
Tagged 'Elimination'

lolgametypes 7.2 Alpha 4 GOLD EDITION

W'rkncacnter on 09/07/2010

Screenshot titled "$lave lua"

This is a pack of 3 Lua gametypes that I created. Last Man on the Hill, Elimination and Hill Elimination. The readmes are included with each gametype, so you know the rules and how they each work.

Notes for version 7.2 Alpha 4 GOLD EDITION :

Turns out this crap wasn't on Simplici7y.

2,868 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Learning to Live 1.0

irons on 05/11/2009

Screenshot titled ""

This MMR with Ryoko is from November 2008. It's a large map.

3,008 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating