
Tagged 'Scripting'

This is a collection of small single-purpose Lua scripts.

Feel free to include them in your own works or use them any way your like.

  • DynamicWater V1.22.lua

Marathon's media 'flows' from high elevations to low dynamically. Please see the included 'Water Buckets.sceA' map as an example. [Punch the switches]

  • ArcadeHudPrinting.lua

Minimal HUD design around the crosshair.

  • TauntingScript.lua

Press the Microphone key (default: ~) to 'taunt' with assimilated BOB chatter. This attracts the focus of nearby active enemies (and allies).

  • TeleportProjectiles.lua

Projectiles fired into a teleporter will be transported to the other side.

  • Psychokinesis.lua

Enemies within the center crosshair will take crushing damage.

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 Initial Release

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