
Tagged 'Netscript'


treellama on 04/01/2021

An answer to LMOTH: FXOTH. Be the first person on the hill to get a point.

1,478 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Tick Rider 0.2?

Kuurin on 02/18/2021

Screenshot titled "1st-person view from Tick Stew"

Soar on the wings of a bowl of spoiled pudding!

Ride on a tick, and fight from the sky!

Jump from tick to tick, or abuse the improbable physics of whatever a tick is made of to boost yourself over long distances! Blast the tick out from under your foes! Ride on the wrong tick and explode!

The possibilities are endless!

This fun and mildly-insane netscript is best suited to larger maps with open spaces. And it's even better with lava. Try it and you'll soon understand why!

Highly configurable, with various weird secrets and bizarre instances of what may possibly pass for humor. Try adding your own nonsense – Amuse, bemuse, or disgust your friends!

This package includes one shoddy, simplistic, yet lovable and purpose-made netmap, Tick Stew, that will allow you to explore the possibilities in various networked gametypes or just by yourself in a solo game.

Take to the un-friendly skies and become a Tick Rider today!

Notes for version 0.2?:
  • Position ticks out of impassable polygons.

  • Deal with some Lua errors caused by exceeding monster limits with too many ticks.

  • Added super-informative read-me documentation.

  • Added special Tick-Netmap "Cavendish Tick Catastrophe"

1,442 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Basic Co-op 1.2

treellama on 09/13/2020

This script adds some basic quality-of-life improvements to Marathon's default cooperative play:

  • Shares weapon and ammo pickups between players
  • Restores previous weapons and ammoes after respawning
  • Respawns players at the last pattern buffer any player activated
  • If the respawn point is under lava or goo, falls back to start of level

Select "Use Netscript" while gathering a co-op game, and choose Basic Co-op.lua as the netscript, to activate it.

Requires Aleph One 1.3

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Really fixes chip issues. Should work with original Marathon as well
  • Uses the last pattern buffer any player used as the new respawn point.
  • Falls back to start of level if the respawn point is under lava or goo

2,163 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Netscript Pack 1

Aurora on 12/14/2019


A pack of netscripts for Infinity (I believe most of these should function in other Scenarios as well)


-Headhunter: Kill players, collect keys, and take the keys to the hill to score!

-Infection: Don't get infected!

-Kill Confirmed: Kill the enemy team and collect the dropped items to gain points

-Life Support: Your health is slowly draining, get kills to extend your life

-One in the Chamber: You have one shot. Make it count.

-Readme with more gametype info


-Created by: Aurorable_Fox -Additional Help: Liacrow


-Aurorable_Fox on discord, and twitter

1,584 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Marathon Gambit 1.1

Aurora on 11/11/2019

Screenshot titled "Salinn_1"

Marathon Gambit

What is it?

Marathon Gambit is a recreation of Bungie's Destiny 2 gametype of the same name

How do I play?

The objective of Gambit is to kill things, collect the keys they drop, and turn in the keys to summon a final Boss. The first team to summon its boss and kill it wins the round. (a pdf is included that explains this more in depth)

What is included?

The download includes the following

  • Netscript
  • 3 Netmaps.
  • MML and phyA files for merging with your own maps.
  • A pdf manual that explains how to play and what is required for making your own maps.

Included Maps

Zoranel: This map was created for testing purposes and is not the prettiest, but i feel it was fun to play on so I'm including it. It is the largest map in this pack currently.

Wrath Eternal: This is a modification of the Bungie netmap "Wrath No More?" to support Gambit. It is the smallest map in the pack and can get very hectic!

Salinn: This is a modification of one of my own netmaps to support Gambit. In terms of size this map is somewhere between Wrath Eternal and Zoranel

Future Updates

The main feature I am looking into adding is an intro cinematic. Other than that all currently planned features are present, so updates will be limited to bug fixes or adding new netmaps

Feedback or Bugs

Feedback and Bugs can be reported on the pfhorums thread here


  • Original Mode: Bungie
  • Marathon Scripting: Aurorable_Fox, level47otter, liacrow
  • Custom Physics: liacrow
  • Levels: Aurorable_Fox (with some maps being modifications of official Bungie netmaps)
  • Testing: level47otter, liacrow, spooky
  • Marathon Gambit Artwork: wyvernzu

  • W’rkncacnter and jteg for answering all my dumb questions when I was getting started.

  • Benoit whose Survival2.0 script helped me learn the setup of many things (and which I basically lifted Health Regen from)
  • Ku-rin for sharing their cameras.lua file on the pfhorums and providing additional help!
  • Everyone else who helped test or jumped into random netgames!
Read more
Notes for version 1.1:


Disabled High Value Target notifications as they were sometimes causing the match to become softlocked.

Looking into

  • Rewriting HVT notification

  • Sometimes combatants fail to spawn causing a team to become softlocked

1,846 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Gunpoint 1.0

aquateenhgrfrce on 01/21/2017

Lower Grade weapons = More points

Weaker weapons are harder to kill with thus will grant you more points, stronger weapons are easy to kill with, therefore you will gain less points if you use them.

Many thanks to Hail, Benoit, limonene, Windbreaker, Data, and others for their help in testing and balancing the script.

Future versions may include turning off auto switch and customization.

Current Netgame point distribution:

<pre><code>• Missile = 1 points • Flamethrower = 3 points • Shotgun = 5 points • SMG = 7 points • AR Grenade = 15 points • AR Bullet = 10 points • Alien Weapon = 20 points • Fusion Bolt Minor = 20 points • Fusion Bolt Major = 15 points • Pistol = 30 Points • Running Fists = 25 points • Walking Fists = 35 Points • Standing Fists = 50 points </code></pre>

2,193 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.7 rating

Height as Some Feature dirac delta function

ray on 08/29/2009

Height as Some Feature is a script pack that will be released incrementally from RAY LABORATORIES.

NOTE: This script pack will only be released on forward-thinking sites like Simplici7y, not sites run by the obstructionists of the Marathon community.

Notes for version dirac delta function:

This version contains:


3,033 downloads, 5 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Captures 1.0

W'rkncacnter on 02/17/2009

This is a map with embedded shapes and lua. There are 7 "hills" on the map, and each player or team will get a point for every hill they have control of at the end of a round. The lua HUD makes it easy to tell how much time is left in the round.

This map should be played with the netscript gametype as it has embedded lua.

2,840 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Ghost 0.55

Vladtepes on 02/09/2009

This script adds a new network survival gametype that Marathon: the ghost hunt.

As an UESC Space Marine, you are sent to seek and kill an invisible and dangerous ghost escaped from the depth of Lh'owon. It is very quick and can jump from wall to wall and, worst of all, you are nearly out of ammo!

Notes for version 0.55:

Bug correction

2,815 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating