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If you aren't familiar with Paradise Lost, download the original here:

This is basically the same thing as Paradise Lost, but the maps are divided into four separate packs based on the chronological and stylistic period in which I made them.

This project is intended for people that only like a certain group of PL maps, and/or need or want help organizing them. This is the best I can do.

As a bonus of sorts, the maps SCB, Acid Rain, and Darkest Insurrection are also restored.

2,900 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This modifcation of Dave Baily's map is my first attempt at CTF. For some reason some people like it though personally I'd choose CCR2 (part of Magenta Filter 1.3) This version works with CTF lua 4.0.2 so you guys can stop bugging me to email you maps. ;) The readme goes in to further detail.

2,898 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.0 rating

A collection of 25 mp3 tracks created by Tobacco (Thomas Barth), Cannibal Whore Feast (Iain McLaughlin), Chibi-Usa, MuShoo (Mike Schapiro).

Originally uploaded to Orbital Arm, I am not the author of this release.

Notes for version 1.5:

Aliens Again.mp3
Fat Man.mp3
Fat Man2.mp3
Flowers In Heaven.mp3
Flowers In Heaven2.mp3
New Pacific (Reprise).mp3
New Pacific.mp3
Splash (Marathon).mp3
Splash (Marathon)2.mp3
We're Everywhere!.mp3
What About Bob.mp3

2,877 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "ASSAULT MINIGUN (lolwut?)"

Yeah, just another crappy physics file. Made it a long time ago. Like all physics files, don't use on a merged map. CHANGES:shotgun shoots fusion bolts with blast radius, AR and SMG fires a larger burst (3 and 4 at a time) and shoot faster. AR bullets are powered up just a little. AR grenades have no changes; the AR just fires 5 at a time even though it might not look like it. Again, this is a PHYSICS MODEL, not a script. So don't use on a map with embedded physics. Also, FloatingX, TTEP and WEP not included. Get them in Simplici7y (except for the FloatingX; that's a 1-of-a-kind floatingx i made by modding Treellama's FloatingX. It's not posted anywhere to download.) Also, I made Super Magnum Physics ;) I just wanted to change my name. Also, the Ray Shotgun was not named after Ray. The idea of a "Ray Gun" was invented by H.G. Wells, a famous writer. "A very early example of a raygun is the Heat-Ray featured in H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898)." (Information page: )

Notes for version 1:


2,874 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.2 rating

Attempt 2.1

AN1Guitarman on 08/27/2011

Screenshot titled "YAY!"

Good flow, lots of weapons. whachya think ??

Notes for version 2.1:

Fixed weapons.

2,864 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 2.0 rating

This is a high resolution landscape plugin for Marathon Infinity. It replaces all landscapes with 2048x1080 PNG versions.

Please note, these landscapes are also released at 4096x2160.


Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 First Release.

2,861 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

The Grab Bag 3.0

Nibenon on 01/02/2012

Screenshot titled "Halpfhtime"

A compilation of Ruben Rybnik's and my own maps, each with a specific gametype in mind. Remember, since both of us contributed, we can't review. I leave THAT to you. Really, REVIEW.

Notes for version 3.0:

I've added 6 more maps that were meant to be EMFH, etc. but were then expanded for survival. Ruben finally updated "Palace of Eru" and another map.

Reviews are always nice, even the occasional spite would be a change.

2,850 downloads, 4 reviews, 17 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Screenshot titled ""

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.

IMPORTANT: These scenery textures are not compatible with the Transparent_Liquids plugin as that is for the default textures. Make sure that that plugin is disabled or it will interfere with the freeverse splash and puddle textures.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the scenery portion of the plugin.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Monsters -

CFP Weapons Inf -

CFP Weapons M2 -

CFP Walls M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0.1:

2.0 - AI Upscale of all textures 2.0.1 - Fix Jjaro glow textures, somehow some bad ones snuck in

2,837 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Jack Hammer Beta 2013

ellio7t on 10/17/2013

Screenshot titled ""

Public beta

14 levels spread over three paths.

Rubicon X highly suggested.

Notes for version 2013:

Now with "more better"! (Still some suck included, as I haven't worked on it in almost a year. Pretty sure its as done as it will ever be.)

2,830 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon Infinity. A Marathon 2 version is available.

Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons M2 -

CFP Walls M2 -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0:

AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite

2,823 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 2.0 rating

Revel 3.2

screamingfool on 06/02/2007

Screenshot titled ""

This is the fist map pack that i've circulated widely. My focus on this pack was creative architecture and over the course of 3 major revisions i've gotten the flow of these maps up to speed as well.

2,823 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Sovereignty 1.2

windbreaker on 01/26/2008

Screenshot titled "All Along the Watchtower"

Sovereignty is my first netpack now containing 8 maps. I first released this netpack in April, 2007. I am pleased with the outcome and quality; even for the older maps.

In this final update (v1.2), I have added 1 new map, and fixed a blatant ambient sound error in The King of Infinite Space. I also managed to fix a terrible error in 50% of the maps, where the players would only spawn in one or two places throughout an entire game.

NOTE: For best results, don't use the hi-res textures.

2,816 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 4.3 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a set of 2304 Mararthon: Yuge style single player maps. There is pretty much no plot on any of these maps, it purely exists for killing monsters.

If you are unfamiliar with Mararthon: Yuge, it can be downloaded at

The maps can all be played with the Mararthon: Yuge scenario (recommended) or Marathon Infinity.

  • Yuge Bigly 1: The Loneliest Number - 256 maps with the same parameters as normal Yuge levels.
  • Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo - Explore the Doog District of INFINITYS with 50% chance of doogstorms and 50% chance of SPOOKYdoogs.
  • One Weapon Edition - There is only one type of weapon that spawns on these maps. Shitsticks required.
  • All Weapons Edition - All weapon types can spawn on each map, instead of only 3.
  • Hardcore Edition - Less health than normal Yuge maps. For people that want a challenge.
  • JIHADIC-1 - All maps have either rain or JUICEstorms.
  • Roguelike Edition - Pattern buffers are removed and each exit teleports you 1-10 levels forward.
  • Spinal Tap Edition - More health, ammo, and monsters.
  • Wuss Edition - More health and ammo. For super casual gameplay.
Notes for version 1.3:

Version 1.3: * Fixed terminals to make it work with newer versions of AlephOne.

Version 1.2:

  • Windbreaker created new shapes files for a brand new series, Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo.
  • One Weapon Edition added.
  • Updated all maps to include the full set of community quotes from Mararthon: Yuge.
  • Fog added to all maps.
  • Other random fixes and changes to make the maps better fit their descriptions.

2,814 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.5 rating

Red Light 1.1

Hopper on 02/16/2014

Play "Red Light, Green Light" during net games. It's fun.

Notes for version 1.1:

Version 1.1 adds a message when someone runs a red light, and a sound when the yellow turns red. Thanks to Sharkie Lino and his play-testing crew for the changes.

2,813 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.7 rating

Pl8inum 1.0

Hopper on 03/12/2011

Screenshot titled ""

By popular demand, a GUI theme for Aleph One inspired by the "Platinum" interface of Mac OS 8 and 9.

2,813 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating

XBLA Textures Plugin 20120128

treellama on 02/10/2012

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin contains the HD textures and landscapes that come with the Xbox Live Arcade game Marathon: Durandal, created by Freeverse. It is also included in the all-in-one download of Marathon 2.

2,809 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

UESC Marathon 1.0

Dodopod on 08/26/2011

Screenshot titled "Plugins"

A theme designed around the menu screen of Marathon 1.

2,804 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Colony Mod 1.3.1

skraeling on 12/28/2015

Screenshot titled ""

This is 1 single player map. It was supposed to be part of a 3 map intro to an 11 map campaign that started a year ago. I'm hoping to get the next two maps added over the next month. Doubt I'll ever find the time to create the full campaign.

New physics file, new shapes file, and the merged map file are included in the download.

Physics of monsters has been modified so they act a little different.

The behavior of every gun has been modified. No assault rifle.

No new art.

If you're getting frustrated or just want to goof around, there's a secret door right at the start which leads to a Cheat Room containing all the guns and a recharger.

Notes for version 1.3.1:

-Added 3rd level

-Changed shotgun behavior

-Added terminal explaining new pistol behavior to 1st level, also added ammo

-Added sounds to 2nd level

-Included physics and shapes file, along with infinity's original music and sound files

-12/28/15: made a change so that you actually transport to level 3 after level 2

2,799 downloads, 3 reviews, 6 screenshots, 4.0 rating

GeoCities may be gone, but the art of the GIF lives on. All multi-frame sequences from the original Marathon Shapes file are included.

2,794 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Getting hit by the Alien Gun Secondary Trigger on Crater Creator's Fort Roque"

The original Marathon weapons were not really designed with people in mind. They were designed to be effective against slow and stupid aliens that could not dodge shots and could not operate their weaponry while they were being blasted by the player. Human players are a bit more intelligent, and faster than that.

Note that this is not designed with monsters in mind!

This physics model addresses those changes and has undergone thorough balance testing during its development. Weapon switching delay is now nearly non-existant and random damage has been taken out of the game. Weapons that would normally never see action in an otherwise SPNKR filled multiplayer match can now go up against a SPNKR armed player under the right conditions.

Enjoy MIMEP.

Jóhannes Gunnar Þorsteinsson

Göran Svensson

Notes for version 1.5:

(more thorough changelog in readme) - Speed increase of all regular bullets up to 4096. - Alien Weapon is now a dual function with a regular primary trigger but secondary trigger set as chargeable long range high damage weapon - The good old automatic KKV-7 SMG is back. - Bug fix: Enforcers now use "unused 1" shot slot instead of Alien Weapon Blast so not to make them overpowered

2,792 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating