
Downloads by Most Reviews

One Way 2 2.0

thermoplyae on 06/29/2008

Since we don't have the GLORIOUS original, I've created another map of the same spirit (if not the same style) as One Way. Here is an example review from its debut run on the metaserver: "Wrkncacnter: my only complaint is that was too awesome" So don't hesitate, download straight away! (ALSO THIS MAP WAS MADE WITH Smithy AND Lua Visual Mode!)

Best played with 6 or so people on King of the Hill or Last Man on the Hill, which is a netscript by Wrkncacnter available on this website. At some point I plan on allowing KTMWTB, but it's broken at the moment.

2,320 downloads, 5 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

The TTEP (Total Texture Enhancement Package) is a massive package containing remakes of the original textures from the Marathon trilogy.

It replaces the original low-quality textures with new high-ress versions with a maximum size of 1024x1024 pixels. I've tried to get them as close to the originals as possible.

New in version 7.0:

  • Script files have been cleaned up and files have been renamed to make it more clear how to install.

  • All textures are now optimized .DDS files, with increased performance as well as quality!

  • Textures can now be scaled down in Aleph One's OpenGL settings. This also makes the TTEP a single size package, there's no longer 4 different sizes.

  • A lot of the textures have tiny flaws removed, some are completely redone to make them look better.

  • The Textures are now divided by their games, meaning you're not forced to download and use the Marathon 2 Textures when you only want the Marathon 1 replacements for example.

15,402 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon: Pathways into Darkness Version 0.5 now available!

I am sorry it took so long to get this beta out to the public. The reason was that the MPiD Images file was giving a lot of trouble and so I have decided to replace it with a regular Infinity Images file.

If you download the beta I would love to hear your opinions and/or suggestions. I will not appreciate ugly rants but any sort of constructive criticism is VERY welcome. Please post your thoughts here or email me at: nhoad at

Now, there are several problems in this beta that I am already aware of. If you have a suggestion for how to best fix them I would be happy to hear it:

Most blue in the game is transparent: This is a problem caused because of the blues used in PiD. DeepThought is indirectly helping me fix this problem. Monsters get stuck in walls or don't attack immediately: This is a mapping problem which I intend to fix as I polish the levels. Any mapping tips are welcome! There is no resting: Bobwithkeycard is helping me implement resting, for the moment there are only a set number of health potions per level. Some items are undersize or oversized Levels seem really short. This is simply a fact of PiD levels, if you move at any sort of decent speed the levels become much shorter PLAY ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY! PiD was not designed for multiple difficulty levels and neither is MPiD! Monsters on Total Carnage WILL eat you alive! You cannot go back between levels: A1 doesn't like this feature and it would be incredibly hard to implement (and not really worth it in the end). So there will be no backtracking.

Those are the big problems and I hope to fix them all. I REALLY want to hear your recommendations, opinions or even encouragement! If there are any problems in the beta (such you cannot travel between level 3 and 4) let me know and I will upload a corrected map file for the beta.

What to expect in future versions:

A completely new Images file. New high-res textures, weapons and sprites by DeepThought New LUA by bobwithkeycard (LUA which will allow resting, talking to the dead PiD style, nuclear bombs and more) Chapter screens by Phobos-Romulus All of the original PiD levels

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this beta until the full version of MPiD is released! Note: There is no release date so don't bother asking.

Many of the MPiD team members have come and gone over the years and I believe that myself and Patrick White are the only remaining active members of the team listed below.

Beta Credits:

Raul Bonilla Nicholas Hoad Loren Petrich J�³hannes Gunnar Alexander Strange Tim Vogel Patrick White - Images Hugo Forss - Icons

Special Thanks: Bungie Forrest Cameranesi The Marathon Mape Making Guild Hamish Sinclair (for maintaining PiD at The Aleph One Team James J Cousar Goran Svensson Claude Errera Gregory Smith (Treellama)

PS: The MPiD Team is in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer by this beta.

PPS: I have a serious issue with crediting people, I MUST do it. If you notice anything in this beta you believe you were not credited for let me know immediately please!

Read more

3,235 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This modifcation of Dave Baily's map is my first attempt at CTF. For some reason some people like it though personally I'd choose CCR2 (part of Magenta Filter 1.3) This version works with CTF lua 4.0.2 so you guys can stop bugging me to email you maps. ;) The readme goes in to further detail.

2,898 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.0 rating

NEFX Netmaps 2024-06-17

Adminn_1 on 06/17/2024

Screenshot titled ""Past Unvarnished Visions of the Inaccessible""

Happy 50-map landmark! Here's to more.

2024-06-17 - A new map has been added, "Mutual Chase in the Maddened Image Spindle". You can download this by itself or with the other maps at the provided link.

2023-04-01 - The following have been added over the past week:

"Classical Contraption Contemplation"

"Drive of Constant Flux Maintenance"

"Initiatory Perspectival Pathsetting"

"Jousters on the Frame Warp"

"Shared Fray-Urge Unconscious"

"At the Underground Mesmer"

"Confinement Contemplations Weaponized"

"The Untapped Bond Point Come to Life".

Notes for version 2024-06-17:

A new map has been added, "Mutual Chase in the Maddened Image Spindle". You can download this by itself or with the other maps at the provided link.

2,100 downloads, 4 reviews, 27 screenshots, 3.0 rating

System Se7en 1.3

Hopper on 05/31/2024

Screenshot titled ""

A GUI theme for Aleph One inspired by Apple's System 7.5, as seen in Marathon's original preferences dialogs. Based on an earlier (now obsolete) theme by Christian Bauer.

Notes for version 1.3:

Version 1.3 uses the public-domain ChicagoFLF font instead of Apple's proprietary Chicago font.

3,218 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Deus Volt! 1.1

Synchronicity13 on 06/24/2023

Screenshot titled "Daylight at last"

After all, what is a metastable AI but an electric god?

You've been sent by Durandal to assist a UESC assault on the Vylae homeworld. As Pfhor resistance crumbles, a strange discovery offers new opportunities... and new perils.

A mini-scenario for Marathon Infinity. Six levels, plus one interstitial and one secret bonus level.

Notes for version 1.1:

Notable changes in v1.1:

  • Rebalanced ammo and shield chargers throughout scenario to provide a smoother difficulty curve and encourage exploration/aggression.
  • Embedded MML+Lua (no longer requires Previous AI plugin)
  • Substantially revised Atom Heart Mother (more climactic battles in central portion) and Our Lord Debussy (more to explore in upper floors, more connections between different areas of level).
  • Removed potential Cask-of-Amontillado-esque soft lock in Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.
  • Added a secret bonus level! Getting there is half the challenge.
  • More weapon pickups on more levels, for those that prefer pistol starts (or just missed the weapon the first time around).
  • Tweaks and aesthetic improvements to all levels.

I'm always looking to hone my craft as a mapper -- reviews, suggestions, &c are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to hypersleep for feedback on v1.0 and help with Lua!

3,300 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.8 rating

Marathon 1 Redux 0.0.13-alpha

liacrow on 07/30/2019

Screenshot titled "Reimagined architecture"

Weekly updates on Github:

A project to give Marathon 1 a facelift, incorporating the new features of Aleph One to flesh out and add realism to the Marathon's architecture. Eventually, to include a branching storyline- possibly even missions on the colony moon.

Featuring Marathon 1 with lua scripting, liquids, ambient sound, new weapons, more scenery, improved sprites, expanded architecture, new terms & terminal art, and the latest HD plugins. Also including Craig Hardgrove's soundtrack, you can visit his page over at !

At this point M1R should contain a complete, playable, almost bug-free recreation of M1, however, I still consider this an alpha as there are many more features and levels to come, and other features present that will be cut.

To contribute to this project, download it and read the "Help Wanted.txt" and/or TODO.txt," or head over to the Pfhorums where the lists and discussion are posted:

WINDOWS USERS PLEASE NOTE Marathon 1 Redux's extensive HD and 3D assets may cause 32-bit builds of Aleph One to crash immediately upon starting a game. To resolve this issue, you will have to experiment with turning off plugins or reducing texture replacement resolution to taste.

Notes for version 0.0.13-alpha:
  • Starting a new game now brings you directly to Arrival, rather than skipping though unfinished prologues
  • Currently unplayable levels are hidden from the level-select dialogue
  • Lua scripting is finding its way to several levels to control special events and functions
  • 3D models fixed so they no longer cause clipping & bloom problems, and distort less on pulsating textures
  • New texture variants, bringing the total number to 386! (including landscapes and animation frames)
  • Most levels updated to greater and lesser degrees to take advantage of the new textures
  • AI variant terminal textures applied to every terminal - e.g., a Leela terminal says LEELA on it in-world
  • Differentiated solid and liquid lava, and to a lesser degree, goo
  • New epilogue level (thanks to Pfhorrest for letting me re-use some Eternal geometry)
  • A new defensive twist to Pfhoraphobia to balance out its new Lua scripting
  • Updates to Arrival, The Rose, Welcome to the Revolution, Try Again, Beware of Low-Flying Defence Drones
  • The first Pfhor terminal
  • Pfhor fighter sprites optimised for bloom
  • Revised Vidmaster's Oath
  • Newly spawned players start with plot-appropriate weapons, at the expense of ammo
  • Low resolution fallback if you disable the 3072p landscape plugin
  • Lots of bugfixes in general, thank you to everyone who reported problems!
  • Much saner organisation overall
  • Probably more because it's been 9 months since 0.0.12!

Known bugs A mutant pfhor teleports into space and BoBs clog corridors in the epilogue level, both fixed in weelky release Flamethrower is wonky *Player's light is too dark, fixed in weekly release

4,251 downloads, 4 reviews, 9 screenshots, 4.2 rating

Screenshot titled "Asdkzx123"

This is a project that a group of map makers have been working on for a while. It is a fitting tribute to the Marathon community and its players. Huge thanks to Aaron, aka The Man, and Spooky for helping me with item placement and the making of special maps. These maps are each made for specific people in mind, and are named after who they were designed for. This is a 12 level net map pack meant for 8 players. The maps are for Wrkncacnter, asdkzx123, windbreaker, slyfennecfox, fenrick, Captain Jteg, raptor200221, Spooky, Aaron, Adminn_1, EDDIE DINGLE, and Zuranthus.

Notes for version 13.0:

fixed eddie dingle map

1,636 downloads, 4 reviews, 12 screenshots, 2.8 rating

Screenshot titled ""

The music that is shipped with the Marathon release is based off of the classic Quicktime synth. This is the fed through fluidsynth which utilized a modern sample set — in this case, Don Allen's Timbres of Heaven. All tracks have been normalized and made working for in-game.

To install, simply replace the Music folder within the Marathon data folder

Notes for version 2.0:

-A new attempt utilizing Timbers of Heaven 3.4 and the latest fluidsynth.

fixed missing track 14

3,616 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Replaces the 2d scenery sprites with 3d models in Marathon 1

Note: works best in shader mode.

Make sure bloom is turned off!

Obviously some errors can't be avoided, but I have done my best to smooth over as many bumps as possible.

Notes for version 1.2:

-Replaced the escape pod model with a much better one

-Changed the pfhor egg to be more like the original (an egg)

4,090 downloads, 4 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

I've made quite a few scripts for Alpha One over the years and I figured I'd write a guide to help others.

This guide contains all of my secrets for building awesome lua scripts. With it, you too will be able to write beautiful code.

Take it from me, I'm a xpert LUA engineer.

Notes for version zipped:

Part 1

2,172 downloads, 4 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.2 rating

Capture the Falg 1.0.3

irons on 01/23/2016

Screenshot titled "Layout"

This script adopts W'rkncacnter's CTF script to the newer API. See the readme, the original CTF script, and the Magenta Filter maps for more information.

Notes for version 1.0.3:

This release hopefully fixes out-of-sync issues. It also adds messages for all flag statuses (taken, dropped, returned, scored). There are also screen faders for these events. Finally, the alert sound no longer plays if a player is constantly picking up his own flag (i.e. when it continuously respawns on the base polygon).

I highly recommend updating to this version.

3,547 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Co-Op 2.2

irons on 08/14/2013

Screenshot titled "Simple monster info"

This Lua script introduces a number of changes and tweaks in the mechanics of co-operative games. Version 2 has a number of improvements thanks to the new Lua API found in Aleph One v0.20.

See the Readme file for a whole lot more detail.

Notes for version 2.2:

Added a few minor changes, including one that allows the script to work with the post-1.0 betas.

4,574 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

The Grab Bag 3.0

Nibenon on 01/02/2012

Screenshot titled "Metal Walking Stick"

A compilation of Ruben Rybnik's and my own maps, each with a specific gametype in mind. Remember, since both of us contributed, we can't review. I leave THAT to you. Really, REVIEW.

Notes for version 3.0:

I've added 6 more maps that were meant to be EMFH, etc. but were then expanded for survival. Ruben finally updated "Palace of Eru" and another map.

Reviews are always nice, even the occasional spite would be a change.

2,850 downloads, 4 reviews, 17 screenshots, 3.5 rating

The first in a series of solo mini-scenarios on the UESC Kolokotronis. Your feedback is appreciated.

2,196 downloads, 4 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.5 rating

Screenshot titled ""The Bilateral Commission""

Back in March, Irons re-discovered a contest for 7-polygon maps, also known as "Simplici7y" maps. I was intrigued by the concept, and drew some sketches that turned into these seven levels. Despite making Marathon maps for nearly the last fifteen years, this is the first Infinity map I've officially released. I chose to follow the restrictions imposed by the original contest.

Notes for version 1.0:

This is the first official release. All maps and gametypes have been tested for functionality and balance.

2,400 downloads, 4 reviews, 7 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Dead City 5.0

Nibenon on 06/03/2011

Screenshot titled "Previous Version, satisfied?"

The first ever survival map, with a base, plentiful weapons and healing, and lots of space for battle. And yes, I MADE THE PREVIOUS DEAD CITY MAP AS WELL, SO OF COURSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT. DUH.

Notes for version 5.0:

Completely redone: you can now run up the rocks, distracting polygons are removed, others were added, and especially the size will allow for more carnage. Take note: despite size change, aliens will still get stuck on the steps, and must be killed with bullets, not by 'splodes. My solo record is now 22. Good luck.

2,711 downloads, 4 reviews, 2 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled "ASSAULT MINIGUN (lolwut?)"

Yeah, just another crappy physics file. Made it a long time ago. Like all physics files, don't use on a merged map. CHANGES:shotgun shoots fusion bolts with blast radius, AR and SMG fires a larger burst (3 and 4 at a time) and shoot faster. AR bullets are powered up just a little. AR grenades have no changes; the AR just fires 5 at a time even though it might not look like it. Again, this is a PHYSICS MODEL, not a script. So don't use on a map with embedded physics. Also, FloatingX, TTEP and WEP not included. Get them in Simplici7y (except for the FloatingX; that's a 1-of-a-kind floatingx i made by modding Treellama's FloatingX. It's not posted anywhere to download.) Also, I made Super Magnum Physics ;) I just wanted to change my name. Also, the Ray Shotgun was not named after Ray. The idea of a "Ray Gun" was invented by H.G. Wells, a famous writer. "A very early example of a raygun is the Heat-Ray featured in H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898)." (Information page: )

Notes for version 1:


2,874 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.2 rating

Pl8inum 1.0

Hopper on 03/12/2011

Screenshot titled ""

By popular demand, a GUI theme for Aleph One inspired by the "Platinum" interface of Mac OS 8 and 9.

2,813 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating