
Tagged 'Scenery'

Screenshot titled ""

Gigapixel AI upscaled graphics for Marathon 1, 2, and Infinity.

2,045 downloads, 2 reviews, 15 screenshots, 3.5 rating

Screenshot titled ""

For those of you who want to spruce up the scenery without having to look at those heinous XBLA Monsters, here's a Plugin that will just change the look of the scenery items to be higher-resolution.

NOTE: This plugin should work with Infinity, but will not modify the Jjaro scenery.

Notes for version 1.0:

Replaces Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor scenery items with higher-resolution versions.

3,186 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a script demonstrating a simple turret AI using .lua and scenery objects. You can turn all lights, some other scenery (just look for something that could look anything at all like a turret) into turrets by pressing the action key next to them (don't worry how close you are to it in height.)

2,612 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Marine Havoc Rifle"

The President's Eternal Shapes

This is an edited Eternal X v110b3 Shapes file. It replaces some of the Marine bitmaps with new ones that match the weapon being held.

Notes for version 3.0:
  • Messed with some color tables in EVIL to get the Marine's Pfhor Staff graphics, and also a less pixellated version of the weapon's item graphic.

  • Replaced the Havoc Rifle's grenade clip item with a cleaner version.

  • Both the Napalm Canister's and the Pistol Clip's bitmaps have smoother ones in their place, though I don't think they were used.

  • Added 3 new bitmaps to the Nightmare sequences. It can now appear diagonally from behind.

  • Changed the colors of the Pfhor Staff water scenery item to match the monster's theme. I'm not sure if this was used in the game, though.

  • Experimental. Changed the color of one of the alien scenery lamps (The one that looks like a staff crystal) to match the Pfhor Staff's. NOTE: Two files are included in this folder. The one marked with a * contains the latter changes. Try them both and see what you think.

2,745 downloads, 3 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating