A 35-level single player major conversion.
This scenario is difficult and action-packed; it features a full arsenal of new, powerful weapons, and more threatening enemies than you could ever want.
1.4 has new Lua features like a performance overlay, weapon buffs, a lot of little bug fixes; it also applies ammo capacity limits on Total Carnage. Requires Aleph One 1.5 or newer, probably!
Adds graphics plugins by W'rkncacnter to improve weapons in hand and landscapes. On the linked webpage you can also find a download just for the plugins, which you should be able to drop into an existing 1.4.1 installation.
A three level (plus one intro level) mini-scenario for Marathon Infinity.
This scenario is a sequel to Marathon Phoenix, although it is not as difficult. The player is reunited with Durandal, and the two follow the path of the UESC Atreides to a distant Human base.
EDIT 2/11/2014 You will probably need the Previous AI plugin to make this work! http://simplici7y.com/items/aleph-one-previous-ai
52 maps, including 15 new ones, and a trendy hub world. The final word in the KTA trilogy.
Stop crying.
EDIT 2/11/2014: Please use the Previous AI plugin with Aleph One 1.1 for this scenario. http://simplici7y.com/items/aleph-one-previous-ai
Continue to stop crying.
The original Marathon game interface, ported to Aleph One as a Lua HUD. Designed for use with M1A1 or Aleph One 1.0. It will not work with the native Marathon 1 downloads bundled with Aleph One 1.1 and later. A compatible version may be found in those downloads.
After three years, the first project I ever started in Aleph One is complete. Happy Bungie Day.
If you aren't familiar with Paradise Lost, download the original here: http://www.simplici7y.com/items/paradise-lost
This is basically the same thing as Paradise Lost, but the maps are divided into four separate packs based on the chronological and stylistic period in which I made them.
This project is intended for people that only like a certain group of PL maps, and/or need or want help organizing them. This is the best I can do.
As a bonus of sorts, the maps SCB, Acid Rain, and Darkest Insurrection are also restored.
KTA3: The Complete Masterworks is every Kill Them All map to date, as well as 12 new maps, in one massive 38-map mega-mini-scenario adventure.
If you want to play co-op, using Co-op.lua is nearly a requirement.
Added two more maps and fixed a lot of bugs, mostly related to co-op.
Want to get the most out of your renderer? Download the OFFICIAL douchemaps plugin! Created by W'rkncacnter with supervision from RAY LABORATORIES, this plugin has unmatched quality.
Just drop the zip file into your Marathon Infinity "Plugins" folder, and enable DOUCHEMAPS in the preferences. You need at least the latest preview build to use this.
Version 1.1: Now with 500% more douchiness with bloom turned on!
A collaborative effort by myself, Treellama, Irons, W'rkncacnter, $lave, Screamingfool, and JUICEMAN.
Journey back in time through a whopping 60 maps as we present all of the bad maps we've made and discarded throughout the years.
Some of the maps are nearly tolerable, some are quirky and stupid, some are outright terrible, and some are deformed joke maps.
Please don't host these more than once. In fact, don't host these at all.