
Tagged 'Emfh'

Screenshot titled ""

([2025-03-20] A new Marathon: Keyfinder map was added, "NEFX - Elegance Emerging Through Application of Bases". This can be downloaded individually or with other files in the Marathon: Keyfinder section at the link.)

NEFX loves you.

NEFX has been prolifically producing great Marathon/Aleph One inventions since 2017 (around 2.5 years after being founded) and uploading them to Simplici7y, in an increasing number of different upload pages that NEFX then frequently updates. This has occasionally lead to crowding of Simplici7y's front page with several different NEFX uploads, sometimes over a relatively short period. Understandably, some have objected to this as unfairly outcrowding and burying the wonderful contributions of our fellow travelers. We hear them. Therefore, to better serve the community as well as our Total Carnage Comrades, NEFX is now consolidating all additions and updates to its Marathon and Aleph One-related inventions on Simplici7y here on this one upload page, with a datemarked update timeline you can view below. Henceforth, all Marathon/Aleph One scenarios, campaigns, maps, mods, etc, and any updates to them, will be posted here. Of course, the webpage link connects to NEFX's Internet Archive homepage, where you can find all inventions by titled category. This includes:

NEFX Marathon Mods (i.e. physics files and Lua scripts for netplay)

NEFX Marathon Infinity Netmaps

NEFX Marathon Solomaps for others' scenarios, including the soundtracked 50-level pack for Aleph One: Wheels!

NEFX Marathon Mapmaking Templates for Weland

NEFX Marathon: Machina -- The Alien Machine Mind

NEFX Marathon: Keyfinder -- The Doomed Myth of Destiny's Halo

NEFX Marathon: Sucks

NEFX Marathon: Rules -- The Infinite Recombinations to the Way

NEFX Marathon: Pathsifter -- The Facing of the Legion Within

NEFX Marathon: Underrealm -- The Confronting of the Forgetting

NEFX Marathon: Colorguard -- The Grimmest Myriad Mirror

NEFX Marathon: Colorwash -- The Wresting of the Tides

NEFX Marathon: Ultramega Extreme Golfmaster Dinosaur Egg Championship Super Bowl 5000 3D -- The Quest

NEFX Marathon: BOBJam -- The Tranquil Chaos of Crowded Escape

NEFX Marathon: Revelation -- The Brutal Path to Knowing

NEFX Marathon: Nampa

NEFX Marathon: Encyclopedia -- The Rise of Bad Take Jake

NEFX Marathon: Corn Maze -- The Forced Wisdom of the Walls

NEFX Marathon: Shadervoid -- The Labywraths of Growth

NEFX Marathon: Green (You Snooze, You Lose)

NEFX Marathon: 52 Pickup

Thanks, everyone. We are glad to share this space with you.

Happy Carnage,


Update timeline:

[2025-03-20] A new Marathon: Keyfinder map was added, "NEFX - Elegance Emerging Through Application of Bases". This can be downloaded individually or with other files in the Marathon: Keyfinder section at the link.

Read more
Notes for version 2025-03-20:

[2025-03-20] A new Marathon: Keyfinder map was added, "NEFX - Elegance Emerging Through Application of Bases". This can be downloaded individually or with other files in the Marathon: Keyfinder section at the link.

464 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 1.0 rating

Imperium VIII

windbreaker on 12/17/2024

Screenshot titled "Night Terror"

30 multiplayer maps for Marathon Infinity. Eighth edition features 5 new maps.

Many of these maps include unique precipitation/weather/novelty Lua scripts, while others are simpler in design.

Notes for version VIII:
  • Adds 5 new maps: [M] Sea Sequel, [XS] Dig for Fire, [S] Brains Rot, [L] Cosmic Schooner, and [L] Bloodplay.

4,655 downloads, 11 reviews, 30 screenshots, 4.9 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A collection of all my most popular net maps, but tweaked and adjusted for optimum Infinity pleasure.

It does not have any pre-merged Physics in any of the maps, so you can use your own physics with this.

The Levels: • Damned if you do... • Desperate Measures • Pfhor Winds • Axiocranium • Brak Carnage • Carnage Heights • Hatala • Flying Leap • Cringe • Cringe Again • Pfhree Pfhor All

Notes for version v3.0:

Final version of these net maps.

738 downloads, 0 reviews, 10 screenshots

ThrokPak 1 1.1

Throkgaar on 04/23/2024

Screenshot titled "Solemnit7y"

These are my first 3 maps that I have absolutely no business uploading here, but am doing so anyway. I started mapping 4 days ago so if they're terrible dont blame me. Thanks to everyone in the discord who helped me figure out how this stupid crap works. Weland and Vasara rock and are a lot of fun. I keep staying up way too late making these maps that everyone is going to complain about. Hopefully these are fun to play or mock or something Have a Nice day.

Why ThrokMaps? Idk, there's tons of ammo and weapons, power ups, and healing items to keep you in the fight. idk I think theyre kinda fun

  1. Solemni7y - Small map primarily made for dueling. Very basic.
  2. Enforcer Longs to See - A larger map with much more complexity but hopefully a simple flow. Features non-intrusive (hopefully?) water mechanics. No swimming required. I just like the way this map looks honestly. It has a cool dam that you can see out the window.
  3. Charon 2049 - A Marathon interpretation of Halo 1's Chiron TL 34. You teleport around and you don't really know where you're going but there's lots and lots of shotguns and a hydraulic press to squish your friends.
  4. Get Even - pure high speed deathmatch.
  5. Grim Destiny - An abandoned space station; low gravity with dynamic flow.

Note: I really like the M2 XBLA textures cause they're colorful, and I textured all this with that pack. You can of course use whatever pack you want but if it looks weird somewhere or if youre like "wow that texture sucks here" thats why.

Well that's it. if these suck then just delete them I dont care

Notes for version 1.1:

Bugfixes and 2 new maps:

  1. Get Even - pure high speed deathmatch.

  2. Grim Destiny - An abandoned space station; low gravity with dynamic flow.

808 downloads, 0 reviews, 16 screenshots

XBLA Net Maps 1.0

Freeverse on 01/28/2024

Screenshot titled "Full Roaming Vapor"

These are the map files from the XBLA game Marathon: Durandal and its DLC. Four original net levels are tacked onto the end of the first map; and the other maps include potentially interesting ports of Classic Marathon levels.

The solo levels are included (and identical to the Mac version) but the terminals will not operate.

Redistributed with permission from Bungie/Freeverse.

1,292 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Family Style 2.0

eppy on 03/19/2022

Well! Some of you thought you wanted this. So it's here. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Notes for version 2.0:

This is the version that includes Bananas, not that map, which no one can prove exists.

1,064 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Sticky Shoes 0.1

gumdrop9 on 12/18/2021

This is 3 netmaps. One is over 20 years old & out-of-touch with reality. One is completely stale & warmed over. One is a fresh stinking pile just made. I plan on adding to and updating these, so this is just a test version & I'll be happy to hear any feedback (on Discord). Thanks for trying them out!

1,210 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Ultra Violence"

A collection of Marathon usermaps I've made for multiplayer. It is mostly reimagining/remakes of maps from other classic shooters. However there will be more maps sometime in the future.

Current Total of Netmaps : 2

Notes for version v1.0:

Initial Release

Maps : Area 15 (Blood) Ultra Violence (Quake)

1,458 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Starlight XI

RyokoTK on 02/07/2021

Screenshot titled "Monument to All Your Sins"

50 multiplayer maps.

Six new maps: Exordium, BMT Division, Metropolis Part II, Phoebe Station, Weight of the World, Impostor Syndrome

There's also bug fixes.

6,174 downloads, 6 reviews, 14 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A medium-sized EMFH map inspired by the M1 level Bob-B-Q. The "trenches" in the middle of the map raise to the upper level every minute, changing who has the high ground. There's also a secret switch that reveals every two minutes that'll temporarily flood the lower level with lava.

This is the first map I've ever shared, so please give feedback; Assuming I don't lose interest in a week, I'll be happy to patch it.

1,742 downloads, 0 reviews, 5 screenshots

Marathon Conflict 0.23.2

RadBurn72 on 02/01/2020

Screenshot titled ""

Project Conflict is inspired by a Marathon 1 scenario called Marauder Second Encounter and provides a deathmatch environment with hostile Marines wielding standard weapons.

Download additional map packs for this project at

1,830 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

lua script based on a quake mod named Rocket Arena where you get all weapons and ammo but no map items

The whole idea of this script is Surivive Longer = Less Ammo = Killing Gets Harder

Also Included: Rocket Arena where you only have rockets so that you can make someone pay

Note: This script has a side effect of being invulnerable to monster attacks

Notes for version v2:

Reworked self-damage conditions to give damage when the damage is environment-related

1,723 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Netscript Pack 1

Aurora on 12/14/2019


A pack of netscripts for Infinity (I believe most of these should function in other Scenarios as well)


-Headhunter: Kill players, collect keys, and take the keys to the hill to score!

-Infection: Don't get infected!

-Kill Confirmed: Kill the enemy team and collect the dropped items to gain points

-Life Support: Your health is slowly draining, get kills to extend your life

-One in the Chamber: You have one shot. Make it count.

-Readme with more gametype info


-Created by: Aurorable_Fox -Additional Help: Liacrow


-Aurorable_Fox on discord, and twitter

1,614 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a small, symmetrical netmap supporting emfh, koth, ktmwtb and survival. It has been merged with Hopper's Aleph One Previous AI to prevent monsters from freezing up, so the plugin won't be necessary for this map. It's recommended for two-player sized netgames, but three might work aswell.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

2,039 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Unofficial Spookymap"

3 netmaps I made this year. I mostly made these to play around with some crazy ideas I had.

If you aren't using OpenGL with fog turned on, you're doing it wrong.

2,795 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Lodovico Settembrini"

A series of seven-polygon netmaps suitable for any size group and every classic competitive game type.

Notes for version 7.0:

Seven new maps, including one for CTF. Final release.

4,430 downloads, 6 reviews, 49 screenshots, 4.2 rating

Infra Apogee 2.0.0

windbreaker on 12/30/2015

Screenshot titled "Covert Discretion"

The final edition of my third multiplayer mappack includes 20 maps for Marathon Infinity. This pack uses texture sets from all 3 games, with 5 Marathon 1 "themed" maps, 7 Durandal maps, and 8 standard Infinity maps.

Notes for version 2.0.0:
  • Features 3 new maps: The Emperor of Finite Space, Objective Permanence, and Tempus Fugit.
  • Moves the hill on The Cylindrical to the highest ledge.
  • Fixes Kill the Man with the Ball on Doctor Jazz.
  • Fixes various texturing errors on other maps.

4,532 downloads, 6 reviews, 20 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "What you see is what you get."

Cataract Bowl is amateur effort by a first time mapper, intended more as a learning experience than as a truly great map. At this stage I am still learning shading, which is why it's so dark; and my premises are straightforward and individually tested, which is why it's so tiny.

Cataract Bowl [XS] is a round, bowl-shaped level, 13 WUs across, with exterior walls 1.3 WU above the deepest point in the center. The mild mancannons on the outer walls were designed to send anybody impacting on them flying straight back toward the center, but in practice the actual effect is that anybody running along the outer wall picks up a great deal of speed if they maintain the correct angle, and otherwise simply propel one safely to the opposite side of the bowl.

Open to criticism, or mention of any errors or bugs I have not noticed in my testing so far.

Notes for version 0.8:

Small changes to weapons and ammunition since testing in the meta.

2,374 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Arms Race 1.0

irons on 08/18/2015

Ryoko asked me to re-create the "Arms Race" game type from Counterstrike in Aleph One. Here's my attempt.

From the man himself:

Basically it's an EMFH script where everyone starts with rockets, and after each kill you get demoted to a weaker weapon, and the winner is the first person to get a kill with fists.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial release.

2,749 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.7 rating

Paradise Lost XVI

RyokoTK on 02/16/2015

Screenshot titled "X Syndrome"

Paradise Lost includes 36 maps, with a focus on high-quality aesthetic while maintaining good, enjoyable gameplay.

Version XVI no longer has embedded weapon/recharger MML.

6,912 downloads, 23 reviews, 16 screenshots, 4.7 rating