This is a set of 2304 Mararthon: Yuge style single player maps. There is pretty much no plot on any of these maps, it purely exists for killing monsters.
If you are unfamiliar with Mararthon: Yuge, it can be downloaded at
The maps can all be played with the Mararthon: Yuge scenario (recommended) or Marathon Infinity.
- Yuge Bigly 1: The Loneliest Number - 256 maps with the same parameters as normal Yuge levels.
- Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo - Explore the Doog District of INFINITYS with 50% chance of doogstorms and 50% chance of SPOOKYdoogs.
- One Weapon Edition - There is only one type of weapon that spawns on these maps. Shitsticks required.
- All Weapons Edition - All weapon types can spawn on each map, instead of only 3.
- Hardcore Edition - Less health than normal Yuge maps. For people that want a challenge.
- JIHADIC-1 - All maps have either rain or JUICEstorms.
- Roguelike Edition - Pattern buffers are removed and each exit teleports you 1-10 levels forward.
- Spinal Tap Edition - More health, ammo, and monsters.
- Wuss Edition - More health and ammo. For super casual gameplay.
Notes for version 1.3:
Version 1.3:
* Fixed terminals to make it work with newer versions of AlephOne.
Version 1.2:
- Windbreaker created new shapes files for a brand new series, Yuge Bigly 2: Electric Doogaloo.
- One Weapon Edition added.
- Updated all maps to include the full set of community quotes from Mararthon: Yuge.
- Fog added to all maps.
- Other random fixes and changes to make the maps better fit their descriptions.
2 reviews,
1 screenshot,
3.5 rating