• Currently 4/5 Stars.


RyokoTK on Dec 9th, 2015, Version 0.8

Not enough pointless corridors to make a Morrowind reference.

Cataract Bowl is amateur effort by a first time mapper, intended more as a learning experience than as a truly great map. At this stage I am still learning shading, which is why it's so dark; and my premises are straightforward and individually tested, which is why it's so tiny.

Cataract Bowl [XS] is a round, bowl-shaped level, 13 WUs across, with exterior walls 1.3 WU above the deepest point in the center. The mild mancannons on the outer walls were designed to send anybody impacting on them flying straight back toward the center, but in practice the actual effect is that anybody running along the outer wall picks up a great deal of speed if they maintain the correct angle, and otherwise simply propel one safely to the opposite side of the bowl.

Open to criticism, or mention of any errors or bugs I have not noticed in my testing so far.

2,300 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating