Experience the authentic 1994 jank of Marathon 1's classic HUD as if it were made for your monitor!
This plugin takes the classic HUD and extends it to fill modern 16:9, 16:10, and Ultrawide displays.
The same plugin covers widescreen monitors whether it is 16:9, 16:10, or 21:9. It automatically adapts to your chosen resolution.
With the extra space, additional inventory pages are displayed. In Solo games, weapons and ammo are displayed. In Netgames, the scoreboard is always displayed.
Based on the Default M1 HUD plugin included with Aleph One's M1 release.
For a more minimal but still classic style HUD, check out my Widescreen Marathon 2 HUD plugin, which includes a specially modified variant for Marathon 1.
Wide Marathon 2 & Marathon Infinity HUD here.
v2.611 - just a re-zip since the plugin wasn't in a folder, sorry
v2.610 - Added 16:10 version for Steam Deck and Mac players. Updated to newer Default M1 HUD script.
v2.19 - Added 21:9 Ultrawide support
This HUD prevents landscape mirroring by letterboxing the 3D world view window. It automatically and dynamically resizes the view window whenever the resolution of the game window increases or decreases, whenever sniper mode is toggled on or off, whenever extravision is picked up or expires... In other words, whenever the FOV changes, no matter the cause (teleportation effect excluded).
Here's a little video showcasing how it works (16:9 screen, initially 90° FOV, then sniper mode is toggled on and then off).
It is based on Basic HUD by treellama, and has the same compatibilities as that HUD with regards to scenarios (for example, it is compatible with Marathon 2: Durandal, Marathon Infinity and Rubicon X, but not with Marathon).
In this latest NEFX shell to be added to map-wise over time, you accidentally teleport into a messy, long-abandoned, and now-infested storage complex run by an AI who has gotten imaginative in isolation but who is thwarted in progress and needs someone to retrieve missing keys amidst a great mess in order to both grow unabated and help you escape. All maps in this scenario shall be Retrieval missions. News feed:
2024-07-13: I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.
2024-07-10: I added a new map, "NEFX - Through Amorphous Slime and Markings". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.
2024-07-06: I added a new map, "NEFX - In the Cocoon of Non Grata". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.
I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.
CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.
IMPORTANT: These scenery textures are not compatible with the Transparent_Liquids plugin as that is for the default textures. Make sure that that plugin is disabled or it will interfere with the freeverse splash and puddle textures.
Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7
This is the scenery portion of the plugin.
Other CFP Packages
CFP Monsters -
CFP Weapons Inf -
CFP Weapons M2 -
CFP Walls M2 -
Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:
2.0 - AI Upscale of all textures 2.0.1 - Fix Jjaro glow textures, somehow some bad ones snuck in
Thank you for playing NEFX Marathon Modifications. Among these are scripts and physics either for multiplayer, single player, or both. More may be added over time in future versions, so look out. See below for datestamped logs of all the uploads, because even if you are up-to-date on a current update, there may be more you've missed. You don't want to miss these!
What do these do? Follow this news feed below to see updates and descriptions of what each mod does.
2024-07-06: I added two new mods:
"The Buried Euphoric Rush of Uniting Emergency"
This mod, meant primarily for netplay, makes it so that lava slowly starts to rise from below the surface at the beginning of a match. Therefore, much of the match will be about trying to avoid the lava as much as possible and more than other players.
"Stonecaster Critical View"
This mod, meant primarily for netplay, involves both a Physics file and Lua script to be used together. It makes it so that you can't use weapons but can kill others just by looking at them. This changes the dynamic of deathmatches and changes how you strategize when you know what can happen when you round a corner.
2024-01-01 uploads:
Yuge New Year! I added 10 new mods:
"Pyrrhic Panshaper Esoteric Warfare"
In this mod meant for either multiplayer or singleplayer, both firing modes for every weapon each spawn a different monster. To win in a netgame, just die from the monsters less than the others do.
"Hold to the Calling at the Collapse's Beckoning"
In this mod meant mainly for netplay, all polygon floors rise and fall at different time intervals. They don't act like platforms in the sense that they won't retract or crush you if they get you up to a ceiling, but they will make the match wild as you try to kill each other amidst all the rising and falling.
"Seekers of the Absurd Eschaton"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay and requiring you to turn on Aliens for it to work, is based loosely on the map "Fith" from the original Unreal (or Unreal Gold). For one thing, 5 random polygons are marked (both in plain-view and in the overhead map) and numbered 1-5, and any time someone steps on that polygon, the corresponding number is printed to everyone's screen so they know roughly where to go to find an enemy (beyond the range of their motion sensor). However, the real catch of this mod is that there is always a lone green BOB wandering on the map; and if you kill him 7 times, you'll basically cause an armageddon event where explosives go off everywhere in the map for a while, probably killing other players. You'll be told how many more BOBs you have left to kill too.
"A Grandiose Wielder's Ambition"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, puts all items on the map in one random polygon that is marked in the overhead map as "the pile". Obviously you'll want to get and hoard the supplies from everyone else in order to best ensure your chances of winning.
"Secret-Holder Within Wide Decline"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, spawns different-level shield capsules in random polygons but makes it so that you take all the damage that you dish out. Obviously then you'll want to get to the capsules as much as you can to avoid killing yourself when you kill your enemies.
"The Maintainer of the Scarpter"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you earn points for all damage you take, but lose them all if you die. So your best bet for winning is to get damaged as much as possible without dying and manage to stay away from further harm during the last few seconds of the game, making sure to pick off any remaining competition along the way.
"Rubiconic Order-Carver"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Keep in mind that if you use one of the wall panels with or without a chip, it will turn into a regular wall and won't be usable anymore, so be careful about when and where you use them. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.
"Mapplan Hardharvest"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that one marked polygon (in plain-view and in the overhead map as "the pile") spawns an infinite number of chips, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Keep in mind that if you use one of the wall panels with or without a chip, it will turn into a regular wall and won't be usable anymore, so be careful about when and where you use them. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes the chip pile will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto it or explosives-hop yourself up to reach it.
"The Circumstantial Hotspots of World-As-Known Decision"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, all walls in the map are chip slots, and you earn points by installing the most chips. Unlike "Rubiconic Order-Carver", slots will not disappear after being used, so you can install chips in the same one as much as you want. Not all panels will work, but many will. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.
"Retriever for the Sepulchral Mountain"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that each polygon in the map has a chip, only one wall on the map has a chip slot (which is limitless), and you earn points by installing the most chips. Sometimes chips will spawn well enough off the ground that you'll have to find ledges to jump from onto them or explosives-hop yourself up to reach them.
2023-12-25 uploads:
"Controlplot Overwreak"
Here's a Yugemas gift for the people, a netgame script meant mainly for standard red-blue team games but that can be played all-against-all too. It functions much like the Domination game mode in Unreal Tournament. Four different random polygons in a level are each assigned a control point that is indicated both in plain-view (with a marking and static floor) and in the overhead map view. Your task is to run over these polygons to "capture" them, which will cause you to earn points even after you've stepped on them and even after you die -- that is, until one of your opponents steps on them and captures them for themselves. So capture as many of these as possible for as long as possible in order to win.
2023-12-04 uploads:
"A Downcast Curse of Heavystone"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, puts a large cylinder scenery object in the center of every polygon in a map, creating a bunch of obstacles to run around and trap your enemies in. This is a more straight-ahead and consistent version of the cylinder-placing mods, since it actually uses Lua tables instead of using hacks with monster classes and physics models like some of the other obstacle-focused mods in this pack do.
"Daggerland of Secret Chiefs (N)"
This netplay mod makes all players constantly have double invisibility.
"Doom-Gambling Power-Learner Adventurism"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, allows all players to teleport at will to a random polygon in the map by pressing the mic button. Sometimes you may wind up in a less-than-ideal spot, but you can always teleport again to get somewhere better. This way you can find creative new ways to escape from attackers and get the drop on them.
"Extreme Self-Cannon of Hardsight and Timing"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you will die if you try to move, but you spawn with an unlimited rocket launcher that you're immune to, so you can move around purely by rocket jumping everywhere. As such, you can only kill each other while standing, although you'll obviously want to use something aside from rockets or grenades.
"Growing Strength of the Dimension Transector"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by teleporting, so make sure to get on a teleporter more than everyone else in order to win.
"Hiveplunge Into Mass Viddiction"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by toggling the automap, so make sure to hit that button more than everyone else in order to win. Definitely a sillier mod.
"Means-Seizer Dominitude"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by collecting items AND can steal the points of whoever you kill. Hoard as much as you can and stay alive!
"Of A Hunger Once Unique to Phantasms of Yore"
This netplay mod alters standard deathmatch so that you steal the points of whoever you kill. Of course, if they have 0, you get nothing, and if they have negative points, you'll actually lose points. This can be awkward in two-player matches, but with more players it gets more interesting.
"Overflowing of Boundary-Crushing Glory"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by keeping momentum. Specifically, you earn points the fastest when you keep running forward; so try to avoid any other movement or obstacles, kill your enemies on the run so that their momentum is interrupted, and avoid having yours interrupted too.
"Quests of Legitimate Power Seizure in the Cagecraft"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that players spawn solid "large cylinder" scenery objects on their exact position by pressing the mic button. You can hold down the button while running and even going off ledges, and it'll spawn those cylinders in the air. Of course, these cylinders block your path, so be careful not to get trapped in and try to trap in your enemies to kill them better.
"Spire Stakes of Clutch"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by collecting items but will lose all your points if you're killed.
"The Patient Becoming of the Blood-Minded Disciple"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you will die if you get too much momentum. Basically the only way to move without dying is by walking and not also sidestepping at the same time. See how the dynamic of combat changes when everyone has to be slower!
"The Sudden Terror of Fake Progress in Malfunction and Indomitable Nature"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you die if you use a teleporter. I like to imagine that there's a malfunction in the teleportation system that leads to you being teleported in pieces, like in movies.
"To Maintain Its Ascendancy in Serial Death"
This netplay mod makes it so that you earn points by dying, so kill yourself more than everyone else in order to win.
"Tour By Astral Cast of Chaotic Fate"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that you constantly teleport at regular intervals to a random polygon in the level, no matter what.
"Wrester of the Rigidity in the Chance-Tides"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that all players will die if they move but can teleport at will to a random polygon in the level by pressing the microphone button. Naturally, you can only kill your enemies while still, so take advantage of whatever position you can teleport to at any moment.
"Global Collision in the Invisible Flood"
This mod, meant mainly for netplay, makes it so that all players have a constant external velocity dragging them in one direction, as though every polygon had an invisible liquid conveyor belt on it.
<hr />older uploads
"Aperture in Tank Myopia"
This means you cannot turn or look up or down, but are always facing straight ahead as you move. See how you kill each other with this ridiculous shared handicap!
"Armagolem Hellspell Worldstakes"
This mod meant mainly for netplay makes all your weapons shoot out bouncing simulacrum BOBs that hone in on your target. Note that (1) the firing patterns of your weapons are the same, meaning that you can use your fists to summon simulacrums even if you're out of ammo, faster-firing weapons will yield simulacrums at a faster rate, shotguns will shoot them out in clusters, etc. Note also that these simulacrums will not function exactly like the normal ones and may explode sooner than wanted, but their bouncing means that you can get them across chasms depending on the location and angle that you shoot them at. It's your armies against your opponents'!
"As the Dream Seeps Into and Dissolves You"
This turns all textures into landscape ones.
"Betrothing to the Forgotten Root of Potentiate"
This means you are permanently equipped with only a single pistol with unlimited ammunition and no way to dual-wield. This can make for some very interesting net games as you all learn to make do with what is probably the least-used multiplayer fighting option in Marathon history, even below fists. You will become a better player this way and make laughs along the way.
"Binary Switch Runs of Destiny"
You start out with unlimited ammo for all weapons, but you can only use whatever weapon you run over.
"Bringing All Back to the Raw Cult"
This script "flattens" levels into something reminiscent of Wolfenstein 3D (albeit less blocky). Specifically, it makes all floor heights 0, all ceiling heights 1, and all platform heights 0. It also makes all liquids in the level into rapid floors conveyors like you've come to know in NEFX maps. This can make for a new, interesting, and funny multiplayer experience, but may render many singleplayer levels unbeatable, mainly due to issues with platforms.
No one can turn, so you're stuck facing forward the whole time.
"Chains of Counteradaptation"
This mod is mainly meant for netplay and you will have to turn on Aliens for it to work. It turns all monster classes into identical large column scenery objects that move around. They can't hurt you and you can't hurt them, but they sure can get in the way of players, so watch out and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies.
"Chainsnipe Celebration Infinite Crafter"
This makes it so all your weapons shoot a different kind of scenery that flies across and sticks where it lands on the wall. Different firing modes shoot different scenery too. This can be good if you want to decorate a place, and especially if you want to have a more relaxing and funny game with other players.
"Collidescoop Summoner"
Meant mainly for multiplayer deathmatch, this turns every polygon into a teleporter. Teleporters in maps generally default to the same location, so this is a way to gather all players together into one spot to duke it out with each other in close quarters all at once. Try this in an 8-player game for total hilarity. Note that in some maps the teleporter will just take you out of the level.
"Current Prison & the Myriad Deceit"
All items are mines in this one, so the way to win is to avoid them and try to rack up points against your enemies with your fist or pistol. Good luck!
"Forcefielder Global Gambit"
This mod is mainly intended for netplay and you will need to turn on Aliens for it to work. It replaces all monster classes with identical large column scenery objects that don't move. You can't hurt them and they can't hurt you -- they can't even move -- but they sure can get in players' way, so be on the lookout and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies.
"Funneled Spatial Remembrance"
This kills and taunts you if you try to save, recharge, access a terminal, or activate the automap. This is the real "Adminn_1's Challenge" to help you train for maximum Vidmaster runs!
"Global Omnilode Onus - The Wire"
This is a multiplayer game mode in which whoever collects the most items wins. Each item you pick up gives you one point. An interesting thing about this is that items tend to respawn en masse after a player dies, meaning it further helps not only to kill others but also yourself!
"Motherlode Overquench"
Everyone gets all weapons and ammunition from the start. There's probably already a script like this out there, but I figured I'd put one with the other NEFX ones too.
"Obscura in the Celestial Gaze"
All players are always stuck looking up at a 30-degree angle, so you have to somehow get under your enemy to hit them.
"Play Pretexts to New Awareness"
This modifies the fists to drop infinite bouncing bombs that detonate upon settling, modifies grenades to be landmines, and modifies the rocket launcher to fire more explosives in a faster and honing fashion (albeit with one shot per clip).
"Precarious Keeping of the Sigil Code Keys"
You spawn with all weapons, but lose them every time you run over their ammo.
"Realization Through Ensnarement"
In tribute to known historical NEFX practice and reference thereof by many Marathon community members, this script-and-physics combo randomly generates columns that block your way in a level. You can easily adjust the number of columns you want (enemy players) to deal with in the script. The columns are actually Tiny Pfhor that were modded to look and behave like columns -- stationary, completely idle, and not damaged by anything.
"Shapers Transforming Placemeaning By Piece"
This makes it so all your weapons spawn a different kind of scenery right in front of you. Different firing modes shoot different scenery too. This can be good if you want to decorate a place, and especially if you want to have a more relaxing and funny game with other players.
“Spectrallax of Dooming Possibility”
This makes all weapons work under liquid as they would above liquid and makes all monsters fly. This is good for net maps taking place mostly or entirely under liquid such as NEFX will later produce, where you can basically have “flying” deathmatches or survivalmatches, and thus helps to expand the combat possibilities of Marathon.
"Stalactice-Bound Freefinders"
Meant mainly for netplay, this makes every map entirely underwater and equips every player with an SMG with unlimited ammo. See how much more open-ended and freaky maps get when you can swim everywhere!
"The False Promise of Conditioned Currency"
Don't step on items or you'll lose points. It's up to you whether the points you'll get from killing your enemy with the supplies you pick up will offset the cost of picking up the supplies.
“The Full Rounding of Age-Old Collective Drives”
Since the pistols and fists don’t really find use in net games most of the time except for self-challenging purposes, this disables both and replaces them with a fusion pistol of unlimited shots (technically 12,241 per the seeming allowed maximum on ShapeFusion, but you’ll surely die before you run out) -- a "starting blaster" if you will, reminiscent of games like Quake II or Unreal I. See how threatening the invinciwimpsi are now!
"The New Paradigm When the Upper Crust is Removed"
You know how players in netgames usually go right to the shotguns and rocket launcher? Well, this script removes those exact weapons so that everyone has to rely on everything else to get their kills.
"Timeframes Decision Nodes"
This starts all players off with full 3-layer shields, but the shields go down at recharger speed until they reach 0 and you blow up. Make your time and resources count!
"Through the Oblvision"
Meant mainly for multiplayer deathmatch, this makes any map you launch completely underwater with a fairly strong current in one direction. Naturally you will incline towards this direction and move faster if you move with the current, whereas you will move slower if going against the current. See how this changes the way a map and deathmatch flows (heh).
"Victory of Absurdist Balance By Inwardness"
This starts you immediately with a never-ending shield charge, and you will die if you reach full triple-bar (purple) shields. This will make for an interesting net game as all players have to preoccupy themselves with finding ways based on their environment, position, equipment, etc, to die the least amount of times by constantly damaging themselves enough (without going too far). Keep in mind that you can still technically kill others, or at least incapacitate them in such a way that they can't damage themselves fast enough to avoid dying.
"Wargame Gamechanger Pinpoint Changes"
This mod is mainly meant for netplay and you will have to turn on Aliens for it to work. It turns all monster classes into identical large column scenery objects that rapidly teleport between nearby spots. They can't hurt you and you can't hurt them, but they sure can get in the way of players, so watch out and use that to your advantage to trap your enemies. In this one you might suddenly have one appear in front of you.
-Adminn_1 [NEFX]
I added two new mods:
"The Buried Euphoric Rush of Uniting Emergency"
This mod, meant primarily for netplay, makes it so that lava slowly starts to rise from below the surface at the beginning of a match. Therefore, much of the match will be about trying to avoid the lava as much as possible and more than other players.
"Stonecaster Critical View"
This mod, meant primarily for netplay, involves both a Physics file and Lua script to be used together. It makes it so that you can't use weapons but can kill others just by looking at them. This changes the dynamic of deathmatches and changes how you strategize when you know what can happen when you round a corner.
CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.
Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.
Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7
This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon 2 Durandal. A Marathon Infinity version is available.
Other CFP Packages
CFP Walls M2 -
CFP Monsters -
CFP Scenery -
CFP Weapons Inf -
Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:
AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite
Over the course of 2021/2022, multiple people in the discord worked on a project that had the goal of making maps that intentionally went against the conventional style of mapmaking normally associated with Marathon. Instead, what you are about download is an incubator anthology of maps that promoted thinking outside the box not only for the mapmakers in making their respective maps, but also for the players themselves tackling them.
We're gonna be completely honest with you, this is definitely not easy. You will more than likely spend countless attempts on some, if not all maps. With this said, be creative and you may find alternative solutions to what may seem like the intended solution. If you are truly stuck on a level and need the minuscule life preserver of help, you can ask in the #get-a-clue channel in the official hellpak discord (link in the readme) and we can provide a somewhat hint at what to do.
\|\||X |X|X
In addition to perusing the fine selection of experimental gameplay in this beautiful space station of a map pack, why not also take 2 seconds of your day to switch over to the full original soundtrack, which features 10 tracks not part of the map pack itself. Similar to hellpak the map pack, hellpak the OST also follows the same experimental and avant-garde principles.
Good luck and Finish Durandal.
Hopefully the final point release of Vol 1 as we focus on Vol 2.
‘Perfect Matred’: Game balance issues and possibly occasional crashes. It’s been like half a year – you think I remember?
‘hsinif ladnarud’: Exited to the wrong level, resulting in an unintended case of a level transition without an autosave.
‘Bungie, did you get that thing I sent you? It came from me. It cam’: Its victory condition was more unforgiving than we meant it to be because we overestimated something about an earlier level. (Left intentionally vague to avoid spoilers.)
CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.
Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7, Zetren
This is Zetren's 1024x1024 XBLA walls for M2 Durandal integrated with the bloom effects from thedoctor45's XBLA SuperPlugin and made to be compatible with the CFP set.
Installation: The downloaded file must be decompressed and the sub zip files moved to the appropriate plugin folder. The reason the plugin is broken up is for improved performance while still having the benefit of being compressed.
Note: With larger zipped plugins, Alephone puts more strain on the cpu for longer loads as it memory maps the contents. Breaking the set into smaller zips seems to improve loadtime performance quite a bit.
Other CFP Packages
CFP Monsters -
CFP Scenery -
CFP Weapons Inf -
CFP Weapons M2 -
Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:
Uploaded to the wrong item...
I've always found the weapon reticles in the enhanced hud plugin to be too dim and hard to see, so I made brighter ones. To use, simply replace the default images in the enhanced hud plugin folder with these.
This Weland plugin exports a pair of .obj and .mtl files of the current level, including texture information. When paired with texture bitmaps exported from ShapeFusion, fully textured level models can be loaded and viewed in other programs.
This very simple Weland plugin lists all map annotations for the current level, in a dialog where they can be easily read or copied. Good for spell checking your scenario, or combing maps for secrets.
Are you working on a Lua HUD, and want to know how to draw inventory panels or weapons just like the built-in one? This plugin acts just like the hardcoded HUD from M2 and Infinity, so you can see how to duplicate any feature in Lua. It works with third-party scenarios too.
Fixes errors in net games with a kill limit or time-based scoring.
A GUI theme for Aleph One inspired by Apple's System 7.5, as seen in Marathon's original preferences dialogs. Based on an earlier (now obsolete) theme by Christian Bauer.
Version 1.3 uses the public-domain ChicagoFLF font instead of Apple's proprietary Chicago font.
This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those games.
This version is distributed with Aleph One 1.8.1. Since the last S7 release, the following fixes were added:
Hello and welcome to my first post on Simplici7y!
This a fix for the Enhanced HUD plugin where you can actually see the Crosshair for the SMG. The step-by-step tutorial is in the README file of this mod. I'm actually surprised that no one else tried to fix the crosshair, since it took me a couple of minutes in Paint 3D.
1.0 - Release of this mod.