
Newest Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Get it. Second Quest

irons on Jun 2nd, 2007, Version 1.00

Second Quest is an amazing collection of remakes. There are maps for all kinds of games and tastes, all of them worth seeing. If only they had been this way in the first place!

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Dear future Adminn, The Phantom Potential of Convention

Adminn_1 on Feb 13th, 1995, Version

I desperately hope this message finds you before you make the mistake of uploading this file. Well, not just this file but before you get sucked into Marathon at all. We can do so much better than this. Our future is bright. Marathon will ruin our lives. When you see this message, please for both of our sakes, find a different path in life, or you'll be uploading things like this.

If this message fails to get to you in time, at least it can help you prevent an even worse fate. One day you will be tempted to leave Boise. DO NOT DO THIS! This is not a mistake you will be able to recover from.

Best of luck to both of us in the future.