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Screenshot titled "Inaccurate flamethrower"

A pack of physics models that all mod the flamethrower. One has infinite range, one has infinite range and travels faster, one makes it very inaccurate. By now hopefully you know: 1) how to use a physics file, 2) to not use on a merged map, and 3) don't review without trying it out first.

Notes for version 1:

I think anybody can make this easily within a minute.

3,238 downloads, 1 review, 2 screenshots, 1.0 rating

Mods the magnum. Twice the recoil of a rocket launcher, and the power of a rocket launcher, without the explosion. Enjoy. PS THIS IS A PHYSICS FILE NOT A SCRIPT OR MAP. DONT USE ON A MERGED MAP. OMG. Why does everyone hate all my uploads? even the good ones? The ones that they TOLD me to upload? Really, I think I am going to start keeping my creations to myself.

Notes for version 1:

Whatever. Less recoil. P.S. If you are wondering where my other uploads went, it seems nobody likes them. Plus, they were the original property of Treellama. This is the only one that I really made. Oh well. P.P.S. The above is in the readme.

3,047 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.3 rating