• Currently 4/5 Stars.


K'taur on Aug 22nd, 2011, Version pß 1.7

Very nicely done. Gameplay is excellent. Though this was said before, i really enjoy the chaotic crossfire between allies and enemies, and being ambushed in tight spaces. Ammo is plentiful, but not too plentiful.

Architecturally, also very well done. The wide vistas, in particular, are a nice touch. A lot of mappers aren't very good about giving the player a good sense of the immensity of a particular space station or facility. Eternal Lucid Dream, with the lookout stations jutting out from the cliff face, did this particularly well. The stone areas, and the water pools/streams especially, look awesome. You've done some great things insofar as taking advantage of Aleph One's lack of geometry and viewing distance limitations.

Two minor things annoyed me a bit:

(1) Too many inoperable doors. Several times i found myself wandering around maps in circles long after i had already killed everything, searching for which door a particular switch opened, and being frustrated by the number of doors that were permanently inoperable.

(2) Too many texture sets. i believe this was mentioned earlier, in an earlier release, but while i see what you're trying to do with the variation in stone textures, at times it looks gaudy, particularly where you've added textures from the Pfhor set to the mix. It's difficult to appropriate this set in other environments, and i've very rarely seen it done successfully.

Marathon Aeon

Dugit on 12/24/2011

This is the public beta of an ongoing solo scenario project. So far, seventeen levels have been made, containing twelve full solo levels and a net map. Enjoy.

Contained are all the scenario files, along with music. Included is the Total Weapon Enhancement Pack as standard, with altered alien weapon DDSs. Latest Aleph One is required. Operates stand-alone.

Please can you review it? This is a beta after all, and it'll be greatly appreciated for future reference. ß)

6,330 downloads, 15 reviews, 15 screenshots, 4.3 rating