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M2 Default HUD 1.2

Hopper on 06/03/2024

Screenshot titled ""

Are you working on a Lua HUD, and want to know how to draw inventory panels or weapons just like the built-in one? This plugin acts just like the hardcoded HUD from M2 and Infinity, so you can see how to duplicate any feature in Lua. It works with third-party scenarios too.

Notes for version 1.2:

Fixes errors in net games with a kill limit or time-based scoring.

3,218 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

System Se7en 1.3

Hopper on 05/31/2024

Screenshot titled ""

A GUI theme for Aleph One inspired by Apple's System 7.5, as seen in Marathon's original preferences dialogs. Based on an earlier (now obsolete) theme by Christian Bauer.

Notes for version 1.3:

Version 1.3 uses the public-domain ChicagoFLF font instead of Apple's proprietary Chicago font.

3,218 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

XBLA HUD Plugin 20200830

Aleph One team on 05/30/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those games.

Notes for version 20200830:

This version is distributed with Aleph One 1.8.1. Since the last S7 release, the following fixes were added:

  • Remove incorrect PNG color profiles
  • Reduce chance that the HUD will shrink the viewport on cinematic-width displays
  • Colorize health and oxygen bars in software mode
  • Use FOV of 90 for XBLA HUD, matching the FOV the XBLA game used

3,949 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Openable in ShapeFusion"

Marathon 1 shapes ported to Marathon 2 format

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial upload - Converted using Hopper's marathon-utils

270 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Before:"

Hello and welcome to my first post on Simplici7y!

This a fix for the Enhanced HUD plugin where you can actually see the Crosshair for the SMG. The step-by-step tutorial is in the README file of this mod. I'm actually surprised that no one else tried to fix the crosshair, since it took me a couple of minutes in Paint 3D.


Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 - Release of this mod.

300 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This set of files will bring M1's Alien Weapon to M2, in place of the SMG. Just put the .shpA and .sndA files in your M2 main data folder and the .phyA one in the Physics folder. Then boot up the game and, in Preferences -> Environment, click on each field (Shapes, Sounds, Physics) and replace the standard files with the ones from this package. You're good to go now.

WARNING: Only the Major Enforcers will drop it, for now. They will still shoot with their flame cannons, no worries.

278 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

In this scenario shell from NEFX, play an overhead map-only game where you have to collect as many items as possible in a limited time while navigating various color-marked liquid tides.

Update log:

[2024-05-23] A new map has been added, "Tracker of the Revolutionary Gridsystem". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.

Notes for version 2024-05-23:

[2024-05-23] A new map has been added, "Tracker of the Revolutionary Gridsystem". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.

460 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled "What will it take?"

In this new scenario shell from NEFX, solve platform puzzles to reach the Shells of Ascension and escape.

Notes for version 2024-05-21:

A new level has been added, "NEFX - The First Chain Kick of Implication Changeover". It can be downloaded individually or with the scenario at the provided link.

448 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

This is a map I made in college, ages ago. Heavily inspired by certain moments from the Rubicon solo campaign, but with its own unique twists.

This level is designed to be severely punishing, but absolutely doable with a sound strategy. There are ambushes. There are turret puzzles. There are times you'll have to run for your life.

One word of advice - you're not meant to fight every juggernaut. You can still try if you want to :)

Notes for version 1.0:

The first and so far only build.

208 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Static Fury 1.0

Grymy on 05/15/2024

Screenshot titled "M for Marathon"

Enjoy an arena netmap for Marathon 1! It is tested in live netgames with the new Steam build, and it works. The design is a little rough around the edges, but you get a lot more ammo, guns, and space to play in than the classic netmaps.

This map was created in Pfhorte and submitted to the Map of the Month back in the day. It was lost for a number of years, and I was super happy to find it on the Marathon Archives site.

Don't stand still on the flamethrower platform! :)

Notes for version 1.0:

The original from May 2000.

It could use some tweaks with flow, and texturing, a bouncy wall or two, but it's still pretty fun. It would be cool to find a way to edit this and polish it up.

232 downloads, 0 reviews, 6 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M1A1 HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This should work for any Aleph One scenario, including M1.

I also made a few small edits to the HUD itself for aesthetics and transparency.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,238 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M2 Default HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This works for any non-M1 scenario.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,216 downloads, 5 reviews, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

In this scenario shell from NEFX, you play golf...where you are your own ball and caddy. Get to the exit in as little blasts as possible, getting past various obstacles like ledges and liquid conveyors. There will be more levels for this too.

308 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Basic HUD 1.2

treellama on 05/01/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This is a basic fullscreen HUD for any scenario that uses the default Marathon 2 or Infinity HUD, and doesn't come with its own HUD. It attempts to make as few assumptions as possible, which allows it to work on a wide variety of scenarios, but is a little ugly. See the screenshots for details.

Software mode works but is even uglier due to the inability to circle clip the motion sensor.

Normal/Double/Largest preference is supported, but the plugin will try not to cover too much of the weapons. Double isn't enabled until 2k, and Largest is really only useful at 4k.

Based on the Default HUD script by Hopper.

To install, create a Plugins directory next to the Scripts directory in the scenario you want to add it to, and copy this zip file to the Plugins directory.

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Supports normal/double/largest preference

1,957 downloads, 2 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Basic M1 HUD 1.2

treellama on 05/01/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This is a basic fullscreen HUD for the original Classic Marathon. It also works with TROJAN. It is very minimalist, see the screenshots for details.

Software mode works but the square motion sensor will not be clipped out.

All three HUD sizes are supported, but the plugin will not cause the HUD to cover too much of weapons. Basically, Double doesn't work until 2k, and Largest isn't really useful until 4K.

To install, copy this into the Plugins directory in your Classic Marathon install.

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Better normal/double/largest support

556 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a superplugin for AlephOne 1.0+ that lets you easily enable all the hi-res sprites and textures from the XBLA version of Marathon: Durandal with one single click.

All required graphics are inlcuded. In addition to that, some glow- and bumpmap textures have also been included to improve visual experience and take advantage of AOs shader features. No custom shapes files are required for this to work.

This updated version also includes the high-res enemy sprites found by Hippieman, along with a few fixes and some glowmaps.

Notes for version 2.1:

Added XBLA HD sprites found by hippieman. Added S'pht'Kr HD sprites. Added purple trooper HD sprites. Added missing hunter HD sprite. Fixed white outlines on some of the sprites. Added glowmaps for HD sprites. Adjusted the Defender sprites to properly match with their lower res counterparts.

558 downloads, 0 reviews, 10 screenshots

I (Aaron / The Man) have repackaged Goran Svensson’s Marathon Infinity textures, which were released as five separate plugins, as a single plugin, mostly for the sake of reducing clutter and clicking in our Infinity plugin menus (i.e., if you want to enable one of these, you’ll probably want to enable them all).

In my book, these are by far the best Marathon Infinity texture replacements available (unless you’re using MaraToon; then you should use MaraToon for everything), and they’re certainly the most faithful.

I used Goran’s most recent releases of the Water, Lava, Jjaro, and Pfhor sets; I used kaosof’s edit of the Sewage set with added bump maps. See the included readme for additional information; each set also includes its original documentation within its respective folder.

Screenshots coming when I feel like it.


Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

524 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

ThrokPak 1 1.1

Throkgaar on 04/23/2024

Screenshot titled "Solemnit7y"

These are my first 3 maps that I have absolutely no business uploading here, but am doing so anyway. I started mapping 4 days ago so if they're terrible dont blame me. Thanks to everyone in the discord who helped me figure out how this stupid crap works. Weland and Vasara rock and are a lot of fun. I keep staying up way too late making these maps that everyone is going to complain about. Hopefully these are fun to play or mock or something Have a Nice day.

Why ThrokMaps? Idk, there's tons of ammo and weapons, power ups, and healing items to keep you in the fight. idk I think theyre kinda fun

  1. Solemni7y - Small map primarily made for dueling. Very basic.
  2. Enforcer Longs to See - A larger map with much more complexity but hopefully a simple flow. Features non-intrusive (hopefully?) water mechanics. No swimming required. I just like the way this map looks honestly. It has a cool dam that you can see out the window.
  3. Charon 2049 - A Marathon interpretation of Halo 1's Chiron TL 34. You teleport around and you don't really know where you're going but there's lots and lots of shotguns and a hydraulic press to squish your friends.
  4. Get Even - pure high speed deathmatch.
  5. Grim Destiny - An abandoned space station; low gravity with dynamic flow.

Note: I really like the M2 XBLA textures cause they're colorful, and I textured all this with that pack. You can of course use whatever pack you want but if it looks weird somewhere or if youre like "wow that texture sucks here" thats why.

Well that's it. if these suck then just delete them I dont care

Notes for version 1.1:

Bugfixes and 2 new maps:

  1. Get Even - pure high speed deathmatch.

  2. Grim Destiny - An abandoned space station; low gravity with dynamic flow.

550 downloads, 0 reviews, 16 screenshots

Headshots 1.0

irons on 04/19/2024

Screenshot titled "a boy"

ok fine guys literally every child who starts playing this cur

sed game. they wnat jumping and headshots, sometimes crouching. like it ruins their lifes if those things are missing. wow cool why are you evn

playing mararthon?

well anyway someome recently asked AGAIN about headshots and i swore there was a scrip here somewhere but 5 s

econds of searching got me nothing i tried head, shot, headshot searchterms.

i gotta assume it just doesn't exist the technology is to advanced too people to undersand. ok

merry chismas! heres headshots now play it for a few minutes then realize you should of played a newer game in the fist place ok bye


it works in solo&networkgames

Notes for version 1.0:

First version. Customizable through specific variables. Hopefully the last version. P.S. I never tested in net games lol

528 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Once more...with feeling."

Eupfhoria - Marathon Soundtrack Remake

Eupfhoria is a fully re-instrumented and re-scored soundtrack mod for the first Marathon. This replacement tries to remaster the original soundtrack while retaining the original feel. It IS the tracks you know and love, as it's based off the original MIDI files. Most tracks should fuller and more atmospheric, hopefully a bit like Marathon's younger brother, Halo.

To see if this is for you without downloading, you can stream it all here: Eupfhoria - Full Album Stream

Installation is simple, just replace your Music folder found in the Marathon directory. Backup your original folder if you want to go back to the originals.

NOTE: Don't use this for your first playthrough. Really. This is for people who've played through it before and want a new experience. Updating those pesky textures is one thing, but save this for your second playthrough.

Notes for version 1.1:

Updated files to work with all versions of AlephOne. Simply replace the files in your Music folder of Marathon 1 with the files in this link.

2,640 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.5 rating