
Tagged 'Upscaled'

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon Infinity wall textures upscaled with Pixelmator Pro's ML Super Resolution AI upscaler.

Upscale factor is 3x which is perfect for 1080p.

1,813 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon Infinity weapons, items, and projectiles upscaled with Pixelmator Pro's ML Super Resolution AI upscaler.

Will work with M2 as well.

Upscaled factor is 3x which is perfect for 1080p.

1,735 downloads, 0 reviews, 3 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon Infinity monsters and scenery upscaled with Pixelmator Pro's ML Super Resolution AI upscaler.

Will work with M2 as well.

Upscaled factor is 3x which is perfect for 1080p.

1,843 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots