This makes maps worth playing.
Very nice job, but i was wondering- where is the keycard? You have an old and updated version of this "key card" and i don't think i've ever seen one in the game. Thanx.
Thank-you so much for your update. Looks great. I have but one small request. In the future could you have it so you must place the m23redux folder in the textures folder and edit the .mml accordingly. It keeps everything nice and neat.
This is a damn decent map. Very fun on EMFH and KOTH. I recommend playing this map with the LMOTH game type, as well.
Goddamn, this is real.
Damn these look great! Marathon looked really old too, these brought back the excitement of playing it again.
Much appreciation for the work that went into these packs. They all look great. I've heard some complaints, but I feel its a bit ass-holesh to complain. I personally think they take an old looking game and revive it a hole lot, all three packs rock! Lets face it, compared to todays standards this game looks like shit, and any improvements are more than welcome.
This guy did a great job and many thanks to him. These enhancement packs really help make it look great. I truly appreciate the work that went into this.
I loved it. If you want to play a simple kill everything in sight game with out having to search maps for switches and terminals, this is the scenario to play. Pretty simple maps but thats the point. You start off fresh with little health and no guns every map, but quickly your able to build your health and grab practically every weapon, this is a great concept! You're not forced to conserve ammo through out the scenario, but instead your strapped for war in minutes and blowing up aliens. You kill everything on the map, find a teleporter and you're done. This scenario embraces how awesome Marathon's shootem up game play is, and allows you to just enjoy that aspect of the game.
but it's not tagged "fun"
so you lose one star
I love it! this would be fun online. yellow is a little long...
don't let the fact that that jackass seanyx-chris gave it 5 stars worry you - even a stopped clock is right twice a day, after all.
this 1 star applies to the previous review, and frankly it is about 7 stars too high for such a mockery of the concept of "review"
As for the map, it's pretty decent. Small but simple. Sometimes you run into dead ends if you don't know where your going, which sometimes can abruptly kill the flow. I'm no expert or anything with mapping, but from what I see, it isn't great (yet) but there's nothing either to really complain about. The final decision will come in time as you do more with it.
Okay Ray, I've personally had it with your bullshit. All you do is troll Simplici7y and post stupid shit that wastes everyone's time. Go play halo like the rest of the spazeroids (but then again, you'd call it Marathon 4).
It really accents the character and adds to the overall experience of the game (Best for M1 though).
If you could design loading screens just like this for M2/Inf then that'd be awesome (though you likely wouldn't have to work hard on that. They look graphically identical).
It works fine for me, great map by the way, have you got anything else in the works?
5 stars
it still works great