
Tagged 'Multiplayer'

Screenshot titled "Getting hit by the Alien Gun Secondary Trigger on Crater Creator's Fort Roque"

The original Marathon weapons were not really designed with people in mind. They were designed to be effective against slow and stupid aliens that could not dodge shots and could not operate their weaponry while they were being blasted by the player. Human players are a bit more intelligent, and faster than that.

Note that this is not designed with monsters in mind!

This physics model addresses those changes and has undergone thorough balance testing during its development. Weapon switching delay is now nearly non-existant and random damage has been taken out of the game. Weapons that would normally never see action in an otherwise SPNKR filled multiplayer match can now go up against a SPNKR armed player under the right conditions.

Enjoy MIMEP.

Jóhannes Gunnar Þorsteinsson

Göran Svensson

Notes for version 1.5:

(more thorough changelog in readme) - Speed increase of all regular bullets up to 4096. - Alien Weapon is now a dual function with a regular primary trigger but secondary trigger set as chargeable long range high damage weapon - The good old automatic KKV-7 SMG is back. - Bug fix: Enforcers now use "unused 1" shot slot instead of Alien Weapon Blast so not to make them overpowered

3,140 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled "shot2"

This is a new, standalone release. The map is designed to support all gametypes: vanilla EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB; and CTF & Rugby via their respective netscripts. For the last two, download the appropriate script from right here on Simplici7y, select CTF or Rugby when gathering, and check the netscript checkbox and use the corresponding netscript as well. There is a small embedded lua script to deal with the multipurpose use of the ball, but that should all take care of itself behind the scenes.

This level is also the first release to utilize my EasyShade plugin for lighting. The screenshots for EasyShade were taken from this map.

Notes for version 1.0:

initial release

3,062 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Fort Roque 1.0.1

Crater Creator on 02/04/2013

Screenshot titled "screenshot 2"

I played a Call of Duty map that had a stair/bridge combination I thought was interesting. I loosely mimicked that structure and just sort of built things out from there. At this point the resemblance is gone, but I kept the style of an urban setting with buildings and structures positioned at regular angles.

I tried to put function over aesthetics, leaving all texturing/lighting/scenery/sounds until I was satisfied with the flow. The hill was not the initial focal point of the map, but as a player I like the variety provided by specific objectives like in KOTH, so I'm glad a natural hill area emerged. It may feel somewhat limited with no platforms, teleporters, or powerups; but I didn't want to throw everything and the kitchen sink into the same level.

Notes for version 1.0.1:
  • reduced the shield recharger to a 1x. This seemed to be the most egregious flaw to the level.

I hate to bump this to the front page for such a minor change, so I waited until I was going to release something new anyway.

2,784 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled "The Last Outpost"

The fifth and final edition of my second multiplayer map pack includes 24 maps, all varying in size and layout. Version 1.4 includes 2 new maps.

Notes for version 1.4:
  • Features 2 new maps: Water Sleepers, and Flying Saucer Tour.
  • Texturing/Shading retouched on Generic America, Battersea Odyssey, and The Refuge.
  • Untextured surfaces fixed on older maps.

4,724 downloads, 14 reviews, 24 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Alternate Colors"

Made this shapes file really quickly in ShapeFusion, they hopefully will interest someone who did not find MI's default color palette for players to be to their liking.

I would do this for M2 as well, but the HD players are just too nice, and recoloring them would kill me. Although if there is a way to recolor them instantly, it would be much appreciated to know.

Notes for version 1.0:

first release.

2,351 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Sovereignty 1.2

windbreaker on 01/26/2008

Screenshot titled "Forgotten Utopia"

Sovereignty is my first netpack now containing 8 maps. I first released this netpack in April, 2007. I am pleased with the outcome and quality; even for the older maps.

In this final update (v1.2), I have added 1 new map, and fixed a blatant ambient sound error in The King of Infinite Space. I also managed to fix a terrible error in 50% of the maps, where the players would only spawn in one or two places throughout an entire game.

NOTE: For best results, don't use the hi-res textures.

3,214 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 4.3 rating


As with all the previous versions of TC++, the main objective was to create something completely insane to add to the mayhem already associated with Marathon. All the weapon's have been changed, however, there are no flying BOBs, screaming Pfhor rockets, or anything like that. TC++ is actually a fairly simple modification to the Marathon weapons. All the weapons have been modified so that they fire more, fire faster, and overall, fill the level with bullets, energy blasts, and high explosives. However, this isn't one of those increase everything to max and have a completely Uber SPNKR that makes the player who gets it first God. TC++ is as balanced as I could get it. So, there are no ultimate weapons, the weapons are as close to their roots as I could keep them. The SPNKR is still the SPNKR, and the TOTZ is still the TOTZ. v1.4 is probably one of the more balanced versions of TC++. I've toned down some of the weapons, changed the rates of fire, and lowered the amount of damage done by some weapons.

So, if this is your first time playing TC++, enjoy it! If you've played the previous versions, this is an update to have.

3,401 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "You got carnage!"

You Better Move v1.2 This is the first map I've ever created. I submitted it into Ryoko's Map Making Contest III, which I suprisingly got 7th place in...Hey, it was an achievement for me. This is a small map, it was initially built for four players and up, and I still play it as such, but it works well as a dueling map. Really though, if you like it with six players...really, try it out...Its fun...I swear.

Suggested Players: 6 (...2+) Polygons: 170 Weapons: Fusion Pistol, Assault Rifle, SMG, Flamethrower

v1.2 Fixes from initial contest release: -Bouncy walls fixed -Weapon placement changed -Collectable weapons slightly changed up (I took out the Alien Shotgun and put in the TOTZ) -TOTZ respawn rate and locations changed for balance reasons -Teleporter added for some fun

2,918 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 4.0 rating