
Tagged 'Physics'

Screenshot titled ""

NEFX loves you.

NEFX has been prolifically producing great Marathon/Aleph One inventions since 2017 (around 2.5 years after being founded) and uploading them to Simplici7y, in an increasing number of different upload pages that NEFX then frequently updates. This has occasionally lead to crowding of Simplici7y's front page with several different NEFX uploads, sometimes over a relatively short period. Understandably, some have objected to this as unfairly outcrowding and burying the wonderful contributions of our fellow travelers. We hear them. Therefore, to better serve the community as well as our Total Carnage Comrades, NEFX is now consolidating all additions and updates to its Marathon and Aleph One-related inventions on Simplici7y here on this one upload page, with a datemarked update timeline you can view below. Henceforth, all Marathon/Aleph One scenarios, campaigns, maps, mods, etc, and any updates to them, will be posted here. Of course, the webpage link connects to NEFX's Internet Archive homepage, where you can find all inventions by titled category. This includes:

NEFX Marathon Mods (i.e. physics files and Lua scripts for netplay)

NEFX Marathon Infinity Netmaps

NEFX Marathon Solomaps for others' scenarios, including the soundtracked 50-level pack for Aleph One: Wheels!

NEFX Marathon Mapmaking Templates for Weland

NEFX Marathon: Machina -- The Alien Machine Mind

NEFX Marathon: Keyfinder -- The Doomed Myth of Destiny's Halo

NEFX Marathon: Sucks

NEFX Marathon: Rules -- The Infinite Recombinations to the Way

NEFX Marathon: Pathsifter -- The Facing of the Legion Within

NEFX Marathon: Underrealm -- The Confronting of the Forgetting

NEFX Marathon: Colorguard -- The Grimmest Myriad Mirror

NEFX Marathon: Colorwash -- The Wresting of the Tides

NEFX Marathon: Ultramega Extreme Golfmaster Dinosaur Egg Championship Super Bowl 5000 3D -- The Quest

NEFX Marathon: BOBJam -- The Tranquil Chaos of Crowded Escape

NEFX Marathon: Revelation -- The Brutal Path to Knowing

NEFX Marathon: Nampa

NEFX Marathon: Encyclopedia -- The Rise of Bad Take Jake

NEFX Marathon: Corn Maze -- The Forced Wisdom of the Walls

NEFX Marathon: Shadervoid -- The Labywraths of Growth

NEFX Marathon: Green (You Snooze, You Lose)

NEFX Marathon: 52 Pickup

Thanks, everyone. We are glad to share this space with you.

Happy Carnage,


Update timeline:


Read more

104 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

New Year's Fireworks 1.0

Zott on 12/29/2024

Screenshot titled "Kill the Ball with the Man"
  • Watch the Ball Drop (Shoot or press Microphone key)

  • Listen to the BOBs sing Auld Lang Syne

  • Enjoy the Fireworks


Notes for version 1.0:

Initial Release

238 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Remastered 2

NovusXcell on 12/24/2024

Hardcore project mixed with m1 & m2

Notes for version 2:

Version 1: Added Defense Drone, Hulk, Evil Defense Drone, and some new wall textures Version 1.1: Added New Automatic Shotgun. Version 1.2: Fixed Defense Drone Hit Sounds. Version 1.3: Fixed Hulk melee attack. Version 1.4: changed hulks health 3000 to 1000, increase bobs health slightly, changed weapon strength slightly, warning all weapons will disappear when they have no ammo, missile launcher has a 2nd trigger shoots two missiles at once. Version 1.5: Added more ammo for assault rifle, give bobs 2nd attack, fix items images. Version 1.6: Fixed player's alien staff bolt, found out you can use infinity shapes and the Physics Models in Marathon 2 since this is using the Aleph One app not the original marathon app, so I added a new weapon same as the shotgun but with explosives rounds, changed hulks projectile speed from 300 to 150, added more bobs in vacbobs spot with quick fire, changed Major S'pht'Kr Bolt damage slightly, changed Evil Defense Drone guided missile to no guided missile. Version 2: Minor fixes and changes.

612 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Easy Core 1.5

NovusXcell on 12/24/2024

Screenshot titled "Possessed Juggernaut"

A small project I worked on.

Notes for version 1.5:

Version 1: All Drones are allies, be careful with fusion 2nd trigger it's an overload effect kill player in close range, missile launcher has 2nd trigger shoots 2 missiles at once, WARNING all weapons disappear when they have no ammo, hunters are slightly stronger than normal has a force shield, possessed drone is possessed juggernaut, bobs have a quick-fire attack, warning bobs have minor and major setting putting in total carnage you will not have a bob give you a pistol instead you will have assassin bob, you have defense drones replacing tick, shotgun has explosive rounds, the first minor & major Pfhor Fighter are Invisible with fast speed & quick attack. Version 1.5: Fixed SPAM being killed, Fixed Possessed Juggernaut firing, Change shotgun fire rounds from 10 to 20, Changed your speed.

332 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

X153 1

NovusXcell on 12/18/2024

Just for fun

Notes for version 1:

All weapons disappear when they have no ammo, missile launcher has 2nd attack shoots very fast 10 rounds no share ammo, shotgun shoots 20 rounds instead of 10, SMG & Assault Rifle share ammo, SMG ammo is alien ammo, alien weapon shoots cyborg grenades instead of enforcer weapon, flamethrower has a new attack and 2nd trigger shares ammo, walking speed is replaced by running speed & running speed you run little faster.

270 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Boss Arena 1.01

Zott on 12/10/2023

Screenshot titled "Mood"

The Pfhor have captured our dear Hero, and now the Hero must fight through the legendary commanders in the gladiatorial arena to earn freedom!

Lua scripting gives each boss phase a different flavor.

Aleph One v1.7+ recommended.

Notes for version 1.01:

Tweaked balance slightly. Replays should work now. Fixed a couple bugs.

See Read-Me for more details.

1,010 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

A fusion pistol physics for those who like playing on BROWN, or rounds with the Fusionize script. Basically makes it stronger, dare I say crazy. :P

The primary fire is the usual major/overload bolt, and the secondary fire shoots the major dispersal bolt. Basically the damage amount is the same, however it also has splash damage, so be careful with distance.

Admittedly this idea is not completely originally mine. It's very similar to how the fusion pistol operates in the 9 Minutes 37 Seconds scenario.

While I can't stop you from using it as such, it's not intended for games that don't only have the fusion pistol, so keep that in mind.

1,044 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is the 1996 CD "Pfhrenzy" found on the Macintosh Repository here.

There was some interest in this CD on the Marathon Discord server when I pointed out this CD. Not everyone wanted to bother with emulating Mac OS, but they still wanted to see the maps at least, which can be played with modern Aleph One. Thus, I emulated it myself, and transferred all the files off of the CD and zipped them up for people to look over on whatever OS they preferred.

For this reason, most of the files will look weird or not work at all on Windows or Linux, or perhaps even Mac. I have done nothing to the files themselves aside from put them through 7zip.

1,638 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

charlemagne rolling

irons on 02/03/2021

Screenshot titled "typical JSON"

A physics-to-JSON and JSON-to-physics utility that creates human-readable output useful for version control systems such as git. You can then edit these JSON files using a text editor, another program, etc. and turn them into physics files. Also included are utility scripts for:

  • viewing differences between git commits for physics, between any two non-tracked files, or between some mixture of these
  • retroactively building a parallel set of commits for a JSON version of one or more physics files' existing history
  • automatically generating JSON for every committed physics file, bundling the JSON into the commit

Source code and binaries are available on my website; also available there are signatures for individual binaries. I recommend using them to verify whichever you might run.

For verification purposes, here is my public key fingerprint:


Notes for version rolling:

Rolling release based on the current production branch of code.

2021-09-08: added ability to generate binary physics files from JSON

1,526 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

This mod drastically changes the gameplay of Marathon!

Combat is much more fierce. This is like Marathon on steroids. Experience it for yourself.

*This mod establishes a new oxygen system: - You start with 2 minutes worth of oxygen (average human breath time.) -When you go into an environment in which you cannot breathe, you will start holding your breath. Be careful you don't black out! Holding your breath for too long makes you delirious, you know. - Luckily, if you make it to air in time, you can catch your breath and get those 2 minutes of air back. - Oxygen tanks now add tank oxygen to your total air capacity. When your tanks run out, you start holding your breath.

  • It is also possible to become delirious from being in a near death state.

  • Monsters and weapons are now more accurate and lethal, and travel at high speeds much closer to reality.

  • Physics are changed, especially gravity, which is more realistically amplified from the low-grav Marathon stock physics. NOTE: this may make some jumping puzzles unsolvable. Gravity has been changed to closely match that of Earth (on standard gravity maps).

Notes for version 1.0:

This can certainly be improved upon, but for now, it's stable and it works.

1,782 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

This is a simple physics file that uses a modified version of the physics file found merged into the level "You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time!". This "project" initially began as a way to humor myself but I found out that it is actually lots of fun to play around with using the Survival game type, so I began trimming stats until I was happy with the difficulty.

For the most part, all you need to know is-

Most enemies are now completely gray, good luck guessing rank between fighters! Major troopers and major hunters now drop x1 HP powerups Slight increase in enemy vitality across the board Slight increase in enemy projectile speed across the board Fighters move very quickly, troopers are more grenade happy, hunter projectiles now track their target (just like in YTYBT?YGDBT!)

2,254 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Have a nice day!"

No one should spend their Independence day alone. That's why Happy July 4th physics are here to cheer us all up and give us a sweet surprise.

Notes for version 1.0:

Includes the physics model, and the software that created it.

2,887 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""Somethings are just down right irrelephant.""

WARNING: By saying 'Truly Amazing', we are sarcastic. Here is just some cool physics that make some things cool and somethings just down right irrelephant...

Notes for version v1.0000:

-Aliens are not friendly to any

-All guns do the same amount of damage -All projectiles travel at the same speed -All projectiles are guided

-Projectile Damage is 3/4 of your health

2,763 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Okay, Who Want's Some?"

Are you tired of dying because you suck? Are you tired of dying because you were busy with your movement hand eating an ice cream cone? Are you tired of dying because the unskillful n00bs pwned you with h4xx0r weapons? Well fear no more! Professional Instagib is here to get rid of all of your complexity problems! Porfessional Instagib is not just any instagib mod, it has changes!!! From the creators of the MML music switch comes... Professional Instagib!

Notes for version 1.0:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the rules and setup guide! Just because you know how this works doesn't mean you know how this works! Version 1.0 will always be available when future versions come out.

2,946 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

This shapes, sounds, and physics pack is designed to make the play of Marathon Infinity more realistic. In future, I may modify even more of the game's workings, such as monster movement speeds or attack speeds.

NOTE: This physics model is not designed for multiplayer use; it would make the weapons incredibly overpowered and many maps almost unplayable.

Notes for version 2.0:

A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the Read-me file.

3,168 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.5 rating

Screenshot titled "Getting hit by the Alien Gun Secondary Trigger on Crater Creator's Fort Roque"

The original Marathon weapons were not really designed with people in mind. They were designed to be effective against slow and stupid aliens that could not dodge shots and could not operate their weaponry while they were being blasted by the player. Human players are a bit more intelligent, and faster than that.

Note that this is not designed with monsters in mind!

This physics model addresses those changes and has undergone thorough balance testing during its development. Weapon switching delay is now nearly non-existant and random damage has been taken out of the game. Weapons that would normally never see action in an otherwise SPNKR filled multiplayer match can now go up against a SPNKR armed player under the right conditions.

Enjoy MIMEP.

Jóhannes Gunnar Þorsteinsson

Göran Svensson

Notes for version 1.5:

(more thorough changelog in readme) - Speed increase of all regular bullets up to 4096. - Alien Weapon is now a dual function with a regular primary trigger but secondary trigger set as chargeable long range high damage weapon - The good old automatic KKV-7 SMG is back. - Bug fix: Enforcers now use "unused 1" shot slot instead of Alien Weapon Blast so not to make them overpowered

3,090 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

This physics package changes monster behavior so that many of the enemies will begin fighting each-other. Robotic characters (Drones, Juggernauts, and A-Bobs) will attack just about everything.

Notes for version v1.2:

Added another version of the main physics file, called 'RAMBO'.

See the ReadMe file for more information.

3,211 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

The default Infinity physics model, as seen in Treellama's ShapeFusion thread.

Don't leave home without it, and don't forget to make a copy before editing.


Notes for version 2.0:

No longer a "bootleg", but an authentic default physics model.

2,748 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Fast with Pain 1.1

Tresh on 06/02/2011

one shot kills physics; i tried to keep a balance, so most weapons will have modifications!

Notes for version 1.1:

plz enjoy and review, also if u think something can be inproved or u would like me to create some other bunch of physics just let me know! =D

2,644 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Inaccurate flamethrower"

A pack of physics models that all mod the flamethrower. One has infinite range, one has infinite range and travels faster, one makes it very inaccurate. By now hopefully you know: 1) how to use a physics file, 2) to not use on a merged map, and 3) don't review without trying it out first.

Notes for version 1:

I think anybody can make this easily within a minute.

3,238 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 1.0 rating