

Marathon 2: Durandal (1995)

Bungie on 11/24/1995

Screenshot titled ""

Fresh from your triumph on the starship Marathon®, you are seized by the rogue computer Durandal to do his bidding in a distant part of the galaxy. Within the ruins of an ancient civilization, you must seek the remnants of a lost clan and uncover their long-buried secrets. Battle opponents ancient and terrible, with sophisticated weapons and devious strategies, all the while struggling to escape the alien nightmare…

This release of Marathon 2: Durandal includes the classic graphics, and revamped high-definition textures and monsters from the Xbox Live Arcade edition.

534 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Downloads for Marathon 2: Durandal

Screenshot titled ""

Hippieman found some higher resolution renders from the XBLA game on his hard drive. This plugin combines the scraps to give you mostly complete compiler, cyborg, fighter, green trooper, hunter, tick, and f'lickta replacements.

  • There is no purple trooper, it will be low res. Sorry, Vidmasters.
  • One frame of the brown hunter is missing, and will appear low-res
  • The orange compiler was generated from the purple one using the hald clut that was used for the original plugin. All the compilers were squished vertically to fit the original XBLA aspect ratio.
  • Not (yet?) included: the "Marine" sprites
  • Not included: the Classic Marathon-style red compiler
Notes for version 0.2:
  • Fixes black outlines in DDS conversion

976 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

M2SE Music Plugin 1.0.1

treellama on 10/12/2023

This plugin enables M2SE music with the stock Marathon 2 or Marathon 2 for Windows 95 map.

Requires Aleph One 1.7b1. Simply unzip and copy the folder to your Marathon 2 Plugins directory.

Credits from the M2-SE Music Readme (included):

  • The Mark Sumner “Zipper Cat” OGGs are copyright Team Unpfhorgiven.
  • The Mike Gorczynski “The Punisher” OGGs are copyright Team Unpfhorgiven.
  • The Cannibal Whore Feast OGGs are by Iain McLaughlin.
  • The “Mercenary” track "Trapped In Space" is by Julian Zielke and is copyright Team Unpfhorgiven.
  • The MuShoo track "We're Everywhere!" was originally a bonus track for M1A1, but is now in use with Marathon 2: Special Edition, allowing M2-SE to flower.
Notes for version 1.0.1:

Added checksum for M2 Win95 map

1,920 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon 2 replacement textures based on the originals, created with AI.

There's no reason for this to exist. I just wanted an excuse to screw around with some new technology.

1,141 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Original Mac Fonts used in HUD and Automap (640x480)"

This mod restores the original fonts used in the Macintosh version of Marathon.

NOTE: This only works with the DEFAULT HUD, custom HUDs have been reported to have issues with this plugin, so experiment at your own risk.

Notes for version 1.0:

v1.0 - Initial Release

1,113 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

This is the 1996 CD "Pfhrenzy" found on the Macintosh Repository here.

There was some interest in this CD on the Marathon Discord server when I pointed out this CD. Not everyone wanted to bother with emulating Mac OS, but they still wanted to see the maps at least, which can be played with modern Aleph One. Thus, I emulated it myself, and transferred all the files off of the CD and zipped them up for people to look over on whatever OS they preferred.

For this reason, most of the files will look weird or not work at all on Windows or Linux, or perhaps even Mac. I have done nothing to the files themselves aside from put them through 7zip.

1,688 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

The Map file for Marathon 2: Durandal, as it was presented in the Windows 95 release.

The Windows map file contains several visual (and a few gameplay altering) changes from the Mac version, many small, some big. It also has a few altered terminal images.

Anyone familiar with "Waterloo Waterpark" will immediately be surprised with this rendition.

There are some players who do prefer the Windows map, so I decided it would be worth posting on Simplici7y.

The M2 Win95 map file is not particularly hard to obtain, as it is available in retail M2 copies for Windows, and it's available as a download on the Trilogy Release site, HOWEVER, that merge does not contain chapter screen sound effects. I re-merged the map file with the Mac version's sound resource folder, so now all chapter screens will play the appropriate sound.

1,716 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

I had a prophetic dream about this map, and so I made that dream a reality.

Notes for version 0.1b:


1,376 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "In any case, you'll be trapped."

Translated versions of games in the trilogy are all the rage these days, so I thought I'd make my own version. I painstakingly went through every line of the terminals and translated them to loch. Just select this map file when playing M2, and you're good to go.

1,670 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Lava"

Adds bloom to the original marathon 2 wall textures. Glow shift and scale values taken from thedoctor45's "M2 XBLA HD Graphics SuperPlugin" (unless edited).

1,591 downloads, 0 reviews, 5 screenshots

Marathon 2 Latino 0.3

Exepa on 03/12/2020

Screenshot titled "Terminal 2 Nivel 1"

=Sobre Marathon 2:Durandal Latino=

Versión 0.3

Este AddOn de Marathon 2: Durandal es una versión beta sobre el proyecto de traducción a Español que estamos llevando a cabo. Se modificaron los textos de terminales por fanáticos de la saga que se congregaron con el fin de lograr generar un puente entre el juego y la comunidad iberoamericana.

=Instalación de Marathon 2: Durandal Latino=

Descargar archivo Zip de este AddOn más abajo

Descargar Marathon 2: Durandal desde

Descomprimir ambos archivos Zip y copiar el archivo Map a la carpeta de Marathon 2.

Reemplazar si se quiere no conservar el archivo anterior de mapas en inglés.

Seleccionar desde el menú de Preferences el item Enviroment y luego Maps.

Seleccionar el Mapa que copiamos.

Presionar New Game y disfrutar :)


Marathon 2: Durandal Latino Demo tiene modificadas las terminales de los siguientes niveles:

Todos los capítulos están traducidos al Español, solo faltan imágenes de capítulos y epílogo.

=Créditos por Marathon 2: Durandal Latino=

Productor y traducción: 810-dude. Redacción y traducción Leviatan. Programación por parte de Exepa (

Se aceptan correcciones e ideas para mejorar el proyecto, también saludos y agradecimientos por el proyecto xD...

Sobre Marathon Latino

Proyecto de traducción de la saga Marathon, iniciada por Bungie en 1994 con la aparición del primer juego para Macintosh, homónimo de la saga. Como antecesor de Halo, Marathon comprende un universo expandido relacionado a diferentes títulos sacados por el estudio a través de historia, que conforman el Universo de la saga. Nuestro fin es lograr traducir para dejar al servicio de la comunidad Latina la inmensa historia detrás de los juegos que lo conforman.

Al mismo, la comunidad ha trabajado para crear sus versiones dentro del Universo Marathon, logrando productos de calidad y algunos considerados Cannon en la historia. Por eso mimos, también tomaremos en cuenta la traducción de las diferentes versiones hechas por la comunidad.

Read more
Notes for version 0.3:

Versión 0.3 con todos los mapas traducidos al español. Aún falta menúes, imágenes de capítulos y epílogo.

Aún se debe pasar por un proceso de revisión y posible corrección de las terminales.

2,530 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Marathon 2 AMP! 0.96

RadBurn72 on 02/01/2020

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon 2 AMP! is a reworking of visuals and gameplay to emphasize a boost in action without deviating from familiarity. This has been developed specifically for the Marathon 2 scenario to bring about another option of play for this excellent scenario.

1,678 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

At MacWorld 1996, Power Computing (a popular Macintosh clone manufacturer in the mid-1990’s) released a CD-ROM called “PowerComputing The Disc 2”.

This contained a special demo of Marathon 2. Instead of the normal sprites for Bob, there was instead special sprites of the Director of Evangelism of Power Computing, Bob LeVitus. Also included with the demo was a Shapes file that could be used with the full version of the game.
I was surprised that this wasn't already ported to Aleph One so, I've rectified that.
Questions, comments, bugs? Post on the Pfhorums:

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0: Initial release

2,040 downloads, 0 reviews, 5 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Old 256 color landscapes converted to PNG, to install replace corresponding landscapes in the HD texture plug in

Notes for version 1.1:

Includes the (Three Sun?) M2 Preview Landscape

2,224 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

The all-in-one (AOI) Marathon 2 installer has these textures at 512x512 resolution. Install this to enjoy Marathon 2's textures at double that.

This folder is identical content wise to the 'HD Textures' folder contained by default within Marathon 2' plugins folder, except all textures have been replaced by ones with a resolution of 1024x1024.

This differs from the other 1024x1024 texture plugin for M2 on this site in that this download contains Freeverse's HD skyboxes.

To install: unzip, and drop into Marathon 2's plugins folder, then activate it in-game.

IMPORTANT: Delete or deactivate the original "HD Textures" folder.

PLEASE NOTE: To avoid unsightly skybox tiling, play on an FOV of 88 or lower(assuming aspect ratio of 16:9) and tick 'limit vertical view'.

2,983 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Marathon Durandal Textures"

Marathon Durandal Textures at 1024X1024

These are the original textures created for Marathon Durandal. In game they are displayed at 512 using DirectX Texture Compression.

These Textures were created by Steven Tzé ( and Mike Watson. Script by Jeremiah Morris. Thanks to Gregory Smith for getting me to do this finally.


These Textures are free to use in any project provided

  1. You don't sell a work made with these textures.
  2. You don't sell these textures.

If you want to rehost these textures, please give a link back to the Aleph One team. Consider buying Steven Tzé and Mike Watson a beer, they put a lot of hard work into these, going from a postage stamp 128X128 indexed color image into a beautiful 1024X1024 image.

Also consider buying a copy of Marathon: Durandal on your Xbox 360. None of the money goes to me, Freeverse is long gone, but it's a good game.

  • Bruce Morrison

Follow me on Twitter @hippiemanx

Check out my games at Man Up Time Studios


Notes for version 1.1:

I messed up the MML that was so nicely provided to me. Sorry everyone I'm rusty.

2,978 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Have a nice day!"

No one should spend their Independence day alone. That's why Happy July 4th physics are here to cheer us all up and give us a sweet surprise.

Notes for version 1.0:

Includes the physics model, and the software that created it.

2,939 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

For those of you who want to spruce up the scenery without having to look at those heinous XBLA Monsters, here's a Plugin that will just change the look of the scenery items to be higher-resolution.

NOTE: This plugin should work with Infinity, but will not modify the Jjaro scenery.

Notes for version 1.0:

Replaces Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor scenery items with higher-resolution versions.

3,256 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""Somethings are just down right irrelephant.""

WARNING: By saying 'Truly Amazing', we are sarcastic. Here is just some cool physics that make some things cool and somethings just down right irrelephant...

Notes for version v1.0000:

-Aliens are not friendly to any

-All guns do the same amount of damage -All projectiles travel at the same speed -All projectiles are guided

-Projectile Damage is 3/4 of your health

2,819 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "holdig the skill in signle player with friendly hunter - also avalible in othr file!"

im in a roll!

this is be my second upload to Simplicy!

why didnt player of marathon series have acess to ball? skull? why.

well wont worry i have here a script i made in lua. enalbe in settings, type skul(1) and yo have the ball!

thank you

EDIT sorry the comand is skull(1) made a mistake

2,720 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 2.0 rating

XBLA Textures Plugin 20120128

treellama on 02/10/2012

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin contains the HD textures and landscapes that come with the Xbox Live Arcade game Marathon: Durandal, created by Freeverse. It is also included in the all-in-one download of Marathon 2.

3,185 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot