
Tagged 'Boss'

3 Boss Battles 1.0

skraeling on 03/03/2015

Screenshot titled ""

This is a small map containing three boss battles.

It's basically three monsters with modified physics and shape files to make fighting them more interesting. Each requires a special type of arena for its behavior to work. Also, there's a Bob that heals you.

I had a lot of fun making and testing this. So, I'm sharing it.

That being said, the battles aren't totally balanced (although there are times where they work exactly as I intended), but that's why I provided invincibility if you want it. Also, each monster can be cheesed pretty easily, if you really want to.

My favorite is the Enforcer, although the Hunter actually works the most accurately, if you're not cheesing him.

Notes for version 1.0:

Contains Physics, Shape, and Forge Map files.

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