This plugin allows you to experience Marathon 2's original 1995 classic status bar HUD, but modified to better support today's widescreen displays. This plugin supports Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and many scenarios, and even provides an M2-like HUD for Marathon 1.
This widescreen HUD has 2 flavors, a 'lite' version and an 'enhanced' version:
CLASSIC M2 (UNRESTRICTED VIEW): The original HUD, uses original graphics, but removes the letterboxing on the 3D game view, allowing any widescreen aspect ratio, should be compatible with all scenarios
CLASSIC M2 (WIDESCREEN ENHANCED): Extends the status bar graphics to fill a 16:9 screen. To utilize the extra space, a second inventory page is displayed. In Netgames, this second page shows the scoreboard.
Due to the necessity of custom graphics, "Widescreen Enhanced" HUD is only guaranteed to work with the following scenarios:
See included Readme for installation instructions.
All Lua work is based on "M2 Default HUD" posted here by Hopper, as well as the scenarios' original art, with additions by me to support the enhanced widescreen features.
Widescreen Marathon 1 Classic HUD is available here
v2.02: code tweaks to prevent redundant background fills; no visual changes
v2.01: fix terminals at 'Largest' setting scaling improperly at very low game resolutions
v2.0: add marathon 1 and trojan huds, and code cleanup
v1.9: add scenarios support, resize HUD to be a perfect 2x scale at 1080p, add lite version
This is a Collection of Texture upscales for Marathon, all textures have been upscaled by a factor of 4 with the intention to keep as much detail as possible.
This is a little weekend project that ended up taking a few more days than planned, please be aware that some textures still need some work but in general im happy with the current quality of most textures.
Initial release
This is a Collection of Texture upscales for Marathon, all textures have been upscaled by a factor of 4 with the intention to keep as much detail as possible.
This is a little weekend project that ended up taking a few more days than planned, please be aware that some textures still need some work but in general im happy with the current quality of most textures.
Initial release
This is a Collection of Texture upscales for Marathon, all textures have been upscaled by a factor of 4 with the intention to keep as much detail as possible.
This is a little weekend project that ended up taking a few more days than planned, please be aware that some textures still need some work but in general im happy with the current quality of most textures.
Initial release
CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.
Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7
This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon Infinity. A Marathon 2 version is available.
Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.
Other CFP Packages
CFP Monsters -
CFP Scenery -
CFP Weapons M2 -
CFP Walls M2 -
Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:
This is a superplugin for AlephOne 1.0+ that lets you easily enable all the hi-res sprites and textures from the XBLA version of Marathon: Durandal with one single click.
All required graphics are inlcuded. In addition to that, some glow- and bumpmap textures have also been included to improve visual experience and take advantage of AOs shader features. No custom shapes files are required for this to work.
This updated version also includes the high-res enemy sprites found by Hippieman, along with a few fixes and some glowmaps.
• Added XBLA HD sprites found by hippieman.
• Added S'pht'Kr HD sprites.
• Added purple trooper HD sprites.
• Added missing hunter HD sprite.
• Fixed white outlines on some of the sprites.
• Added glowmaps for HD sprites.
• Adjusted the Defender sprites to properly match with their lower res counterparts.
• added missing HD sprites for Drones, Enforcers, Juggernauts and Bobs.
• Replaced Pfhor Fighter HD sprites with uncompressed version and added glowmaps.
• Added AI upscaled S'pht compiler sprites.
• Added HD Player sprites.
• Added HD sprites for SMG.
CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.
Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7
This is the monsters portion of the plugin.
Installation: The downloaded file must be decompressed before moving to the plugin folder or the load time on every level will be about 5 minutes.
Other CFP Packages:
CFP Scenery -
CFP Weapons Inf -
CFP Weapons M2 -
CFP Walls M2 -
Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:
All sprites are now HD sprites based on the sprites provided by Hippieman with some AI upscale to fill in the gaps. Including brand new sprites for BoBs, Enforcers, Drones, and Players. Slight AI upscale to the Juggernaut and General Tacticus's VacBobs to match. Removed DDS compression for image quality, hence larger size.
This is a superplugin for AlephOne 1.0+ that lets you easily enable all the hi-res sprites and textures from the XBLA version of Marathon: Durandal with one single click.
All required graphics are inlcuded. In addition to that, some glow- and bumpmap textures have also been included to improve visual experience and take advantage of AOs shader features. No custom shapes files are required for this to work.
This plugin includes the high-res enemy sprites found by Hippieman with some improvements made by herecomethej2000 as well as the hi-res VacBob sprites provided by General Tacticus and the HD wall texture replacement graphics created by Goran Svensson along with a few fixes and some glow/ bumpmaps.
• Added XBLA HD sprites found by hippieman.
• Fixed white outlines on some of the sprites.
• Added glowmaps for HD sprites.
• Added AI upscaled S'pht compiler sprites.
• Added HD Player sprites.
• Added Goran Svenssons HD wall textures.
• Added General Tacticus' HD Vac-Bob sprites.
• Added Jjaro Bumpmap textures.
Miss the music from Marathon 1? Get a full original soundtrack for the entire game.
An original fan soundtrack for Marathon 2: Durandal, composed by Talashar. Featuring themes from Marathon, Halo, M2SE, and more. This won't just be a mashup of themes you know though, levels and characters have been given their own themes.
Based on Treellama's M2SE plugin.
Listen to it on Bandcramp:
Or Youtrube:
NEFX loves you.
NEFX has been prolifically producing great Marathon/Aleph One inventions since 2017 (around 2.5 years after being founded) and uploading them to Simplici7y, in an increasing number of different upload pages that NEFX then frequently updates. This has occasionally lead to crowding of Simplici7y's front page with several different NEFX uploads, sometimes over a relatively short period. Understandably, some have objected to this as unfairly outcrowding and burying the wonderful contributions of our fellow travelers. We hear them. Therefore, to better serve the community as well as our Total Carnage Comrades, NEFX is now consolidating all additions and updates to its Marathon and Aleph One-related inventions on Simplici7y here on this one upload page, with a datemarked update timeline you can view below. Henceforth, all Marathon/Aleph One scenarios, campaigns, maps, mods, etc, and any updates to them, will be posted here. Of course, the webpage link connects to NEFX's Internet Archive homepage, where you can find all inventions by titled category. This includes:
NEFX Marathon Mods (i.e. physics files and Lua scripts for netplay)
NEFX Marathon Infinity Netmaps
NEFX Marathon Solomaps for others' scenarios, including the soundtracked 50-level pack for Aleph One: Wheels!
NEFX Marathon Mapmaking Templates for Weland
NEFX Marathon: Machina -- The Alien Machine Mind
NEFX Marathon: Keyfinder -- The Doomed Myth of Destiny's Halo
NEFX Marathon: Sucks
NEFX Marathon: Rules -- The Infinite Recombinations to the Way
NEFX Marathon: Pathsifter -- The Facing of the Legion Within
NEFX Marathon: Underrealm -- The Confronting of the Forgetting
NEFX Marathon: Colorguard -- The Grimmest Myriad Mirror
NEFX Marathon: Colorwash -- The Wresting of the Tides
NEFX Marathon: Ultramega Extreme Golfmaster Dinosaur Egg Championship Super Bowl 5000 3D -- The Quest
NEFX Marathon: BOBJam -- The Tranquil Chaos of Crowded Escape
NEFX Marathon: Revelation -- The Brutal Path to Knowing
NEFX Marathon: Nampa
NEFX Marathon: Encyclopedia -- The Rise of Bad Take Jake
NEFX Marathon: Corn Maze -- The Forced Wisdom of the Walls
NEFX Marathon: Shadervoid -- The Labywraths of Growth
NEFX Marathon: Green (You Snooze, You Lose)
NEFX Marathon: 52 Pickup
We are glad to share this space with you.
Happy Carnage,
Update timeline: