.

This folder is identical content wise to the 'TTEP v7' folder contained by default within Marathon's plugins folder, except all textures have been replaced by ones with a resolution of 1024x1024.

To install: unzip, and drop into Marathon's plugins folder, then activate it in-game.

IMPORTANT: Delete or deactivate the original "TTEP v7" folder.

3,204 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

The all-in-one (AOI) Marathon 2 installer has these textures at 512x512 resolution. Install this to enjoy Marathon 2's textures at double that.

This folder is identical content wise to the 'HD Textures' folder contained by default within Marathon 2' plugins folder, except all textures have been replaced by ones with a resolution of 1024x1024.

This differs from the other 1024x1024 texture plugin for M2 on this site in that this download contains Freeverse's HD skyboxes.

To install: unzip, and drop into Marathon 2's plugins folder, then activate it in-game.

IMPORTANT: Delete or deactivate the original "HD Textures" folder.

PLEASE NOTE: To avoid unsightly skybox tiling, play on an FOV of 88 or lower(assuming aspect ratio of 16:9) and tick 'limit vertical view'.

2,653 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Solo, 16:9"


Experience the authentic 1994 jank of Marathon 1's classic HUD as if it were made for your monitor!

This plugin takes the classic HUD and extends it to fill modern 16:9, 16:10, and Ultrawide displays.

The same plugin covers widescreen monitors whether it is 16:9, 16:10, or 21:9. It automatically adapts to your chosen resolution.

With the extra space, additional inventory pages are displayed. In Solo games, weapons and ammo are displayed. In Netgames, the scoreboard is always displayed.

Based on the Default M1 HUD plugin included with Aleph One's M1 release.

For a more minimal but still classic style HUD, check out my Widescreen Marathon 2 HUD plugin, which includes a specially modified variant for Marathon 1.

Wide Marathon 2 & Marathon Infinity HUD here.

Notes for version 2.611:

v2.611 - just a re-zip since the plugin wasn't in a folder, sorry

v2.610 - Added 16:10 version for Steam Deck and Mac players. Updated to newer Default M1 HUD script.

v2.19 - Added 21:9 Ultrawide support

1,166 downloads, 2 reviews, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating