
23 Submissions

Screenshot titled ""

This is a demo/proof of concept release for an OPEN-TO-EVERYONE COMMUNITY MAPPING PROJECT, Durandal Done Different. Inspired by community projects for Doom, such as Doom The Way Id Did, DDD is a celebration of the original game, its limitations, quirks and strengths.

The end goal of this project is to recreate, in the "style" of the original game, the entire 28-level campaign for Marathon 2. This isn't strictly speaking remakes of the original levels, but just a different interpretation of the writing and story beats as if it were 1995 all over again.

This 3-level demo features my replacements for Waterloo Waterpark, Slings and Arrows, and What About Bob. They're meant as a demonstration of the project's objective.

You are welcome to contribute! A direct link to the Discord for development of this project is in the text file of this download, or you can ask me for it on the main Marathon discord. Or you can just play the 3 maps included and wait patiently for the final release, sometime in the heavens...

612 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Marathon Phoenix 1.4.2

RyokoTK on 04/06/2024

Screenshot titled ""

A 35-level single player major conversion.

This scenario is difficult and action-packed; it features a full arsenal of new, powerful weapons, and more threatening enemies than you could ever want.

1.4 has new Lua features like a performance overlay, weapon buffs, a lot of little bug fixes; it also applies ammo capacity limits on Total Carnage. Requires Aleph One 1.5 or newer, probably!

Notes for version 1.4.2:

Adds graphics plugins by W'rkncacnter to improve weapons in hand and landscapes. On the linked webpage you can also find a download just for the plugins, which you should be able to drop into an existing 1.4.1 installation.

21,901 downloads, 41 reviews, 21 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Treellama asked for a curated list of maps from Starlight, so I picked a selection that should cover any player count and represents the full 10 years of maps in that pack.

1,040 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Starlight XI

RyokoTK on 02/07/2021

Screenshot titled "Strike the Earth"

50 multiplayer maps.

Six new maps: Exordium, BMT Division, Metropolis Part II, Phoebe Station, Weight of the World, Impostor Syndrome

There's also bug fixes.

5,938 downloads, 6 reviews, 14 screenshots, 5.0 rating

This is not a serious map, it's a Lua experiment.

Context for this map is here:


2,038 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots


RyokoTK on 02/13/2017

Screenshot titled ""

ft. windbreaker, pitbull.

2,471 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A 17-level single player scenario. The predecessor to Marathon: Phoenix. Many assets for Phoenix came from this, as well as some of the storyline beats, like that of the Renegades and a poorly written evil AI.

This scenario was released back in September 2006. It's hard, and it's not very good; fixes and updates went into Phoenix instead. This is presented just as a historical document, I guess.

3,619 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Paradise Lost XVI

RyokoTK on 02/16/2015

Screenshot titled "Fatal Tragedy"

Paradise Lost includes 36 maps, with a focus on high-quality aesthetic while maintaining good, enjoyable gameplay.

Version XVI no longer has embedded weapon/recharger MML.

6,684 downloads, 23 reviews, 16 screenshots, 4.7 rating

Screenshot titled ""

A three level (plus one intro level) mini-scenario for Marathon Infinity.

This scenario is a sequel to Marathon Phoenix, although it is not as difficult. The player is reunited with Durandal, and the two follow the path of the UESC Atreides to a distant Human base.

EDIT 2/11/2014 You will probably need the Previous AI plugin to make this work! http://simplici7y.com/items/aleph-one-previous-ai

3,681 downloads, 9 reviews, 4 screenshots, 4.6 rating

Kill Them All IV 1.00

RyokoTK on 07/17/2012

Screenshot titled ""

52 maps, including 15 new ones, and a trendy hub world. The final word in the KTA trilogy.

Stop crying.

EDIT 2/11/2014: Please use the Previous AI plugin with Aleph One 1.1 for this scenario. http://simplici7y.com/items/aleph-one-previous-ai

Continue to stop crying.

4,170 downloads, 8 reviews, 4 screenshots, 4.9 rating

Power Drive 1.4.0

RyokoTK on 08/31/2010

Screenshot titled "Cenotaph"

Power Drive is a map pack with an experimental concept: to take the focus away from the powerful weapons and put strength in the little guys. 14 maps in total.

Has embedded MML/Lua for Quake-style health kits.

Notes for version 1.4.0:

Adds two maps. Significantly alters how powerups work.

3,572 downloads, 3 reviews, 6 screenshots, 4.3 rating

If you aren't familiar with Paradise Lost, download the original here: http://www.simplici7y.com/items/paradise-lost

This is basically the same thing as Paradise Lost, but the maps are divided into four separate packs based on the chronological and stylistic period in which I made them.

This project is intended for people that only like a certain group of PL maps, and/or need or want help organizing them. This is the best I can do.

As a bonus of sorts, the maps SCB, Acid Rain, and Darkest Insurrection are also restored.

3,180 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

KTA3: The Complete Masterworks is every Kill Them All map to date, as well as 12 new maps, in one massive 38-map mega-mini-scenario adventure.

If you want to play co-op, using Co-op.lua is nearly a requirement.

Notes for version 1.10:

Added two more maps and fixed a lot of bugs, mostly related to co-op.

4,728 downloads, 6 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

Team Works 1.0

RyokoTK on 11/17/2009

Screenshot titled "sold separately"

7 maps designed for Rugby. Maps are by myself, W'rkncacnter, and $lave. It is recommended that you use Rugby Lua as well.

Notes for version 1.0:

it's official

3,049 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Problem Pax 1.0

RyokoTK on 11/17/2009

A collaborative effort by myself, Treellama, Irons, W'rkncacnter, $lave, Screamingfool, and JUICEMAN.

Journey back in time through a whopping 60 maps as we present all of the bad maps we've made and discarded throughout the years.

Some of the maps are nearly tolerable, some are quirky and stupid, some are outright terrible, and some are deformed joke maps.

Please don't host these more than once. In fact, don't host these at all.

Notes for version 1.0:


2,955 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.5 rating

This is the result of the Summer 2008 mapmaking contest. It includes six maps. Winners include $lave, CryoS, and Treellama.

3,020 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.3 rating

This is the result of the fifth Mapmaking Contest. All five entrants are included. Congratulations to treellama, irons, and $lave for securing the top three positions.

2,934 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Second Quest 2.0.0

RyokoTK on 01/08/2008

Screenshot titled ""

Second Quest is a project designed to remake the original Infinity netmaps, as well as maps from other classic sources (Coriolis Loop and Marathon 2, currently). The end goal was to make them playable and enjoyable, and I believe we succeeded on all counts, with a total of 29 maps so far. It is a collaborative project, including efforts from myself (RyokoTK), screamingfool, Kinetic Turtle, Irons, and treellama.

3,990 downloads, 8 reviews, 5 screenshots, 4.9 rating

Kill Them All II 1.00

RyokoTK on 10/15/2007

Screenshot titled ""

Kill Them All II is a short but intense scenario for Marathon Infinity. It is a collaborative project, wherein the challenge for each mapper was to make complete, high-quality levels with 100 or fewer polygons.

KTA2 features 11 maps from five mappers: screamingfool, Drictelt, Hangar96, shadowbreaker, and myself. It's difficult, with loads of carnage -- very fun.

3,741 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Victory Dance IV 1.0

RyokoTK on 07/08/2007

Screenshot titled "Werefrog by treellama"

This is the result of the fourth Mapmaking Contest. Out of 11 total competitors, 7 people made the final cut, leaving us with a solid pack of great maps.

Winners include Windbreaker, treellama, and Kinetic Turtle, though the final product has 7 maps from 7 mappers. A great showing!

3,342 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

59 Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Community Commentary Mararthon: Yuge

RyokoTK on Jul 11th, 2017, Version 1.0

If you would have told me before now that, in 2017, nine mappers would contribute collaboratively to make a full-length scenario for Marathon, I would lave laughed in your face.

It's an absolutely funny and irreverent scenario, and a wonderful effort by W'rkncacnter and Windbreaker in turning a silly throwaway idea into a project that was really engaging to help work on and is genuinely a lot of fun to play.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

oh wow another script by wrkncacnter who cares. Jumping Hills

RyokoTK on Feb 12th, 2017, Version 1.1

(It's actually really cool and popular.)

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Would not have sex with any of them. MapDamager Lua

RyokoTK on Sep 27th, 2016, Version .2 != .20

Its a good effort but does not alleviate the core problem of Marathon being a complete sausage fest, as though the 3rd party Marathon Universe wasn't bleak enough to begin with now it has human women with no sex appeal.

The wait continues for sexually appealing BoBs, a feature that would fundamentally change the Marathon sandbox.

At best it answers the question as to why there are no children on the Marathon, the men and women of the Marathon won't touch each other.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

piss Lua Scripting guide for dummies

RyokoTK on Apr 1st, 2016, Version zipped

I would have given this 5 stars, but you tagged it "xpert" instead of "official."

Please take Simplici7y seriously.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

? Cataract Bowl test submission

RyokoTK on Dec 9th, 2015, Version 0.8

Not enough pointless corridors to make a Morrowind reference.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

arms race master race Arms Race

RyokoTK on Aug 18th, 2015, Version 1.0

Irons kindly didn't post how the game works. Basically it's an EMFH script where everyone starts with rockets, and after each kill you get demoted to a weaker weapon, and the winner is the first person to get a kill with fists.

A really fun script. Really interesting because it forces you into interesting weapon matchups that you don't see in normal play, and it's also a nice rubberbanding system to keep less-performing players in the game.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

:V Infra Apogee

RyokoTK on Feb 1st, 2015, Version 1.1

Windbreaker is probably pretty tired of me pointing out tiny imperfections and issues that don't actually matter, but that's because there's nothing actually wrong with this stuff. Captain Confidence is a supremely good map and worth the price of admission on its own, but the rest of the pack is good too. The M1 and M2 maps mixed in are very nice too, and Windbreaker avoids the obvious trap of mixing them together with the Infinity textures, so good job dude. But mostly, the geometry and layouts are very competently done and are lacking in some of the minor annoyances that cropped up throughout Caustic Dystopia, and everyone should just download this pack because it's actually different from the usual stuff you see these days.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

for your consideration MapDamager Lua

RyokoTK on Jan 16th, 2015, Version .2 != .20

when it says "damager" its mostly referring to emotional damage.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Big Fart Fart Or Die!

RyokoTK on Jan 8th, 2015, Version 1.2

I like that the very first screenshot has misaligned textures. That should really tell you everything.

Everything that Crater Creator posted previously sums this up perfectly. One thing I need to add is that textures that have solid black backgrounds are meant for transparent sides, not walls.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

This is your fault. Vasara

RyokoTK on Jul 13th, 2014, Version 1.0

I thought I 4got.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Obviously good Enhanced HUD for Marathon Phoenix

RyokoTK on Mar 18th, 2013, Version 1.0

I mean, duh.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

EFFORT skraeling's 7 polygon maps

RyokoTK on Jan 2nd, 2013, Version 1.0

I'll further render S7's review system utterly meaningless by rating this a "5" just for putting lazy shitposters in their place.

Also, there were actually a couple very cool (if impractical in multiplayer) ideas executed here.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Whatever Caustic Dystopia

RyokoTK on Dec 31st, 2012, Version 1.4

Congratulations in advance on 1,000 downloads. (It's at 933 at the time of this review, but I'm sure it's due to happen soon.)

Make some single player maps. Then it won't feel like your detailing skills are being wasted when most people won't notice them in a EMFH game.

Oh yeah, the maps. Your two new entries are fantastic. And they aren't arena maps, so I'd give you a 6 if possible for actually taking the more difficult route.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Oh my god someone made a map Unlost Found

RyokoTK on Dec 31st, 2012, Version v1.4

I've actually played several games on several of these maps, and never made any serious comments.

They're really good! I can see a lot of growth as I go down the list; A Warm Feeling and Hide and Seek are two really visually/geometrically mature maps that use a lot of good texture choices to make it work.

The maps all seem mechanically sound, too; nothing stands out as really bad, except for maybe the map Weight of the World, which I am pretty sure was the first map, and it shows. It's to the point that you might want to make a new pack, because you're going to start veering away from the styles of your original efforts.

Differential shading still needs work, and on the whole the pack is too reliant on arena-style maps, but it's still a very good effort on the whole.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Great cheats advanced v2

RyokoTK on Dec 2nd, 2012, Version 2.7E

I like the addition of the health and oxygen overlay at the top of the screen. Reading the bottom of the screen is too much work.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

welp. Chains of Dreams

RyokoTK on Aug 30th, 2012, Version 1.0

I gave you a bunch of suggestions, and I'm pretty sure you didn't follow any of them, so I'm not entirely sure why you asked me to test your map to begin with. I said I would have given your map a 2.5 as it was, and I'm rounding down.

Anyway, in short: - Differential shading - Differential shading - Differential shading - Your battles are pointlessly oversized - No balance for Total Carnage; there's not enough ammo without relying on fists/infighting, and the card room is a pretty ridiculous fight on TC that you can't really win without stupid amounts of luck - KTA maps aren't really any better when they're bigger, look at Marathon 2 or something to figure out how to make interestingly designed maps with actual objectives

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

:C Atomic Map Pack Final

RyokoTK on Aug 17th, 2012, Version

I wanted to dismiss this pack out of hand for being old, because most maps made before the metaserver era were made by people that never really had the means to play multiplayer extensively, so they were generally really idiotic and horrible to play. Turns out these aren't so bad.

This pack has a lot of dumb problems: stupid dead ends, gimmicky traps, lots of corridors and tight spaces, and architecture that's generally unclear or muddy. The lighting is also, on the whole, pretty flat. So yeah, comparing it to maps made in the last few years, these don't really hold up. But when comparing it against stock Infinity maps, or Coriolis Loop, these are actually decent; I would expect maps made 15 years after these to be better, because that's how these things work.

And, the mapper gets a cookie, because these maps don't have monsters AND they have enough ammo -- two problems that consistently plague old maps, or new maps modeled after them. So, on the whole, this pack is recommendable as a curiosity, but nothing really stood out.

EDIT: Treellama pointed out to me that I'm just assuming that these maps are actually really old. If these maps were made after, oh, 2005, then they're completely terrible.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

General principle Aeon of Strife

RyokoTK on Aug 12th, 2012, Version v1.2

I hope you at least started by cribbing the physics files that came with Infinity/Forge, so at least you had a head-start on your zero-effort "monsters fight themselves!" physics file.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Stop making arena maps Caustic Dystopia

RyokoTK on Aug 7th, 2012, Version 1.2

All of the new maps in this version were of the reliable "open space in middle, ring around the outside" format.

Stop it.

Other than that these maps are pretty much flawless. I was particularly impressed with the uncharacteristically subtle lighting on Dunces and the very gentle curve on The Pod. Just make your layouts more complex (or at least more unique) and you'd have a truly top-flight pack on your hands.

(ETA: I posted this, and then realized I hadn't yet played Convinced of the Hex. However, it ALSO fell into this format. Double stop it.)

(ETA 2: The high quality of your newer maps is making the early Caustic Dystopia maps look terrible. Time for a new pack!)

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Great idea EasyShade

RyokoTK on Aug 7th, 2012, Version 1.5

For people that are trying to apply a consistent lighting effect over a large/geometrically complex area, this utility is great.

But if people start using this to light their entire maps with the same effect, I will reach through my ethernet cable through the entire internet to where you (yes, you, Crater Creator) live and murder you.

I hope it was worth it.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Good job! New Interface (MaraMag March '95)

RyokoTK on Jul 22nd, 2012, Version 1.0

It's really important that every hideous rendition of the Marathon 1 HUD is its own separate file. That way, when I visit Simplici7y, half the front page is filled up with insignificant variations on the same awful HUD. Thank you!

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

QQ all friend phisic model

RyokoTK on Apr 21st, 2012, Version 1.0

This isn't a message board. Also the physics file sucks and is stupid and you are stupid too, Teemuk.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

FYAD Electric Sheep Tetris

RyokoTK on Apr 2nd, 2012, Version 1.0

no official tag? how will I find this again when I search for it? treellama is fat.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

You're off by a day. Blondine

RyokoTK on Apr 1st, 2012, Version 1.0

Shitty maps are supposed to be posted on 4/1.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Come on dude Heretical Cyborg

RyokoTK on Mar 10th, 2012, Version 1.2

Still no differential shading. You added the posts in the docks, but you can't actually see them because all of the surfaces are lit in the same way and it just blends together.

Seriously, read up on this stuff. http://pfhorums.com/index.php?showtopic=3918

But literally, go download COLORSPEACK on this site and you can see that those maps are more attractive and easily navigable than this one and they use a single color. Differential shading makes an enormous difference. More distinct lighting in general helps, rather than having dark room after dark room.

Also, you missed a texture on one of the post sides. Whatever. And your ceiling lights need to be checked as "From Ceiling" or they'll be stuck on the floor. Playing through your levels after you make changes like this will help you catch the easy mistakes.

Make another map. E1M1 will never not be boring.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Heretic is boring. Heretical Cyborg

RyokoTK on Mar 8th, 2012, Version 1.0

So it's not exactly your fault that it's a boring map, but it is your fault because you picked a boring map to remake.

But hey, it's also got genuine problems that can be fixed easily for your next map:

  1. Differential shading. Know it, love it. Flat lighting in your rooms make them boring.

  2. Align your textures properly. And I don't mean where you had them purposely misaligned for secret doors; there are areas where you use textures that have discrete border lines and they're cut off oddly by not being positioned properly on the texture.

  3. The texture on the east wall in polygon 93 (and the rest of that stairwell) is not a wall texture, it is a fence texture. It will cause texture smearing on certain graphical settings. Change it to something else.

  4. The water moves too fast. Change the speed to somewhere between 0.001-0.005.

Make an original map next time, or at least pick a less boring game than Heretic to crib from.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Good stuff Caustic Dystopia

RyokoTK on Sep 22nd, 2010, Version 1.0

Very competently made; the architecture is nice, and the flow is generally acceptable. To me, the layout tends to be a little overcomplicated, but I can't complain too much.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Stop. Armed Goblins

RyokoTK on Sep 16th, 2010, Version 1.0


  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Playing online should be a prerequisite for submitting netmaps Mosaic Cafe

RyokoTK on Sep 14th, 2010, Version 1.1

The thing about these maps is that it's really evident that you don't play online. Things like gimmicky stairs that are difficult to climb, slow-moving platforms that don't really stand out, teleporters that leave you facing walls, and the general sparseness of ammo that comes with unfamiliarity with netplay.

The other major problem is that the lighting quality is generally insufficient; there is a decent amount of differential shading, but most things are so bright it's garish. Couple that with some fairly schizophrenic texturing choices and the maps are generally an eyesore.

The positive thing is that there is a considerable amount of experience with Forge that's evident in the maps -- so it's not like I don't think you're capable of doing better. The main problem is really just that the good things are offset by issues that are somewhat obvious to experienced multiplayer people.

The architecture in general is on the nicer side, though the geometry may be too dense; this can cause glitches with rockets, which is another problem you wouldn't notice in single player, though the one thing for which you deserve endless credit is that there are no monsters.

Overall, these could do with a much more careful pass through Visual Mode (.lua or Forge) and some layout tweaks, but I think first and foremost you need to actually play online -- and play some of the more popular maps -- to get a better grasp of what makes a netmap a little better.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Still more Dave demo

RyokoTK on Aug 5th, 2010, Version v0.1

It's not Tim's fault this entire upload sucks.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

cheater Cheats.lua

RyokoTK on Jul 18th, 2010, Version 1.0

Another Dimension isn't that hard, cheater.

Edit: I echo treellama's complaints.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

25 Aye Mak Sicur Marathon: W'rkncacnter

RyokoTK on Apr 1st, 2010, Version 1.0

...is only boring to play if you're a STUPID SCANDINAVIAN like some people.

CLIQUE seems to be mostly dedicated to putting joke uploads on simplici7y nowadays but, as far as they go, at least Aye Mak Sicur is a fun level to play.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Almost too detailed [M] Harmonium

RyokoTK on Jan 30th, 2010, Version 1.0

Looks remarkable, especially for a first map, but I think the map is too geometrically complex for its size; slowdown should always be avoided whenever possible, and some of the details could be pared away for performance. (The best place for this is that candy-cane step in the big side room, which I think is pretty ugly anyway.) Still, the minute details in some places are really appreciated.

The layout itself is fine, but I think it tends too much toward hallways rather than rooms, which leads to an excess of suicides when there are as many rockets as there are on this map.

A word of caution for the future: more polygons do not make a map better. It's better to have a visually simple map that plays well than all the bells and whistles but either doesn't run smoothly or has various flow issues. In this case, slowdown is a problem.

The map itself certainly shows competence and a keen eye for details, and it'll just take practice to hash out the smaller stuff. I'd give this a 4.5 but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. (Plus you can't do half points anyway.)

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Getting there [XL] Psychomanteus

RyokoTK on Jan 23rd, 2010, Version 1.1

Two things remain: 1. Still needs more ammo; it's particularly hard to find because the map is so spacious. 2. Research MML to fix that water fader!

You're just about there. This is a fun map, it just needs that final push.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Recommendable! Minipax

RyokoTK on Jan 21st, 2010, Version 2

The two new maps bring this pack from "good" to "excellent."

The only thing I'd change is to add a small amount of rockets to "Time;" with all that space they'd be balanced fairly well with the other guns I think.

How many more maps will there be before this becomes Maxipax?

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

This script ruins COLORSPEACK Make Somebody Pay

RyokoTK on Jan 17th, 2010, Version 1.0

Suck it down.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Surprisingly fun [XL] Psychomanteus

RyokoTK on Dec 31st, 2009, Version 1.0

The idea isn't new but it's executed rather well. Having the player move as quickly as he does with the physics helps out greatly.

Some issues: 1. Basically the only weapons worth using are the SMG/shotguns; when you can fly, the grenades and rockets are entirely non-threatening. But... 2. There isn't nearly enough ammo for anything on this map. It's a huge map, but with myself and $lave we had trouble finding ammo. This is not good. I would also have some ammo floating around since no one will actually be walking on the ground normally. I think the problem lies in the item respawn rate, so I direct you here: http://www.pfhorums.com/index.php?showtopic=2403 3. The texturing is generally okay, but you greatly overdid the flickering lights. Static lights are quite fine. Generally speaking, the contrast is fine, so I would just get rid of most of your flashing and flickering lights; they're very annoying. Also, in one particular area you use the same light panel texture on almost every wall, which is really annoying. 4. This level is absolutely enormous and most of the side rooms are completely extraneous. In addition to its size, the multiple pits and the messed-up radar make it very difficult to find someone who's hiding. Uncheck the Magnetic radar setting. 5. Getting rid of that water fader is really important. I would embed mml to remove the fader entirely. On that note, merge in the physics, because the level is absolutely dependent on them.

This is a pretty tired idea but probably the best execution of it I've seen; it's just rough around the edges. Fix these listed problems and you would have a solid map.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Common sense? Under Veil of Night

RyokoTK on Dec 30th, 2009, Version v1.0

  1. I'm going to complain about how dark it is. I'm aware that that's the point. It's a stupid point. Not being able to see is the easiest way to make a bad level.

  2. If you're going to alter an existing map, you should at least have the decency to alter a good one. That said, I'm impressed at how much worse you managed to make an already poor map.

  3. What could drive someone to think "well I'm too lazy to make my own map why don't I just completely butcher this existing map in 15 minutes and publish it hurfadurfa" because that's ridiculous, make your own maps next time.

I mean, you didn't even do a good job.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Recommendable! Ill Descent

RyokoTK on Oct 19th, 2009, Version 1.0

And not just for the novelty of the snow effect; this is a genuinely good map.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Fix it. Clairvoyant Disease

RyokoTK on Nov 10th, 2008, Version 0.5

There are a handful of problems consistent with all four maps:

  • Not nearly enough spawn points. Every map should have a minimum of 8, no matter how big it is. Spawn-camping and spawn-killing were simply too frequent, and not even intentionally -- in a 5-player game we were spawning on top of each other on all of the maps.

  • Generally poor weapon balance. It's a bad idea to only have one rocket launcher on the map, and a worse idea to have a ton of ammo for it at the same time! It lets one person hoard the good weapons and perpetually control the map. The problem was consistent with the rockets on all of the maps, and the shotguns as well on at least two of them.

  • Not enough weapons near the spawns, or at least weapons worth anything. An assault rifle with no grenades is not helpful when one player has all the rockets and is spawn-camping at the same time -- see the above two bullet points. Similarly, for each weapon, put some ammo next to the weapon.

These problems make the maps virtually unplayable to any serious degree. Rinse the Valve is the best map, and I would put it at "decent" on a good day. The good news is that these problems are mostly fixable while retaining the maps.

Visually, the maps are good enough. Some differential shading is necessary, but the minor details (especially on M.I.A.) are appreciated. Flow-wise, the maps also could use some help, but generally they aren't horrible, except on M.I.A. where there is a major dead-end that led to many kills for the aforementioned rocket guy.

Fix these problems, then we'll talk. In the meantime, this pack can get no better than two stars from me.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Probably a 4.5 Cosmic Clouds

RyokoTK on Nov 7th, 2008, Version 2.1

As a mapper, Slave is really taking some considerable strides in technical ability, but has some problems with diversity; in short, many of his maps feel similar to each other and few of them are especially compelling on their own. When put in a pack together, the sameness of many of these maps becomes a big problem in choosing a map to play.

I find that stylistically the same sets of architectural elements find themselves present in almost all of his maps, which isn't necessarily bad (I am guilty of the same thing) but when they are as prevalent as they are in some maps here, they become less of a convincing motif and more closely resemble a lack of creativity. I think Ascent, Concentration Moon, and Firefly are basically the same map, for example; different texture sets, sure, but the weapon choices and general flow are very similar (and I still think Ascent is the best). Rainfall, In Limbo, and Deep Blue Day are also remarkably similar, or at least to me.

I think the problem is that most maps here are less a collection of rooms and more a collection of corridors and passageways. In my experience, rooms are both more fun to play in and more compelling as a composition. In that sense, Leek Hills, Riki Tiki Tavi, Ascent, and Tiger Mountain are some of the best maps in the pack. Tiger Mountain and Leek Hills especially provide a great balance between big, interesting main spaces, and functional secondary corridors and spaces that make the maps especially successful, whereas maps like Endless Night and Airbag are less memorable or interesting.

Other maps have problems with height changes that are both too dramatic and too drastic to really work well for this game. There's nothing specifically wrong with big heights and a dynamic use of them, but it can reach the point where the flow is so stilted, and too focused on going up and down, that it interrupts the gameplay. Airbag, Cloud of Eiderdown, and Ocean of Noise all have this problem to a severe extent. Maps that use height changes well are Rainfall and Deep Blue Day; in these cases, higher and lower elevations still interact well both by themselves and with each other, and the focus of flow is still more horizontal than vertical.

I think a constructive mapping exercise for Slave is to make a few maps that are simpler and focus on big issues rather than small ones. Cosmic Clouds still lacks a traditional arena, which is okay, but I believe that making an arena is an easy, fun, and productive exercise; successful arenas put all of the player focus on straightforward combat, which is something that is lost in the shuffle to some extent currently in this pack. Good arena maps are enjoyable and memorable. Making more maps that focus on one or two main rooms, with less focus on corridors, side spaces, ledges, and so on, would also probably be constructive. Riki Tiki Tavi is one such map, and one of the most flexible and most fun. Over Fire Island is a case where a good main space is tarnished by having too much cruft in the upper levels, which are so high they're detached from the main flow.

To me, the best maps are Ascent, Leek Hills, Tiger Mountain, and Riki Tiki Tavi. That is not, however, an invitation to make more maps like them. It would be better to take some of the metaphorical ideas that make them successful -- big spaces, smooth flow, memorable design -- and employ them in new maps.

And make less water maps. Take a look at the screenshots posted here -- five of them look like they could be the same map. I would like to see more maps that used Jjaro and Lava, especially. Different texture sets would encourage different architectural quirks and styles, which I think would be a good exercise.

I would like to give this pack a 4.5 -- it really is almost there, but it falls only a little short of being excellent material.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Werefrog is not in this pack. Don't download it. Ein Heldenleben

RyokoTK on Oct 29th, 2008, Version 1.0

These are good maps and the pack is a promising start. While none of them are especially strong, they are fun and enjoyable maps with no noticeable flaws. I would happily play on any of them, but I probably wouldn't specifically request any of them.

The concept is interesting and, from what I remember of the source material, the adaptations are generally good. Treellama does a good job of balancing faithfulness to the original map while making the necessary adaptions when stepping down to a simpler engine.

Aesthetically, these maps are the best TL has to offer. Egyptian Temple looks great for what it is; this map is a shining example of how differential shading is absolutely necessary when the texturing is simpler. Velora Pass's texturing is horrible -- the obvious byproduct of the two sets used together -- but architecturally the map is ooverflowing with small details that really contribute to a good overall aesthetic, and the lighting is exceptional. Zora's Domain is a good mesh of good texturing and good architecture, and is an unusually vertically-oriented map for the arboreal camelid.

Overall, a good pack, but one that needs to find one or two real winners.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Well I'm giving it a 5. Munitions Disposal.lua

RyokoTK on Oct 21st, 2008, Version 1.0

You guys are jerks. Ray worked very hard on this.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Are you blind chinkeeyong? CARNAGE VILA 46! README

RyokoTK on Oct 14th, 2008, Version 2.0

It's clearly by RKYOKOTK. It says so right in the description.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

treellama is reported for abuse MapDamager Lua

RyokoTK on Aug 22nd, 2008, Version .2 != .20

stop review-spamming or i will tell appleswitch

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

shadowbreaker MapDamager Lua

RyokoTK on Aug 15th, 2008, Version .2 != .20

some of these maps aren't like

...u no -- or do u?

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

More! Cosmic Clouds

RyokoTK on Aug 1st, 2008, Version 1.3

I first reviewed 1.0.0... and since then, more maps have been added, but the overall quality has not improved much, so to me this pack still remains a 4.

Ascent still remains my favorite map. Of the new maps (since 1.0), though, Leek Hills is the most visually impressive -- Slave definitely shows a mastery of the Water textures in some of these maps.

Most of the new maps are good enough to keep me wanting more (except for Sky Saw, no more of that), and the quality of the pack overall is certainly rising. With a little more care, and a bit more diversity, this pack would be true quality.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Needs work The Warehouse

RyokoTK on Aug 1st, 2008, Version 2.0

This is a pack that shows promise, but needs a lot of work and refinement. There are a couple maps that are almost there, and are certainly playable, but overall a lot of work needs to be done.

Common problems include: - Too much diversity in weapon choices, which leads to not enough ammo or guns for any of them and too many useless ones. - Lighting is generally flat (except for Imperial Uranus); more contrast is needed overall. - Texturing needs work but is decent. - A noticeable penchant for big, empty rooms -- which is ok, but boring. These need to be spiced up. - Deceptive level size markers (Imperial Uranus is much smaller than Docking Bay 4).

Some specific level notes: - The 1x recharger on Avoiding the Light is unnecessary. - Waterloo Carnage is probably my favorite, but it needs at least 3x as much ammo. - Imperial Uranus is also good, it just needs more gun spawns. The extra textures are unnecessary and don't mesh well.

Waterloo Carnage and Imperial Uranus especially show growth, and they could form the beginnings of a solid, high-quality pack.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

An absolute must-have Visual Mode

RyokoTK on Jul 12th, 2008, Version 2.0

After 15 minutes I was sold. The script does what it says on the tin, and it does an extremely good job of replicating Forge's abilities whenever possible, and exceeding them whenever capable.

There are a few obvious problems, but it's less a fault of the script and more just an engine limitation. The controls are sub-par, but the HUD does a good job of clarifying what does what. There are a few minor differences in functionality between this and Forge's visual mode, but nothing that breaks the bank. The only key problem I have is that, currently, yaw and pitch aren't locked when aligning textures, meaning that if you want to align a texture on a wall you can't do so without simultaneously looking around. Adding control panels is a little bit sticky, but workable. There are a couple other personal preferences but they don't really detract from the script.

Overall, this is an outstanding utility that very nearly renders Forge's visual mode obsolete, and I heartily recommend it for anyone -- especially for mappers who tend to have visually complex maps that crash Forge.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Absolutely Terrible Cosmic Clouds

RyokoTK on Mar 24th, 2008, Version 1.0.0

Actually, this is pretty good stuff, showing a huge step up from the previous two packs. Ascent is extremely well-done; it looks amazing. Riki Tiki Tavi is a really fun map as well. A previous comment on how it's too large to be playable is, in my experience, incorrect; a group of 6 worked quite well, which is what I would expect out of an XL map.

The use of All Shapes on the two largest maps is spotty and imprecise; I think they would have worked better without the Juice augmentation.

I like that there's a lot more ammo, and the lighting and shading has seen a huge boost. If all of the maps were like Ascent, this would have been the easiest 5 I have ever given. Unfortunately, the consistency isn't there yet, and the weaker links detract too much from this little pack.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

A good start. Cranch Wire Sunday

RyokoTK on Jan 8th, 2008, Version 1.0

Two things: * All of these maps need more guns, without exception. * The architecture between each level is fairly repetitive, with no real differences between them.

Some of them do actually look nice, and although there are some real oddities with flow in some places, this pack actually has several near-winners. They just need some fine-tuning.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

A success! Co-Op

RyokoTK on Nov 8th, 2007, Version 1.0

This really does make co-op so much better; what was once an annoyance is now genuinely fun!

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Hot and fresh! Pop'ems (aka Popems)

RyokoTK on Sep 27th, 2007, Version 1.0

Seeing as three of these are contest entries into my contest -- all of which received very positive scores, too -- I'd say that's enough to sell this pack. It's even better than Quick Six! Good stuff.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Hard to resist. Sovereignty

RyokoTK on Jul 29th, 2007, Version v1.1

This pack has very few (arguably no) flaws in it. All of the maps have their own qualities that make them fun to play, and I don't regret playing on any of them.

However, at the same time, there's nothing truly original in this pack. It doesn't explore any new tricks, in my opinion, but it does what's been done before very well. Which isn't bad at all, really. I'd just like to see a little more creativity.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Good stuff overall! Revel

RyokoTK on Jul 29th, 2007, Version 3.2

Some of these maps seem unpolished, or have other flaws (like simply being too effing huge); on the other hand, some of these maps are fantastic, and the architecture and geometry overall is fantastic, if not overwhelming. A must-have just for the cool visuals alone, but a keeper for some solid maps.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

This is a title. JUICE

RyokoTK on Jun 8th, 2007, Version 1.1

JUICE does a lot of really useful things that are nice to have on call at a random time. It's not really something I rely on -- yet -- but it's nice to know that, oh, I need to replace all of X with Y... and JUICE is there. Or I have a bunch of floating objects... but JUICE can fix all of those.

It's a great tool to have.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

A novel idea CTF Castle Carnage

RyokoTK on Jun 4th, 2007, Version 2.1

A novel idea, but not one that was executed very well. The original map wasn't very good, and this one isn't either. The hallways are cramped, the way to the flags is too confusing, and the main arena is uncomfortable and has untextured sides. An all-around mess.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

A novel idea CTF Castle Carnage

RyokoTK on Jun 4th, 2007, Version 2.1

A novel idea, but not one that was executed very well. The original map wasn't very good, and this one isn't either. The hallways are cramped, the way to the flags is too confusing, and the main arena is uncomfortable and has untextured sides. An all-around mess.