
Tagged 'Script'

Vending Demo 0.2.0

Kuurin on 09/23/2016

Screenshot titled "Looks good with bloom..."

Revival of a long lost quest for vending machines.

Single Player Lua + HUD + MML + 3d Scenery + Sounds!

That's right, the vending machines talk to you now. You weren't crazy after all. Now get away from me.

This is a demo, so not much is extremely polished, but it should be fun to play with in the meanwhile.

Notes for version 0.2.0:


+Improved model and skin.

+Fixed issue with rebellion maps breaking Lua script.

+Did I mention it's much prettier now?


-Still can't ensure glow map masks properly. Pfft.

2,509 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

FOV Script 1.0

3371-Alpha on 05/23/2016

This is a script that modifies Marathon/Aleph One's FOV values.

"Why would I need to download this if I can just find the code to this script on the various threads at the Pfhorums, copy and paste it into a text editor and save it as a mml file?" Quite simple, because you're lazy.

Notes for version 1.0:

This script will not work on scenarios that have their own FOV modification scripts included.

2,980 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Lua gametype where the faster you're moving when killing someone, the more points you are awarded.

For example, if you kill someone while standing completely still, you get one point. If kill someone while running, you get more points. If you kill someone while running and falling, you get significantly more points. If you launch yourself with a rocket and kill someone while flying through the air, you get even more points.

2,557 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Capture the Falg 1.0.3

irons on 01/23/2016

Screenshot titled "Layout"

This script adopts W'rkncacnter's CTF script to the newer API. See the readme, the original CTF script, and the Magenta Filter maps for more information.

Notes for version 1.0.3:

This release hopefully fixes out-of-sync issues. It also adds messages for all flag statuses (taken, dropped, returned, scored). There are also screen faders for these events. Finally, the alert sound no longer plays if a player is constantly picking up his own flag (i.e. when it continuously respawns on the base polygon).

I highly recommend updating to this version.

4,245 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Checkpoints 1.0

Hopper on 01/17/2016

Checkpoints is an implementation of Halo-style automatic saved games in the middle of a level. Mapmakers use annotations to mark where checkpoints should occur, and the Lua script does the rest. It also creates a save point after each level transition.

Includes a sample map. Find all seven checkpoints!

2,346 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Arms Race 1.0

irons on 08/18/2015

Ryoko asked me to re-create the "Arms Race" game type from Counterstrike in Aleph One. Here's my attempt.

From the man himself:

Basically it's an EMFH script where everyone starts with rockets, and after each kill you get demoted to a weaker weapon, and the winner is the first person to get a kill with fists.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial release.

2,759 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.7 rating

M1 Lua Mnemonics 1.0

Hopper on 02/23/2014

Writing a Lua plugin for Marathon under Aleph One 1.1? This script will rename the mnemonics for monsters, projectiles, etc. so you can find the right objects.

2,903 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Red Light 1.1

Hopper on 02/16/2014

Play "Red Light, Green Light" during net games. It's fun.

Notes for version 1.1:

Version 1.1 adds a message when someone runs a red light, and a sound when the yellow turns red. Thanks to Sharkie Lino and his play-testing crew for the changes.

3,107 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.7 rating

This is a collection of small single-purpose Lua scripts.

Feel free to include them in your own works or use them any way your like.

  • DynamicWater V1.22.lua

Marathon's media 'flows' from high elevations to low dynamically. Please see the included 'Water Buckets.sceA' map as an example. [Punch the switches]

  • ArcadeHudPrinting.lua

Minimal HUD design around the crosshair.

  • TauntingScript.lua

Press the Microphone key (default: ~) to 'taunt' with assimilated BOB chatter. This attracts the focus of nearby active enemies (and allies).

  • TeleportProjectiles.lua

Projectiles fired into a teleporter will be transported to the other side.

  • Psychokinesis.lua

Enemies within the center crosshair will take crushing damage.

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 Initial Release

2,523 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Co-Op 2.2

irons on 08/14/2013

Screenshot titled "Simple monster info"

This Lua script introduces a number of changes and tweaks in the mechanics of co-operative games. Version 2 has a number of improvements thanks to the new Lua API found in Aleph One v0.20.

See the Readme file for a whole lot more detail.

Notes for version 2.2:

Added a few minor changes, including one that allows the script to work with the post-1.0 betas.

5,114 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Chibi Usa Soundtrack Bonus Edition

ftg.death.rhino on 06/06/2013

Screenshot titled "Cool, Eh?"

Now you can hear the Original Marathon Soundtrack in the modern MIDI Instruments for Quicktime! Me sad though, no plugin, no MML script, just replace your Tracks folder with the new one... :'-(

Notes for version Bonus Edition:

It may not be a plugin, and it may not replace on its own, but it has some cool extra stuff, things for newcomers and things for Born on Boards!

3,431 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Screenshot titled "Overlay enabled using v2.7D"

This script is a revised version of Iamanidiot123's advanced cheats script, which is based on the original Cheats.lua released by Treellama in the Aleph One download. I have added some additional functions including hard falling damage.

Some of the functions included, like the invincibility modes, and teleportation are intended to be used for recreational solo play or the testing and debugging of maps or scenarios. Others are intended to add additional features, like the ability to heal, or falling damage. Please see the included readme file for important information.

Notes for version 2.7E:

Same as 2.7D except I fixed a typo that prevented the use of the script. Everything else is same as 2.7D.

Improvements to this version include additions to the overlay function to display the oxygen level in blue and the energy levels in red, yellow, or dark red [I haven't been able to get purple yet] depending on the energy levels.

More detailed information is included in the readme.txt file

To those who don't seem to bother actually looking at the readme or code, the first few lines of both are acknowledging the work that both TreeLlama and Iamanidiot123 did, both of whose versions are included intact with their original readmes.

3,682 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 2.3 rating

EasyShade 1.5

Crater Creator on 08/05/2012

Screenshot titled "Example 1 (animated gif)"

EasyShade contains functions for automating the lighting of Aleph One levels. It is intended to aid mapmakers in conjunction with their usual lighting techniques. EasyShade currently includes these functions (all parameters are optional):

sunlight(contrast, manual\_sun\_angle, cumulative) for simulating a directional light source that affects all surfaces and does not cast shadows

roomlight(brightness, floor\_threshold, ceiling\_threshold, radius) for assigning a brightness to an entire room at once

pointlight(brightness, max\_radius) for simulating a point light source where the player is standing (calculations done in 2D)

darken() and lighten() for nudging the brightness of the room you're in up or down. These functions are tied to the previous and next weapon keys, so you can make an adjustment by pressing one key instead of typing out a function call.

pavelight(brightness) for applying a single brightness to all surfaces in the entire level

resetlights() for restoring a level to its original lighting levels

Notes for version 1.5:

Major update, now with wholly different types of automated lighting.

2,767 downloads, 2 reviews, 2 screenshots, 5.0 rating

This simple modification to the FloatingX LUA script file adds an ammunition counter to the Alien Weapon using the M1A1 FloatingX HUD. In keeping with the style of the FloatingX HUD, the ammo counter jitters and flickers back and forth to mimic the static effect seen when the Alien Weapon is selected.

To install, download the M1A1 version of the FloatingX HUD plugin, back up the FloatingX.lua script file inside, and replace it with this one.

Notes for version 1.0:

Simple code change to the FloatingX.lua file included with the M1A1 FloatingX HUD.

2,605 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

This is a simple modification to the LUA script included with the FloatingX HUD program. It adds an ammunition counter for the Alien Weapon. In keeping with the spirit of the FloatingX HUD, the ammo count jitters and flickers around with the static displayed in the HUD when using the Alien Weapon.

Download the FloatingX HUD from this site, back up the FloatingX.lua file inside, and replace it with this one to install.

Notes for version 1.0:

Simple code change to the FloatingX.lua file tested in Marathon 2 using latest Aleph One build.

2,575 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Night Vision Lua 1.0

Zott on 08/31/2011

Screenshot titled "Useful against Wraiths"

Lua script which allows the player to turn on night vision goggles to help them see in the dark.

Use the Microphone key to toggle.

Intended for single player only, though you are free to mess with it in multiplayer if you dare.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial Release

2,940 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating

fragments -1

Quartz on 08/29/2011

Screenshot titled ""

this is a collection of various fragments of ideas I've had. at least, the ones that were workable enough to even bother trying out, and interesting enough to bother sharing. a couple of these have been posted on the pfhorums in various threads at one time or another. none of these are full maps, and some aren't even finished. take them for what they are.

note: these have all been tested in aleph 1.0b4. some (most?) of them probably work in older versions, but I haven't bothered to go back and check.

this package contains:

  • cage
  • caustics
  • cheatastic
  • forcefield
  • hamster
  • magic carpet
  • ribs
  • starwars
  • the old factory
  • tightrope

2,566 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.7 rating

instagib 1.0

Quartz on 08/25/2011

Screenshot titled "weapon of choice"

an instagib mod, for those who are into that sort of thing. I wrote this a while ago mainly as an exercise to teach myself lua for aleph.

note: it occurs to me that people who don't play other FPSs might not know what "instagib" means, so I'll be more specific about what this script actually does:

  • players are not allowed to use weapons other than a single pistol.
  • the pistol has infinite ammo.
  • shots are an instant one-hit-kill.
  • players are not allowed to use generators or powerups.

the script also turns the secondary trigger into a zoom function, and prevents items from appearing on maps just to make things cleaner.

I also have the script prevent players from having any oxygen and therefore swimming. this is not part of a traditional instagib setup, I put it in purely because I didn't want people hiding underwater. there are alternatives, but they either involve using a physics model or a crapload of lua hackery and I wanted to keep this simple.

2,427 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

There have been a few renditions of a FloatingX for M1A1, but non of them looked like they belonged in the actual game of Marathon.

This version matches the interface of the real game, and has the same floaty goodness of FloatingX.

The screenshots are actually from Legend, and the version i captured is slightly out of date, so there may be some very very minor differences.

Finally, The Health and Oxygen bars are misaligned by one pixel... Because of this small margin, I cannot correct it. And yes, I have tried.

Notes for version 1.0:


3,697 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Joust 5.0

irons on 02/07/2011

Screenshot titled "ACTUAL GAMEPLAY"

This is an attempt to mimic the gameplay of the old Joust arcade game. Players fly around maps and collide with each other to score kills. More detailed instructions await you in the README.

Notes for version 5.0:

This is the fifth attempt at a total Joust rewrite. Compatible with the latest version of Aleph One. Can be played on the EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB gametypes.

2,999 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.3 rating