
Tagged 'Netmaps'

Screenshot titled "Ashes drift down after a climatic Juggernaut battle"

For those of you with proper video cards that do not have difficulty with precipitation scripts, here is a merged map of the scenario with both precipitation and the latest bugfixes.

Unfortunately, some quirk of a few people's machines - which I suspect were running integrated graphics - couldn't cope with precipitation, even after bugfixes were made, and so Pfhorrest ordered it cut from final release. Although the effect on most levels is subtle due to an A1 limitation on having 1024 objects, I thought it well worth the effort of maintaining. So, before I cut the lua from the main scenario, I created a branch to preserve it, and left the supporting alterations to the Shapes file in the main branch.

Naturally, you'll need to download Eternal 1.2, found here,, to use this map.

Then, download this map file, drop it in your Eternal directory, and select it in Environment preferences.

To test whether your machine can handle this, skip to level 13: A Friend in Need, and see if your framerate drops when you walk outside. My 12 year old rig gets 20 FPS with everything on, but some players have reported as little as 0.5 FPS with precipitation.

Since this is an altered map and not a plugin, it will not be compatible with save games from the official release or the previous 1.2.0 version of this enhanced map.

Co-op players, please ensure that everyone has the same version of the map.

Credits: Original rain and ember sprites by $lave and Windbreaker, respectively; Original precip code by Wrkncacnter, who borrowed heavily from Treelama; Eternal adaptation by Aaron Freed; Snow sprites and code fixes by Lia Gerty; Ashes are a palette swap of embers, fallout a palette swap of rain.

Notes for version 1.2.1-b4:

Made a number of things a lot easier

2,575 downloads, 0 reviews, 5 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a small, symmetrical netmap supporting emfh, koth, ktmwtb and survival. It has been merged with Hopper's Aleph One Previous AI to prevent monsters from freezing up, so the plugin won't be necessary for this map. It's recommended for two-player sized netgames, but three might work aswell.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

2,047 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

YugePax4Yuge 1.0

W'rkncacnter on 04/01/2019

On the 2 year anniversary of YugePax, a version specifically designed for Mararthon: Yuge is now available. You can finally bombard your friends and enemies alike with shitsticks.

2,012 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Nevermore!"

This map pack is a redux version of the Legends of Marathon netmaps. This is currently the only set of netmaps made for Eternal. This will need to be played in the latest version of Eternal. Most of these maps were made for 2-8 players, and most work well in survival mode. Huge thanks to Spooky, Ravenshining, Pfhorrest, and Aaron. Without them, none of this would be possible. This set of maps is dedicated to the entire Marathon community, so do not feel bad if you do not have a map named after you.

Notes for version 1.0:

original release

1,816 downloads, 0 reviews, 13 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Zuranthus"

This is a project that a group of map makers have been working on for a while. It is a fitting tribute to the Marathon community and its players. Huge thanks to Aaron, aka The Man, and Spooky for helping me with item placement and the making of special maps. These maps are each made for specific people in mind, and are named after who they were designed for. This is a 12 level net map pack meant for 8 players. The maps are for Wrkncacnter, asdkzx123, windbreaker, slyfennecfox, fenrick, Captain Jteg, raptor200221, Spooky, Aaron, Adminn_1, EDDIE DINGLE, and Zuranthus.

Notes for version 13.0:

fixed eddie dingle map

1,934 downloads, 4 reviews, 12 screenshots, 2.8 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a set of 2304 Mararthon: Yuge style single player maps. There is pretty much no plot on any of these maps, it purely exists for killing monsters.

If you are unfamiliar with Mararthon: Yuge, it can be downloaded at

The maps can all be played with the Mararthon: Yuge scenario (recommended) or Marathon Infinity.

  • Yuge Bigly 1: The Loneliest Number - 256 maps with the same parameters as normal Yuge levels.
  • Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo - Explore the Doog District of INFINITYS with 50% chance of doogstorms and 50% chance of SPOOKYdoogs.
  • One Weapon Edition - There is only one type of weapon that spawns on these maps. Shitsticks required.
  • All Weapons Edition - All weapon types can spawn on each map, instead of only 3.
  • Hardcore Edition - Less health than normal Yuge maps. For people that want a challenge.
  • JIHADIC-1 - All maps have either rain or JUICEstorms.
  • Roguelike Edition - Pattern buffers are removed and each exit teleports you 1-10 levels forward.
  • Spinal Tap Edition - More health, ammo, and monsters.
  • Wuss Edition - More health and ammo. For super casual gameplay.
Notes for version 1.3:

Version 1.3: * Fixed terminals to make it work with newer versions of AlephOne.

Version 1.2:

  • Windbreaker created new shapes files for a brand new series, Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo.
  • One Weapon Edition added.
  • Updated all maps to include the full set of community quotes from Mararthon: Yuge.
  • Fog added to all maps.
  • Other random fixes and changes to make the maps better fit their descriptions.

3,156 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.5 rating

Wrk Maps 1.0

W'rkncacnter on 04/01/2018

Screenshot titled "Maps"

Wrk Maps is a net pack for infinity consisting of levels from Infinity, M2, and others that have been modified, usually for better flow, or to look prettier. Along with Infinity and M2, maps are based on other maps by windbreaker, RyokoTK, Treellama, irons, and $lave.

There may even be a new unreleased map somewhere in here by someone other than me.

2,261 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Thrudnesday -1

drictelt on 02/05/2018

This map was made for Marathon Shadow, long dead. It was textured in a prototype of a texture set that never saw the daylight; hence, it needs a total repaving (however the lighting may be ok). There are no monsters.

It is, in other words, wholly unfinished. But it is architecturally the best map I ever made. I release it under GPL and creative commons and what not.

Notes for version -1:

It is not finished.

2,289 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Unofficial Spookymap"

3 netmaps I made this year. I mostly made these to play around with some crazy ideas I had.

If you aren't using OpenGL with fog turned on, you're doing it wrong.

2,809 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

SL Maps 1.3

Sharkie Lino on 10/08/2016

Screenshot titled "One Hit Wonder"

SL Maps is a net pack for infinity consisting of levels from Infinity, M2, and others that have been modified, usually for additions or better flow, or remade.

Proper Credits

The levels listed below in this pack come from Quick Six and were originally created by Treellama.

Age of Aquarius. Incontinental Divide.

Notes for version 1.3:

Major Changes.

You're Gonna Die Big Time: Added a new room near the stairway which connects both sides of the upper level, and also serves as a spawn point.

Minor Changes.

Flight Of The Toolator (both versions): Straightened out the ceiling lights for the outer halls.

3,883 downloads, 12 reviews, 5 screenshots, 3.6 rating

Screenshot titled "Maria Mancini"

A series of seven-polygon netmaps suitable for any size group and every classic competitive game type.

Notes for version 7.0:

Seven new maps, including one for CTF. Final release.

4,438 downloads, 6 reviews, 49 screenshots, 4.2 rating

Infra Apogee 2.0.0

windbreaker on 12/30/2015

Screenshot titled "New Pacific"

The final edition of my third multiplayer mappack includes 20 maps for Marathon Infinity. This pack uses texture sets from all 3 games, with 5 Marathon 1 "themed" maps, 7 Durandal maps, and 8 standard Infinity maps.

Notes for version 2.0.0:
  • Features 3 new maps: The Emperor of Finite Space, Objective Permanence, and Tempus Fugit.
  • Moves the hill on The Cylindrical to the highest ledge.
  • Fixes Kill the Man with the Ball on Doctor Jazz.
  • Fixes various texturing errors on other maps.

4,542 downloads, 6 reviews, 20 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "What you see is what you get."

Cataract Bowl is amateur effort by a first time mapper, intended more as a learning experience than as a truly great map. At this stage I am still learning shading, which is why it's so dark; and my premises are straightforward and individually tested, which is why it's so tiny.

Cataract Bowl [XS] is a round, bowl-shaped level, 13 WUs across, with exterior walls 1.3 WU above the deepest point in the center. The mild mancannons on the outer walls were designed to send anybody impacting on them flying straight back toward the center, but in practice the actual effect is that anybody running along the outer wall picks up a great deal of speed if they maintain the correct angle, and otherwise simply propel one safely to the opposite side of the bowl.

Open to criticism, or mention of any errors or bugs I have not noticed in my testing so far.

Notes for version 0.8:

Small changes to weapons and ammunition since testing in the meta.

2,382 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Paradise Lost XVI

RyokoTK on 02/16/2015

Screenshot titled "Hydro City"

Paradise Lost includes 36 maps, with a focus on high-quality aesthetic while maintaining good, enjoyable gameplay.

Version XVI no longer has embedded weapon/recharger MML.

6,918 downloads, 23 reviews, 16 screenshots, 4.7 rating

Screenshot titled "The Squared Circle"

A collection of maps I made using old forge tools (0S9 old). It also includes most of the Atomic map pack I made a few years ago with a few fixes and tweaks.

Keep in mind that on both 'Puddle of Goo' and 'Back In My Day' there are two hills separated by goo and lava respectively.

Also, The Squared Circle is a boxing ring.

Yeah, I'm A7om95 too. Just couldn't remember my password for that account =)

2,792 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Screen 3"

Here's a new netmap supporting EMFH and KOTH. As is often the case, this is an exercise in flow as much as anything. The map is loosely divided into four chambers. It's entirely asymmetrical, with an open floor plan. I recommend it for 4 or fewer players.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial release.

2,835 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

The next trilogy in the Envy map series is here: The Invidia Series. Download to your die!!!

Notes for version 1.2:

Map, Music and Read Me Dammit!

2,972 downloads, 0 reviews, 16 screenshots

Envy Armory Platform Public Delta

ftg.death.rhino on 06/27/2013

The Third Generation of envy is here! This is my fourth map, and I have learned a lot since the creation of cloaca dome and IETT, hope you enjoy.

Notes for version Public Delta:

Enemies, Shotguns and Rocket Launchers have been added.

2,811 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Well, first off, I'd like to note that this is my first Multiplayer map, and the first map I've made that I'm willing to share. The Pfhortress on the Horizon is one of the maps that I'm currently making as a net pack, but I thought I'd release it early to get criticism. 4-players, 2 assault rifles, 2 smg's, 2 shotguns, 2 alien weapons, 2 fusion pistols, 1 launcher, and many health power ups. Enjoy the carnage, as you play in deathmatch, or every man for himself. (Please not, there will most likely be bugs. Please comment ANY issues you have, be it lighting, weapon placement, spawns, anything! I want it to be as good as I can get it! Any other feedback is also appreciated.)

Notes for version 1.1:

1.1 - Slight texture/lighting adjustments, Doors removed

2,559 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 2.0 rating

Wow, I learned a lot in Weland with this second map. BTW, Terra Pfhor was scrapped from the get go.

Notes for version 1.0:

It's Just the map if you don't know how to install maps I think you should go to the pfhorums.

2,743 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots