

Marathon 2: Durandal (1995)

Bungie on 11/24/1995

Screenshot titled ""

Fresh from your triumph on the starship Marathon®, you are seized by the rogue computer Durandal to do his bidding in a distant part of the galaxy. Within the ruins of an ancient civilization, you must seek the remnants of a lost clan and uncover their long-buried secrets. Battle opponents ancient and terrible, with sophisticated weapons and devious strategies, all the while struggling to escape the alien nightmare…

This release of Marathon 2: Durandal includes the classic graphics, and revamped high-definition textures and monsters from the Xbox Live Arcade edition.

488 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Downloads for Marathon 2: Durandal by Most Downloads

Screenshot titled ""

The TTEP (Total Texture Enhancement Package) is a massive package containing remakes of the original textures from the Marathon trilogy.

It replaces the original low-quality textures with new high-ress versions with a maximum size of 1024x1024 pixels. I've tried to get them as close to the originals as possible.

New in version 7.0:

  • Script files have been cleaned up and files have been renamed to make it more clear how to install.

  • All textures are now optimized .DDS files, with increased performance as well as quality!

  • Textures can now be scaled down in Aleph One's OpenGL settings. This also makes the TTEP a single size package, there's no longer 4 different sizes.

  • A lot of the textures have tiny flaws removed, some are completely redone to make them look better.

  • The Textures are now divided by their games, meaning you're not forced to download and use the Marathon 2 Textures when you only want the Marathon 1 replacements for example.

12,047 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

m23redux Plugin v1.1

tim4i on 11/15/2010

Screenshot titled "Extra Items"

3x extra sprites to tie in with Viscioms Weapon Enhancement Pack 1.4.1 (Works with both M2 & M3)

Includes Updated:


-Oxygen Tanks

-Defence Chip

-Fist GFX removed in this release.

NOTE: You need OpenGL to run this pack.

NOTE: Some sprites are courtesy of Tim Vogel. They are his original art, and are used in this MOD under agreement.

Notes for version v1.1:

Plugin Support Release.

-Please post comments / bugs on Pfhorums.

5,154 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.8 rating

This is the Marathon 2 special edition soundtrack in MP3 format. THIS IS NOT MY MUSIC

4,407 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

XBLA HUD Plugin 20200830

Aleph One team on 05/30/2024

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those games.

Notes for version 20200830:

This version is distributed with Aleph One 1.8.1. Since the last S7 release, the following fixes were added:

  • Remove incorrect PNG color profiles
  • Reduce chance that the HUD will shrink the viewport on cinematic-width displays
  • Colorize health and oxygen bars in software mode
  • Use FOV of 90 for XBLA HUD, matching the FOV the XBLA game used

4,255 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

This is the Marathon 2: Durandal map file coupled with the Special Edition soundtrack, which, when the map and tracks are installed, will play over the Marathon 2 levels. I DO NOT OWN THIS MUSIC

3,780 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

TTEP Plugin (M2) v7.0

tim4i on 11/20/2010

Plugin Version of Tim Vogels 'Total Texture Enhancement Pack' v7 for Marathon 2 Durandle.

-For screen shots and details refer to original MOD. -Original Readme enclosed -Released under permission

INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Cut & Paste 'TTEP v7.0 (M2).zip' into your 'Plugins' folder in the AlephOne Folder. (Create the folder if you don't have one)

2) Start AlephOne.exe and go to Preferences->Environments->Plugins (Click to Enable/Disable Plugins)

Notes for version v7.0:

Plugin Support Release.


Problems Post on Pfhorums

3,736 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "XBLA_glory"

These files will allow you to extract and implement all HD sprites and textures from the XBox Live Arcade version of Marathon:Durandal into your AlephOne installation of Marathon 2.

Detailed instructions on how to get it working can be found in the included ReadMe file.

This was made possible thanks to the combined efforts of Treellama and thedoctor45.

Hope you enjoy.

3,660 downloads, 7 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.7 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a superplugin for AlephOne 1.0 that lets you easily enable all the hi-res sprites and textures from the XBLA version of Marathon: Durandal with one single click. All required graphics are inlcuded- just unzip the downloaded folder into your Marathon 2 plugins directory. In addition to that, some glow- and bumpmap textures have also been included to improve visual experience and take advantage of AOs new shader features. No custom shapes files are required for this to work. Separate plugins for monsters, wall textures and weapon sprites will be released by treellama.

Notes for version 1.1.1:

Please note that this plugin will NOT function properly with previous versions of AlephOne or Marathon Infinity.

WARNING! - there has been a problem with the previous download (player graphics were missing) - I strongly suggest to everybody who downloaded v1.1. to re-download fixed v1.1.1!

3,655 downloads, 2 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Marathon: Victum Demo Demo Beta v1

IonicPaul on 09/13/2008

Screenshot titled "Awakening"

This is the Marathon Victum Demo. Only the maps and shapes file are included. This is compatible with the hi-res shots, WEP pack and partially with the texture enhancement pack.

Because Victum uses Marathon 2's Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor texture sets as well as the Marathon Infinity Jjaro set, it would not be logical to simply add the M2 or Marathon Infinity enhancement packs because they would make the game look wrong. What you need to do is get both the Infinity and Durandal enhancement packs, then use the Marathon infinity texture script and folders, but then copy over the four Marathon 2 sets in the marathon infinity texture folder, so the folder will be like so:

-Jjaro hi-res set -M2 water hi-res -M2 sewage hi-res -M2 pfhor hi-res -M2 lava hi-res -Marathon Infinity hi-res script

Backstory: Marathon Infinity was a dream of sorts, and Marathon 2 has just ended. You awake aboard a human-built ship.

It's sweet and simple because it will be explained in the first level.

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

Report bugs to

Notes for version Demo Beta v1:

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

3,446 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.0 rating

CFP is a complete set of high definition textures for Marathon Infinity and Durandal. Based on the original Freeverse Marathon 2 Durandal XBLA textures, these have been further enhanced by the Alephone community with glowmaps and made to support Marathon Infinity.

Note: If load times are too slow, try uncompromising the plugin in the plugin folder.


Freeverse, Hopper, Treellama, TheDoc45, General Tacticus, J2k, Spurious Interrupt, Tfear7

This is the weapons/items portion of the plugin and can only be used for Marathon 2 Durandal. A Marathon Infinity version is available.

Other CFP Packages

CFP Walls M2 -

CFP Monsters -

CFP Scenery -

CFP Weapons Inf -

Masters of textures for CFP can be found here:

Notes for version 2.0:

AI upscale and cleanup on all textures - minor update - manually tweak shotgun shell sprite

3,401 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Lh'owon Album 1.0

The Thug on 04/13/2009

Here is the first album produced from the M2 Groove Sessions. It includes songs composed by ukimalefu, Ravenpulse, CryoS, and $lave. Great songs guys.

And a special thanks goes to Windbreaker for helping me judge the entries.

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

3,216 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

For those of you who want to spruce up the scenery without having to look at those heinous XBLA Monsters, here's a Plugin that will just change the look of the scenery items to be higher-resolution.

NOTE: This plugin should work with Infinity, but will not modify the Jjaro scenery.

Notes for version 1.0:

Replaces Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor scenery items with higher-resolution versions.

3,192 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

XBLA Textures Plugin 20120128

treellama on 02/10/2012

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin contains the HD textures and landscapes that come with the Xbox Live Arcade game Marathon: Durandal, created by Freeverse. It is also included in the all-in-one download of Marathon 2.

3,111 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Volunteers Album 1.0

The Thug on 06/17/2009

This is the second installment of the Marathon Groove Sessions. The participation wasn't as great as the first one, but the songs are of equal quality. Half the songs. Same quality. Good music. Thanks to Cryos and ukimalefu for their efforts!

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

2,996 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Plugin Version of Tim Vogels 'High-res Landscapes v1.1' for Marathon 2 Durandle.

-For screen shots and details refer to the original MOD. -Original Readme enclosed -Released under permission

INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Cut & Paste 'High-res Landscapes v1.1 (M2).zip' into your 'Plugins' folder in the AlephOne Folder. (Create the folder if you don't have one)

2) Start AlephOne.exe and go to Preferences->Environments->Plugins (Click to Enable/Disable Plugins)

Notes for version v1.1:

Plugin Support Release.


Problems Post on Pfhorums

2,951 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Marathon Durandal Textures"

Marathon Durandal Textures at 1024X1024

These are the original textures created for Marathon Durandal. In game they are displayed at 512 using DirectX Texture Compression.

These Textures were created by Steven Tzé ( and Mike Watson. Script by Jeremiah Morris. Thanks to Gregory Smith for getting me to do this finally.


These Textures are free to use in any project provided

  1. You don't sell a work made with these textures.
  2. You don't sell these textures.

If you want to rehost these textures, please give a link back to the Aleph One team. Consider buying Steven Tzé and Mike Watson a beer, they put a lot of hard work into these, going from a postage stamp 128X128 indexed color image into a beautiful 1024X1024 image.

Also consider buying a copy of Marathon: Durandal on your Xbox 360. None of the money goes to me, Freeverse is long gone, but it's a good game.

  • Bruce Morrison

Follow me on Twitter @hippiemanx

Check out my games at Man Up Time Studios


Notes for version 1.1:

I messed up the MML that was so nicely provided to me. Sorry everyone I'm rusty.

2,922 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

The all-in-one (AOI) Marathon 2 installer has these textures at 512x512 resolution. Install this to enjoy Marathon 2's textures at double that.

This folder is identical content wise to the 'HD Textures' folder contained by default within Marathon 2' plugins folder, except all textures have been replaced by ones with a resolution of 1024x1024.

This differs from the other 1024x1024 texture plugin for M2 on this site in that this download contains Freeverse's HD skyboxes.

To install: unzip, and drop into Marathon 2's plugins folder, then activate it in-game.

IMPORTANT: Delete or deactivate the original "HD Textures" folder.

PLEASE NOTE: To avoid unsightly skybox tiling, play on an FOV of 88 or lower(assuming aspect ratio of 16:9) and tick 'limit vertical view'.

2,913 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

XBLA Monsters Plugin 20120128

treellama on 02/10/2012

Screenshot titled ""

This plugin contains the HD monsters that come with the Xbox Live Arcade game Marathon: Durandal, created by Freeverse software. It is also included in the all-in-one download of Marathon 2.

This plugin will only work with Marathon 2.

2,908 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Garrison Album 1.0

The Thug on 12/09/2009

A little delayed, this is the product of the third Marathon Groove Session. Thank you to ukimalefu, SynthNinja, and WastedJamacan for contributing songs. As always, enjoy!

Notes for version 1.0:

First release.

2,875 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Have a nice day!"

No one should spend their Independence day alone. That's why Happy July 4th physics are here to cheer us all up and give us a sweet surprise.

Notes for version 1.0:

Includes the physics model, and the software that created it.

2,871 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot