
Tagged 'Basic' by Most Reviews

Basic HUD 1.0.1

treellama on 01/14/2023

Screenshot titled ""

This is a basic fullscreen HUD for any scenario that uses the default Marathon 2 or Infinity HUD, and doesn't come with its own HUD. It attempts to make as few assumptions as possible, which allows it to work on a wide variety of scenarios, but is a little ugly. See the screenshots for details.

Software mode works but is even uglier due to the inability to circle clip the motion sensor.

The only supported HUD size in this version is Normal.

Based on the Default HUD script by Hopper.

To install, create a Plugins directory next to the Scripts directory in the scenario you want to add it to, and copy this zip file to the Plugins directory.

Notes for version 1.0.1:


  • Fixes display of dual wield weapon ammo when you only have one

1,343 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating