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Screenshot titled "shot3"

This is a new, standalone release. The map is designed to support all gametypes: vanilla EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB; and CTF & Rugby via their respective netscripts. For the last two, download the appropriate script from right here on Simplici7y, select CTF or Rugby when gathering, and check the netscript checkbox and use the corresponding netscript as well. There is a small embedded lua script to deal with the multipurpose use of the ball, but that should all take care of itself behind the scenes.

This level is also the first release to utilize my EasyShade plugin for lighting. The screenshots for EasyShade were taken from this map.

Notes for version 1.0:

initial release

2,722 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Dead City 5.0

Nibenon on 06/03/2011

Screenshot titled "Dark, but big"

The first ever survival map, with a base, plentiful weapons and healing, and lots of space for battle. And yes, I MADE THE PREVIOUS DEAD CITY MAP AS WELL, SO OF COURSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT. DUH.

Notes for version 5.0:

Completely redone: you can now run up the rocks, distracting polygons are removed, others were added, and especially the size will allow for more carnage. Take note: despite size change, aliens will still get stuck on the steps, and must be killed with bullets, not by 'splodes. My solo record is now 22. Good luck.

2,711 downloads, 4 reviews, 2 screenshots, 3.0 rating

EVIL Ra'thor I

Scuzbomb on 03/31/2015

Screenshot titled "Up and at 'em"

9 levels. This may be the most difficult scenario you will ever play.

Here's a review from the only person I know that completed it.

I just finished Ra'thor (except for the hidden level, which I did not find the entry point for).

"I've been playing Marathon since late '95, and think I'm a pretty good player, but your scenario is hands down the most difficult I've ever played. In fact, I'd say it's pretty near impossible to beat on Total Carnage, especially the last 3 vacuum levels. I freely admit that I cheated constantly for oxygen and once or twice for ammo (especially on Igor Ra'thor), and occasionally used Forge. I do have a life, and I just didn't have the time (or desire) to play those levels over and over again to reach the level of perfection needed to complete them on the available oxygen or ammo (at least what I could find). I believe I never cheated for shields, but I may be mistaken. It took me a long time to get through the maps, so memory fades. You made free use of hidden switches that made things that much harder".

D. Supanich, North Hollywood, CA (March 2003)

Notes for version I:

This scenario was created back in 1998 and is based on Marathon EVIL. It's my original version and is meant to be almost impossible to complete. I'm working on an updated version that will be much easier and include 2 new levels...Version II coming soon!

2,710 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 1.3 rating

Susannah Windows 1.0

JohannesG on 10/19/2013

Screenshot titled ""
  • Windows version
  • For Mac OSX version, click here.

My first ever finished game, a final project during my art studies at VMA in 2008/2009.

An experiment in how far one can go by stripping the elements of a video game down to its bare essentials of mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics, while in the meantime, showcasing the importance and the purpose of audial elements in interactive entertainment.

Set in a bleak sterile world of white, where nothing exists except the disturbingly pure visuals, the game follows the avatar's journey through the bleak levels of the world, accompanied by a soundtrack, to migrate and merge to the unknown entity which called for him.

Susannah was showcased at the Þrír í Þriðja exhibition in Verksmiðjan, Hjalteyri (Iceland) in 2009.


  • W, A, S, and D + Mouse for movement
  • Space to interact with the blue data streams
<hr />

Jóhannes G. Þorsteinsson

2,701 downloads, 5 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.4 rating

Screenshot titled "Ship sprites moved to backdrop and repurposed"

This 360° wrap-around starscape replacement shows the stars as they would appear in the Tau Ceti system on July 3, 2794 at 0839 UTC, as well as a few local objects likely to be visible.

The stars, colony, and positions of planets have been rendered by Celestia, the open-source universe explorer. Using data on the planets known to be orbiting Tau Ceti, I made a few tweaks within real parameters to make things more comfy for our Martian colonists.

Remember the pink-brown planet from the Pfhor chapter screen? It's now an ice giant around which the colony orbits. Or is it a water giant? Celestia says it's 40F up there. Whatever, it's like Uranus, execpt smaller, warmer, and not sideways.

The huge blue planet is the colony moon, 1300 km below. I tried to put the Marathon in as high an orbit as possible while still being close enough to be an easily reached space station.

You can easily find Sol in the screen shot from G4 Sunbathing. It's just above and to the left of the right gantryway, or just below and to the right of Arcturus, slightly brighter than the surrounding stars.

On Marathon levels, your point of view will be from the Marathon's surface. The Scoutship will be part of the backdrop, while the scenery item is replaced by the unused slave transport sprite. On Pfhor levels, you view from an alien ship surface, and the Marathon sprite has been enhanced.

Software used: 1 - Gravitation to find a stable orbit for the moon, 2 - Celestia to produce renders, 3 -Hugin to stitch them together into a panorama, 4 - GIMP for postprocessing and Marathon's surface texturing.

To install, please drop the zip file into your appropriate plugins folder. Also, make sure that in Preferences > Graphics > Rendering Options, that "Replacement Texture Quality" for Landscapes is set to "Unlimited."

Notes for version 3.0:

-New landscape for Pfhor levels -Corrected star orientation on Pfhor levels -Removed floating Marathon logo -Restored & enhanced Marathon sprite -Shortened plugin UI name -Fixed Windows compatibility (I hope)

2,700 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Magenta Filter is a CTF/Rugby map pack containing maps created by W'rkncacnter, RyokoTK, Irons and Herecomethej. All of these maps are designed to work with the CTF Lua gametype. A few of them are also compatible with Rugby.

Notes for version 1.5:

Changes in v1.5: 4 maps changed to be compatible with Rugby.

Changes in v1.4: Added herecomethej's shapes patches for flags.

2,699 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Plugin Version of Tim Vogels 'High-res Landscapes v1.1' for Marathon 2 Durandle.

-For screen shots and details refer to the original MOD. -Original Readme enclosed -Released under permission

INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Cut & Paste 'High-res Landscapes v1.1 (M2).zip' into your 'Plugins' folder in the AlephOne Folder. (Create the folder if you don't have one)

2) Start AlephOne.exe and go to Preferences->Environments->Plugins (Click to Enable/Disable Plugins)

Notes for version v1.1:

Plugin Support Release.


Problems Post on Pfhorums

2,689 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

This plugin replaces all Pfhor textures with a combination of the Marathon 2 and Infinity versions into single textures. The result maintains Marathon 2's bright colors, and adds many details from the Infinity textures.

The plugin will work with either Marathon 2 or Marathon Infinity Shapes (or any scenario that leaves the Pfhor texture set unmodified).

Questions, comments, bugs? Post on the Pfhorums.

Notes for version 2.0:

Version 1.0: Initial Release

Version 2.0: Plugin expanded to replace the entire Pfhor texture set, various improvements throughout the pre-existing textures.

2,688 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Mr Vain 1.1

goran svensson on 06/15/2009

Screenshot titled "Bottom Hallway"

A large netmap inspired by Quake 3 Arena.

Weapons and ammo are stacked. That's why you don't see much ammo. It's hidden under weapons.

Notes for version 1.1:

Mr Vain 1.1

-added more elevators

-made a few elevators more user friendly

-added an abundance of ammo in item parametres. The Map now spawns enough ammo and weapons to max 8 players out.

-a couple of weapon spawning points were added.

-A hill and ball were added

2,688 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Ground floor of Oreta Awai Tsubasa"

This is a collection of some of my most recent maps. Most of the maps here are in the medium and small category, so do not expect to have more than 5 people on each map.

I Hope you Enjoy the pack.

Gravity's Rainbow 1.21 includes two new maps added, " |3 A |< A" and "Oreta Awai Tsubasa." | F.A.M.A.S | is now fixed in this version also.

2,685 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Okay, Who Want's Some?"

Are you tired of dying because you suck? Are you tired of dying because you were busy with your movement hand eating an ice cream cone? Are you tired of dying because the unskillful n00bs pwned you with h4xx0r weapons? Well fear no more! Professional Instagib is here to get rid of all of your complexity problems! Porfessional Instagib is not just any instagib mod, it has changes!!! From the creators of the MML music switch comes... Professional Instagib!

Notes for version 1.0:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the rules and setup guide! Just because you know how this works doesn't mean you know how this works! Version 1.0 will always be available when future versions come out.

2,684 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

The next trilogy in the Envy map series is here: The Invidia Series. Download to your die!!!

Notes for version 1.2:

Map, Music and Read Me Dammit!

2,682 downloads, 0 reviews, 16 screenshots

2048x1080: An improvement upon the original M1A1 "stars" background image, this is a slight upgrade of the excellent "Hi-Rez Landscape (Stars)" file uploaded by Phil Demkeston on the Lh'owon Ar'kives (minor smears and hazing were repaired).

You can, of course, use this same DDS file in any version, flavor, or scenario of Aleph One by moving the file to the appropriate folder per A1 flavor.

2,681 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "first terminal"

This is an English translation of the Aleph One scenario "Blauwe Vingers", originally in Dutch. All due credit for the original scenario and game content belongs to Tim Vogel and Stage Game Studio. The translation was the combined effort of myself, Drictelt, and Google's translation service.

This is a translation of the map file only, which means only terminal text, map text, level names, and console text are translated. Everything else, like interface text, loading screen text, and audio, is unchanged at this time.

To install, move Kaart.sceA into the "Data" subfolder of your Blauwe Vingers installation. For more information, see the included read me file.


Notes for version 1.2 English:

This is the first release, compatible with Blauwe Vingers 1.2.

2,676 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Marathon C: Version 7 Number 7

Axle_Gear on 09/05/2007

Screenshot titled "'I shoot the darkness!'"

The game is still vastly incomplete, but the maps themselves should work just fine.

Things that are missing: -Logon/Logoff screens -Terminal pictures -A proper intro? (Considering making a neat little 'unplayable' level in the future to kick it off). -The rest of the levels

Things it DOES have: -5 playable maps, including the extra path for failing to be 'stealthy' in the first level. -Physics and terminal text for every map -Use of color tables left untouched in the orignal Marathon Infinity

With any luck, all you'll need to do to run the scenario is download the map, and use all the other standard shapes and images that come with MI, leaving the whole download at just a smidgen more than a megabyte.

If you download this, please try to break the levels in any way you can: grenade hop, launch yourself, take goofy paths, etc. And let me know if you find any bugs. I'm trying my best to make these very high-quality maps, since there are so few of them.

And another thing: I'm holding a little contest. Make a proper Marathon film, and try to beat 'Satellite of Love' as quickly as you can on Total Carnage (bonus points for playing through the first level to get there). I assure you, you'll be in for a challenge: I, the creator of the level, can barely beat it... sometimes. I hope some unfortunate players are prepared to bathe in grenades. :D


2,676 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Joust 5.0

irons on 02/07/2011

Screenshot titled "ACTUAL GAMEPLAY"

This is an attempt to mimic the gameplay of the old Joust arcade game. Players fly around maps and collide with each other to score kills. More detailed instructions await you in the README.

Notes for version 5.0:

This is the fifth attempt at a total Joust rewrite. Compatible with the latest version of Aleph One. Can be played on the EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB gametypes.

2,671 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.3 rating

Screenshot titled "Marathon Durandal Textures"

Marathon Durandal Textures at 1024X1024

These are the original textures created for Marathon Durandal. In game they are displayed at 512 using DirectX Texture Compression.

These Textures were created by Steven Tzé ( and Mike Watson. Script by Jeremiah Morris. Thanks to Gregory Smith for getting me to do this finally.


These Textures are free to use in any project provided

  1. You don't sell a work made with these textures.
  2. You don't sell these textures.

If you want to rehost these textures, please give a link back to the Aleph One team. Consider buying Steven Tzé and Mike Watson a beer, they put a lot of hard work into these, going from a postage stamp 128X128 indexed color image into a beautiful 1024X1024 image.

Also consider buying a copy of Marathon: Durandal on your Xbox 360. None of the money goes to me, Freeverse is long gone, but it's a good game.

  • Bruce Morrison

Follow me on Twitter @hippiemanx

Check out my games at Man Up Time Studios


Notes for version 1.1:

I messed up the MML that was so nicely provided to me. Sorry everyone I'm rusty.

2,670 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Problem Pax 1.0

RyokoTK on 11/17/2009

A collaborative effort by myself, Treellama, Irons, W'rkncacnter, $lave, Screamingfool, and JUICEMAN.

Journey back in time through a whopping 60 maps as we present all of the bad maps we've made and discarded throughout the years.

Some of the maps are nearly tolerable, some are quirky and stupid, some are outright terrible, and some are deformed joke maps.

Please don't host these more than once. In fact, don't host these at all.

Notes for version 1.0:


2,669 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.5 rating

FOV Script 1.0

3371-Alpha on 05/23/2016

This is a script that modifies Marathon/Aleph One's FOV values.

"Why would I need to download this if I can just find the code to this script on the various threads at the Pfhorums, copy and paste it into a text editor and save it as a mml file?" Quite simple, because you're lazy.

Notes for version 1.0:

This script will not work on scenarios that have their own FOV modification scripts included.

2,664 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Pfhunbox is an all in one early build for a full merchandise package. It includes my greatest mods, and will allow you to enjoy Marathon like never before!

Notes for version v1:

Includes Music, M2 Weapons and Original Spnk'R Bitmap.

2,663 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot