• Currently 4/5 Stars.

1.1 is much better

treellama on Jun 14th, 2009, Version 1.1

Architecturally pretty decent, with good differential shading, and passable texturing, this map looks professional enough, if a little dull, and isn't an eyesore.

Flow is much improved in 1.1, although some of the lift elevations could be adjusted (they stick up from the ground a little bit, which often leads to them going up before you get on them if you approach from an angle). Also, there's one dead end, which could be fixed by making polygon 240 a lift.

Weapons and ammo are a bit light, but should sustain big games. You might have to use the weapon you have, not the weapon you want, which I think is the concept the mapmaker was going for.

I'm not sold on the idea of putting all the ammo together under weapons, though--it's hard to tell at a glance whether I just picked up 2 SMG clips or 8, so I have far less of a concept of how much ammo I'm carrying around than if the 8 clips were in a line. If I ran across a line of 8 clips I'd know I could go crazy with the SMG for a while.

Mr Vain

goran svensson on 06/15/2009

A large netmap inspired by Quake 3 Arena.

Weapons and ammo are stacked. That's why you don't see much ammo. It's hidden under weapons.

3,008 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 4.0 rating