
Newest Reviews

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

What am I doing Avoidence

President People on Apr 26th, 2013, Version 1.0

Before I even start moving, the Drones start buzzing around and spill onto the path, blocking my way and sticking me in place so they can taze me to death.

I'm assuming this is because I "let my gaze fall upon them", but this is unavoidable because I start facing to the side(!) and there are Drones in view.

Despite the name, the monsters cannot be avoided because the path is narrow, and the Drones are fat. I feel like there's a Physics file missing here?

2 Stars for an interesting idea, I guess, but it's not very fun in its current state. I'd be willing to Try Again if it was playable.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

That perfect kind of awesome! HD M1A1 Weapons in Hand (Beta version)

Mavrik on Apr 24th, 2013, Version 1.1

Love the new weapon models! The assault riffle looks badass and i like the motion blur thing for the fists! Good work!

The last level is a pure work of art. The level's detail is immense and it has a lot of storeys overlapping each other.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Epic Coda to Phoenix Kindred Spirits

ihatelivinginthisplace on Apr 23rd, 2013, Version

Nice mini-scenario! Worth getting for sure.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

whoa HD M1A1 Weapons in Hand (Beta version)

The Cool Guy on Apr 23rd, 2013, Version 1.1

yo awesome dude this weapons like pretty nice, in fact I might start playing M1A1 again

The best thing that came to Marathon! Now I can play Marathon in an ARCADE style! I make my own maps for it and test a lot with it. I take advantage of "Hills" and make certain maps easy and others insane!

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Reasonable effort HD M1A1 Weapons in Hand (Beta version)

fiddler_on_a_roof on Apr 5th, 2013, Version 1.0

HD weapons for M1A1 have been worked on several times at the Pfhorums, but never completed, so good job at least completing a first iteration.

Some of the weapon graphics are too big and cover up the player's view, especially the napalm and the alien weapon. The pistols are too light of a shade of gray.

I would recommend opening a thread on the Pfhorums in the Projects section. It is a much better place to get feedback. When things are polished up, update this entry on Simplic7y.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Wow A1 quicksave & FOV mod

W'rkncacnter on Mar 28th, 2013, Version 1.0

A random exe.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Press the ... MOoSE butt-in! Marathon Phoenix

MarathonPfhorever on Mar 20th, 2013, Version 1.2.1

I like the arsenal. also, I like the sounds.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Obviously good Enhanced HUD for Marathon Phoenix

RyokoTK on Mar 18th, 2013, Version 1.0

I mean, duh.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Perfect Starlight

goran svensson on Feb 16th, 2013, Version III

The majority of maps are very good. Good balance, flow, architecture, cover, and choices. A 5 no doubt.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

ok Fort Roque

goran svensson on Feb 15th, 2013, Version 1.0.1

I like the concept for 1vs1 play. Lots of cover. Crampy. It was the rocket launcher that ruined it for me. Remove rocket launchers, add a flamethrower or two.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Surprising Four of Diamonds

JohannesG on Feb 15th, 2013, Version 1.0

This map surprised me. There are some flawed texturing here and there and sound could be done better. But overall gameplay was surprisingly good in a 3 player EMFH. The chasm plus the darkness in the middle allowed for some interesting gameplay in middle. With slightly better texturing and sound, it would get 4 stars from me.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Good Four of Diamonds

goran svensson on Feb 15th, 2013, Version 1.0

3-player game: I liked this map. The Arena allows for escape, and the exposure is not too bad. Vision goes both ways. I like maps where you can keep track of your enemies. This map is good for that. There were also plenty of cover to use. Another plus.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

old school SL Maps

goran svensson on Feb 9th, 2013, Version 1.1.1

The maps have an old school feel which can be refreshing from the more streamlined modern maps.

In 1vs1 there is plenty of cover to be used, and the maps pace differently. Overall a pleasant experience.

Respawning 2x canisters can give too much advantage to the player who finds them first in 1vs1. Not sure how this plays out in 3+ players. I think they can be taken out.

Incontinental Divide was my favourtie map in the pack. That maps is a 4 or 5:er.

Overall I'm giving this pack a 3. To me it means that it is good/decent.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Satisfied SL Maps

JohannesG on Feb 9th, 2013, Version 1.1.1

Played majority of the maps in 1vs1 with the MIME Physics and it seemed to work quite well. Incontinental Divide was probably my favorite and I noticed some interesting tactics used thanks to the new additions/changes from the original.

I noticed some things in the general architecture that could have been made look slightly better with little effort in some places but it did not disturb the overall flow.

Also, The idea/concept is really good. I want to see more people do this.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

epic Physics Editor One J

ihatelivinginthisplace on Feb 4th, 2013, Version 1.1.6

Has more than PHYSICS! has Terminal editors and MAP makers! I'm bound to use it. :D

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

My Opinion Marathon Infinity Multiplayer Enhancement Pack

Destiny on Feb 4th, 2013, Version 1.0

I had to wait a whole weekend before I got the chance to test this out. Today, I grabbed it along with TK's latest netpack on the first page along with the Survival script to test it out in my own way. Here's what I thought:

I was kinda expecting more. Sure, taking the delays of changing weapons is really nice, but as to the overall change of the weapons... yeah...

When I saw that the recoil to the pistol had been decreased to 0, for some reason, I thought it was gonna become some awesome pistol where I could easily empty an entire clip. Sadly, I was mistaken. It still felt like the same pistol, though, I managed to kill a major trooper from afar, which was pretty neat.

I'm glad someone did something to improve the fusion pistol! Finally, it can be used somewhat in combat without getting you killed. Granted, I used it in solo, so...

I was annoyed when I first used the grenade launcher. What happened to being able to kill a fighter with a single grenade on normal!? Come on! As for the main part of the AR, I saw no real difference.

I have mixed feelings about the SMG being changed to a sniper rifle. Sure, it was neat in Yota Saga and RtM, but it takes too long to reload, so your pretty much screwed if you miss, which is likely to happen with everyone running around like crazy in multiplayer.

As for the rest of the weapons (never got the chance to use the alien weapon), I saw no difference. There was, and I know that, but I didn't see it because it was subtle enough.

Overall: glad someone tried doing something different, which is why I'll give it three stars. One because it's required, one for doing a good job with the fusion pistol (although the energy drain aspect was a little weird, but I'll let it side), and the last one for doing SOMETHING. I'm tired of only seeing netmaps/netpacks on the main page.

Thank you for your contribution to the community. I would like to see what else you can do, JohannesG.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Seems Okay Marathon Infinity Multiplayer Enhancement Pack

Sharkie Lino on Feb 3rd, 2013, Version 1.0

I haven't tried it with others yet, but did some tests. I'm a huge purist when it comes to physics, but I will say that this is probably a very good attempt at trying to not change the whole game itself. The main issue I have is the SMG. The change for that is just WAY too much, and several levels use that weapon, so I don't think that would work out very well for a majority of players, so I would reconsider that. I honestly may end up just staying with standard physics, but you're not to blame for that, it's just me.