
Tagged 'Experimental'

Screenshot titled ""

In this scenario shell from NEFX, you play golf...where you are your own ball and caddy. Get to the exit in as little blasts as possible, getting past various obstacles like ledges and liquid conveyors, and (if you can) collecting bonus dinosaur eggs that reduce your stroke number. There will be more levels for this too.

Update newsfeed:

[2024-08-23] A new map has been added, "NEFX - High Complex Arise". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.

Notes for version 2024-08-23:

[2024-08-23] A new map has been added, "NEFX - High Complex Arise". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.

868 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Screenshot titled "Biology class is up there and you're 5 min away from being late"

Over the course of 2021/2022, multiple people in the discord worked on a project that had the goal of making maps that intentionally went against the conventional style of mapmaking normally associated with Marathon. Instead, what you are about download is an incubator anthology of maps that promoted thinking outside the box not only for the mapmakers in making their respective maps, but also for the players themselves tackling them.

We're gonna be completely honest with you, this is definitely not easy. You will more than likely spend countless attempts on some, if not all maps. With this said, be creative and you may find alternative solutions to what may seem like the intended solution. If you are truly stuck on a level and need the minuscule life preserver of help, you can ask in the #get-a-clue channel in the official hellpak discord (link in the readme) and we can provide a somewhat hint at what to do.

\|\||X |X|X

In addition to perusing the fine selection of experimental gameplay in this beautiful space station of a map pack, why not also take 2 seconds of your day to switch over to the full original soundtrack, which features 10 tracks not part of the map pack itself. Similar to hellpak the map pack, hellpak the OST also follows the same experimental and avant-garde principles.

Good luck and Finish Durandal.

Notes for version 42069.4:

Hopefully the final point release of Vol 1 as we focus on Vol 2.

‘Perfect Matred’: Game balance issues and possibly occasional crashes. It’s been like half a year – you think I remember?

‘hsinif ladnarud’: Exited to the wrong level, resulting in an unintended case of a level transition without an autosave.

‘Bungie, did you get that thing I sent you? It came from me. It cam’: Its victory condition was more unforgiving than we meant it to be because we overestimated something about an earlier level. (Left intentionally vague to avoid spoilers.)

1,660 downloads, 1 review, 6 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "It's a long line to the NEFXpo event, and you have to yell and shove to get around it."

In this new NEFX scenario shell for Marathon Aleph One, you're a pedestrian trying to get past a crowd of other pedestrians to get to the exit, in part by yelling and shoving. But no one can die, so be patient, persevering, and careful about where, when, and how you shove and yell.

Notes for version 2023-10-16:

Today I added one new map for Marathon: BOBJam, "How Originary Understandings Get Re-Reached". This can be downloaded individually or with other maps or the scenario itself at the provided link.

820 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""Don't cheat.""

What if terminals were the ultimate, and your success and passage depended on having the right answers? You can find out here.

[Note: More may be added over time, as I can already envision more.]

1,131 downloads, 1 review, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating