
Newest Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

oh i see your problem What is wrong with my Map?

ray on Aug 9th, 2009, Version .0002

there are no sounds

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Works fine for me. What is wrong with my Map?

ray on Aug 9th, 2009, Version .0002

nice map btw 5 stars

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

dem bones dem bones dem dry bones Patrick Core Image

ray on Aug 6th, 2009, Version v6

now hear the word of THE LORD

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

baybee boi Patrick Core Image

irons on Aug 5th, 2009, Version v6


Thermoplyae: MAS

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Verified Ray Core Image

thermoplyae on Aug 5th, 2009, Version ALPHA 7

The only way this would get less than 5 stars is if it were fake. Having downloaded and verified that this is indeed the essence of Ray, I have no choice but to review.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

excellent Visual Mode

goran svensson on Aug 3rd, 2009, Version 2.0.4

It takes a while to get used to the controls, but it's time well spent. Visual lua is on par with forge's visual mode. Very handy if you want to texture a complicated area.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Way to think outside the box Marathon: Repercussions of Evil Netmaps

W'rkncacnter on Jul 30th, 2009, Version Munitions Disposal is a great Lua script! You can find it on this website.

These maps aren't what I was expecting, they are much better.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

>_> Marathon: Repercussions of Evil Netmaps

seanyx-chris on Jul 29th, 2009, Version Munitions Disposal is a great Lua script! You can find it on this website.

The last one was so bad, I felt I just had to waste another minute on this.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Wow... Marathon: Repercussions of Evil

seanyx-chris on Jul 29th, 2009, Version fix (\\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n-1))

I want those two minutes of my life back.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Zip File Problem High-res Landscapes

weathervane on Jul 29th, 2009, Version 1.1

The file "optional fog script\fog:landscapes.mml" is reported as an invalid file name. (The colon.)

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

hot sisters Ray Core Image

ray on Jul 24th, 2009, Version ALPHA 7

Mon enfant, ma soeur, songe a la douceur D'aller la-bas vivre ensemble, Aimer a loisir, aimer et mourir Au pays qui te ressemble!

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

hypocrite lecteur Ray Core Image

ray on Jul 20th, 2009, Version ALPHA 7

mon semblable, mon frère

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

this is a review of ray Munitions Disposal.lua

wastedjamacan on Jul 17th, 2009, Version 1.1

seriously, dont. Im gunna put 3 stars, not one. Dont be an asshole. simplici7y is not a chat room.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

1.1 is much better Mr Vain

treellama on Jun 14th, 2009, Version 1.1

Architecturally pretty decent, with good differential shading, and passable texturing, this map looks professional enough, if a little dull, and isn't an eyesore.

Flow is much improved in 1.1, although some of the lift elevations could be adjusted (they stick up from the ground a little bit, which often leads to them going up before you get on them if you approach from an angle). Also, there's one dead end, which could be fixed by making polygon 240 a lift.

Weapons and ammo are a bit light, but should sustain big games. You might have to use the weapon you have, not the weapon you want, which I think is the concept the mapmaker was going for.

I'm not sold on the idea of putting all the ammo together under weapons, though--it's hard to tell at a glance whether I just picked up 2 SMG clips or 8, so I have far less of a concept of how much ammo I'm carrying around than if the 8 clips were in a line. If I ran across a line of 8 clips I'd know I could go crazy with the SMG for a while.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Highly Playable Learning to Live

effigy on May 28th, 2009, Version 1.0

The more I play this, the more I like it.

The surrounding corridors and antes give space for a large crowd, and thanks to platforms and teleporters being directed toward the main arena it's reasonable for dueling.

Some of the texturing isn't on par with the strength of the geometry (i.e., elevated area North of the main arena)...though, probably decent for mixing sets.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Contributed Textures TTEP 7 Marathon 2

Dispatcher on Apr 20th, 2009, Version 7.0

Glad to see that among any of Tim's texture enhancements are those also done by volunteers for the old A1 Texture Enhancement Project. I contributed some through Jesse Simko several years ago; the water set door texture was my favorite.

These are fun to see in game now that A1 is much more fully developed.

Keep up the good work.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Very Promising Marathon : Freedom (OSX)

seanyx-chris on Apr 4th, 2009, Version .36

I've played all levels extensively, and from what I've played and seen in game, it's looking very bright, and I can't wait for new content. I thank you for making this little gem.

Now I noticed something in the first level, that you can do to actually go out of the map bounds. On the lockers you can actually walk on top of them (because they're at an angle, and I guess characters can walk on slants). You can actually walk outside of the map, and you can't get back in. Running away from the level only gets you inevitably stuck.

I haven't really noticed any other oddities other than that. The other levels are quite solid and I like how you've made the game have a lot of freedom (hence it's name I bet) on the customizable options. You've even gone off and included weapons from custom scenarios (such as the Snyper pistol from EMR).

I love what you've done, and I'm going to keep loving what you do with this. I can't wait to see the final product.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

So far, so good Marathon : Freedom (OSX)

Iritscen on Mar 15th, 2009, Version .35

Considering the early stage that the game is at, I am impressed by the in-game graphics and the presentation of the menus and such.

I found it interesting to play as a BoB (fighting Pfhor is a lot harder when you don't have cybernetic implants!), a S'pht defender and a Pfhor.

The two main issues right now seem to be (1) the lack of ability to see what is behind you, leading to many deaths from behind (your character takes little damage before dying, which is fine as a game design decision, but only if you can avoid cheap deaths, and right now one shot from behind often ends your life), and (2) the difficulty in dodging incoming attacks.

I don't know if CubicCircle plans to add strafing, but it would fix the second problem. A radar would avoid the first problem. Then again, BoBs in Marathon cannot strafe and do not have radars implanted in their bodies (one assumes), so I won't dictate game design to CC.

In any case, I feel confident that the game will become more polished as time goes on and say "Good job, sir!" for CC's efforts so far.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Confusing Marathon : Freedom (Win)

timothy on Mar 12th, 2009, Version .33

The first time I played, an enemy came into the spawning room and would kill me in one hit the moment I respawned. Another time, I found a teleporter which took me to a room with two switches and a door that wouldn't open.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Slurring the Rhythms Captures

effigy on Feb 24th, 2009, Version 1.0

Thanks again for another fabulously epic game type.

I mostly agree with timothy's criticisms, and with that, here's hoping for more maps that support this in the future ([hint], $lave, [/hint]).

Hosting a 6 minute game will cater to a full final round (at the default round length), though I've yet to check that it's calculated and applied to the final score. Regardless, I think it's best to get a feel for a reasonable final score, and host with a score limit.