
Tagged 'Mode'

Survival 2.0 1.7

Benoit on 07/28/2020

Screenshot titled ""

I released a new survival script for marathon infinity based on the first one made by MegaByte.

In This Edition:

  • Continuous wave of aliens, rather than round based combat.

  • The number of spawned aliens is capped at 50, in order to avoid AI frozen monsters.

  • Almost every type of monsters are used. They spawn from the easiest to the hardest to fight.

  • Bobs are included to help the player. A random invincibility power up will also spawn in the map to call in bobs when picked up.

  • The script works on almost all maps. Aliens can sometimes spawn in unreachable places but the script will handle this. Just ignore it. The script works better on some maps.

  • Players health will regenerate after some time if they're not taking damage.

The rest of the rules should be the same that in the first survival. Including reviving mates, if everyone dies the game ends,...

Some settings can also be modified in the lua script like regenerating life, bob powerup, dead body boucing, ...

I advise to play in normal mode until 3 or 4 players. It will be hard enough. Major damage is good for 4 to 6 players and total carnage for more.

Warning : Do not host it with HD Monsters Texture or it will crash. The game must load all monster collections and HD Monsters Texture will cause an insufficient ram error.

Also do not host on any maps that are extremely large or small because monster generation is based on the area and size of each level.

Thanks to aquateenhgrfrce for his suggestions and his help for testing the script.

Notes for version 1.7:

1.2 : A survival generator has been implemented. You can now customize the survival by choosing your opponents, your allies, the different levels of difficulty and the probability of spawning for each monster. You will find it in the zip folder with the survival script and the folder "Ressources" containing images for the generator. You need Java to execute it. Place the application Survival_Generator.jar in the same folder that the folder "Ressources" then you can run it.

1.3 : Ask it and you got it. I made updates for the application just for you WindBreaker :D You can now load an existing survival file in the application to make modifications. You can also edit the time of a round. But you can only load survival scripts which have been created with the generator and which have not been manually modified (except for the settings of course) That means you can't load the original survival 2.0 script but you can load the one in the actually zip folder which has been generated with the application.

1.3.1 : The display of the timer after 1 hour of gameplay has been fixed. Thanks HailErdogan to have found that bug.

1.4 : Monsters dead animation has been fixed. If you noticed when a monster dies, his body does not move and can sometimes be frozen, floating in the air. Same thing for the drones/juggernauts which often explode in the air. All is properly working with this version. These corrections also improve the fluidity of the game, that's why I really advise you to use this version.

Addition : a new functionnality has also been implemented with this version. (disabling/enabling in the settings of the script) You can teleport to the plateform you are aiming by pressing the microphone key. You need your oxygen bar full to use it and teleport will drain it. The bar will fill up with the time.

1.5 : Monsters won't spawn anymore in unreachable areas except for maps which don't have hill. In this case, the script will work like for the version 1.4.

1.5.1 : - Disconnected players are not displayed anymore with the minimal display. - Sometimes the character of a player who get disconnected could stay alive, he now correctly dies. - When you generate a script with allies major or minor aliens and play it with an opposite difficulty, for instance, minor aliens with total carnage difficulty, only major aliens will spawn and they won't be friendly. This has been fixed.

1.6 : - Minor bugs fixed. - Bug with the generator's performance fixed. - Added the possibility to choose the number of aliens by setting the options in the lua script. - The name and the health of the target you are aiming are now displayed. Red for ennemies, green for allies. - The score's calcul has been reviewed. It increases by dealing damages to ennemies and killing them. It decreases by dealing damages to allies and killing them. Revive a mate and kill yourself will also change your score.

1.7 : - Added missing monsters "Tick" in the generator (minor, major and kamikaze) as suggested by Tycho X. - Added possibility to group monster families by team in the generator by right-clicking on a monster to attribute him a color (see screens). Monsters with the same color are on the same team. Which means enemies or allies with different colors will fight each other. If no color are attributed, it works by default "Ally vs Enemies". This was also suggested by Tycho X. - Monsters teleport in the map instead of spawning from nowhere. - Small other improvements with monster spawning.

Comment: - If you want to use the generator to make your own script with the script's latest version, you obviously need to use the latest version of the generator. - If you want to upgrade a version of a custom survival script you made, just load it in the generator and regenarate it to be upgraded to the last version.

Since the original game doesn't allow more than 32 active ennemies in the same time. I recommand you to change it. Especialy if you play big maps with a lot of aliens or if you want to change manualy the number of aliens as explained in the 1.6 section. For that, go into your marathon folder, script folder, open marathon infinity.mml with your text editor and replace the number paths value = "32" by the number you want (power of 2 and max 512). If there is no such thing in the file, you have to add it yourself like this:

<dynamic_limits> <paths value="128"/> </dynamic_limits>

inside the <marathon> tag.

Let me know if you find some bugs or if you have suggestions.

Answer to helviusrufus: Haha indeed. Sorry for that and thanks for you feedback. I focused on the generator and forgot to upload the new version of the script with it. You could have still upgrade yours by loading it in the generator 1.7 and regenerating it. I have added the script in the archive but it's possible you don't see it right now if you browser cached your previous download. If so you will have to either wait or download if from a different browser or delete your browser cache.

3,584 downloads, 7 reviews, 12 screenshots, 4.4 rating

VML Mute 1.0

Hopper on 06/11/2013

Update: this plugin and goran's Visual Mode Lua Physics are no longer necessary with Visual Mode 3.0. Use that instead!

VML Mute replaces the default monster activation and teleport sounds with silence. You will see the teleport effects, but hear only the ambient noises of the level.

2,513 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Cheats.lua 2.0

Zaero on 10/27/2010

This is an improved version of treellama's fantastic cheat script. It adds: -God Mode (4 types) -Fly mode -Personal teleporter (3 types) -Unlimited ammo/oxy -Life/oxy regeneration and also a few tweaks: -ability to jump -PiD skip toggle -audiable falls

Notes for version 2.0:

First release: I would like to thank treellama very much for his amazing Cheats and No PiD scripts. Big thanks also goes to Megabyte for Jump script, parts of which I used. Unfortunately I was unable to get in touch with them so I hope they don't mind this release.

To install: just copy the script to "scripts" folder and enable it in-game in Preferences->Environment->Solo script Edit the script to read more info about the cheats (very recommended).

2,964 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

A physics file to use together with visual mode lua. It stops the constant teleporting of enemies. It's universal and works the same on all scenarios. Enjoy a visual mode without distractions.

Notes for version 1.0:

No sounds or visual appearances are made by monsters.

No slowdowns detected on my machine (2ghz pc, 4gb ram, 256mb graphic card) when I ran through a 1024 polygon solo level and activated all monsters.

2,835 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating