Marathon Aeon

by Dugit

Uploaded Dec 24th, 2011 for Marathon Infinity


This is the public beta of an ongoing solo scenario project. So far, seventeen levels have been made, containing twelve full solo levels and a net map. Enjoy.

Contained are all the scenario files, along with music. Included is the Total Weapon Enhancement Pack as standard, with altered alien weapon DDSs. Latest Aleph One is required. Operates stand-alone.

Please can you review it? This is a beta after all, and it'll be greatly appreciated for future reference. ß)

Version 1.10

I was going to save up all the new additions for the 2.0 release. But hey. It's Christmas. ;)

1.10 - XBLA HUD added - Goran's Hi-Res Landscape Plugin added (modified) - Terminal glitch on Words Which I Command and Jjaro Jjaro Evolution fixed - Textural oversights on Lapsus Linguae, Vae Victis and Command fixed

1.9 - Two new full solo levels - Gameplay enhancement on all main solo levels (generally more difficult rather than easier) - 3x Canister DDS made blue rather than purple (oops) - Expanded texture files - Music files heartily expanded - Loads of smaller fixes - All teleportation errors fixed

16 Reviews

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Action packed, but with some major issues

MurgenROoF on Jun 20th, 2024, Version 1.10

This is an action-packed campaign, but it has some major problems with the modern Aleph One engine. The biggest problem is that you’re going to have to use the level skip cheat to bypass level 7 (I go into more detail about that in my level-by-level analysis). Though the combat is generally fun, there are some questionable design choices, and Aeon was never finished. On the combat side, most of the enemies have been haxored and sport a new look and new capabilities. Aeon’s baddies present some nice variety; those looking for challenging combat will not be disappointed.

Graphically, Aeon is a mixed bag. In terms of the sheer variety of textures, Aeon is in a class by itself. It uses all the default Infinity textures, plus it poaches textures from a large number of third party scenarios. I don’t know if the author got permission to use those textures; hopefully he did! But the result is a curious and confusing sort of graphical hodgepodge that, aesthetically speaking, doesn’t look so good. In just one level you’ll see Jjaro textures next to Pfhor textures next to 3rd party medieval castle textures; there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, in fact in many cases it just seems to be variety purely for the sake of variety. There are also many, many doors placed in every level, but most of them will never open. My “tab” finger got worn out trying to figure out which doors were “legit” and which were nothing more than window dressing!

In terms of architecture there’s a lot of variation in elevation, and large numbers of polygons are used for even small areas. In some ways you could almost say that the levels are overbuilt, but the good news is that they are simple enough that they can be easily navigated, which is a huge plus in my book. There is some nice looking chapter artwork, and some new sounds/music that I think also came from other 3rd party campaigns. My level-by-level analysis (minor spoilers ahead):

1. Our Lives a Mimicry. At first glance this seems to be a plot exposition level, since you start out near a terminal that will take you to the next level. But if you take the time to explore a bit you’ll find lots of weapons and ammo, as well as some baddies to fight. At first I wasn’t happy about this, because it seemed that people who didn’t explore were getting heavily punished and might end up under-prepared due to their lack of stuff. But it turns out that this campaign is not stingy with either weapons or ammo, so my fears about unbalanced gameplay did not come to fruition. However, I was unhappy that there was one ammo cache in a cage that (apparently) could not be reached by any means. Taunting players with inaccessible ammo caches is never a good thing, though even Bungie was guilty of that sin.

2. Apoptosis. Right off the bat you’re dumped into a massive firefight between Bobs and Pfhor. At first I thought it was a pretty cool set piece battle where I could help turn the tide…until I realized that both sides were having an unlimited amount of reinforcements teleport in, so all my heroism was for naught, and I was just wasting ammo. Once that unfortunate fact had been established, it was a simple matter to explore and complete the rest of the level, which was small.

3. Founder Effect. More firefights. Better firefights! This was an easily navigated level that still provided interesting tactical opportunities for combat. Fighting against the buffed up new Pfhor enemies was fun. There were a few teleport ambushes in which bad guys teleported in directly behind the player, which I don’t agree with. On the whole, though, this was a really solidly designed level.

4. Eternal Lucid Dream. You’re assaulting an enemy base perched precariously on the side of a cliff. I liked the aesthetics, and the combat was intense. New enemy types were introduced, and they were tough! Unfortunately, the problem of enemies teleporting directly on top of the player did recur a few times. At one point the player is given two switches to toggle. One of them opens the path forward, but it is not set to “trigger only once”, so if the player gets confused about what switches they have hit, they might hit it again, closing the path forward. The fact that the other switch uselessly closes a nearby window just adds to the potential confusion. Switches that open the way forward should always be set to “trigger only once”! At another point I found an unmarked teleporter next to a staircase, the sole purpose of which was to teleport me a paltry two meters away if I should happen to wander into the area. I’m guessing that there was some kind of clipping problem with some polygons and so the dev didn’t want me traversing that area. But rather than fixing the problem, the dev came up with the rather bizarre solution of teleporting the player away from the offending polygons!

5. Pfherrous Oxide. A short level in which you’re tasked with grabbing a chip. A rather nasty ambush occurs shortly thereafter, but you’re explicitly warned about it in a terminal, so I’m OK with it.

6. The Rise and Fall of Digit. You’re dumped into the middle of a huge firefight. Hopefully you live long enough to get your bearings and use the nearby save terminal! After that it’s a fight through an impressive-looking river and temple area.

7. The Asphodel Meadows. Oh no! The game crashed on attempting to load this level! Even using the level skip cheat didn’t work. I had to level skip past this level to continue the campaign! After consulting knowledgeable people, I learned that this level will never open in modern Aleph One due to having too many lines/points/polygons/sounds.

8. In our Dreams Awake. Plot exposition.

9. Frameshift Mutation. Apparently some important plot points were revealed in the level that I had to skip, because now I have no idea what’s going on — some Bobs, Defenders, and Pfhor are shooting at me, but others are on my side??? OK, I looked it up, and apparently, some bioweapon was released that’s causing everyone to go crazy. In level 7 you have the choice to side with the infected or un-infected people. By level skipping to level 8 I started on the infected branching path. One last note: there was a big unfilled polygon near the initial save terminal that looks bad.

10. Vae Victis. You board a UESC ship, and it actually looks like a ship if you pull it up on the mini map! That is so cool. Architecture is good. A lot of the combat involves fighting Bobs at long range with pistols, which is a nice change from the normal close quarters combat focus. The biggest problem with this level is that there isn’t a single pattern buffer, and that, coupled with some unfair teleporter ambushes, made this level frustrating. It did have a catchy soundtrack though.

11. Jjaro jjaro Evolution. It’s a Rebellion level, and you start out with nothing but your fists to take on hordes of fighters, as well as a trooper and hunter. Yuck! Combat is absolutely brutal; the only health recharger and save terminal are at the start of the level and quickly become inaccessible. To make matters worse you’re fighting on a series of precarious lava ledges and it’s all too easy too strafe too far in one direction and fall into an inescapable lava pit. Towards the end of the level you end up fighting some extremely dangerous defenders and compilers that will shred your health in no time. With so little cover to work with you have to engage in what might colloquially be described as “door fuckery.” Open a door, take a few potshots at some aliens, close it before their return fire eviscerates you, rinse, repeat. At the end you’re teleported back to the main menu (even though the plot is clearly unfinished) so I guess that’s it for the “infected” story branch!

12. Blaze. The start of the un-infected story branch. Lots of firefights! One time one of the new infected compilers hit me so hard that I got knocked into a rock formation and couldn’t get out!

13. Lapsus Linguae. This level has some really nice lighting effects! Good combat too.

14. Words Which I Command. This is nothing more than a rehash of the level “Vae Victis” from the infected story branch. Only this time you’re fighting Pfhor in vacuum. Although the combat is easier, the total lack of any save terminal or oxygen recharger really sucks. There were a ton of terminals to read but who has the time when the O2 clock is constantly ticking down???

15. Asking A Shadow to Dance. You get a ton of ammo and health canisters in order to take on a huge horde of infected. Carnage ensues. Architecture is really impressive: Much of the fighting takes place on a huge spiral staircase that looks beautiful. Completing the level kicks you back to the main menu, even though the story is not finished, so I guess that’s the end of the non-infected story path. It’s probably years too late to make this observation, as the dev seems to have moved on, but I don’t see any reason why the storyline of Aeon couldn’t be completed just using the existing levels. 90% of the story had already been wrapped up; with just a few terminal re-writes the story could be considered fully completed.

16. More Dakka. This must be a secret level, though I have no idea how to get to it normally. I entered via the level skip cheat. It is identical to level 6, but with a lot more combat. I wasn’t able to beat it though. A telepad took me to a cavern area with a lot of baddies. Once they had been disposed of, I found a pattern buffer, two flavor terminals, a non-functional terminal, a locked door, and a chip insertion outlet. But there was no chip anywhere on the level that I could find, and in any case once you take that telepad you can’t backtrack. The end of the level was probably behind that locked door, but with no way to open it…I had to give up. Perhaps the player was expected to already have a chip with them when they entered the level?

17. Illumination. This is multiplayer version of level 15. It’s based on a big circular arena with lots of opportunities to shoot at people from different elevations, which is good. But it’s a big map that would work best with 4+ players, and finding such a multiplayer Marathon game in the year 2024 is gonna be tough.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Significant bug -

Mazaro on Jan 15th, 2015, Version 1.10

the "Asphodel Meadows" level crashes the game on load for me, giving the following error -

/Users/ghs/aleph/trunk/PBProjects/../Source_Files/GameWorld/map_constructors.cpp:1132: Assertion failed: MapIndexList.size() <UINT16_MAX

I really like this game, and this level being missing disrupts the continuing. Hopefully someone can help!

I'm running on Mac OSX.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Absolutely fantastic!

Jello on May 21st, 2014, Version 1.10

I wasn't expecting this to be at all great, but I was blown away since it was just a Beta and solo-created. I love the dream levels and the way the plot twists and turns. I few levels were confusing, but I was really impressed. Great job!

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.


patrick on Dec 3rd, 2013, Version 1.10







  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Monster placement is horrid.

MoppyPuppy on Nov 24th, 2013, Version 1.10

Why is this getting so many 5 star ratings when there is something clearly wrong with the monster placement?

In a lot of places there seems to be no rhyme or reason to where monsters spawn.

As though you just took the monster placement clicker and had a seizure while placing the monsters.

There seems to be no FUN way to engage the enemy.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Great chaotic style

GeorgeJohn on Feb 1st, 2013, Version 1.10

I am a huge fan of the chaotic nature of the battles and architecture of the first part of the game. It seems unscripted, and I like the cramped style of combat. It prevents the ridiculous "Run in circles around the enemies and let them kill each other" technique, which is common in large battles.

I ended up taking the timeline where you get infected, and I was having a good time with those levels, though they are somewhat less fun than the ones where you cooperate with humans. I got stuck on the lava level Jjaro Jjaro Revolution. I ran through it about 30 times, getting farther each time, but I lost hope after a while. It's just way to hard, and minutes of focused killing can be obliterated because you just got knocked off into the lava. I'm okay with long stretches without a save terminal, but that was too long.

So to summarize, the first few levels were amazingly refreshing, and reminded me how I used to feel playing the original games oh so many years ago. It loses that charm towards the middle of the game, though continues to be very good.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

I love the dream parts

ihatelivinginthisplace on Dec 22nd, 2012, Version 1.10

My favorite levels, honestly were Vae Victis and Words Which I Command. Because the thing about the guy dreaming, it's excellency. Epic scenario.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Short, Sweet, Elegant...

PerseusSpartacus on Sep 11th, 2012, Version 1.10

...and hard. The white-bloods are pretty tough to fight, even on Kindergarten. Still, that difficulty makes some of the levels really good. 'The Rise and Fall of Dugit' is awesome, as is 'The Asphodel Meadows'. However, I would note that Aeon has some major and some minor flaws. For instance, the first Green Trooper on Lapsis Linguae is insanely aggressive, to the point where I was listening to bullets clinging around my head while saying to myself 'What is going on here?' Still, at least he isn't too hard to kill. You just need to get your grenade to land at his feet. Furthermore, vacuum levels (aka 'Words Which I Command' are never fun. G4 Sunbathing was the rare exception, and Acme Station was just plain rough. In sum, don't do vacuum levels unless you know how to really make them fun. To top things off, you really need a pattern buffer at the start of 'Blaze'. Even so, Aeon is very fun to play. This scenario should easily get 5 stars once some of the issues are tweaked.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Fun, but not the best

Overlord on Feb 20th, 2012, Version 1.10

When you first play Aeon you'll experience a new kind of world where things are tight and crazy. I do enjoy Aeon but the first level is cramped and compact, also quite unorganized. I do have to say, it ain't broke. It just isn't the best either.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.


The Cool Guy on Dec 21st, 2011, Version 1.9a

Overall great map, but just pointing out that in case you didn't know, on the level "Vae Victis" one of the computer terminals does not seem to work correctly

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

I finally get to playing this...

Destiny on Dec 19th, 2011, Version 1.9a

I've been a little late about getting a review for this and playing the lattest beta version. Taking time off of replaying Rubicon X, I downloaded the most recent version to Aeon to see if this was any good.

First of all, I would like to thank Dugit for putting music to his scenario. I've played way to many maps that did not have any music. I perfer music over background sound. The music selection was interesting. I's a nice change from the original and remixes of the Marathon soundtrack.

Next thing to cover is the difficulty. Before I got my chance to play the beta, I thought to myself that this was going to be an easy one. Boy, was I wrong about that. Theres enough old and new difficult enemies to pack a starship! It explains why theres so much ammo everywhere. I'd hate to be the one that trys playing this on Total Carnage. The enforcers, upgraded cyborgs, better aiming troopers, and S'pht are already a pain in the neck on normal (not that I can't handle'em). They may be as colorful as a clown, but they're as nasty as barney on steroids!

The mapping and texturing in the beta was amazing! I saw so many curves that I wished I knew how to do that. Spaceships were cool, the planet areas incredibley spacious, the shading very realistic, and so many other surprises. I'm kinda surprised that this is only a beta.

The alien weapon was pretty cool as blue. I not sure which one is better: the original purple, or the new Aeon blue.

The whole story, I didn't really pay attention to. It may have helped to read the terminals, because when I got to the latter section of the beta, I got really confused. At first, Bob is your friend and the Pfhor, of course, is your enemy. It's what everyone expects. Then, this Jjaro symbol dude beams me off a level and I lose all my weapons. After running through a map without anyone around, I get to the next level, only to find out that BoB is not a friend, and there are some grayish versions of Pfhor and BoB that are apparently my friends (ugh...). Jumping through the levels with the level start cheat (kept dying from BoB and the S'pht Kr on the first level when they aren't friendly), I now get BoB back as an ally, and now both the Pfhor and gray copies are enemies. But thats not all! Now theres Durandal on the side!

Over all (I'm going to HAVE to replay this and read the computers next time) this is a great scenario. It's very unique from other ones. Everybody that hasn't checked this beta out, should. It's a good one.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to my starship. I still have several scenarios to play (some to replay), A1 tools that one day will be downloaded and there manuals read, and I think I see Irons over there. I don't think that rocket launcher he has is a gift. I may have a SBR-23, but Irons can probley plant those rockets on the ground quicker than I can get his head in my sights.

Five stars.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Pure Awesome

Pfhriggin' on Sep 25th, 2011, Version pß 1.8

Having rattled through Rubicon, Eternal and Phoenix a number of times over- having done the same with the Aeon public beta 1.0 a few months a go- I decided to have a go at it again. Frankly, I'm astounded as to how far the learning curve on this scenario has progressed.

Earlier levels from Our Lives a Mimicry to Rise and Fall of Dugit (bar Eternal Lucid Dream) have amazing attention to detail, but the texturing is still a little sloppy. It's good to see that for Asphodel and onwards, this has been rectified.

I'm not a particular fan of being given everything at the offset, but it's good to see that we're given a choice between pure carnage and more structured fights in the divergent chapters. My favorite, personally so far, is Venom.

By levels, however, I need to be a little more consice. Levels like Vae Victis/Command, Frameshift, and Lapsus are some of the best levels I've seen in a long time.

Keep up the good work. I'm still waiting on 1.9 :)

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

This is more like it!

byrd62au on Sep 25th, 2011, Version pß 1.8

As someone who cut their marathon teeth on 3rd party scenarios like Siege of Nor Korph, Evil, Tempus Irae, Rubicon etc I'm very intolerant of maps where not enough thought and effort is put into lighting and making maps "feel" right. This is a scenario where the attention to detail really shows through. I took my time wandering around just enjoying the views (once I'd survived the great battles!). There are really only 2 things I'd suggest that stop me rating this scenario a 5 to of 5 (and perhaps these things will be rectified by the time the finished version is released). 1. Don't give the player so many weapons so early in the game. One of the things that made a scenario like "Evil" truly great was the weapons and ammo were handed out very sparingly and you often had to back up and play through sections again making more effort to conserve it as you would run out. Having to make do with a magnum for a while makes you REALLY appreciate it when you finally get a a shotgun or something. I would say there needs to be less health packs also and make some longer sections without save terms. Makes it harder but so much more rewarding. 2. (and this is critical to make this a truly 5 star scenario) It needs an art director. The menu, chapter screens and terminal art just aren't up to the quality of the maps. Great scenarios always have a great mapmaker and a great art director, not usually the same person! Other than these issues this is first class stuff and I haven't enjoyed playing a scenario this much since Rubicon (which this reminds me a little of). Great work!

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.


K'taur on Aug 22nd, 2011, Version pß 1.7

Very nicely done. Gameplay is excellent. Though this was said before, i really enjoy the chaotic crossfire between allies and enemies, and being ambushed in tight spaces. Ammo is plentiful, but not too plentiful.

Architecturally, also very well done. The wide vistas, in particular, are a nice touch. A lot of mappers aren't very good about giving the player a good sense of the immensity of a particular space station or facility. Eternal Lucid Dream, with the lookout stations jutting out from the cliff face, did this particularly well. The stone areas, and the water pools/streams especially, look awesome. You've done some great things insofar as taking advantage of Aleph One's lack of geometry and viewing distance limitations.

Two minor things annoyed me a bit:

(1) Too many inoperable doors. Several times i found myself wandering around maps in circles long after i had already killed everything, searching for which door a particular switch opened, and being frustrated by the number of doors that were permanently inoperable.

(2) Too many texture sets. i believe this was mentioned earlier, in an earlier release, but while i see what you're trying to do with the variation in stone textures, at times it looks gaudy, particularly where you've added textures from the Pfhor set to the mix. It's difficult to appropriate this set in other environments, and i've very rarely seen it done successfully.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Very nice

infwaffle on Aug 13th, 2011, Version pß 1.62

This almost seems like a complete senario. The level design is nice and makes it worth while to look around and not move on for a bit. I though they were very creative and non-straight forward, i like that. One thing though is that the alien weapon in hand is not blue. Overall this is very good and i would recomend it. I think the full version will turn out great.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.


ODST 276 on Dec 23rd, 2010, Version pß 1.21c

I personally, think it is pretty amazing. The ammo and health packs were abundant, but the way the gameplay was, you needed most of it. I did find one HOM on "The Asphodel Meadows (III)" where one part of the water was not textured, but it is a Beta and there will be mistakes, glitches, etc. Overall, It is definitely something all Marathoners should play. The abundance in enemies and allies made it feel like a realistic, albeit chaotic battlefield. This scenario is something I am looking forward to.

15 Screenshots

The Rise and Fall of Dugit

Screenshot titled "The Rise and Fall of Dugit"

The Rise and Fall of Dugit (II)

Screenshot titled "The Rise and Fall of Dugit (II)"

The Asphodel Meadows (II)

Screenshot titled "The Asphodel Meadows (II)"

The Asphodel Meadows

Screenshot titled "The Asphodel Meadows"

In Our Dreams Awake

Screenshot titled "In Our Dreams Awake"


Screenshot titled "Blaze"

Lapsus Linguae (I)

Screenshot titled "Lapsus Linguae (I)"

Lapsus Linguae (II)

Screenshot titled "Lapsus Linguae (II)"

Frameshift Mutation

Screenshot titled "Frameshift Mutation"

Vae Victis / Words Which I Command

Screenshot titled "Vae Victis / Words Which I Command"

Jjaro Jjaro Evolution

Screenshot titled "Jjaro Jjaro Evolution"

Jjaro Jjaro Evolution (II)

Screenshot titled "Jjaro Jjaro Evolution (II)"

Asking a Shadow to Dance

Screenshot titled "Asking a Shadow to Dance"

Asking a Shadow to Dance (II)

Screenshot titled "Asking a Shadow to Dance (II)"


Screenshot titled "Illumination"