
Tagged 'Physics'

Screenshot titled "ASSAULT MINIGUN (lolwut?)"

Yeah, just another crappy physics file. Made it a long time ago. Like all physics files, don't use on a merged map. CHANGES:shotgun shoots fusion bolts with blast radius, AR and SMG fires a larger burst (3 and 4 at a time) and shoot faster. AR bullets are powered up just a little. AR grenades have no changes; the AR just fires 5 at a time even though it might not look like it. Again, this is a PHYSICS MODEL, not a script. So don't use on a map with embedded physics. Also, FloatingX, TTEP and WEP not included. Get them in Simplici7y (except for the FloatingX; that's a 1-of-a-kind floatingx i made by modding Treellama's FloatingX. It's not posted anywhere to download.) Also, I made Super Magnum Physics ;) I just wanted to change my name. Also, the Ray Shotgun was not named after Ray. The idea of a "Ray Gun" was invented by H.G. Wells, a famous writer. "A very early example of a raygun is the Heat-Ray featured in H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898)." (Information page: )

Notes for version 1:


3,190 downloads, 4 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.2 rating

Mods the magnum. Twice the recoil of a rocket launcher, and the power of a rocket launcher, without the explosion. Enjoy. PS THIS IS A PHYSICS FILE NOT A SCRIPT OR MAP. DONT USE ON A MERGED MAP. OMG. Why does everyone hate all my uploads? even the good ones? The ones that they TOLD me to upload? Really, I think I am going to start keeping my creations to myself.

Notes for version 1:

Whatever. Less recoil. P.S. If you are wondering where my other uploads went, it seems nobody likes them. Plus, they were the original property of Treellama. This is the only one that I really made. Oh well. P.P.S. The above is in the readme.

3,101 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.3 rating

FP 1.0

Tresh on 03/25/2011

another physics, i made this things when im bored! hope u like! plz rate and comment!

Notes for version 1.0:

remenber that every weapon has changes! secondary trigger of the AR may crash the game, idk why and i hope it doesnt! hope u enjoy and if u have time plz comment! =)

2,610 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Kimblee- Physics 1.15

AttilaGeek on 03/22/2011

Physics model, the last of many I've made. Here are the changes: --Pistol: No change (although a little buggy with the shapes) --shotgun: Now shoots flame rounds --Fusion: bolts look different, but function basically the same. --AR: shoots orange drone bolts, grenades bounce and have bigger, blue explosions. --SMG: shoots persistent/virulent bolts that act like grenades. Looks really cool, my favorite weapon. --Flamer: shoots a beam of fire that looks like the alien weapon from M2/Inf. --Rocket: Wave Motion Cannon. Persistent and virulent, looks like a giant fusion bolt and has a huge blast radius.

Also comes with Kimblee_Shapes, the shapes file needed to run it properly, otherwise you'll just get wierdly colored sprites.

Notes for version 1.15:

Versions 1-14 i kept to myself, but it is still a work in progress and as such any suggestions are welcome. I have some older physics models i made, and if anyone wants them i will upload those too.

2,657 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Speed and damage 1.0

Tresh on 03/13/2011

They change the type of projectiles of weapons (like usual) and the damage and speed of those projectiles! XD

Notes for version 1.0:

hope u enjoy! plz rate and comment! =D

2,511 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

These physics I made with a bit of a twist. I put in some more interesting things found in some games I was playing. Here are the changes:

Fist: Knock out punches (more damage)

Pistols: Pistoles (shotguns)

AR: Incendiary rounds w/ flamethrower attach

Shotguns: NADE FEST!!!!!

SMG: Incendiary rounds

Alien weap: Spht Kr bolts just like bitsoglass physics; 2nd trigg major

Whatever I didn't list has no change so rockets, fusion, flamer, I think thats it. Please comment, rate, critique. I really appreciate when you do.

Notes for version 1.0:

Tell me any bugs or anything I could improve. Thanks

2,605 downloads, 6 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.3 rating

Armed Goblins 1.0

Tresh on 09/16/2010

Screenshot titled "big energy"

This physics change the size of the player! If someone wants me to upgrade the weapons just let me know! By the way: the screen will look like always but if see another player or u put the 3rd person camera u will see the difference!

Notes for version 1.0:

I hope u enjoy! plz rate and comment. (if u arent going to make sugestions, or u are going to say something like "i have seen this physics before" or stupid things like trying to put lawyers into this just shut up) :D

2,689 downloads, 11 reviews, 2 screenshots, 1.7 rating

Madness 1.1

Tresh on 09/11/2010

new physics! if u want to know what the weapons, i included a map to test them! plz rate and comment!

Notes for version 1.1:

Sinbe bobsbrother dint like that i made a shotgun attachment i modificate it! By the way (since i have senn no one to mention it) i always make modifications to the fists!

2,368 downloads, 5 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.6 rating

Crashinetors 1.0

Tresh on 09/04/2010

My second physics release that also includes a map (i dint made it) to test them; i hope u enjoy them!

2,360 downloads, 8 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.9 rating

Cool i guess 1.2

Tresh on 08/31/2010

This is a physics file that modifies weapons and also the friends and enemies that the aliens have! Plz rate, comment and make sugestions!

Notes for version 1.2:

Changed the fusion pistol shoot, changed the smg shoot so u can see what is in front of u!

2,428 downloads, 4 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.8 rating

Drone.lua 1.01

RAITHE on 08/30/2010

Screenshot titled "Drone killing BoB!"

This is a script, physics model, and shapes file that, when all are loaded, simulates being a drone (IMPORTANT: Make sure the map you are using doesn't have a physics model merged). Use the mic key (spacebar is good) to move and look up or down to change altitude. when the mic key is off, you are stationary and cannot move. Use the cycle weapons forward and backward to dodge right and left (dodging is pretty buggy at the moment, working on a solution). The more repair chips you have (uplink chips), the faster you will regenerate health. The drone bolts you fire have a homing system that homes towards the last enemy you aimed at (to turn this off, open the script and set "enabled" to "false"). I'm working on making this multiplayer, but for now that is totally a NO. KNOWN BUGS: when you land on the floor, you usually are stuck there and cannot go up again, but you can still move around on the level you are at (if you go off a ledge or go up a level (floor-wise) you'll be able to take off again).

Once I'll be satisfied with how this one turns out, I'll move on to a juggernaut one.

2,704 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Found this in the "M1A1 Mapmaking Kit" in the Aleph One utilities section of the Battlecat's Litterbox.

I tried out each of M1 Map Dude's uploads with these and didn't have an issue.

Notes for version 77.7:

Merge this in your M1A1 maps.

2,555 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Here is a quick but fun physics file. If the name hasn't given it away, then there must be something wrong with you. If you guessed that everything shoots rockets, you're absolutely correct!!!! Now everything except the fists will shoot rockets! :) Yep, even the flamethrower!!! I don't recommend shooting anything at close range now. Have fun!!!! :)

2,394 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.7 rating

Yep, believe it or not, here comes Bitsofglass Physics 2.0!!! Why changes so soon, you ask? Well, you see, I got a request asking for underwater shooting weapons. Your wish has now been granted!!! All weapons (including the flamethrower and fusion pistol) fire SAFELY underwater. All except for the spht' bolt rocket launcher that is. It is the fastest underwater propulsion method known to man. Just hold the key in which direction you want to go and fire away. Trust me, you'll be there in no time. The only downside to v2.0 is that the fusion pistol, even underwater, will still kill you if shot at close range!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!! :)

Notes for version 2.0:

The fusion pistol still may lock up your computer, so be careful. Otherwise the description pretty much sums it up.

2,481 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

This is just a quick physics file that I thought up in my sleep. It really amps up a lot of the weapons. Heres a description:

Pistols: Shoot Rockets

AR: Ultra Shotgun Attachment

Shotguns: 2 shots per shell

Alien weapon: Shoots Shpt'Kr Bolts (2nd trigger major)

SMG: 100 round clip

Flamethrower: Normal

Rocket Launcher: Shoots Major Spht' Bolts

Fusion Pistol: Major Damage Increase (CAUTION: DO NOT SHOOT AT CLOSE RANGE!!!!)

That's about it. If you find any bugs, or have any suggestions, just leave me a comment.

Notes for version 1.0:

Careful of the fusion pistol because if you fire at close range it may lock up your computer. This has happened to me before.

2,435 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

A physics file to use together with visual mode lua. It stops the constant teleporting of enemies. It's universal and works the same on all scenarios. Enjoy a visual mode without distractions.

Notes for version 1.0:

No sounds or visual appearances are made by monsters.

No slowdowns detected on my machine (2ghz pc, 4gb ram, 256mb graphic card) when I ran through a 1024 polygon solo level and activated all monsters.

2,879 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Okay so I've been messing with Anvil and come up with a few things

Fly by physics: Use with fly by wire LUA by Timothy.

Melee: You've been injected with roids, turning you into a lean green fighting machine. Your left hook is extra powerful, lunges, and is filled with roid rage. Also, the flamer has been reconfigured into a chainsaw.

2,475 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Yeah, jumping on the bandwagon here.

This pack includes 4 physics models: Destruction, Synergy, VacBob War and Vidmaster Physics. VacBob War has been seen on Simplici7y before (with an MML script to boot) but the other three have never seen daylight.

Destruction is a classic over-the-top superpower physics model, including such gems as a flamethrower Gatling gun (which mows down enemies like clam chowder) and a flechette blood sprayer, which is in just because it's awesome. Slightly buggy, but if played well, is VERY FUN.

Synergy is also an overpowered model, but it is more reserved and realistic overall. It bears similarities to TC++, but with a slightly different flavor.

Vidmaster Physics is ALSO an overpowered physics model, but not for you. No, your weapons are downgraded to pea-shooters. It's the ENEMIES that get the power, and if you think you've seen everything and you're truly the best, try playing this. Don't even think about Total Carnage.

More information is in the readme.

Notes for version 1.0.0:

First release.

2,808 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

These are some physics models I made for you. Two of them are Slow-Motion variants, and the other four replace the AR grenades with various types of mines.


Notes for version 1.0:

This is the first version!

2,652 downloads, 4 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.8 rating

These are plenty of physics I made using Hakvil 1.03 on my own time. These physics are made for Infinity, but if you try and use them on Durandal, it works too (I think). I took the time to make the mods more authentic, editing gun sounds as well.

Lazer Tag: Weapons mod.

Overpowered: Aliens are very strong/Weapons Mod.

Piercing explosives: Weapons mod.

Pretty Colors: Color mod (makes for a neat look?).

Quickdraw!: All weapons draw faster.

Super Punch: Fists have foward and backward recoil, 4000 damage w/ 400 random damage.

WTF?!?: Nuff said.

In the Player Physics folder: Feeling Doom?: Weapons have a side bob reminisant to how weapons in the Doom series moved.

Flying High: Typical flying physics (walking allows you to fly). Punches have foward and backward recoil to get you in flight.

Impervious: The player is invulnerable to any damage. Great for checking things on a newly built map?

Sonic Speed: You move twice as fast.

There are three? (I think) which will cause the game to crash...: - Overpowered - Piercing Explosives - WTF?!?


2,512 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating