From what I can tell this script doesn't really help the meek until it's too late.
It helps to keep scores from getting too high vs. leveling the playing field.
Very fun concept. The included map has some issues with the round length. The round lasts a very long time, and the capture points are so close together that there's almost no point in playing until the last 15 seconds or so because anything you capture before that will just get taken by someone else. If the distribution of the points was less uniformly placed and some of them were harder to reach or easier to defend it might make the game more challenging. Another idea might be to disable the radar or point it to the nearest point you haven't captured. Some feedback would also be nice, such as how many points you manged to score when the round ends, and maybe showing a running total of the points you control or what everyone controls as an overlay.
It would also be great if when the game is played with a time limit and the time runs out before the end of the round, you could treat it as the end and award points based on the state of the captures at that time.
...after pasting this Lua into Munitions Disposal.
Let's enjoy wonderful LUASYNERGY together.
This game type is a highly playable and fun interpretation of KTMWTB.
Interesting idea, but the current version is unplayable.
I suggest making two versions of this, "No Friendly Fire.lua" and "Fix Team Colors.lua"
That way, when joiners see the script in the game info dialog, they know right away what is happening!
Useful, but to be true to name you should force teams to avoid red and green or blue and yellow at the same time.
Primary colors have never been so easy to interpret!
Seems to work well with the Carnage Soccer map.
holy shit w'rk pushed me through a wall
pushed me through a wall and out of the game
that's strong
It was nice to use, but the only major use I could find for the powers themselves (as they were meant to be used) was... Throwing enemies into giant flaming pools of lava! This gets old after awhile. Also, they tend to be very deadly. They take out even the toughest enemies quickly, including the Juggernauts!
I DO enjoy being able to push and pull myself by aiming my POWERS at scenery objects, provided they do not break. This is one area I see potential for an interesting level... perhaps one specifically designed for this script that may require something like aiming your POWERS at objects in order to reach otherwise impassible areas.
I did come across a problem, though. If I aim my POWERS at an enemy unit, provided they do not die quickly, I can push them until their head is stuck in the ceiling... usually around this time I get an error on the top corner of my screen, but I'm still allowed to play exactly as normal, so that's not a problem, hopefully.
I cannot help but wonder how this will turn out to be in the end.
Interesting concept. I wish you could use the POWERS to deflect projectiles. For some reason the POWERS doesn't work through a liquid. Co-op seemed interesting, but it could get a little slow. I liked how players could flip switches, trigger doors, etc. I think it would be better if only one or two players got the POWERS while everyone else had traditional weapons. It would also be neat to combine the POWERS with other game types. Maybe tag where the person who is "it" gets the POWERS. The biggest problem I found was the lack of POWERS. The first thing I did was increase the POWERS by several orders of magnitude, but it still wasn't enough. My next thought was to make the POWERS exponential, which seemed to be effective.
Amazing strong netscript 5/5
The central arena and the lower area with the lifts between them make a nice combination. Based on the few games I've played, the upper areas around the arena seem to get ignored somewhat. Something feels off about the weapon and ammo placement but I can't put my finger on it. The textures look very bland and it's difficult to orient yourself quickly.
Overall it's a good map but there are a couple similar ones in Cosmic Clouds that I'd probably play instead.
I dont get it. Whats it supposed to make better? everything is exactly the same!!! please can some on help?
All these maps are great fun and I am very much enjoying Arcadia and Egyptian Temple as alternatives to the usual Spanker-centric maps to which I usually gravitate.
Everyone loves Zora's Domain...admit it, you do! Haven't seen any other examples of a good multi-tiered cylinder like this.
Velora Pass is great fun too though I would love to see it retextured.
Lastly, Anticitizen One is simply fantastic and the most realistic combat arena I have ever played on A1. There are long open streets on the outside leading to a central plaza, and buildings on the perimeter complete with rooms, stairs and windows. I wouldn't normally be firing off rockets in CQB but it works well here! Every game I've played on this map has been nonstop carnage.
Nice work, TL.
P.S. I'm OCD and would appreciate one more map to round out the pack.
This pack is getting better with original map architecture.
But the texturing work (especialy in the new map) has to be improved.
For those who are wondering from what games those maps come from :
Zora's Domain : Zelda Ocarina of Time Velora Pass : Unreal Egyptian Temple : Golden Eye (N64) Arcadia : ? Anticitizen One : Half Life 2 (?)
Even though Arcadia plays horribly for me, this pack deserves an unmitigated 5 -- every other map has long lines of sight, lots of elbow room, and plenty of ins and outs, which are my three favorite ingredients in a map.
I might have hesitated to 5 it before Anticitizen One was added, but now it's a no-brainer.
I don't know any of the games these maps were based on, but I guess a little plagiarism is a good thing from time to time.
Might take some getting used to and such but all in all is a fine script.
First off to be positive this little utility has alot of potential such as Terminal Editing, Scripts, Plug Ins, and all that jizz. Now what really bugs me the most however is the visual mode.. I understand I could use the Visual mode script but to save time a built in visual editor that is good would be fine.
In this visual mode everything is frozen including liquids and platforms.
That being said, this is only in it's infancy so I could be proven wrong.
If someone could put this much effort into an update for forge or something maybe we could put an end to the "Your line of sight crosses too many polygons. Please remove some."