The map viewer.
With this, you can view any map you chose.
For detail, read the document this archive file include.
** note ** This map viewer can load only INFINITY Shapes file "Shapes.shpA," not M2 nor any other.
Pfhorge is an OSX map making utility, as yet uncompleted but usable. There are still bugs with terminal editting and map compilation while the texturing can't be carried out in the visual interface.
I've included a manual that assumes you are already familiar with Forge.
JUICE is a Java-based--and, therefore, cross-platform--utility for editing map files. It can't replace a dedicated editor like Forge, but it is capable of editing several aspects of map files, most of which are geared toward fixing and tweaking network maps. For example, you can edit existing and place new level objects; you can change monster and item parameters; you can do some things that no other editor will let you do. If you're a mapmaker who needs to edit these sorts of things, but without consistent access to a Macintosh, give JUICE a try.
A manual is included, both in HTML and PDF forms.
v1.1.1 adds the ability to embed shapes patches.
v1.1 includes the long-anticipated texture converter.
A pack of 4 of my latest physics models.
1.Dual SMG's 2.Fun Physics 3. Auto Stuff 4.Juggernaut Missile Launcher
The TTEP (Total Texture Enhancement Package) is a massive package containing remakes of the original textures from the Marathon trilogy.
It replaces the original low-quality textures with new high-ress versions with a maximum size of 1024x1024 pixels. I've tried to get them as close to the originals as possible.
New in version 7.0:
Script files have been cleaned up and files have been renamed to make it more clear how to install.
All textures are now optimized .DDS files, with increased performance as well as quality!
Textures can now be scaled down in Aleph One's OpenGL settings. This also makes the TTEP a single size package, there's no longer 4 different sizes.
A lot of the textures have tiny flaws removed, some are completely redone to make them look better.
The Textures are now divided by their games, meaning you're not forced to download and use the Marathon 2 Textures when you only want the Marathon 1 replacements for example.
The TTEP (Total Texture Enhancement Package) is a massive package containing remakes of the original textures from the Marathon trilogy.
It replaces the original low-quality textures with new high-ress versions with a maximum size of 1024x1024 pixels. I've tried to get them as close to the originals as possible.
New in version 7.0:
Script files have been cleaned up and files have been renamed to make it more clear how to install.
All textures are now optimized .DDS files, with increased performance as well as quality!
Textures can now be scaled down in Aleph One's OpenGL settings. This also makes the TTEP a single size package, there's no longer 4 different sizes.
A lot of the textures have tiny flaws removed, some are completely redone to make them look better.
The Textures are now divided by their games, meaning you're not forced to download and use the Marathon 2 Textures when you only want the Marathon 1 replacements for example.
The TTEP (Total Texture Enhancement Package) is a massive package containing remakes of the original textures from the Marathon trilogy.
It replaces the original low-quality textures with new high-ress versions with a maximum size of 1024x1024 pixels. I've tried to get them as close to the originals as possible.
New in version 7.0:
Script files have been cleaned up and files have been renamed to make it more clear how to install.
All textures are now optimized .DDS files, with increased performance as well as quality!
Textures can now be scaled down in Aleph One's OpenGL settings. This also makes the TTEP a single size package, there's no longer 4 different sizes.
A lot of the textures have tiny flaws removed, some are completely redone to make them look better.
The Textures are now divided by their games, meaning you're not forced to download and use the Marathon 2 Textures when you only want the Marathon 1 replacements for example.
This is a 2 physics pack that I made a while back. The first one is playable, if rather gimmicky. The second one IS NOT PLAYABLE AT ALL, EDIT and was included as an example of the variety of things you can do with this EDIT. They both involve pressing the walk key to "fly". Nofall2 is not playable because I set player gravity to a negative number when walking, but the problem is that if you're killed you just keep going up and up and up into the ceiling. Because of some unknown engine property, if you accelerate into the ceiling while dead at a constant rate, it sends you up through the ceiling, where everything looks untextured, then for about a minute of that you come up through the floor, continue upwards through the ceiling and repeat. Because your corpse is still moving, it is impossible to respawn.
There. Do what you will with this, but at least let people know what you are doing before hosting it. EDIT In response to Tim, here are some suggestions for getting the most out of this: 1) Certain maps, such as Intercontinental Divide, get the most out of this (I found quick six in general to be pretty good for it). 2) The setup of this is such that a person on the ground can usually trump a flying person. That's alright, because in my experience there's only one or two people spoiling like that. 3) You can control the rise and fall (and direction [you can build up mad speed]) by shooting in the opposite direction (preferably with a machine gun, rockets don't work as well).
All credit for concept goes to Count Roland. Other tweaks are credited to me. He has okayed this for distribution last time I saw him.
High-res Landscapes for use with Aleph One for both Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity.
New in 1.1:
Some of the landscapes, didn't loop properly, now they do.
Some minor visual improvements to the actual landscapes. And some graphical flaws have been removed.
Landscapes are now .DDS instead of .JPG, increasing their in-game performance and quality.
The landscapes can now be scaled down in the graphics options in Aleph One if they happen to slow your system a lot. (Also thanks to .DDS format).
An optional script file has been included to keep the landscapes in place when OpenGL Fog is turned on.
I don't know if anybody still wants to use Cranberry but I noticed it no longer seems to be available on-line. This is the application v3.0.b5 which would handle Lua & MML; the package includes various scripts people had left on Mike Benonis's site.
I promised to upload this over a year ago, to accompany the Pfhorge application & manual.
These are some handy little applets that change the filetype of anything you drag onto them. They're useful for playing windows-based maps on a mac, or looking at them in forge. The tools are somewhat dated, as most recent maps, shapes, etc are in the universally compatible format, but the file typer may still be of some use.
A hilarious physics model which turns every monster into a VacBob while retaining friend/enemy data, from Ticks to Juggernauts. Works best on netmaps or novelty maps like the A1 map pack; I love testing this out on The Keep. Includes an optional MML script which turns the player into a VacBob as well as correct the motion sensor and overhead map to display every monster as a Bob.
Set overhead map to display all monsters as Bobs.
A physics file to use together with visual mode lua. It stops the constant teleporting of enemies. It's universal and works the same on all scenarios. Enjoy a visual mode without distractions.
No sounds or visual appearances are made by monsters.
No slowdowns detected on my machine (2ghz pc, 4gb ram, 256mb graphic card) when I ran through a 1024 polygon solo level and activated all monsters.
3x extra sprites to tie in with Viscioms Weapon Enhancement Pack 1.4.1 (Works with both M2 & M3)
Includes Updated:
-Oxygen Tanks
-Defence Chip
-Fist GFX removed in this release.
NOTE: You need OpenGL to run this pack.
NOTE: Some sprites are courtesy of Tim Vogel. They are his original art, and are used in this MOD under agreement.
Plugin Support Release.
-Please post comments / bugs on Pfhorums.
Refreshed in-hand Weapons, Ammo & Item Pickups for Marathon 1 AlephOne (M1A1).
-Basically updated graphics for large resolution screens.
-New Ammo & Item Pickups.
-New Rocket & Grenades projectiles.
-In-hand weapons have be refreshed to remove the 'box' effect, while still keeping to the original graphic.
-I have broken this MOD into 2x Plugins one for In-hand weapons and one for Items. You can choose to have one or both on.
This is my first MOD - Enjoy..
NOTE: You need OpenGL to run this pack.
NOTE: Some sprites are courtesy of Visciom. They are his original art, and are used in this MOD under agreement.
Plugin Support Release.
-Please post comments / bugs on Pfhorums.