
Tagged 'M1a1'

Screenshot titled "Marathon 2 and Infinity, Widescreen Enhanced"


This plugin allows you to experience Marathon 2's original 1995 classic status bar HUD, but modified to better support today's widescreen displays. This plugin supports Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and many scenarios, and even provides an M2-like HUD for Marathon 1.

This widescreen HUD has 2 flavors, a 'lite' version and an 'enhanced' version:

CLASSIC M2 (UNRESTRICTED VIEW): The original HUD, uses original graphics, but removes the letterboxing on the 3D game view, allowing any widescreen aspect ratio, should be compatible with all scenarios

CLASSIC M2 (WIDESCREEN ENHANCED): Extends the status bar graphics to fill a 16:9 screen. To utilize the extra space, a second inventory page is displayed. In Netgames, this second page shows the scoreboard.

Due to the necessity of custom graphics, "Widescreen Enhanced" HUD is only guaranteed to work with the following scenarios:

  • Marathon 1, Marathon 2, and Marathon Infinity
  • Any scenarios which use the default M2/MI HUD graphics, such as: Tempus Irae, Phoenix, EVIL, and many more
  • The following scenarios with custom HUD graphics: Apotheosis, Apotheosis X, Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge, Marathon Squadron, Portal of Sigma, RED, Return To Marathon, Rubicon/Rubicon X, Trojan

See included Readme for installation instructions.

All Lua work is based on "M2 Default HUD" posted here by Hopper, as well as the scenarios' original art, with additions by me to support the enhanced widescreen features.

Widescreen Marathon 1 Classic HUD is available here

Notes for version 2.02:

v2.02: code tweaks to prevent redundant background fills; no visual changes

v2.01: fix terminals at 'Largest' setting scaling improperly at very low game resolutions

v2.0: add marathon 1 and trojan huds, and code cleanup

v1.9: add scenarios support, resize HUD to be a perfect 2x scale at 1080p, add lite version

2,138 downloads, 1 review, 6 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a slightly modified version of Hopper's M1A1 HUD. It moves the HUD to the lower left corner of the screen and allows for fullscreen mode without any black bar. This should work for any Aleph One scenario, including M1.

I also made a few small edits to the HUD itself for aesthetics and transparency.

Thanks to wrkncacnter for the additional scripting.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed margins so the lua console can be viewed. Thanks to Terin in the Marathon Discord for fixing this!

2,664 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Marathon 1 Redux 0.0.13-alpha

liacrow on 07/30/2019

Screenshot titled "Teleporting items and aliens"

Weekly updates on Github:

A project to give Marathon 1 a facelift, incorporating the new features of Aleph One to flesh out and add realism to the Marathon's architecture. Eventually, to include a branching storyline- possibly even missions on the colony moon.

Featuring Marathon 1 with lua scripting, liquids, ambient sound, new weapons, more scenery, improved sprites, expanded architecture, new terms & terminal art, and the latest HD plugins. Also including Craig Hardgrove's soundtrack, you can visit his page over at !

At this point M1R should contain a complete, playable, almost bug-free recreation of M1, however, I still consider this an alpha as there are many more features and levels to come, and other features present that will be cut.

To contribute to this project, download it and read the "Help Wanted.txt" and/or TODO.txt," or head over to the Pfhorums where the lists and discussion are posted:

WINDOWS USERS PLEASE NOTE Marathon 1 Redux's extensive HD and 3D assets may cause 32-bit builds of Aleph One to crash immediately upon starting a game. To resolve this issue, you will have to experiment with turning off plugins or reducing texture replacement resolution to taste.

Notes for version 0.0.13-alpha:
  • Starting a new game now brings you directly to Arrival, rather than skipping though unfinished prologues
  • Currently unplayable levels are hidden from the level-select dialogue
  • Lua scripting is finding its way to several levels to control special events and functions
  • 3D models fixed so they no longer cause clipping & bloom problems, and distort less on pulsating textures
  • New texture variants, bringing the total number to 386! (including landscapes and animation frames)
  • Most levels updated to greater and lesser degrees to take advantage of the new textures
  • AI variant terminal textures applied to every terminal - e.g., a Leela terminal says LEELA on it in-world
  • Differentiated solid and liquid lava, and to a lesser degree, goo
  • New epilogue level (thanks to Pfhorrest for letting me re-use some Eternal geometry)
  • A new defensive twist to Pfhoraphobia to balance out its new Lua scripting
  • Updates to Arrival, The Rose, Welcome to the Revolution, Try Again, Beware of Low-Flying Defence Drones
  • The first Pfhor terminal
  • Pfhor fighter sprites optimised for bloom
  • Revised Vidmaster's Oath
  • Newly spawned players start with plot-appropriate weapons, at the expense of ammo
  • Low resolution fallback if you disable the 3072p landscape plugin
  • Lots of bugfixes in general, thank you to everyone who reported problems!
  • Much saner organisation overall
  • Probably more because it's been 9 months since 0.0.12!

Known bugs A mutant pfhor teleports into space and BoBs clog corridors in the epilogue level, both fixed in weelky release Flamethrower is wonky *Player's light is too dark, fixed in weekly release

4,699 downloads, 4 reviews, 9 screenshots, 4.2 rating

In the original Marathon 1 game for Macintosh, there is a white screen flash fader that happens when you teleport in. I created a .lua script to emulate this behavior. Installation instructions included.

Notes for version 1.0:

This is an initial version that works perfectly fine most of the time. However, if you manage to shoot yourself across a map at a high rate of speed (i.e. from a rocket), that may falsely trip the teleport detector.

1,817 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

This is a version of the Marathon 1 Hd Weapons Pack that has been made compatible with the old M1A1 release.

As such, this will not work with current versions of aleph one, using the original files.

All credit for making this compatible with M1A1 goes to to Thedoctor45.

2,660 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

M1A1 Enhanced HUD Plugin 20120514

Hopper on 05/15/2012

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin contains the XBLA-style HUD distributed in the Marathon all-in-one download of Aleph One 1.0. It will not work with the native Marathon 1 downloads bundled with Aleph One 1.1 and later. A compatible version may be found in those downloads.

Notes for version 20120514:

This version fixes the display of extremely long player names.

3,807 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

This simple modification to the FloatingX LUA script file adds an ammunition counter to the Alien Weapon using the M1A1 FloatingX HUD. In keeping with the style of the FloatingX HUD, the ammo counter jitters and flickers back and forth to mimic the static effect seen when the Alien Weapon is selected.

To install, download the M1A1 version of the FloatingX HUD plugin, back up the FloatingX.lua script file inside, and replace it with this one.

Notes for version 1.0:

Simple code change to the FloatingX.lua file included with the M1A1 FloatingX HUD.

2,595 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

These Sounds files were third-party replacements for the original M1.

The original files were created by The Legendary Frank. I have converted them to Aleph One format for use with M1A1.

The first one is the latest version. The second was included with the M1 Demo v0.0 on my old Mac Cube. Also included are the original M1 files.

Simply place this folder within your scenario folder or Aleph One directory, select either file in your Environment Preferences, Begin New Game, strap in and brace for impact! Enjoy!

From the manual for the latest version, written by The Legendary Frank:

"Enclosed is a file called HardCoreSounds. It's an alternate sound file for Marathon 1 that, once you change it's name to Sounds and start up Marathon will rip your ears off and give you a week long nose bleed. (Well hopefully not -- I don't need to get sued.) But, sufice to say, this is THE sound file to turn Marathon 1 into non stop extravganza of butchery and carnage the the game is supposed to be. So, turn off the lights, strap on some headphones and then try to stop your knees from knocking as you go 'Damn! That'll hurt bad!'

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use if you can't stand cuss words, loud noises, or anything that would offend normal people. These sounds ain't PC or nice. No Cub Scouts or PTA moms.

Any flak, jizz or miscellaneous comments can be sent to:

Enjoy, kiddies,


2,964 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

UESC Marathon 1.0

Dodopod on 08/26/2011

Screenshot titled "Plugins"

A theme designed around the menu screen of Marathon 1.

3,128 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating

A collection of 25 mp3 tracks created by Tobacco (Thomas Barth), Cannibal Whore Feast (Iain McLaughlin), Chibi-Usa, MuShoo (Mike Schapiro).

Originally uploaded to Orbital Arm, I am not the author of this release.

Notes for version 1.5:

Aliens Again.mp3
Fat Man.mp3
Fat Man2.mp3
Flowers In Heaven.mp3
Flowers In Heaven2.mp3
New Pacific (Reprise).mp3
New Pacific.mp3
Splash (Marathon).mp3
Splash (Marathon)2.mp3
We're Everywhere!.mp3
What About Bob.mp3

3,199 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

M1A1-SE Tracks 1.5

fracai on 08/03/2011

A collection of 26 ogg tracks created by Craig Hardgrove, Tobacco (Thomas Barth), The Cannibal Whore Feast, Chibi-Usa.

Originally uploaded to Orbital Arm, I am not the author of this release.

Notes for version 1.5:

Aliens Again.ogg
Fat Man.ogg
Fat Man2.ogg
Flowers In Heaven.ogg
Flowers In Heaven2.ogg
New Pacific (Reprise).ogg
New Pacific.ogg
Phasmidia Elegans.ogg
Splash (Marathon).ogg
Splash (Marathon)2.ogg
What About Bob.ogg

3,074 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

M1A1 Fixes 1.0

Hopper on 07/18/2011

Screenshot titled ""

M1A1 Fixes is a plugin that makes the scenario a little closer to the original Marathon.

Notes for version 1.0:

This first version has 3 fixes:

  • Remove the "Pathways into Darkness" opening

  • Restore the BoBs' soft-death sequences

  • Limit the player to a single fist (sadly not the left one)

The "No PiD" plugin is not necessary or compatible with this plugin, so please uninstall or disable it before trying M1A1 Fixes.

3,047 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

For the first time in digital quality, you can hear Marathon's music as it first shipped in 1994.

The default M1A1 tracks use QuickTime 2.5, released in 1996, which changed some of the instruments. These files were recorded with QuickTime 2.0, which shipped with Marathon, to capture what it sounded like when Bungie first released the game.

3,513 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

There have been a few renditions of a FloatingX for M1A1, but non of them looked like they belonged in the actual game of Marathon.

This version matches the interface of the real game, and has the same floaty goodness of FloatingX.

The screenshots are actually from Legend, and the version i captured is slightly out of date, so there may be some very very minor differences.

Finally, The Health and Oxygen bars are misaligned by one pixel... Because of this small margin, I cannot correct it. And yes, I have tried.

Notes for version 1.0:


3,689 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Assault rifle on the Hud"

This simple mod will allow you to play the M1A1 scenerio with proper weapon display when FloatingX hud is used.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release

2,838 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Dogfight"

ATTENTION: Trying something slightly different this time and that is, adding brief descriptions of the individuals maps, with a purely subjective personal assessment included.

The Vol. 3 maps are:

  1. "100% UESC Choice Carnage" by BrianV430 - April 1996: Very dark, very perilous map, especially in the (+A) mode. Great for three players, plus. Excellent if dangerous flow. Center chamber hole has the goodies, and is not easy to reach.

  2. "Billy" by John Howard (aka, Rugburn) - April 1995: Repeatedly revered as one of the top 3rd-party netmaps ever made for M1, this feels more like something for M2 or Infinity. Great flow, cool but understated design, great times with three or more.

  3. "Cannon Food v1.1" by Michael Reiske - July 1995: Simple, but a great time to be had by two players. Add more, and it's a regular riot.

  4. "Carnage Haus" by Nick Roemer (aka, StompBox) - November 1995: This is not so good with less than three, but otherwise a fantastic layout for high-energy play. Personally, I think the design rocks, with the drop-down mezzanine, etc.

  5. "Dark & Light" by Dan LaSota - May 1995: An excellent early example of interesting but simple lighting techniques. Gameplay ranges from so-so to quite fun. Really needs four or more.

  6. "Dead Ringers" by Randall Scott - September 1995: The architecture is so-so, but the gameplay? Awesome. Confusing, crazy, cramped. Probably five, max, on this one, And that's pushing it.

  7. "Dogfight" by Evan Vetere - September 1995: An example of a map from old that matches well with some of the newer standards. Perfect for CTF Lua experiences, or really any sort of "team"-oriented gameplay. However, it's great just as it is. Watch-out for the green river!

  8. "Look At the Loser In the Middle" by Mike Salegui - February 1996: A different approach to the netmap: A center "cage" where you get invincibility...for a time. Meanwhile, everyone else tries to take you out while shifting around the room.

  9. "Pfhor the World Is Hollow..." by Sriranga Veeraraghava - August 1995: Name obviously based on the old "Star Trek" episode. Interesting situation on this one: Which came first? The "World Wide Web" variants, or this? Difficult to tell, even with all the dates gathered. If you know the "WWW" sets, you know this. If not, play. It's also a vacuum level. Usually, that's bad. In this case, it's fun.

  10. "Pfhree Pfhor All" v2.6.3 by Randall Shaw (aka, FrigidMan) - April 1995: A very early Pfhor incarnation. Lots of variation to the gameplay, very good flow and fantastic for four or more. The elevated "pads" in space are a great little side-trip on a pretty large map.

Read more

2,415 downloads, 0 reviews, 10 screenshots

Screenshot titled "7. From "Hold On To Your Pants!""

From way back in November 1995 comes this high carnage, high energy, high DPM collection of four mostly well-designed, extremely fun netmaps, now fully converted for use with M1A1, only.

  1. Portals...What? (pure insanity, in every way)
  2. X Marks the Spot! (battles royale)
  3. Watch Your Top Side! (interesting ways to die)
  4. Hold On To Your Pants! (complete mayhem)

Original M1 maps by Chris Painter.

2,388 downloads, 0 reviews, 8 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Two Small Flames We Saw"

You'll definitely need to read the enclosed "Read Me" on this one, but in the meantime...

NOTE: The following maps are truly the stand-outs which deserve your special attentions: Home Pfhor the Holidays, Milestones, Pfhor a Few Dollars More, and The Woolen Mill. While the rest are absolutely fun and great in their own rights (or they'd not be here), these mentioned four are the cream of the pack (in the opinion of the converter...your mileage may vary, of course).

The Vol. 2 maps are:

  1. Evilution by Biks
  2. Festung by ProleByte
  3. Gilligan's Island by Chris Ashton
  4. Home Pfhor the Holidays by Nick Roemer
  5. Milestones by Randall Shaw
  6. Pfhor a Few Dollars More by Sriranga Veeraraghavan
  7. Pillars Unto You by Bruce Hartzler
  8. The Green Hills of Death by Chris Johnson
  9. The Woolen Mill by Phil Harvey
  10. Two Small Flames We Saw by Sriranga Veeraraghavan

Enjoy your carnage.

2,486 downloads, 0 reviews, 10 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

NOTE: This October 1995 netpack has been converted to M1A1 as part of "The M1 Map Conversion Project" (see enclosed Read Me for details).

"Temple of the Pfhor" is action-packed and at times very dark. Maps in the pack are:

Temple of the Pfhor (excellent)

Drop In (very cool)

Warp 3.0 (so-so)

Cavern (fun-ish)

Busywork (carnage craziness)

Amazin' (so-so)

This M1A1 map-pack was designed with both carnage and visual aesthetics in mind. The weapons are easily accessible, and the ammo should be plentiful even with 8 players.

Original M1 version created by Ric Ewing.

Notes for version 1.1:

Version 1.1 corrects lighting phase issue encountered in the M1A1 conversion and also merges proper M1A1 physics into each map.

2,434 downloads, 0 reviews, 7 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

NOTE: This September 1995 map has been converted to M1A1 as part of "The M1 Map Conversion Project" (see enclosed Read Me for details).

A nighttime Pfhor city scene. A solo adventure with no real goal aside from fun and exploration. Challenging; nice to look at.

Original M1 version by Stephen Ritchie.

Notes for version 1.2:

Version 1.2 corrects lighting phase problem from M1A1 conversion (building searchlight now "rotates" properly) and adds merged M1A1 physics.

2,509 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 2.7 rating